When does it get better? I'm really working through what I believe in light of my present situation. I've tried very hard through all the years of tumors, bad news, dangerous operations, fevers, nights in various ER's around the country, hundreds of CT scans, PET scans, hours waiting alone in halls while surgical procedures were tried, I've tried when my profession has been destroyed by government idiots who create this system where do nothing management companies take 1/3 to 1/2 of an already inadequate fee, tried to hold it together, tried to hold off bitterness, I have tried to keep the faith but I'm very tired of the battle tonight. Another day with everything but payments in the mail, another day of phone calls from people wanting their money. I've made so much progress, the card that we used for the medical trips, hotels, meds and rental cars was $40K when Nan died. It is now $25,700 and that is real progress.
Meanwhile I'm blessed with a steady flow of new work and in spite of how I felt this morning, nothing in me was in a mind to set down and start cranking out appraisal work. I felt bad, my chest was tight, my blood sugar was very high. A lot of the time I just want to hit something, to lash out but of course since there is no one in my life I don't have to lash out at them.
As the day progressed I started to get conditions in, that is where someone in the loan chain of people wants something changed or modified in the original report. After three of those in a row I sat wondering, what could happen next? In spite of the negative vibes I just kept plugging on the work and eventually I had the pleasure of sending out an appraisal. Then I set to work on the next one and went ahead and set up a 6 pm appointment in Stockton, you remember the expression, change is a vacation. So I took a mini vacation driving to Stockton over the lovely levee road and arriving on time at a very nice home with a young pastor and his family in residence. They had purchased the home when it was only one year old. However it was trashed, no interior doors, all carpet and vinyl was destroyed, walls in desperate need of paint, light fixtures all gone, bathroom vanity gone and so they purchased the home and began to fix it up. Now it is perfect with new yards, new paint, new floor coverings and its great. They are so proud of it. The bad news is, since they purchase a couple years ago values have dropped and I don't know what the numbers will be when I finish the report. This is one where my pastoral heart has to compete with the hard cold facts, I can't let my feelings get in the way of an honest appraisal. For me its a real challenge. Now Nan had no such problem. She found it very easy to just put emotions aside and do her work. I admired her for it but I can't turn off my heart in situations like this.
This afternoon in the course of conversation with an underwriter who works in Texas for MetLife he happened to mention that it would be good for me to get on their approved list of appraisers as they were becoming the number one provider of Reverse mortgages since Bof A is quitting and also Well Fargo is backing out on doing them. He was kind enough to send me an email with the specs I need to apply, you can bet I will apply. If I could land a solid busy lender it would help everything a lot. I've had them in the past and they are great, a steady stream of work, you know what wording they want to have included, you become a part of a team. So that was a spot of hope in a bleak day.
Ray came to visit for awhile today and that was good to discuss life in general with him. He and Lois keep a pretty close eye on me to make sure I'm still breathing in the mornings. It feels nice to have someone nearby like that. And speaking of neighbors I'm anxious to get back into a walking routine with Ken but right now he is Mr Cornfest, a huge Brentwood event that is coming up soon. So He is pretty busy right now.
So I'm signing off now and going straight to bed.
Love to all,
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Adna Nelson, Nan's mom has passed away at 93 years old.
Did you have the cool blustery day where you live? I woke to chilly air whisking through my room, I snuggled in but Starr said, enough freezing, lets get up. So battling the inner battle over do I exercise or not I just put on the tennis shoes and jumped on the tred mill. 30 minutes later the day looked brighter and the blood was coursing through my veins.
At 9 am I was on the door step ready to deliver the appraisal that I had written last night. She handed me a check and the day looked a bit brighter. Of course the checks are never enough but they sure are better than nothing which is what has come in the mail for the past two weeks. Its the driest spell I've ever had.
At noon I arrived at a nice home in Danville. The great part of my job is I'm meeting new people nearly every day and they are almost always pleasant and interesting people. Especially for reverse mortgages which usually involve older people I try to listen, to be extra kind and try my best to exude a positive approach to their home. Today was no exception. The owner was spry and helpful as we located the crawl space beneath her house and then I squeezed into the attic through a closet full of a young girls things. Once the home was inspected I needed food, my blood sugar was dipping a bit so I ask the GPS for lunch, it served up Burger King where I had the vegeburger and side salad. Nice lunch for $6.
Dana reached me in the late afternoon to tell me Nan's mom had passed away. She had been pretty much out of it for a couple years and had stopped eating. While I wish I could hop a plane and attend the services at the moment that is impossible.
I started this chapter in the blog last night but as I was writing the system failed. I spent an hour last night trying to make it work. It just started working now at 8:30 this morning so I can get this out. Sorry for those who wait up or read early, I was stuck.
Got to say I'm not feeling well this morning, not sure what is up but even with breakfast on board I still feel pretty rough. could it be the phone calls looking for money or is it more? Time will tell.
Sending love to all,
At 9 am I was on the door step ready to deliver the appraisal that I had written last night. She handed me a check and the day looked a bit brighter. Of course the checks are never enough but they sure are better than nothing which is what has come in the mail for the past two weeks. Its the driest spell I've ever had.
At noon I arrived at a nice home in Danville. The great part of my job is I'm meeting new people nearly every day and they are almost always pleasant and interesting people. Especially for reverse mortgages which usually involve older people I try to listen, to be extra kind and try my best to exude a positive approach to their home. Today was no exception. The owner was spry and helpful as we located the crawl space beneath her house and then I squeezed into the attic through a closet full of a young girls things. Once the home was inspected I needed food, my blood sugar was dipping a bit so I ask the GPS for lunch, it served up Burger King where I had the vegeburger and side salad. Nice lunch for $6.
Dana reached me in the late afternoon to tell me Nan's mom had passed away. She had been pretty much out of it for a couple years and had stopped eating. While I wish I could hop a plane and attend the services at the moment that is impossible.
I started this chapter in the blog last night but as I was writing the system failed. I spent an hour last night trying to make it work. It just started working now at 8:30 this morning so I can get this out. Sorry for those who wait up or read early, I was stuck.
Got to say I'm not feeling well this morning, not sure what is up but even with breakfast on board I still feel pretty rough. could it be the phone calls looking for money or is it more? Time will tell.
Sending love to all,
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
And some rain did fall.
Oh yes, it decided to really fall just as I arrived at a home in Rio Vista, a little community by the river with a couple subdivisions and many other homes. I was seeing a two story home that had been updated after a foreclosure. It was perfect inside and empty which let me do the measuring on the inside instead of in the downpour outside. Then the thunder and lightning began to hit too, soon the streets were full of running and standing water, sort of fun to experience, one tends to move faster when that happens.
Earlier I had reinspected a home that I had seen last fall. Now there are interested parties and they hired me to do a fresh appraisal of the property. I've just completed it and emailed it to the potential buyers, printed a couple copies and that's it for the day. Of course the color printer needed a new transfer belt, that is an interesting process but its done now. Of course now it says it needs a drum and that costs an arm and leg too. Can I ever catch up?
Again the mail came with bills, fliers, trash but NO money. I know it will come as I've done the work and what lender would not want to quickly pay the appraiser for completed work?
Good night to all,
Earlier I had reinspected a home that I had seen last fall. Now there are interested parties and they hired me to do a fresh appraisal of the property. I've just completed it and emailed it to the potential buyers, printed a couple copies and that's it for the day. Of course the color printer needed a new transfer belt, that is an interesting process but its done now. Of course now it says it needs a drum and that costs an arm and leg too. Can I ever catch up?
Again the mail came with bills, fliers, trash but NO money. I know it will come as I've done the work and what lender would not want to quickly pay the appraiser for completed work?
Good night to all,
Monday, June 27, 2011
Jury Duty completed!
Dear Fellow Struggler on the road of life,
As you know I was up very late last night completing the appraisals so it was with some difficulty that I rose this morning. Starr looked at me as if to say, we just go to the bed and now we are up, why?
The promised abundant parking surrounding the new court house was a lie, I ended up parking a long ways away and walking quickly to the security system where a very funny guy helped us get through. About 65 of us appeared as directed and after about an hour we had our first talk by a judge, rah rah, you wonderful citizens etc and now sit down and wait. Awhile later a second judge came to talk to us and told us all the cases but one had been settled in one manner or another. That one could keep us hanging and we might have to come back Tuesday morning at 9. We were to call in this evening.
Mid morning an order came in via text message, I jumped on it and got it, then called and found out the condo was empty, located in Rossmoor, a retirement area of Walnut Creek and that I could use my special key. So once we were released for the day about 11:30 I went to nearby Olive Garden and had salad. Then home to research and then back to Walnut Creek to do the job. I had a pleasant time with the weather cooling as I measured and shot photos. It had so many angles to the walls that on first sight you just moan but then you start with all the straight walls and make the others fit. After shooting the comps I decided on Red Robin and had a garden burger on wheat bun, side salad and water. Only $8 bucks and it was perfect food.
Now I'm home and am enjoying the rapidly cooling evening with winds that blow all the hot air out of the house. While I was eating I called the court number and learned to my utter delight that we were all released and would not be bothered again for a full year. Yea!
Of course the mail box brought no money again today, that was a low point for the day, there are a growing number of things that must be paid if I'm to stay in business not even considering that another house payment is due. I'm sure ready for that miracle!
This afternoon another order came in, this one with a larger fee than most and in nearby Rio Vista. I've reached out via email to the agent to see if I can see it tomorrow and I'll write up the one I inspected today so in spite of no money I'm doing every thing I can to generate future income.
Mingling with the 65 potential jurors was interesting, it was fun to break the ice with a smile and some little comment and then have people open up to talk, to complain or to just pass the time. One lady was a wiz with iphones and showed me how to tether the iphone to a computer instead of using an expensive internet provider. She also showed me things about facebook but I sort of got lost there.
So all in all it was a very good day and I'm thankful for having had a chance to live it.
I'm also thankful that Jason and family got home safely last night about 11:30 and brought cousin Clayton back with them to visit. Julie is in asia with her father who is ailing.
Sending love to all,
As you know I was up very late last night completing the appraisals so it was with some difficulty that I rose this morning. Starr looked at me as if to say, we just go to the bed and now we are up, why?
The promised abundant parking surrounding the new court house was a lie, I ended up parking a long ways away and walking quickly to the security system where a very funny guy helped us get through. About 65 of us appeared as directed and after about an hour we had our first talk by a judge, rah rah, you wonderful citizens etc and now sit down and wait. Awhile later a second judge came to talk to us and told us all the cases but one had been settled in one manner or another. That one could keep us hanging and we might have to come back Tuesday morning at 9. We were to call in this evening.
Mid morning an order came in via text message, I jumped on it and got it, then called and found out the condo was empty, located in Rossmoor, a retirement area of Walnut Creek and that I could use my special key. So once we were released for the day about 11:30 I went to nearby Olive Garden and had salad. Then home to research and then back to Walnut Creek to do the job. I had a pleasant time with the weather cooling as I measured and shot photos. It had so many angles to the walls that on first sight you just moan but then you start with all the straight walls and make the others fit. After shooting the comps I decided on Red Robin and had a garden burger on wheat bun, side salad and water. Only $8 bucks and it was perfect food.
Now I'm home and am enjoying the rapidly cooling evening with winds that blow all the hot air out of the house. While I was eating I called the court number and learned to my utter delight that we were all released and would not be bothered again for a full year. Yea!
Of course the mail box brought no money again today, that was a low point for the day, there are a growing number of things that must be paid if I'm to stay in business not even considering that another house payment is due. I'm sure ready for that miracle!
This afternoon another order came in, this one with a larger fee than most and in nearby Rio Vista. I've reached out via email to the agent to see if I can see it tomorrow and I'll write up the one I inspected today so in spite of no money I'm doing every thing I can to generate future income.
Mingling with the 65 potential jurors was interesting, it was fun to break the ice with a smile and some little comment and then have people open up to talk, to complain or to just pass the time. One lady was a wiz with iphones and showed me how to tether the iphone to a computer instead of using an expensive internet provider. She also showed me things about facebook but I sort of got lost there.
So all in all it was a very good day and I'm thankful for having had a chance to live it.
I'm also thankful that Jason and family got home safely last night about 11:30 and brought cousin Clayton back with them to visit. Julie is in asia with her father who is ailing.
Sending love to all,
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Long day
Good evening
Its 11:50 and I've just completed the second appraisal and am heading to bed. Tomorrow I have wonderful jury duty, yea, so fun and I'm a great citizen I guess because I'm going to go this time.
Kallie was wonderful last night and this morning, she helped with making breakfast pouring the milk and finding a fork for me to use. I took her back about 9:40 and then left shortly thereafter for Gilroy. It was a pleasant trip with a good book keeping my mind busy. The house was at the top of a hill and had a pebbletec pool sort of in the driveway, very strange place for it. When I got there no one was home, the agent had promised, oh well. I measured the outside and went to shoot comparables which took a couple hours. When I came back the property was crawling with cute kids and a very cute mother, a real beauty and she was so sweet. In spite of the fact that noone had contacted her about my coming she let me do my job.
Then it was time to drive back home which I did arriving at about 5. I set to work on the two appraisals that had to be done by tomorrow and now I'm completed with them. Perhaps this means that someday money will come in the mailbox again, I certainly hope so.
Well good night, its been a very productive day and I so enjoyed helping with Kallie, she was a delight. She gave as much as I gave her, with her smiles, her ideas, her words and her helping. Very precious memories.
Love to all
Its 11:50 and I've just completed the second appraisal and am heading to bed. Tomorrow I have wonderful jury duty, yea, so fun and I'm a great citizen I guess because I'm going to go this time.
Kallie was wonderful last night and this morning, she helped with making breakfast pouring the milk and finding a fork for me to use. I took her back about 9:40 and then left shortly thereafter for Gilroy. It was a pleasant trip with a good book keeping my mind busy. The house was at the top of a hill and had a pebbletec pool sort of in the driveway, very strange place for it. When I got there no one was home, the agent had promised, oh well. I measured the outside and went to shoot comparables which took a couple hours. When I came back the property was crawling with cute kids and a very cute mother, a real beauty and she was so sweet. In spite of the fact that noone had contacted her about my coming she let me do my job.
Then it was time to drive back home which I did arriving at about 5. I set to work on the two appraisals that had to be done by tomorrow and now I'm completed with them. Perhaps this means that someday money will come in the mailbox again, I certainly hope so.
Well good night, its been a very productive day and I so enjoyed helping with Kallie, she was a delight. She gave as much as I gave her, with her smiles, her ideas, her words and her helping. Very precious memories.
Love to all
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Sabbath evening
Dear Family and Friends,
Once again I'm in the recliner and resting up after Kallie has gone to her little bed for the night. I picked her up about 6 and we drove home. She changed the landscape of the family room, a room that Sylvia had carefully tidied up when she was here on Thursday, well now its not so tidy. But it looks happy, Kallie plays well by herself, she creates little stories and then plays them through, we have the Barbie Jetplane open ready for passengers, mostly barbies, we have the little doll house, open for business, we have a mat on the floor with pillow, we have the little recliner for kiddos, the duck pond and on it goes. Unwilling to eat I sort of tricked her. I opened a huge new sack of vege straws they sell at CostCo and started munching, pretty soon she decided that she could have a few too and then more and more. Then she asked for milk.
Out of the blue she announced that it was time to go to sleep and we went up, she had me pull the trundle bed out and then did her own changing into her PJs. Now she sleeps in the pink room, a room created for her.
I'm watching Pilgrim's Progress on the hope channel, a very old and interesting cartoon of the classic. Sometimes I feel like I'm living it, all the detours that come up in life, to detract us from following Jesus and His plan, what ever that plan is.
Tomorrow morning I'll drive to Gilroy and inspect a property. I'll also write up a couple reports and then once again I'm caught up, no new orders. However I have the exquisite joy of Jury Duty on Monday. Can you believe it, Jury Duty. So that will waste Monday for sure.
Worship hour was nice today. Our pastor has an excellent way of communicating and her points were on target. Potluck was interesting and it was great to sit with Dick and Ron. They've just come from a week of camping somewhere up in the mountains beyond Reno and had a super time. I would have liked to be there but there is no way I could afford the fuel, the time, being beyond phone range for possible orders. Just could not happen.
Well its time to remake the bed, the sheets are drying and the blanket is washing. There comes a time to do some laundry and this evening Kallie helped me by handing me a hanger for each shirt I took from the dryer. She was thrilled to be able to help and it was nice to have her smiling face enjoying something so ordinary as the laundry. What a kid.
Jason and Jo with family are in a hotel in Salt Lake City tonight and on their way back home. They left Denver today. Of course I'll rest easier when I know my children are all back home safely.
So good night friend, family member, love to all
Once again I'm in the recliner and resting up after Kallie has gone to her little bed for the night. I picked her up about 6 and we drove home. She changed the landscape of the family room, a room that Sylvia had carefully tidied up when she was here on Thursday, well now its not so tidy. But it looks happy, Kallie plays well by herself, she creates little stories and then plays them through, we have the Barbie Jetplane open ready for passengers, mostly barbies, we have the little doll house, open for business, we have a mat on the floor with pillow, we have the little recliner for kiddos, the duck pond and on it goes. Unwilling to eat I sort of tricked her. I opened a huge new sack of vege straws they sell at CostCo and started munching, pretty soon she decided that she could have a few too and then more and more. Then she asked for milk.
Out of the blue she announced that it was time to go to sleep and we went up, she had me pull the trundle bed out and then did her own changing into her PJs. Now she sleeps in the pink room, a room created for her.
I'm watching Pilgrim's Progress on the hope channel, a very old and interesting cartoon of the classic. Sometimes I feel like I'm living it, all the detours that come up in life, to detract us from following Jesus and His plan, what ever that plan is.
Tomorrow morning I'll drive to Gilroy and inspect a property. I'll also write up a couple reports and then once again I'm caught up, no new orders. However I have the exquisite joy of Jury Duty on Monday. Can you believe it, Jury Duty. So that will waste Monday for sure.
Worship hour was nice today. Our pastor has an excellent way of communicating and her points were on target. Potluck was interesting and it was great to sit with Dick and Ron. They've just come from a week of camping somewhere up in the mountains beyond Reno and had a super time. I would have liked to be there but there is no way I could afford the fuel, the time, being beyond phone range for possible orders. Just could not happen.
Well its time to remake the bed, the sheets are drying and the blanket is washing. There comes a time to do some laundry and this evening Kallie helped me by handing me a hanger for each shirt I took from the dryer. She was thrilled to be able to help and it was nice to have her smiling face enjoying something so ordinary as the laundry. What a kid.
Jason and Jo with family are in a hotel in Salt Lake City tonight and on their way back home. They left Denver today. Of course I'll rest easier when I know my children are all back home safely.
So good night friend, family member, love to all
Friday, June 24, 2011
Finishing strong
Dear Ones,
11:21, so much for going to bed early. I rolled out early this morning and started doing research. Once I had it ready I headed for Brentwood where I inspected a very nice home with PebbleTec pool, hardwood floors and nice landscaping. $700K home going for $335 or so, its the norm now. I wonder just how much wealth was lost in the past 3 years, amazing amount and lives have been shattered because of it.
Once I was done in Brentwood I turned for Fremont. I'm listening to a great book Lois put on my ipod and that helps the miles pass by easily, that and 50 mpg helps also. In Fremont I had a review to do so I drove the subject and then 8 comparables and found a Burger King, had a vege burger and side salad. Satisfied I headed home and sat down to write up the review. At first it seemed everything was in order, then I started looking deeper and the appraiser had made some huge adjustments that I could not find any reason for. So I started to contact the agents who were involved in the sales he had used and he had just made up some of the numbers without any support. So then it looked like the value was too high but then I plugged the two extra comparables I had shot photos of, I plugged them into the grid and they helped support his original value. But it took hours to prove all of this and of course the fee stayed the same $225. That is to set up the order, do the research drive 2.5 hours round trip, another three hours to write it up and ship it out. Lets just say I'm not likely to get rich any time soon at the current rates.
Emotionally this has been a challenging day, once again no money came in the mail and none fell from heaven. Someone wondered if I expected help, money, from my friends, well the answer is no. My problem is not a short term one but a long term one and friends stay friends longer if they keep finances out of the equation. I've been asking God for a miracle but so far He is not giving me the answer I sought, in fact I don't sense any answer so far but I've come to a place where I get used to it. Sort of feels like God says, you've had your life, you've enjoyed your family, your life with Nan and for now enjoying life is a luxury beyond your reach.
There are two things that fire me up, working, solving appraisal problems and interacting with the kiddos in my life. As I look up my desk is surrounded by photos of the kids, they are such a mood lifter, they go full out and then they sleep, they love, fight and then love again freely and with fervor. This evening Jason and Jo are preparing to start their return trip from Denver and Nikki is home safely with her family. I'll not be taking the girls tomorrow, they are pretty busy with their mom home. I'll have Kallie tomorrow afternoon and evening as Keanna is doing campout with girl scouts and Kallie needs a diversion. That should be a hoot.
This evening after completing the report I took money I'm not sure I have and went grocery shopping. I had a $12 certificate from CostCo and with that I bought a months supply of Soymilk, then at Raleys I found Scallops in a can and at Winco I found cheap groceries. I came home and just tried a whole bunch of things. Now its past bed time.
For those of you who don't have a care in the world I say enjoy it while you can, it may not last forever, in fact I can pretty much assure you it won't. For those of you who like me are sort of wondering what comes next, well its no fun but it means we are still alive.
I want to honor real frienships tonight. I think I've had lots of friends in mylife but few that were really close. During this week I've heard from a couple friends who have been there for 35 years or more. One tends to listen when life long friends say things, especially when they say things that are uncomfortable for you to hear. I'm always better when I listen to my dear friends. I honor dear friends tonight.
11:21, so much for going to bed early. I rolled out early this morning and started doing research. Once I had it ready I headed for Brentwood where I inspected a very nice home with PebbleTec pool, hardwood floors and nice landscaping. $700K home going for $335 or so, its the norm now. I wonder just how much wealth was lost in the past 3 years, amazing amount and lives have been shattered because of it.
Once I was done in Brentwood I turned for Fremont. I'm listening to a great book Lois put on my ipod and that helps the miles pass by easily, that and 50 mpg helps also. In Fremont I had a review to do so I drove the subject and then 8 comparables and found a Burger King, had a vege burger and side salad. Satisfied I headed home and sat down to write up the review. At first it seemed everything was in order, then I started looking deeper and the appraiser had made some huge adjustments that I could not find any reason for. So I started to contact the agents who were involved in the sales he had used and he had just made up some of the numbers without any support. So then it looked like the value was too high but then I plugged the two extra comparables I had shot photos of, I plugged them into the grid and they helped support his original value. But it took hours to prove all of this and of course the fee stayed the same $225. That is to set up the order, do the research drive 2.5 hours round trip, another three hours to write it up and ship it out. Lets just say I'm not likely to get rich any time soon at the current rates.
Emotionally this has been a challenging day, once again no money came in the mail and none fell from heaven. Someone wondered if I expected help, money, from my friends, well the answer is no. My problem is not a short term one but a long term one and friends stay friends longer if they keep finances out of the equation. I've been asking God for a miracle but so far He is not giving me the answer I sought, in fact I don't sense any answer so far but I've come to a place where I get used to it. Sort of feels like God says, you've had your life, you've enjoyed your family, your life with Nan and for now enjoying life is a luxury beyond your reach.
There are two things that fire me up, working, solving appraisal problems and interacting with the kiddos in my life. As I look up my desk is surrounded by photos of the kids, they are such a mood lifter, they go full out and then they sleep, they love, fight and then love again freely and with fervor. This evening Jason and Jo are preparing to start their return trip from Denver and Nikki is home safely with her family. I'll not be taking the girls tomorrow, they are pretty busy with their mom home. I'll have Kallie tomorrow afternoon and evening as Keanna is doing campout with girl scouts and Kallie needs a diversion. That should be a hoot.
This evening after completing the report I took money I'm not sure I have and went grocery shopping. I had a $12 certificate from CostCo and with that I bought a months supply of Soymilk, then at Raleys I found Scallops in a can and at Winco I found cheap groceries. I came home and just tried a whole bunch of things. Now its past bed time.
For those of you who don't have a care in the world I say enjoy it while you can, it may not last forever, in fact I can pretty much assure you it won't. For those of you who like me are sort of wondering what comes next, well its no fun but it means we are still alive.
I want to honor real frienships tonight. I think I've had lots of friends in mylife but few that were really close. During this week I've heard from a couple friends who have been there for 35 years or more. One tends to listen when life long friends say things, especially when they say things that are uncomfortable for you to hear. I'm always better when I listen to my dear friends. I honor dear friends tonight.
12:30 and time to head to bed!!
Good evening,
Wow this has been a long one with lots of different phases.
Phase 1, work on report
Phase 2, attend Keanna mini dance concert in Brentwood
Phase 3, McDonalds, happy meal for her and side salad for me
Phase 4, arrive home to discovery Sylvia has arrived to teach Keanna to sew, they had a great afternoon and Keanna is so proud of her work, then they transplanted little growing things, munched on popcorn and visited with Ray and Lois who came to call.
Phase 4, while they were busy I was also busy completing a tough appraisal assignment for FDIC. Makes you really try hard to get it right when you realize an appraiser might get sued based on what you say.
Phase 5, leave for Brentwood, pick up Kallie and let her know she is going to a dance class, she is thrilled, stop by and pick up the dance bag, arrive and help girls into ballet slippers, later for Kallie into tap shoes, talk about cute, she just loved every minute of it and her teacher loved her too, remembered Keanna and commented on how different the two girls are, its true they are totally their own persons.
Phase 6, deliver kiddos to their father who is busy installing a swimming pool in their backyard and had a new zone system installed in the AC system today, its wonderful, directs the cool air where you want it since they live in a 2 story home.
Phase 7, arrive home, eat quick meal and then back to work, create two more reports and now write blog.
Biggest disappointment of the day was NO money in the mail. Bank is becoming my close friend, calls re: account etc.
I'm asking God for a miracle! will you pray too that I can get ahead of this awful curve financially.
Love to all
Wow this has been a long one with lots of different phases.
Phase 1, work on report
Phase 2, attend Keanna mini dance concert in Brentwood
Phase 3, McDonalds, happy meal for her and side salad for me
Phase 4, arrive home to discovery Sylvia has arrived to teach Keanna to sew, they had a great afternoon and Keanna is so proud of her work, then they transplanted little growing things, munched on popcorn and visited with Ray and Lois who came to call.
Phase 4, while they were busy I was also busy completing a tough appraisal assignment for FDIC. Makes you really try hard to get it right when you realize an appraiser might get sued based on what you say.
Phase 5, leave for Brentwood, pick up Kallie and let her know she is going to a dance class, she is thrilled, stop by and pick up the dance bag, arrive and help girls into ballet slippers, later for Kallie into tap shoes, talk about cute, she just loved every minute of it and her teacher loved her too, remembered Keanna and commented on how different the two girls are, its true they are totally their own persons.
Phase 6, deliver kiddos to their father who is busy installing a swimming pool in their backyard and had a new zone system installed in the AC system today, its wonderful, directs the cool air where you want it since they live in a 2 story home.
Phase 7, arrive home, eat quick meal and then back to work, create two more reports and now write blog.
Biggest disappointment of the day was NO money in the mail. Bank is becoming my close friend, calls re: account etc.
I'm asking God for a miracle! will you pray too that I can get ahead of this awful curve financially.
Love to all
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
hard at work with nothing to show for it, yet
Good evening
A quick couple lines tonight, long day, many miles driven and yet there is much work to get done. My work areas stretched from Union City to Turlock today with some working time in between. In general this is the situation. For several weeks I had almost no work and some of the work paid up front, now its payback time or pay time and since there was little work done there is very little to be paid for, of course the normal costs of doing business continue so it is a very sober time for me. This evening I drove to Turlock to do an appraisal that will be paid for in the morning and I have it half finished already after arriving home at 9 pm. It was another of those encouraging visits where as we talked I discovered that after she was single for 15 years she found someone quite accidentally and is now happily married. I like those stories, I like them a lot.
Tomorrow I'll rise early, cram as much work as I can out the door and then drive to Brentwood at 10 to do an appraisal, get done by 11:40 and see Keanna do a little dance number, then pick her up and feed her, bring her home and a friend is going to help her with her learning to sew project. That is so nice and appreciated greatly. I'll keep working and then at 4:30 pick up Kallie and drive to Brentwood to a different dance studio where Nikki has arranged a 1 hour session for both girls with a little dance company. All fun stuff, if I just didn't have to work life would be so fun with the little ones. BUT I do have to work and frankly I'm very grateful that right now I have lots of work to do, one never knows how long it will last but for now I've deadlines to meet and I've really been cranking the stuff out.
It was warm today, warmer than predicted but I was mostly spared other than the inspection this evening when it was 100 degrees, but the air was so dry you could hardly know it was that hot.
Good night and love to all
A quick couple lines tonight, long day, many miles driven and yet there is much work to get done. My work areas stretched from Union City to Turlock today with some working time in between. In general this is the situation. For several weeks I had almost no work and some of the work paid up front, now its payback time or pay time and since there was little work done there is very little to be paid for, of course the normal costs of doing business continue so it is a very sober time for me. This evening I drove to Turlock to do an appraisal that will be paid for in the morning and I have it half finished already after arriving home at 9 pm. It was another of those encouraging visits where as we talked I discovered that after she was single for 15 years she found someone quite accidentally and is now happily married. I like those stories, I like them a lot.
Tomorrow I'll rise early, cram as much work as I can out the door and then drive to Brentwood at 10 to do an appraisal, get done by 11:40 and see Keanna do a little dance number, then pick her up and feed her, bring her home and a friend is going to help her with her learning to sew project. That is so nice and appreciated greatly. I'll keep working and then at 4:30 pick up Kallie and drive to Brentwood to a different dance studio where Nikki has arranged a 1 hour session for both girls with a little dance company. All fun stuff, if I just didn't have to work life would be so fun with the little ones. BUT I do have to work and frankly I'm very grateful that right now I have lots of work to do, one never knows how long it will last but for now I've deadlines to meet and I've really been cranking the stuff out.
It was warm today, warmer than predicted but I was mostly spared other than the inspection this evening when it was 100 degrees, but the air was so dry you could hardly know it was that hot.
Good night and love to all
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
The exciting world of kiddos
Dear Family and Friends
This morning started with 30 minutes on the tred mill, a quick cool shower and then breakfast of oatmeal. I picked up the girls and then delivered Keanna to dance camp in Brentwood and Kallie to school. Then back home to jam out a $35 review for a Lodi property, then back to Brentwood to pick up Keanna. In between I moved the child seats from the bug to the civic putting a large towel underneath to catch the various things that get dropped from time to time.
Once I had Keanna on board we went to McDonalds for a happy meal, then to Taco Bell for a little burrito and then back home to work. Keanna was outstanding at letting me work.
My world sort of fell apart when it took over 2 hours to email out a review that should have taken an hour from start to finish. It was after 4 when the review finally made its way through the AI softward maze and to the reviewers but then they found some wrong comments and it took three more times before I finally got it right.
We drove down and picked up Kallie, she was thrilled to see her sister and showed her around the room, then the girls proceeded to tear up the house playing while I worked. At 6:30 I stopped and made them dinner which turned out really great. After they ate they ignored my plea to pick up their stuff and I took them home to their tired but happy father.
I drove back and waited while working for the motorhome to return. It did and the couple that rented it had so much fun, they want to rent it again next year for the same time period. They are really fun and we talked longer than we should have.
Now I'm back inside and will have to restart my work at 6 in the morning. Tomorrow I have a couple appraisals to do in the field, one in Union city and then next in Turlock. I'm hoping that the temperature will drop off for tomorrow. Its been brutal here today, Steve's device said 106 was the high point. I was very comfortable in my office and Starr stayed by my side.
Another day without any money in the mail, several important things must be paid, I'm praying for a miracle.
Sending love to all,
This morning started with 30 minutes on the tred mill, a quick cool shower and then breakfast of oatmeal. I picked up the girls and then delivered Keanna to dance camp in Brentwood and Kallie to school. Then back home to jam out a $35 review for a Lodi property, then back to Brentwood to pick up Keanna. In between I moved the child seats from the bug to the civic putting a large towel underneath to catch the various things that get dropped from time to time.
Once I had Keanna on board we went to McDonalds for a happy meal, then to Taco Bell for a little burrito and then back home to work. Keanna was outstanding at letting me work.
My world sort of fell apart when it took over 2 hours to email out a review that should have taken an hour from start to finish. It was after 4 when the review finally made its way through the AI softward maze and to the reviewers but then they found some wrong comments and it took three more times before I finally got it right.
We drove down and picked up Kallie, she was thrilled to see her sister and showed her around the room, then the girls proceeded to tear up the house playing while I worked. At 6:30 I stopped and made them dinner which turned out really great. After they ate they ignored my plea to pick up their stuff and I took them home to their tired but happy father.
I drove back and waited while working for the motorhome to return. It did and the couple that rented it had so much fun, they want to rent it again next year for the same time period. They are really fun and we talked longer than we should have.
Now I'm back inside and will have to restart my work at 6 in the morning. Tomorrow I have a couple appraisals to do in the field, one in Union city and then next in Turlock. I'm hoping that the temperature will drop off for tomorrow. Its been brutal here today, Steve's device said 106 was the high point. I was very comfortable in my office and Starr stayed by my side.
Another day without any money in the mail, several important things must be paid, I'm praying for a miracle.
Sending love to all,
Monday, June 20, 2011
Whew, its a hot one
Good evening,
Finally I'm in the recliner with Starr watching hannity. I've driven many miles today doing reviews of appraisals. Its always amazing that people are willing to pay me almost as much to review a report as to the appraiser who did all the hard work in the first place. Something is very strange about my industry, this is one of those hard times when I'm really busy doing new work while I can't begin to pay bills that must be paid to allow me to keep working, very stressful.
This afternoon the phone rang as I was driving and it was a nurse from Blue Cross. She was following up on my medical situation and talked for about 20 minutes. The things she said were very helpful, it was a good visit.
The family that rented my motorhome is back from their mountain adventure. Unfortunately a thief hit them and took two of my canvas chairs, his favorite mountain bike and who knows what else. Very sad. They will bring back the motorhome tomorrow and have said they had a great time, want to rent the coach again. Nice!
Tonight I'm going to bed early, I have a lot to do tomorrow, going to take the girls to camp and sitter in the morning so Steve can get some things done. I'll work in creating the reports I've been out there seeing. Good news is another two reports came in today, one in Brentwood which is always nice, nice and near by.
So sending love to all,
Finally I'm in the recliner with Starr watching hannity. I've driven many miles today doing reviews of appraisals. Its always amazing that people are willing to pay me almost as much to review a report as to the appraiser who did all the hard work in the first place. Something is very strange about my industry, this is one of those hard times when I'm really busy doing new work while I can't begin to pay bills that must be paid to allow me to keep working, very stressful.
This afternoon the phone rang as I was driving and it was a nurse from Blue Cross. She was following up on my medical situation and talked for about 20 minutes. The things she said were very helpful, it was a good visit.
The family that rented my motorhome is back from their mountain adventure. Unfortunately a thief hit them and took two of my canvas chairs, his favorite mountain bike and who knows what else. Very sad. They will bring back the motorhome tomorrow and have said they had a great time, want to rent the coach again. Nice!
Tonight I'm going to bed early, I have a lot to do tomorrow, going to take the girls to camp and sitter in the morning so Steve can get some things done. I'll work in creating the reports I've been out there seeing. Good news is another two reports came in today, one in Brentwood which is always nice, nice and near by.
So sending love to all,
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Tired but grateful
This will be short, to the point and is being written by a very tired appraiser.
I've just completed a relo from Windsor, a review for Pinole and a driveby for Antioch, today I finally got to work and while I'm tired now I'm feeling much better. I've pushed fluids all day today and eaten carefully. Its been a great day, my backside is sore but work has gone out. Suddenly I have 8 reports on the board to complete and get out the door, how did this happen? Am I complaining, no way, I'm grateful and thrilled about having some work.
Nikki has probably just arrived at her hotel in San Antonio where she is in work meetings for the week. So I'll help Steve as much as I can with the kiddos and still keep work going.
So good night one and all,
Happy Fathers day, mine was great, Nikki and family got me a new shirt, its beautiful, very exciting and Jason and Timothy called from Denver this morning so its been a special day.
I've just completed a relo from Windsor, a review for Pinole and a driveby for Antioch, today I finally got to work and while I'm tired now I'm feeling much better. I've pushed fluids all day today and eaten carefully. Its been a great day, my backside is sore but work has gone out. Suddenly I have 8 reports on the board to complete and get out the door, how did this happen? Am I complaining, no way, I'm grateful and thrilled about having some work.
Nikki has probably just arrived at her hotel in San Antonio where she is in work meetings for the week. So I'll help Steve as much as I can with the kiddos and still keep work going.
So good night one and all,
Happy Fathers day, mine was great, Nikki and family got me a new shirt, its beautiful, very exciting and Jason and Timothy called from Denver this morning so its been a special day.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Trying to catch my breath
Dear Family and Friends,
As I write this evening someone is shooting fireworks into the sky, perhaps they can't read the warning that greet all visitors to Discovery Bay, you know the ones about fireworks being illegal. Sounds like it might be a long night.
I woke this morning feeling so low on energy that I could hardly get up, then the 3 mile walk came very hard, I just dragged myself around, then I was super sleepy as I went to SS with the girls. Keanna was Sylvia's only little person today so they were both glad they had gone to SS.
The girls do not always get along well, they are growing up and have certain ways of doing and seeing things and I really hate to see them do damage to each other but by the time we got to Tracy they were in make up mode and fine. Kim had a nice Sabbath School and I'm sure Sylvia did as well.
This afternoon I've just been laying around, I made a baked potato and smothered it with some butter, salt and mushrooms, chopped up pieces of vege chicken, lots of good asparagus and some soy sauce. It tasted great.
When I got home I checked the blood sugar level and that was high, pretty consistent with the range its been running for weeks, the blood pressure was fine once I put new batteries in the device. There has been some great programing on the dish this afternoon and this evening I've enjoyed a couple Monk episodes.
Without sounding morose I'm more and more realizing that I forgotten what its like to have another adult around. I spend so little time with adults, with anyone for that matter, I can only faintly remember what it was like to have Nan here all the time, sharing life, what a huge blessing that was, just to have someone who loves you share your life with you, your plans, your shopping, your meals, your trips. There are some who seem to like being alone, I can't begin to understand how they find that life fulfilling and a joy but I accept them at their word but for me I enjoy togetherness. So this life I lead is growing more and more difficult to endure and with the constant threat of financial ruin there is very little joy left.
This evening I took a stab at the lawnmower again. The man in town sold me a new carburetor but once I got it all together a few minutes ago it did not start or even try to, my lawn is deep now and I've got to get it knocked down somehow. I'll try the push mower again but I think its too high for that. The guy wants a lot of money to fix my mower, that's why I purchased the carb from him but now it looks like I have to go back anyway to get him to make it work. It will have to wait for money to come, there is none at the moment.
Well I'm hoping for a good nights sleep, don't know how I can mess that up.
Tomorrow I walk with Ken at 7:30 and then wade into some serious appraisal work, at least two need to be completed tomorrow and God willing I will get them done.
Love to all
As I write this evening someone is shooting fireworks into the sky, perhaps they can't read the warning that greet all visitors to Discovery Bay, you know the ones about fireworks being illegal. Sounds like it might be a long night.
I woke this morning feeling so low on energy that I could hardly get up, then the 3 mile walk came very hard, I just dragged myself around, then I was super sleepy as I went to SS with the girls. Keanna was Sylvia's only little person today so they were both glad they had gone to SS.
The girls do not always get along well, they are growing up and have certain ways of doing and seeing things and I really hate to see them do damage to each other but by the time we got to Tracy they were in make up mode and fine. Kim had a nice Sabbath School and I'm sure Sylvia did as well.
This afternoon I've just been laying around, I made a baked potato and smothered it with some butter, salt and mushrooms, chopped up pieces of vege chicken, lots of good asparagus and some soy sauce. It tasted great.
When I got home I checked the blood sugar level and that was high, pretty consistent with the range its been running for weeks, the blood pressure was fine once I put new batteries in the device. There has been some great programing on the dish this afternoon and this evening I've enjoyed a couple Monk episodes.
Without sounding morose I'm more and more realizing that I forgotten what its like to have another adult around. I spend so little time with adults, with anyone for that matter, I can only faintly remember what it was like to have Nan here all the time, sharing life, what a huge blessing that was, just to have someone who loves you share your life with you, your plans, your shopping, your meals, your trips. There are some who seem to like being alone, I can't begin to understand how they find that life fulfilling and a joy but I accept them at their word but for me I enjoy togetherness. So this life I lead is growing more and more difficult to endure and with the constant threat of financial ruin there is very little joy left.
This evening I took a stab at the lawnmower again. The man in town sold me a new carburetor but once I got it all together a few minutes ago it did not start or even try to, my lawn is deep now and I've got to get it knocked down somehow. I'll try the push mower again but I think its too high for that. The guy wants a lot of money to fix my mower, that's why I purchased the carb from him but now it looks like I have to go back anyway to get him to make it work. It will have to wait for money to come, there is none at the moment.
Well I'm hoping for a good nights sleep, don't know how I can mess that up.
Tomorrow I walk with Ken at 7:30 and then wade into some serious appraisal work, at least two need to be completed tomorrow and God willing I will get them done.
Love to all
sunset this evening over Willow Lake
Friday, June 17, 2011
The uneven path I follow
Good evening
After a week with severe ups and downs at last its Friday night and for me with the Sabbath having arrived it came just in time. Yes I'm very short on funds tonight but I have a roof over me which happens to be located on a nice lake, I have two cars in the garage, a motorhome which is living in Pinecrest this week with a family that is having a great time in it. I'm pretty healthy, am much more able to exercise than in past years and have a world of family and friends out there.
This morning I debated and finally decided I could afford the time to take a bike ride. I found where I could have the little computer tell me the temperature as I rode, I started at 76 and ended up on the levee at 82 for awhile but then it was cooler as I rode home, down to 79. I reached 17 miles per hour once and averaged about 9 mph. It was a nice way to clear up the mind, stretch the fingers that don't want to work and get the blood pumping. Spin class is nice but actually out riding is fun too, the scenery is just not quite as nice!!
I worked for awhile doing research for the upcoming afternoon appointments. In Orinda I found a high quality and beautiful home on 1/2 an acre with solar panels so strong that PG&E was buying back power this afternoon. Last year he paid a total of $46 to PG&E for the year so his investment in solar panels is paying off. In 8 years it will pay for itself. The home had beautiful cherry wood work and about 10 skylights that are all controlled by remote devices. The window coverings are also powered and are a thing to behold. The owner lost his wife a few years back and discovered love again and is very happy now.
After spending a couple hours in the beautiful Orinda area I fought traffic and ended up in Hayward. My task was different there. I was to trace the steps of an appraiser who in 2008 thought the subject was worth $425,000. Now FDIC wants to know if it was really worth that or not. Its quite a responsibility and of course for a very low fee. This is the second one I've done and I enjoy the opportunity to learn new things and to be ask to apply what I know.
When I got home this evening I discovered 3 additional orders waiting, that makes about 5 that have come in today, very encouraging for the future and I'm deeply thankful, someone is watching over me as well as all the other children of the world. Big task, big God.
Well since Ken has asked me to walk in the morning I need to head to bed.
Love to all,
After a week with severe ups and downs at last its Friday night and for me with the Sabbath having arrived it came just in time. Yes I'm very short on funds tonight but I have a roof over me which happens to be located on a nice lake, I have two cars in the garage, a motorhome which is living in Pinecrest this week with a family that is having a great time in it. I'm pretty healthy, am much more able to exercise than in past years and have a world of family and friends out there.
This morning I debated and finally decided I could afford the time to take a bike ride. I found where I could have the little computer tell me the temperature as I rode, I started at 76 and ended up on the levee at 82 for awhile but then it was cooler as I rode home, down to 79. I reached 17 miles per hour once and averaged about 9 mph. It was a nice way to clear up the mind, stretch the fingers that don't want to work and get the blood pumping. Spin class is nice but actually out riding is fun too, the scenery is just not quite as nice!!
I worked for awhile doing research for the upcoming afternoon appointments. In Orinda I found a high quality and beautiful home on 1/2 an acre with solar panels so strong that PG&E was buying back power this afternoon. Last year he paid a total of $46 to PG&E for the year so his investment in solar panels is paying off. In 8 years it will pay for itself. The home had beautiful cherry wood work and about 10 skylights that are all controlled by remote devices. The window coverings are also powered and are a thing to behold. The owner lost his wife a few years back and discovered love again and is very happy now.
After spending a couple hours in the beautiful Orinda area I fought traffic and ended up in Hayward. My task was different there. I was to trace the steps of an appraiser who in 2008 thought the subject was worth $425,000. Now FDIC wants to know if it was really worth that or not. Its quite a responsibility and of course for a very low fee. This is the second one I've done and I enjoy the opportunity to learn new things and to be ask to apply what I know.
When I got home this evening I discovered 3 additional orders waiting, that makes about 5 that have come in today, very encouraging for the future and I'm deeply thankful, someone is watching over me as well as all the other children of the world. Big task, big God.
Well since Ken has asked me to walk in the morning I need to head to bed.
Love to all,
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Not all days are so good
This one has been nasty. I worked, some orders came in this afternoon, most with very short turn times, I got home this evening at 9:30 after seeing a property in Antioch at 5:15, then on to Pinole where some idiot crashed in a section of the road that is very narrow due to construction and that wasted another hour. I was able to do the review and all the photos I needed before coming back, now I'm just hoping that I got everything while I was there.
With growing alarm I am watching bills come in and no money to respond and the credit card that I'm paying off, the one we used for the trips to Boston, hotels, rental cars, flights, that card hits my account every month for $525 but I don't have the money this time to cover it. Its hard to see a way out of this. Got to say I'm growing very tired of facing these odds day after day alone.
I am thankful that the Lord saw fit to send some work and while I'll need the money in a month right now there is no cash flow left.
The bright spot today was picking up Keanna from scrapbooking class. She had created a really beautiful book during her time there and was thrilled with the class. She didn't want to hit McDs today so we came home and I made her popcorn, jello, rice milk and she ate her yummy lunch that her parents had sent. Unfortunately I had to hammer out the $35 review which I could have been enjoying time putting a puzzle together or doing a piano lesson.
Well enough wining, just don't see light at the end of this tunnel.
Love to all,
With growing alarm I am watching bills come in and no money to respond and the credit card that I'm paying off, the one we used for the trips to Boston, hotels, rental cars, flights, that card hits my account every month for $525 but I don't have the money this time to cover it. Its hard to see a way out of this. Got to say I'm growing very tired of facing these odds day after day alone.
I am thankful that the Lord saw fit to send some work and while I'll need the money in a month right now there is no cash flow left.
The bright spot today was picking up Keanna from scrapbooking class. She had created a really beautiful book during her time there and was thrilled with the class. She didn't want to hit McDs today so we came home and I made her popcorn, jello, rice milk and she ate her yummy lunch that her parents had sent. Unfortunately I had to hammer out the $35 review which I could have been enjoying time putting a puzzle together or doing a piano lesson.
Well enough wining, just don't see light at the end of this tunnel.
Love to all,
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Dr. Clarke performs magic
Dear Family and Friends,
Finally the heat wave is subsiding for the day. While I'm not sure just how hot it was I'm pretty sure it was hot. I drove to Hollister today and arrived on time only to get an order from a new client, Street Links which I could not accept through the iphone. Once inside the crew went right to work. While having dental work is unpleasant I've never had better care. Dr and assistant first deadened my jaw or gum or both, then put in the new crown, then replaced a filing that had fallen out and in between cleaned my teeth. No lectures just pleasant conversation. These are people who love life, love their work and do it in a quick and concise manner. I was out in an hour and then drove home using Highway 5. I arrived home in time to check the mail, no money, change into bike shorts and drive to Brentwood for spin class. I did really well tonight and could keep up with most of the moves through the entire class. Feels good to know what is going on and be able to do it. Of course it is distracting having all those lovely ladies around but one has to sacrifice in a quest for better health!!
During the day two orders came in, one is for a Lodi review which pays an amazingly low $35 fee. I can't believe it, hardly enough to log the order. The other order was for a field review and that one will pay better. First order from that company in a month and they used to order several a week. Loan originations are down another 35% for the last month so there is very little work to do for all appraisers.
Today was the end of an era. Steve came this morning and we switched van for civic. He has the Civic in such good condition and of course there are no monthly payments, its paid for. That represents another milestone along the path of putting ones life back together. Nan loved her van and it served her perfectly during the final years of her life. Now it will be used on a daily basis for the kiddos, for Nikki and for their family outings, how fitting. But I was sad for a bit as it drove away. Things change.
I've had a couple calls from my current motorhome renters. Nothing serious and they are having a blast with the coach, tonight they are watching movies having already had dinner. They are a family of 4 so having all the beds really works for them.
The bug performed perfectly today and it looks like another 50+ mpg tank of fuel so far which is nice. Money is very tight right now as there are few checks out there to come in and unless new work which is COD like the little driveby I'm doing in the morning over in Antioch takes place my cashflow is backed up.
This morning I prayed for work and today some work did come in. In addition I also filled out paperwork for two more management companies and shipped it out.
So for now I'm bidding each of you a good evening, I've included a shot of the sun setting over Willow Lake and I am very thankful for life, friends, family and my eternal Father in Heaven.
Finally the heat wave is subsiding for the day. While I'm not sure just how hot it was I'm pretty sure it was hot. I drove to Hollister today and arrived on time only to get an order from a new client, Street Links which I could not accept through the iphone. Once inside the crew went right to work. While having dental work is unpleasant I've never had better care. Dr and assistant first deadened my jaw or gum or both, then put in the new crown, then replaced a filing that had fallen out and in between cleaned my teeth. No lectures just pleasant conversation. These are people who love life, love their work and do it in a quick and concise manner. I was out in an hour and then drove home using Highway 5. I arrived home in time to check the mail, no money, change into bike shorts and drive to Brentwood for spin class. I did really well tonight and could keep up with most of the moves through the entire class. Feels good to know what is going on and be able to do it. Of course it is distracting having all those lovely ladies around but one has to sacrifice in a quest for better health!!
During the day two orders came in, one is for a Lodi review which pays an amazingly low $35 fee. I can't believe it, hardly enough to log the order. The other order was for a field review and that one will pay better. First order from that company in a month and they used to order several a week. Loan originations are down another 35% for the last month so there is very little work to do for all appraisers.
Today was the end of an era. Steve came this morning and we switched van for civic. He has the Civic in such good condition and of course there are no monthly payments, its paid for. That represents another milestone along the path of putting ones life back together. Nan loved her van and it served her perfectly during the final years of her life. Now it will be used on a daily basis for the kiddos, for Nikki and for their family outings, how fitting. But I was sad for a bit as it drove away. Things change.
I've had a couple calls from my current motorhome renters. Nothing serious and they are having a blast with the coach, tonight they are watching movies having already had dinner. They are a family of 4 so having all the beds really works for them.
The bug performed perfectly today and it looks like another 50+ mpg tank of fuel so far which is nice. Money is very tight right now as there are few checks out there to come in and unless new work which is COD like the little driveby I'm doing in the morning over in Antioch takes place my cashflow is backed up.
This morning I prayed for work and today some work did come in. In addition I also filled out paperwork for two more management companies and shipped it out.
So for now I'm bidding each of you a good evening, I've included a shot of the sun setting over Willow Lake and I am very thankful for life, friends, family and my eternal Father in Heaven.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Windsor was nice
Dear Family and Friends,
This has been a full day for which I am very thankful. I left at 7 this morning but had two very nasty traffic jams that cost me an hour in all. The home was beautiful, the people were very nice and the challenges this home presents are huge. How to do the balancing act between reflecting all the upgrades and quality features with a market that is dropping like a stone, these people were ready, when I arrived they had doughnuts and coffee which I later took to a nearby park and enjoyed while I went over the comps. I eventually shot photos of 13 properties before leaving town. Then I located a Burger King and took one of those baby steps toward better health. Instead of fries I had a side salad. It tasted great and even the dressing was low calorie.
I had intended to drive to Bodega Bay and spend some time at the beach but once I was on the way I counted the time and realized I would not be back for Weight Watchers so turned back and came home, then back to the meeting. Our usual leader was absent, I missed her, she is so outgoing and in spite of having a disease she is a fireball of leadership and fun. However tonight I finally gathered enough courage to speak up. In a meeting that has a ratio of 20 women to one man a man speaking up is somewhat unusual, anyway I did speak up a couple times.
My excellent book that was borrowed from the library ended on the way up today. It really touched on a lot of values and important things along with having an excellent and interesting story. I like the reader and I really like the main character, I've listened to dozens of books about him and never tire of hearing about the south and the word pictures James Burke creates.
I'm once again at that sad place of having no work, no new orders so far this week. Tomorrow morning I'll write on things I've seen and then leave for another long day, driving back to the dentist for the last of the dental work, cleaning, crown and cavity filled.
This morning I heard from the family renting the motorhome as they were just getting on the road. They called to ask how the central AC worked when you were driving. Well the short answer is, it doesn't but the long answer is to start the generator, turn the roof AC on and then enjoy the cooling. This turned out to be a very warm day to travel and hope all went well for them.
I received three more requests to rent the motorhome today. One was for Burning Man, I think that makes about 32 requests so far, one was for a time when its already rented but one may turn out to be possible, we will see.
I can tell you that I'm going to bed early tonight, the last couple nights have been late. Last night I was still writing reports at midnight and then up at 6 this morning to prepare for the trip. It was so warm last night that it was hard to sleep so I think I've venture up and turn the bedroom AC on to cool the room down.
I have lots of thoughts as I drive these long miles, gratitude for life, for friends, especially for family and the little ones. I'm desperate to dump 75 pounds but I guess not desperate enough to really do anything serious about it. While I don't lose sleep over the weight I still long to be able to move easily, to dump some of the many meds I take, mostly just due to the excess weight I carry. This is not who I want to be!
Sending love to all
This has been a full day for which I am very thankful. I left at 7 this morning but had two very nasty traffic jams that cost me an hour in all. The home was beautiful, the people were very nice and the challenges this home presents are huge. How to do the balancing act between reflecting all the upgrades and quality features with a market that is dropping like a stone, these people were ready, when I arrived they had doughnuts and coffee which I later took to a nearby park and enjoyed while I went over the comps. I eventually shot photos of 13 properties before leaving town. Then I located a Burger King and took one of those baby steps toward better health. Instead of fries I had a side salad. It tasted great and even the dressing was low calorie.
I had intended to drive to Bodega Bay and spend some time at the beach but once I was on the way I counted the time and realized I would not be back for Weight Watchers so turned back and came home, then back to the meeting. Our usual leader was absent, I missed her, she is so outgoing and in spite of having a disease she is a fireball of leadership and fun. However tonight I finally gathered enough courage to speak up. In a meeting that has a ratio of 20 women to one man a man speaking up is somewhat unusual, anyway I did speak up a couple times.
My excellent book that was borrowed from the library ended on the way up today. It really touched on a lot of values and important things along with having an excellent and interesting story. I like the reader and I really like the main character, I've listened to dozens of books about him and never tire of hearing about the south and the word pictures James Burke creates.
I'm once again at that sad place of having no work, no new orders so far this week. Tomorrow morning I'll write on things I've seen and then leave for another long day, driving back to the dentist for the last of the dental work, cleaning, crown and cavity filled.
This morning I heard from the family renting the motorhome as they were just getting on the road. They called to ask how the central AC worked when you were driving. Well the short answer is, it doesn't but the long answer is to start the generator, turn the roof AC on and then enjoy the cooling. This turned out to be a very warm day to travel and hope all went well for them.
I received three more requests to rent the motorhome today. One was for Burning Man, I think that makes about 32 requests so far, one was for a time when its already rented but one may turn out to be possible, we will see.
I can tell you that I'm going to bed early tonight, the last couple nights have been late. Last night I was still writing reports at midnight and then up at 6 this morning to prepare for the trip. It was so warm last night that it was hard to sleep so I think I've venture up and turn the bedroom AC on to cool the room down.
I have lots of thoughts as I drive these long miles, gratitude for life, for friends, especially for family and the little ones. I'm desperate to dump 75 pounds but I guess not desperate enough to really do anything serious about it. While I don't lose sleep over the weight I still long to be able to move easily, to dump some of the many meds I take, mostly just due to the excess weight I carry. This is not who I want to be!
Sending love to all
Monday, June 13, 2011
Due to extreme work load this evening which will keep me writing until midnight I'll have to pass on writing the blog tonight. Please accept my apologies for this serious lapse in time management.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Busy Sunday
Well its been a great day, no appraisals written, but its been pretty amazing.
As planned this morning I jumped up and began to wash the motorhome. Once I was finally through I checked the water in the batteries and then almost as an afterthought I pulled the long dip stick to check the oil, but the problem was, there was NO oil. I checked it again and again, still no oil.
I drove to town and purchased three quarts of oil, came home and added them one quart at a time and after the third one was in finally something began to show on the end of the dipstick. I was in shock. After checking the manual I discovered that the engine was to have 6.4 quarts of oil, no wonder the oil pressure has been acting strange. So it is a mystery where the oil went or did they not put enough in last oil change?
So I drove to Tracy to my oil changing place and had them do a full blown change. The found it was a quart low then I got there so that means I had been driving about with just 2.5 quarts of oil. Surely the Lord protected the engine and led me to check it today. Being that it is a new engine with only 30,000 miles and no dripping I don't check it. Well I do now and tonight it is right at the top, where it belongs.
Tomorrow the renters come to pick it up for their trip to the mountains and it is clean and even has oil!
After the motorhome was cared for I worked on the lawn mower but unfortunately the part they sold me is the wrong part so that project did not work out. Then I started weeding my flowers in the front, what a hassle weeding is but all the weeds are in the trash can and the flowers are smiling again under the moonlight.
So my friends and family, good night, what kind of week does God have in mind for us? We are about to find out!
Love to all,
As planned this morning I jumped up and began to wash the motorhome. Once I was finally through I checked the water in the batteries and then almost as an afterthought I pulled the long dip stick to check the oil, but the problem was, there was NO oil. I checked it again and again, still no oil.
I drove to town and purchased three quarts of oil, came home and added them one quart at a time and after the third one was in finally something began to show on the end of the dipstick. I was in shock. After checking the manual I discovered that the engine was to have 6.4 quarts of oil, no wonder the oil pressure has been acting strange. So it is a mystery where the oil went or did they not put enough in last oil change?
So I drove to Tracy to my oil changing place and had them do a full blown change. The found it was a quart low then I got there so that means I had been driving about with just 2.5 quarts of oil. Surely the Lord protected the engine and led me to check it today. Being that it is a new engine with only 30,000 miles and no dripping I don't check it. Well I do now and tonight it is right at the top, where it belongs.
Tomorrow the renters come to pick it up for their trip to the mountains and it is clean and even has oil!
After the motorhome was cared for I worked on the lawn mower but unfortunately the part they sold me is the wrong part so that project did not work out. Then I started weeding my flowers in the front, what a hassle weeding is but all the weeds are in the trash can and the flowers are smiling again under the moonlight.
So my friends and family, good night, what kind of week does God have in mind for us? We are about to find out!
Love to all,
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Dear Family and Friends,
10:30 and its time to wind this day down.
Up at 7 this morning, 30 minutes on the tred mill wakened my dreary mind to the day, a quick look at the messages told me the girls could go to church so then it was oatmeal and home made toast.
Kim did a great job as teacher at SS and David and his sheep herding came to life. Kallie enjoyed the program and the snacks. They by popular demand we dined at Olive Garden. The girls were really very nice at lunch, as nice as a 3 year old and a 8 year old can be and then we drove home. Fighting sleep I delivered them to their parents and went home to rest.
Late in the afternoon we drove in to enjoy the Cancer Walk for Life, a 24 hour event in Brentwood that raises a lot of money, there were dozens of tents there as some people will spend the night and walk during the early hours. Nikki had purchased with a donation a memorial to Nan and we located the little sack with her Nan on it, the little white sacks with messages for each person who died with cancer were around the outer edge of the track at the high school and later in the evening are lite up somehow. We purchased tickets and then bid on several different gift baskets but without any luck this time around.
We went to Strings and had an eventful meal with very tired little ones but over all it was fun.
Now I'm home to rest.
Love to all,
10:30 and its time to wind this day down.
Up at 7 this morning, 30 minutes on the tred mill wakened my dreary mind to the day, a quick look at the messages told me the girls could go to church so then it was oatmeal and home made toast.
Kim did a great job as teacher at SS and David and his sheep herding came to life. Kallie enjoyed the program and the snacks. They by popular demand we dined at Olive Garden. The girls were really very nice at lunch, as nice as a 3 year old and a 8 year old can be and then we drove home. Fighting sleep I delivered them to their parents and went home to rest.
Late in the afternoon we drove in to enjoy the Cancer Walk for Life, a 24 hour event in Brentwood that raises a lot of money, there were dozens of tents there as some people will spend the night and walk during the early hours. Nikki had purchased with a donation a memorial to Nan and we located the little sack with her Nan on it, the little white sacks with messages for each person who died with cancer were around the outer edge of the track at the high school and later in the evening are lite up somehow. We purchased tickets and then bid on several different gift baskets but without any luck this time around.
We went to Strings and had an eventful meal with very tired little ones but over all it was fun.
Now I'm home to rest.
Love to all,
Friday, June 10, 2011
A Busy Day
Dear Family and Friends,
Well this one has raced by rapidly. I climbed out at 5 this morning so I could complete an appraisal that was promised today. At 7 it was completed and I emailed it out. Then it was time to load and roll. I arrived at the Clarion Hotel in Modesto at 8:15, had some food provided by the seminar and then joined the others at small tables. Our instructer turned out to be really terrific. He was funny, organized, knowledgeable and mostly helpful. I loved the day and he is considering moving to a small community near here. There were 25 of us in the meeting and at $199 a piece the teacher did OK today.
We had lunch right on the hotel grounds and he was interesting to talk to. I met another SDA appraiser who goes to a small church in Modesto, Parkwood. He mentioned that it might be nice if I could preach there, well that sounds like an opportunity.
The material was mind blowing and all for the benefit of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. They want to be able to mine info from our appraisal in a more uniform way so they are making us learn how to write our reports in a different way. They think it will add about 30 minutes to a report over the hours we already spend writing one up. Yet I know it is possible having been through the class.
After the class was over I met a friend from EHarmony for dinner. I really enjoyed the evening and she is a fine lady. I hope to see her again and perhaps go for a bike ride or a hike. She loves both. Since she is a teacher her schedule is less crowded during the summer months. It was a pleasant experience to meet such a really quality person and learn more about each other.
Tomorrow morning I hope to take the girls to SS at least that is what I heard last so I plan to be there at 9 ready to whisk them away to learn bible stories and fellowship with their peers. Then tomorrow afternoon Nikki and the girls are going to the cancer walk in Brentwood and have invited me to tag along. That is always a wonderful event.
Outside a helicopter is circling around meaning someone is in trouble and they are searching for them, probably in the delta. Sometimes they even land in the little park just up the street to take injured people to Walnut Creek.
So goes life tonight,
Sending love to all
Well this one has raced by rapidly. I climbed out at 5 this morning so I could complete an appraisal that was promised today. At 7 it was completed and I emailed it out. Then it was time to load and roll. I arrived at the Clarion Hotel in Modesto at 8:15, had some food provided by the seminar and then joined the others at small tables. Our instructer turned out to be really terrific. He was funny, organized, knowledgeable and mostly helpful. I loved the day and he is considering moving to a small community near here. There were 25 of us in the meeting and at $199 a piece the teacher did OK today.
We had lunch right on the hotel grounds and he was interesting to talk to. I met another SDA appraiser who goes to a small church in Modesto, Parkwood. He mentioned that it might be nice if I could preach there, well that sounds like an opportunity.
The material was mind blowing and all for the benefit of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. They want to be able to mine info from our appraisal in a more uniform way so they are making us learn how to write our reports in a different way. They think it will add about 30 minutes to a report over the hours we already spend writing one up. Yet I know it is possible having been through the class.
After the class was over I met a friend from EHarmony for dinner. I really enjoyed the evening and she is a fine lady. I hope to see her again and perhaps go for a bike ride or a hike. She loves both. Since she is a teacher her schedule is less crowded during the summer months. It was a pleasant experience to meet such a really quality person and learn more about each other.
Tomorrow morning I hope to take the girls to SS at least that is what I heard last so I plan to be there at 9 ready to whisk them away to learn bible stories and fellowship with their peers. Then tomorrow afternoon Nikki and the girls are going to the cancer walk in Brentwood and have invited me to tag along. That is always a wonderful event.
Outside a helicopter is circling around meaning someone is in trouble and they are searching for them, probably in the delta. Sometimes they even land in the little park just up the street to take injured people to Walnut Creek.
So goes life tonight,
Sending love to all
Thursday, June 9, 2011
The van goes to the car doctor
This is the way Kallie would put it. I was there in Lodi this morning at 8:35 and they took the van right in. There were two recalls, the power struts holding up the liftgate could fail allowing it to fall on someone, small seals in the brake master cylinder could fail. I expected to be there all day but mid morning the guy found me and said they would be totally done by noon. That was great news since I could not make the laptop link with their excellent wifi system, my phone linked in seconds but the laptop would never hook up, this is not the first time we've had trouble with it linking but its going to be the last time. Its going to get fixed so it works correctly. So my plans to write appraisals did not work out and at noon I paid the reasonable fee for the transmission service, the tire rotation and the all wheel alignment and headed back to the office.
I managed to fritter away the afternoon taking care of a lot of tasks that needed to be done and at 5 drove back to Stockton to see a property. Now I'm home again and ready to go to bed. I'll work a little more and then rest. Tomorrow is a full day in Modesto listening to the same speaker drone on for 7.5 hours. Yes I know we all have to have ongoing education but I'm not wild about it.
This morning I had a panic situation for a few minutes. I got in an email from a family asking if they could pick up the motorhome on Monday, suddenly I thought, have I double booked the motorhome? Yikes. I finally found the phone number for the second party and he reminded me that he is renting in July, not June. What a relief.
I'm listening to a great book right now as I travel. Its about a troubled law man who lives in the south, the writing by james burke is graphic, dramatic and extremely picturesque. You can just see the fog rise over the lake, see the rain in the dark trees, smell the wood smoke, feel the cold water of the mountain streams, really good stuff and he gets himself into terrible situations where it looks like he won't survive this round but comes out of it at the end. I'm not suggesting these are ideal books for a church book club, they are gritty and at times vulgar, still there are lessons that come through about honesty, out character, about both the good of man and the bad side of man.
Well with that said I'll sign off for tonight.
Sending love to all,
I managed to fritter away the afternoon taking care of a lot of tasks that needed to be done and at 5 drove back to Stockton to see a property. Now I'm home again and ready to go to bed. I'll work a little more and then rest. Tomorrow is a full day in Modesto listening to the same speaker drone on for 7.5 hours. Yes I know we all have to have ongoing education but I'm not wild about it.
This morning I had a panic situation for a few minutes. I got in an email from a family asking if they could pick up the motorhome on Monday, suddenly I thought, have I double booked the motorhome? Yikes. I finally found the phone number for the second party and he reminded me that he is renting in July, not June. What a relief.
I'm listening to a great book right now as I travel. Its about a troubled law man who lives in the south, the writing by james burke is graphic, dramatic and extremely picturesque. You can just see the fog rise over the lake, see the rain in the dark trees, smell the wood smoke, feel the cold water of the mountain streams, really good stuff and he gets himself into terrible situations where it looks like he won't survive this round but comes out of it at the end. I'm not suggesting these are ideal books for a church book club, they are gritty and at times vulgar, still there are lessons that come through about honesty, out character, about both the good of man and the bad side of man.
Well with that said I'll sign off for tonight.
Sending love to all,
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Another good day
Dear Family and Friends
Its early this evening but I'm home from spin class and frankly I'm enjoying sitting down for a few minutes. I have 11 points left for the day in WW and I'm considering an ear of corn, 2 points, butter, more points, tomatoes and cottage cheese, few points and then some strawberries. I've earned a bunch of points today with a 3 mile walk with Ken this morning and spin class for 40 minutes tonight. Kim was on fire, driving us hard and she said very nice things about how I'm doing. Yes I can handle it much better than when I first showed up long ago. I'm used to all the hard bodies around and can even dream of a day when mine will be better.
This morning I inspected a home in Concord, perfect property, everything in order, clean and orderly, a joy to appraise. The guy had a couple really fine rods in the garage, beautiful. On the way home I hit Burger King for a vegeburger, then reinspected a place here in Discovery bay and then came home to go to work. Lois came over using her walker and managed the walk very well. While she was here Dana called, Dana is Nan's sister who lives in Houston. Her message was that Adna, Nan's mom was dying, won't eat and of course without her mind left she does not understand what is happening. So Dana is heading to Eastland to meet up with Joe and Linda and David. I have no regrets about her passing. Its long overdue. She lived an incredible life but for the past few years was mostly unaware of anything just wasting away in a funeral home.
This is a very pleasant evening, warm, sunny, little wind blowing and birds singing and chirping away. I'm using the laptop as I want to make sure its working well. Tomorrow I'm taking the Honda Odyssey to Lodi where I'll be stuck for the day since they are doing two different recalls on it plus rotating the tires, servicing the transmission, doing a 4 wheel alignment. All of this is in anticipation of the trade we are doing within the family. Nikki and Steve are taking the van and its remaining payments and I'm taking Steve's Civic which he has done a remarkable job of caring for. Looks like a new car plus it is free and clear while the van has a few thousand left to pay. It works for both of us, Nikki will drive the van on a daily basis, Nan would be super pleased with that, Steve will drive the Pilot until that time he can trade it for a pickup he longs for. I'll have the civic as a backup car in case my bug with its 243,000 miles decides it needs to rest.
So I'll be at Lodi Honda for the day. I'm planning on taking some work with me to do, I can write up reports since they have wiifi which will let me stay connected to the world. Then at 6 in the evening I'm seeing a property in Stockton, on my way home.
On Friday I'm going to Modesto for a 7.5 hour seminar on the new appraisal report that will be required come Sept. 1st. Not looking forward to sitting all day but I'm meeting a friend afterwards for dinner, that will be nice.
Well since my appetite is growing and the corn is waiting I'll sign off now.
Sending love to all,
Its early this evening but I'm home from spin class and frankly I'm enjoying sitting down for a few minutes. I have 11 points left for the day in WW and I'm considering an ear of corn, 2 points, butter, more points, tomatoes and cottage cheese, few points and then some strawberries. I've earned a bunch of points today with a 3 mile walk with Ken this morning and spin class for 40 minutes tonight. Kim was on fire, driving us hard and she said very nice things about how I'm doing. Yes I can handle it much better than when I first showed up long ago. I'm used to all the hard bodies around and can even dream of a day when mine will be better.
This morning I inspected a home in Concord, perfect property, everything in order, clean and orderly, a joy to appraise. The guy had a couple really fine rods in the garage, beautiful. On the way home I hit Burger King for a vegeburger, then reinspected a place here in Discovery bay and then came home to go to work. Lois came over using her walker and managed the walk very well. While she was here Dana called, Dana is Nan's sister who lives in Houston. Her message was that Adna, Nan's mom was dying, won't eat and of course without her mind left she does not understand what is happening. So Dana is heading to Eastland to meet up with Joe and Linda and David. I have no regrets about her passing. Its long overdue. She lived an incredible life but for the past few years was mostly unaware of anything just wasting away in a funeral home.
This is a very pleasant evening, warm, sunny, little wind blowing and birds singing and chirping away. I'm using the laptop as I want to make sure its working well. Tomorrow I'm taking the Honda Odyssey to Lodi where I'll be stuck for the day since they are doing two different recalls on it plus rotating the tires, servicing the transmission, doing a 4 wheel alignment. All of this is in anticipation of the trade we are doing within the family. Nikki and Steve are taking the van and its remaining payments and I'm taking Steve's Civic which he has done a remarkable job of caring for. Looks like a new car plus it is free and clear while the van has a few thousand left to pay. It works for both of us, Nikki will drive the van on a daily basis, Nan would be super pleased with that, Steve will drive the Pilot until that time he can trade it for a pickup he longs for. I'll have the civic as a backup car in case my bug with its 243,000 miles decides it needs to rest.
So I'll be at Lodi Honda for the day. I'm planning on taking some work with me to do, I can write up reports since they have wiifi which will let me stay connected to the world. Then at 6 in the evening I'm seeing a property in Stockton, on my way home.
On Friday I'm going to Modesto for a 7.5 hour seminar on the new appraisal report that will be required come Sept. 1st. Not looking forward to sitting all day but I'm meeting a friend afterwards for dinner, that will be nice.
Well since my appetite is growing and the corn is waiting I'll sign off now.
Sending love to all,
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Mia takes to the piano
This afternoon I was gifted with a very special email from Jo. It was of Mia sitting at the little piano I gave Timothy. She was playing the piano, amazing and so cute. Wish I knew how to attach it here so you all could see it. So cute and Timothy was looking on from the background.
Just now I've been enjoying an amazing 14 minute UTube that Barbara Lammerding sent. Totally amazing as this very handicapped young man plays the piano with such skill yet cannot talk much or even know how to hold up 3 fingers, yet he can play in any key, any style and nearly any song anyone asks for from the audience.
Try it and if it works you are in for a treat.
Today has been uneventful. I had the joy of seeing the girls as they came down this morning, then breakfast and finally the happiness as they were delivered to their places.
I've been cranking on a report today and did some kitchen cleanup, some grocery shopping, attended WW and lost an amazing .4 pound. Got some new books from the library and ate in a little place in Brentwood where for awhile I was the only patron, a 2 egg senior omelet with fruit bowl. A perfect little dinner.
This evening I watched the sun set over the lake and now its bed time once again. Starr did a good job on her dinner today and is grumbling at me for some reason right now, not sure why, don't speak doggie very well.
Good night all,
Just now I've been enjoying an amazing 14 minute UTube that Barbara Lammerding sent. Totally amazing as this very handicapped young man plays the piano with such skill yet cannot talk much or even know how to hold up 3 fingers, yet he can play in any key, any style and nearly any song anyone asks for from the audience.
Try it and if it works you are in for a treat.
Today has been uneventful. I had the joy of seeing the girls as they came down this morning, then breakfast and finally the happiness as they were delivered to their places.
I've been cranking on a report today and did some kitchen cleanup, some grocery shopping, attended WW and lost an amazing .4 pound. Got some new books from the library and ate in a little place in Brentwood where for awhile I was the only patron, a 2 egg senior omelet with fruit bowl. A perfect little dinner.
This evening I watched the sun set over the lake and now its bed time once again. Starr did a good job on her dinner today and is grumbling at me for some reason right now, not sure why, don't speak doggie very well.
Good night all,
Monday, June 6, 2011
Good day
Dear friends and family
The fire is burning, Starr is snoring beside me and hannity is on.
It's been a good day. I was the kiddos this morning and delivered them to their places. They can be fighting one minute and singing together the next. Kids! Great fun.
Today was nice in that a nice check arrived. Now it's always nice to get money.
This morning I asked God for work and within an hour an order came. Thankyou Lord.
So one day down and the week is running.
Love to all
The fire is burning, Starr is snoring beside me and hannity is on.
It's been a good day. I was the kiddos this morning and delivered them to their places. They can be fighting one minute and singing together the next. Kids! Great fun.
Today was nice in that a nice check arrived. Now it's always nice to get money.
This morning I asked God for work and within an hour an order came. Thankyou Lord.
So one day down and the week is running.
Love to all
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Sunday report
Dear Friends and Family,
Starr is enjoying a moment by the radiant heater supplied by George and Yvonne many years ago. In spite of hind legs that no longer work properly she still moves around, finds the water and food and enjoys a snack once in a while. She loves to go in the car or motorhome and crys when she does not get to go.

This has been a rainy day here in Northern Cal. So much rain for so late in the year but this should silence those who are always harping at us for taking showers, etc. I just love do gooders telling others what to do. Like burning my little wood stove. I like to light it up when I feel like it, it has all the stuff that scrubs the smoke, not saying you can't smell it but I happen to like it. So does Starr.
I've been careful today about what I'm putting into the system. Oatmeal, whole wheat bread, tomatoes, good soup and lots of water and yummy coffee. So far this evening I've stayed out of the kitchen. In the morning I do the kiddo duty at 7 am so need to head to bed soon.
Had a delightful surprise this afternoon when there was a knock at the back door. George and Yvonne were out driving, had enjoyed lunch at Streets of Brentwood, our version of a shopping center and dropped in for a minute. That was a great surprise.
I've finished one report today and am well into the second one. I'll have to complete the second one after the kiddos in the morning. This morning when I rolled out I strapped on the tennis shoes long ago provided by Roger and Carol and rode for 30 minutes on the tred mill. That was a great way to start the day.
If you are not doing some exercise I just want to mention that in spite of my being so overweight I still really feel better all day when I exercise. Find something you really enjoy and then do it as often as you can.
Sending love to all
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Sabbath evening
Good evening
I'm writing from steve and nikkis tonight. They are out enjoying themselves at dinner and a movie.
So I'm watching kallie and keanna. It is always an adventure. We did sabbath school today and kallie was a birthday girl. She got to pick a gift from the birthday box.
We did olive garden for lunch and then parted ways. I enjoyed some rest, built a fire, baked a 10 grain loaf of bread.
So that is about it for the day.
Sending love.
I'm writing from steve and nikkis tonight. They are out enjoying themselves at dinner and a movie.
So I'm watching kallie and keanna. It is always an adventure. We did sabbath school today and kallie was a birthday girl. She got to pick a gift from the birthday box.
We did olive garden for lunch and then parted ways. I enjoyed some rest, built a fire, baked a 10 grain loaf of bread.
So that is about it for the day.
Sending love.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Dear Family and Friends,
wow, what a day! I left this morning after a breakfast of oatmeal and whole wheat toast. I arrived early in Lodi and enjoyed inspecting a very nice duplex property and seeing old friends. Once I was through I set my course for Danville and arrived about 15 minutes late. The home was lovely and decorated so nicely, landscaping was perfect and all 3,200 sf was perfect. By the time I had completed that inspection I had slipped behind time wise so once again I allowed the GPS to guide me to the Fremont appointment. This home had great landscaping, great owners and excellent condition. This one took a while to find all the comparables but then I drove back to Danville to shoot the comp photos and finally after a bite to eat arrived at home around 8:30. I think I drove about 300 miles today but with an excellent book to listen to the time passed quickly. While I had hoped for orders to arrive none came in.
I am thankful for a safe day, for the car functioning perfectly and for the work to do.
Now its the Sabbath and the christian dish is providing excellent programs. Joyce Myers is just over and she is really good at getting a person to look, to trust and to move by conviction, not feelings. How is that with you? Do you live, move, decide to do things by how you feel or by what you know is right? I know I often am led by feelings, feelings that are very unreliable instead of deeply held convictions. After thinking that once I arrived at senior citizen status I would have some things behind me I find that is not true at all. Some battles seem to be with us forever.
I think I'll have the girls for SS in the morning. I sure hope so as its been a few weeks and the girls like SS so much. We are so fortunate to have excellent teachers who really care about kids.
So good night friend and family,
Love to all
wow, what a day! I left this morning after a breakfast of oatmeal and whole wheat toast. I arrived early in Lodi and enjoyed inspecting a very nice duplex property and seeing old friends. Once I was through I set my course for Danville and arrived about 15 minutes late. The home was lovely and decorated so nicely, landscaping was perfect and all 3,200 sf was perfect. By the time I had completed that inspection I had slipped behind time wise so once again I allowed the GPS to guide me to the Fremont appointment. This home had great landscaping, great owners and excellent condition. This one took a while to find all the comparables but then I drove back to Danville to shoot the comp photos and finally after a bite to eat arrived at home around 8:30. I think I drove about 300 miles today but with an excellent book to listen to the time passed quickly. While I had hoped for orders to arrive none came in.
I am thankful for a safe day, for the car functioning perfectly and for the work to do.
Now its the Sabbath and the christian dish is providing excellent programs. Joyce Myers is just over and she is really good at getting a person to look, to trust and to move by conviction, not feelings. How is that with you? Do you live, move, decide to do things by how you feel or by what you know is right? I know I often am led by feelings, feelings that are very unreliable instead of deeply held convictions. After thinking that once I arrived at senior citizen status I would have some things behind me I find that is not true at all. Some battles seem to be with us forever.
I think I'll have the girls for SS in the morning. I sure hope so as its been a few weeks and the girls like SS so much. We are so fortunate to have excellent teachers who really care about kids.
So good night friend and family,
Love to all
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Lull before the storm
Dear Family and Friends,
Well today has been rather low key. Our weather continues to be cool. This morning I finally dragged myself outside, jumped on my bike and gave the speedometer its first tryout. It works great but I discovered that the walk Ken and I take nearly every morning, that is until recently, is actually 2.8, not 3 full miles so all these years I've been reporting incorrectly about the distance.
At 11:40 I attempted to pick up Keanna but since all the children were leaving at the same time parking was a challenge, you just can't believe the selfishness of some of the drivers, they just stop in the road to wait for their kids with a line of cars behind that need to find parking places, today there was a traffic cop lady telling them to move on but even then it took awhile to get them moving. Once I found Keanna I discovered a very sad little girl, not only was it her last day of school but she had collided with another kid and had a tooth mark in her forehead and a huge bump. She had an ice pack on it and was coping.
Once we got home I built a little fire, made her popcorn and she enjoyed her shows for awhile. Then we left for Brentwood where we did a bank deposit, shopped at Dollartree and then stopped for a snack at Taco Bell.
Then we rushed back to meet Nikki and Kallie who were visiting Keanna's friends who also live on the lake. Then I drove back to Brentwood and with Ray's help picked up the van which now has a freshly painted hood, a new headlight. I had to pay the deductible and now the van is safely home in the garage. All due to a little piece of wood that flew up and hit the van on the levee road last fall. Could you imagine that the repair came to $1,600 for that little incident. Soon we are trading cars, the van for the civic but not until we both get little things taken care of for our own cars.
While I was in town I took $54 worth of supplies I had purchased to screen the van back to Home Depot since I no longer needed them. That cash paid for groceries at FoodMax. Meds were also picked up from CVS.
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day, at 11 I inspect a duplex in Lodi and then at 1:30 I see a property in Danville, at 3 I see yet another property in Fremont and then I head home for a restful evening. I am so thankful for the work and I do praise God for allowing it to happen. While working on the computer today I caught an incoming email announcing that an order was available. I dialed in but by the time I got to the web site the order was already snagged by someone else. Bummer.
This evening I'm sending love and prayers to friend Roger in N. Carolina as the specialists attempt to solve his serious health problems. I know there are others who also need our prayers, its a very troubled time in this great country and with no strong leadership we are adrift.
Well today has been rather low key. Our weather continues to be cool. This morning I finally dragged myself outside, jumped on my bike and gave the speedometer its first tryout. It works great but I discovered that the walk Ken and I take nearly every morning, that is until recently, is actually 2.8, not 3 full miles so all these years I've been reporting incorrectly about the distance.
At 11:40 I attempted to pick up Keanna but since all the children were leaving at the same time parking was a challenge, you just can't believe the selfishness of some of the drivers, they just stop in the road to wait for their kids with a line of cars behind that need to find parking places, today there was a traffic cop lady telling them to move on but even then it took awhile to get them moving. Once I found Keanna I discovered a very sad little girl, not only was it her last day of school but she had collided with another kid and had a tooth mark in her forehead and a huge bump. She had an ice pack on it and was coping.
Once we got home I built a little fire, made her popcorn and she enjoyed her shows for awhile. Then we left for Brentwood where we did a bank deposit, shopped at Dollartree and then stopped for a snack at Taco Bell.
Then we rushed back to meet Nikki and Kallie who were visiting Keanna's friends who also live on the lake. Then I drove back to Brentwood and with Ray's help picked up the van which now has a freshly painted hood, a new headlight. I had to pay the deductible and now the van is safely home in the garage. All due to a little piece of wood that flew up and hit the van on the levee road last fall. Could you imagine that the repair came to $1,600 for that little incident. Soon we are trading cars, the van for the civic but not until we both get little things taken care of for our own cars.
While I was in town I took $54 worth of supplies I had purchased to screen the van back to Home Depot since I no longer needed them. That cash paid for groceries at FoodMax. Meds were also picked up from CVS.
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day, at 11 I inspect a duplex in Lodi and then at 1:30 I see a property in Danville, at 3 I see yet another property in Fremont and then I head home for a restful evening. I am so thankful for the work and I do praise God for allowing it to happen. While working on the computer today I caught an incoming email announcing that an order was available. I dialed in but by the time I got to the web site the order was already snagged by someone else. Bummer.
This evening I'm sending love and prayers to friend Roger in N. Carolina as the specialists attempt to solve his serious health problems. I know there are others who also need our prayers, its a very troubled time in this great country and with no strong leadership we are adrift.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
What a day
Some days are just better than others, sure it could not decide if it would rain, blow, shine but in spite of the strange spring weather this was a killer day. Starr and I jumped up this morning at 6:45 with some excitement, this was the day when I was to see the dentist again, now can you believe being excited about a medical or dental visit, well I was, nervous too really, I gag and I did not want to make a nut out of myself.
I worked at my desk and enjoyed a huge smoothie with blue berries and a very ripe banana with the special magic powder from Dolly. Then at 10:45 I left for Hollister. I set the cruise on the bug at 65 and was buffeted by the weather but had little traffic. It takes a couple hours and I've kept the address of the doctor in the gps memory. I pulled up to the minute at his office at 1:30 and was greeted by his happy staff. They were looking up Discovery Bay on their office computer and we chatted for a bit. Then it was the short walk to the big chair. He started in smiling and working quickly and calmly. He ground and the machine whirred in my mouth, he took impressions and soon I was fitted with a temporary bridge, then he set to work on a front tooth that was chipped badly from a surgery done long ago, a surgery that was a total failure but my tooth suffered anyway. With a few strokes he created a new corner on the tooth matching the color and now it looks much nicer. He informed me that on the next visit he would do a cavity, install the crown, do a teeth cleaning and we would be in good shape. I just feel so relieved to be doing something about this matter when I've feared it and dreaded the fact that my teeth might be getting worse while I waited for funds to do the work. Now we have it handled and I've made a friend in Dr. Clarke.
I was out of his office before 2 pm and obeyed his warning not to do a bunch of munching right away. I set the GPS for addresses in Tracy so I could complete the appraisal. It took me to 152 and then 5 for an effortless trip to Tracy. Along the way I noticed diesel for $4.09 so I stopped to top it off. Wonder of wonders but I had just clocked my best fuel mileage every, 53.4 mpg. Can we say tail wind or something helpful.
Once the photos were taken in Tracy I raced home, changed into bike shorts and was out the door for spin class. Kim was in rare form and demanded that we work hard, water fell everywhere from my body and yet I now feel great, nice to know I can do that even if I don't do it as well as the hard bodies which are all around me. Kim is great to me and helpful.
This evening I've finished up the appraisal and its emailed to the lender, I've also set up an order that came in today while I was driving, yea!
I call this a good day and when I got home I had a great email from a friend through EHarmony. Those are always enjoyable too.
So wishing all of you a good night,
I worked at my desk and enjoyed a huge smoothie with blue berries and a very ripe banana with the special magic powder from Dolly. Then at 10:45 I left for Hollister. I set the cruise on the bug at 65 and was buffeted by the weather but had little traffic. It takes a couple hours and I've kept the address of the doctor in the gps memory. I pulled up to the minute at his office at 1:30 and was greeted by his happy staff. They were looking up Discovery Bay on their office computer and we chatted for a bit. Then it was the short walk to the big chair. He started in smiling and working quickly and calmly. He ground and the machine whirred in my mouth, he took impressions and soon I was fitted with a temporary bridge, then he set to work on a front tooth that was chipped badly from a surgery done long ago, a surgery that was a total failure but my tooth suffered anyway. With a few strokes he created a new corner on the tooth matching the color and now it looks much nicer. He informed me that on the next visit he would do a cavity, install the crown, do a teeth cleaning and we would be in good shape. I just feel so relieved to be doing something about this matter when I've feared it and dreaded the fact that my teeth might be getting worse while I waited for funds to do the work. Now we have it handled and I've made a friend in Dr. Clarke.
I was out of his office before 2 pm and obeyed his warning not to do a bunch of munching right away. I set the GPS for addresses in Tracy so I could complete the appraisal. It took me to 152 and then 5 for an effortless trip to Tracy. Along the way I noticed diesel for $4.09 so I stopped to top it off. Wonder of wonders but I had just clocked my best fuel mileage every, 53.4 mpg. Can we say tail wind or something helpful.
Once the photos were taken in Tracy I raced home, changed into bike shorts and was out the door for spin class. Kim was in rare form and demanded that we work hard, water fell everywhere from my body and yet I now feel great, nice to know I can do that even if I don't do it as well as the hard bodies which are all around me. Kim is great to me and helpful.
This evening I've finished up the appraisal and its emailed to the lender, I've also set up an order that came in today while I was driving, yea!
I call this a good day and when I got home I had a great email from a friend through EHarmony. Those are always enjoyable too.
So wishing all of you a good night,
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