Thursday, October 27, 2016

I'm back

As I work here at my desk, a place I've been all day other than some quick grocery shopping at the local Safeway I hear the rain fall outside, just hoping that mid day tomorrow perhaps the rain could abate and I'll be able to measure homes without being soaked, oh well, happens so seldom.

thanks to Jessy and her mom Susan I'm gradually getting a bit caught up in past orders.

New work is coming in fast and furious even though everyone is upset at how long I'm taking to finish their jobs.

I'm so thankful for many things, house, car, great family with interesting little people and great adults too, super friends and a wonderful woman in Houston.  How I wish she could be here but right now we seem to be making some progress with immigration, not that it will mean she can stay here, there will be a day when she probably has to go back to her family and home in Singapore and then we start over again asking for permission for her to come live here with me, how it all works out I don't know, no one does right now, not even immigration.  I wish I could just step forward as her sponsor and assume the process of getting her green card assigned but I'm told that that is not a good idea probably to switch sponsors and I don't think she will ever get approved for a full green card with her other sponsor since so many things have come out about his actions years ago.

I am going over thanksgiving to Houston and will enjoy time with her again.

Right now she has just texted me that she is off to bed to get much needed rest.

I'm going to bed now too, tired and worn out from sitting and typing, I've discovered that I could be much faster at writing up reports if I knew the 10 key on the computer so I'm starting to learn it now, why not.

Sending love to all of you now,

God is pretty good to us but oh how wonderful it will be to be with Him and to feel His love first hand.

Good night


Sunday, October 23, 2016

And so it moves forward

Sunday evening, today Jessy was kind enough to use her day off to come and work on appraisals, she did a bunch and helped a lot, yes she made some money, she earned it for sure.  What a great push forward her coming was.
I've been walking my 3 miles in the mornings in 45 minutes, getting stronger but so depressed by the huge back log of work I have to catch up on, my eye sight is really terrible since the surgery, got some eye drops today and they helped a lot.
Yesterday Keanna invited me to the Brain Games, a contest held at a high school where each school sends a team to compete, this is the second year running that her team has won the whole event, great fun to watch her in action.  Also got to see Kallie too and Nikki for lunch at Diggers, good food.
Am enjoying time spent with Moon, today she attended church so she could have special prayer time for the many things she faces, brave lady and she is packing now knowing that sooner or later she will have to return to Singapore to her family and then we will start her quest to be here in the US again only this time with me as her sponsor.
I'm going there for Thanksgiving which will be really wonderful, I've not seen her for several months due to the surgery other than face time and many texts and phone calls every day.
Now its off to bed, still buried with work and so thankful for family, friends, God's incredible love and life itself.

Love to all


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Sabbath Morning Victory

Dear Family and Friends,
I'm just back from my first 3 mile walk since the surgery which was 2 months ago today.  At first it felt a little rough but then my body settled down and I did the route in 47 minutes and I'm still standing.
Have Oatmeal with egg cooking in the microwave now.  Yes my heart is sending some minor complaints but overall my heart rate is good, my breathing is resting now and I'm happy with this progress.
Today at 10:30 I pick up Keanna and we drive to San Jose to enjoy a day celebrating Mia's 6th birthday.  It will be great, she is a very interesting little girl and is smart, creative and loves Lego's for girls.
Now its shower time and a chance to relax a bit as we celebrate God's love and such goodness we feel at his hand.
Love to all, treasure what you have, a heart that beats, a roof that sheds sun and rain, people that make life rich and pleasant.

Take care today my family and friends,


Monday, October 10, 2016

Buried with success

Good evening
for the past 30 years thanks to the great help of the Vogels who taught us the business I've been very busy creating appraisals.  I've had big years and small years but what is taking place right now is different.
When you combine my attempting to recover from the open heart surgery, a process they told me would take 3 months to recover from and you add in the most work I've ever had at a time when I was working alone, when Jessy has just been given the job of her life time with the police department and is just loving it, when she gives me all the time she can afford but its not nearly enough to keep up with the work load and training someone else is almost out of the question, so I just work and sleep and it does not see like I do anything very well.  I'm trying to keep a relationship with Moon building but I've not seen her in months due to the surgery and now the work load.

I'm depressed, am dizzy most of the time from the heart medicine, can't lift much and when I do my chest lets me know for the next two days, some days I wake with a headache that lasts all day.

Yes I pray and ask God for His help but sometimes I feel like God is way to busy with good people to notice my struggles.  Yes you are right, I'm down tonight.  I've just completed an appraisal that Jerry drove me to in Walnut Grove on the 15th, I've struggled with comps and everything, everyone is angry, I tried to turn it down but they said they had no one else who could do it and what a mess it has been.  Now its done but filled with dated sales that are located near and far from the subject property.  At least its done until tomorrow morning when they come back with a new set of conditions for me to deal with.

One thing I very much enjoy is coming to the Tracy church, I love the pastor's sermons and his leadership, I feel good about my family and I relax when I'm there with my friends.

right now I must go to bed, have to be up early and working tomorrow, try to take a quick walk to the park first, its depressing when everyone leaves and the sounds of the house are creepy and lonely.  They were a great team but it had to end.  I was well and strong.

Please include me in your prayers,

Love to all
