Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Very tired

Good evening
Well its almost midnight but I've got three reports out today plus a lot of conditions as well.  Its been a long day.  It started with a trip to Antioch where I did an inspection, great house, used to be a model.  Then I rushed back to begin working in the office.  The joy of the day was when Keanna came visit.  Marilyn picked her up at school and then she did her homework, munched on popcorn and did some pretty nice coloring work.

I had decided early on that I would go to spin class and I did, had a terrible bout of coughing there that was hard to cope with but managed to keep going for the 35 minutes.  What a workout, all ones clothes get soaked with the workout.  Kim was on a high energy trip today so we all worked very hard.  Now there was this one lady who warned me she was going to take my bike and ended up on a bike nearby, very nice scenery and she did not miss a beat, very strong.

So after the workout I came home, showered and Marilyn had some new potatoes and a vege on the table.  Tasted so good.  Then it was back to work again and this evening I've finished one that was due.  It always feels good to ship things out.

I just checked my bank and all three accounts are upside down.  With the Blue Cross mess, they took back nearly $1,200 from my savings account, I literally have no money.  Tomorrow I'll go to the bank, write a check on the personal account using the overdraft provision and get the other accounts into shape.  For a one time charge of $31 I can get the other accounts in the black and just hope, pray that money shows up in the mail.  I tell you Blue Cross has joined my least favorite list along with AppraiserLoft.  Between the two of them they have cost me over $5,000 and you know how tight things are.  I honestly wonder sometimes how long I can hold it all together and even what that means.  I'm working every minute I'm awake, under a lot of stress, my body is coping very poorly, lungs hurt all the time, breathing is better in the morning than in the evening and the blood sugar is still not where it should be but its better.  Funny how a new battery in the meter can make a difference.

so I could use your prayers as I face some rough sledding once again.  I've very thankful for work and I try to do as well as I can with each order, to get them done in a manner that is honest and careful.  I try to take good care of the people in their homes, listen to them, explain what I'm doing.

Oh well, its time for bed and so far I can sleep pretty well.

Sending love and appreciation to all,


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