Thursday, November 11, 2010

Another good day.

Dear World,
How can you top this?  I got to have dinner with these two and their driver tonight, what fun to be with these incredible young ladies and hear their wisdom, their jokes, their teasing.  It was a last minute invite and they are often the best kind.  I drove in to meet them and we had a quick bite before Keanna's swimming classes took place.  Kallie rode with me over to the club and she was full of fun and her little comments.  We talked about losing Lady but she knew I still had Starr.

This evening made the rest of the day pale in comparison, you know the excitement of being stuck in traffic over and over again as I tried to get to Fremont this morning and then just the process of finding all the comparables and getting their pictures shot without people coming unglued.  Fun stuff.

I'm adjusting to a quiet house again.  It was so wonderful to have Barb and Gerry here, they are like the world's most pleasant people with ideas, suggestions, loving help and encouragement.  They have been true friends for many years, a very precious treasure.

My physician Jim had surgery on Tuesday, turned out to be 12 hours long and was very tough and go for awhile.  Today he is doing better Deborah reports, she runs the office and was fielding calls during the day.  I think he could use our prayers as he recovers.  At this point he is still in ICU, no fun at all.

And at this point I'm heading to bed, I know its early but I'm tired so this time I will listen to my body and just go crash.  I can always get up early in the morning to work.

Good night



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