Thursday, August 19, 2010

Slow day

Dear Family and Friends,
Our wonderful summer weather continues, sure makes one think twice about the supposed global warming threat!  While I worked in the office Marilyn has begin the long process of sorting all the appraisal files so they are in order.  She does not know when to stop, take a break or put things off for the next day.  She is relentless.  Well at least tomorrow morning she travels to Sacramento to see her friend and sisters before she returns to the east.  That will give her a break.

I am traveling myself tomorrow, traveling to MBA to spend time with Jason, Jo and Timothy, its been over a month since I've seen them for any length of time and I long to see Timothy in action once again.  I'll miss Keanna at soccer but we talked and she understands I need to see Timothy too.

This afternoon I received a call from a loan officer in Vegas.  He said he was calling because Jerry, my brother, had told him about me being in the business and they often had appraisals up this way and needed someone to order from.  So on Monday I'm going to Valley Springs to see a little place, that is good news and doubled my orders for the week to "2".  I am so thankful.

Late this afternoon we left for errands, buying stamps, making a deposit, shooting comparable photos for a ranch report, getting a hair cut, having a bean and cheese burrito with Marilyn and Lois.  We accomplished all our objectives and are now back home.  Of course Marilyn is once again pushing files in her relentless manner, she does not know when to stop but of course I am getting the benefit from having everything files where it needs to go, should help me for a long time to come and once it is caught up Loree can come in a keep it in order.  That is once I get enough orders that I once again need her help, oh how I long for that day, she is incredible at what she does and I love having her help.  Yet Marilyn has helped get everything caught up for the in between time when I can't afford to have Loree come on a regular basis.

This evening there was a little street fair on the street by the place where I get my hair cut and we wandered around a little bit.  After the hair cut I was wishing I could get a photo for E Harmony while it still looked good.  At the first table was a group from the Discovery Bay Garden Club and one of the nice ladies was someone I knew from the grief group, Mary Ogden.  I have admired her from afar for a couple years, a very courageous fighter who so far is winning over her cancer.  She offered to take some shots but didn't know how to email them to me so I'll take my laptop to her house in the morning and download the photos.  I think she got a pretty good one and like Marilyn says today I was not wearing a Hawaii shirt, she is down on Hawaii shirts and now I'm thinking I'm not too hot on them all the time either.  Anyway I'll get to see where she lives and get the photo as well.  Slick huh!

Well its about time to consider going to bed as sleep is hard to achieve with all that is not going on these days.  In the last 5 days I've added in about 6 or 7 management companies and not heard from any of them with work.  At least the order that came as a result of my brothers urging has me getting into a management company sort of through the back door but who cares, in is in and they think they might have 8 or so a month up this way, that would be nice.  When the orders come I will believe but its nice to hope.

So another day has passed.  I keep looking for ways to help others, sometimes they pop up, some days go where it seems I help no one.  I ask for God to lead every morning but I'm sure many days that is the last time I think about it until night time when my head hits the pillow.

So for this evening I'm signing off and wishing all of you an upcoming great weekend.



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