Friday, July 23, 2010

At last the rest day

Well here we are again at the end of another week.  Were there moments when we helped people?  Lifted someone's load? Smiled when we felt like crying?  Are we closer to our goals, our hopes, are we further from our demons and bad habits?
This week has brought me orders, good news at WW with more weight lost, recovery from illness that hovered over me last weekend, a kind visitor comes to visit, the temperature has been more livable.
Bad patches are the constant coughing, the boat breakdown in the delta leaving my little family stranded, my finding them in the van across fields and dirt roads, everyone safe!
I'm not sure that I've helped anyone this week when I stop to think about it, too bad.
Tonight it would be fun to be at campmeeting at Soquel with good speakers, seeing old friends, listening to great music.  I've always enjoyed campmeetings, nearly my whole life, I used to go to Gladstone near Portland every year and grew up helping the ministers set up and tear down campmeeting.  I was in every meeting, got to sing as a boy soprano for the adult tent where thousands gathered.  It was a good experience for a little farm boy.  I had my first kiss between rows of tents, my first experience making money hauling ice to individual tents where ice boxes kept milk cold, sometimes people would give me a quarter for pulling the wagon to their tent with a huge block of ice on board.
Redwood Creek is an amazing campmeeting too with a stunning setting in the middle of Redwoods.
Going to camp meeting was the only vacation we ever took when I was little, vacation was not something discussed, sort of like people in our area never got braces, that came later, thank goodness. The dentists needed the money!
I sort of like this time in life, no one expects you to do much lifting due to age and forgotten appointments can be blamed on a slowing mind, younger people sort of look out for you a little bit.  It is also a sad time, a time when I can no longer bail everyone out financially, now I exist from week to week and hope, pray for better times.  Yet compared to the majority of the people living in this old world we here in America are rich and blessed with the comforts of life.
This evening I'm feeling very tired, the week has been long, the work stressful, so many things have changed recently, got to remember every little thing or get it bounced back at you. 
What I am feeling tonight is relief that for 24 hours our minds can rise to a higher plain, that work can be replaced by rest and peace.
May you enjoy your life this weekend.  Share a hug, give a compliment, touch with love, do your best.



1 comment:

  1. Loved the recollection about campmeeting in Gladstone on many levels! Thanks for the smile early this AM!! :)
    Judy (Cate)
