Friday, January 21, 2011

Its over

Dear Family and Friends,
Finally this dreary week has come to an end.  My day started when I discovered a nasty case of vertigo this morning, it continued through the shower and well into the day.  Not sure what is going on, felt low and had no energy during the day.
At 2:37 I picked up Keanna and we drove to Brentwood to the Dollar Store.  There Keanna shopped and ended up mostly shopping for things for Kalie.  She has come up with a board with stars and when Kallie does helpful things then there are stars which could lead to a trip to the gift box, Keanna bought things for the gift box today, very sweet and at the check out counter she carefully counted out her money, it was precious indeed.
Later I returned her to her parents and then I came home to collapse.  I've had a roaring fire going this evening, in fact right now its way to hot to stay in the family room.  For dinner I made pasta and used spaghetti sauce, mushrooms, frozen peas and a bit of cottage cheese.  It turned out great and this time I actually put some away for another meal.
Tomorrow I do not have the girls, they have an appointment with their friends for a play day over in Pleasanton so I"ll either lie low and rest more, or drive somewhere for worship service and try to get my head back on straight.

I'm glad this week is over, it started so well with the day at the aquarium but with almost no work to do its been a very down week.  Sylvia came and worked hard to get the files in order, that was a huge step forward for the business and for me personally.  I've just felt like I had no energy to do anything this week, not sure what is wrong but I don't like it at all.

I hope each of you have a good weekend and worshipful Sabbath.



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