Well here we are again, another week in the books and a Sabbath to enjoy. We do have a very incredible Maker who loves with a love that we know little of.
Oh how we need the presence of the Lord in our country, we are moving rapidly away from biblical principles of working, building, trusting dreaming a dream, taking chances to get there. Every other civilization that has moved the way we are moving has eventually failed. It fills my heart with dread when I look into the eyes of our little ones, we are creating the world they will have to live in and it is less pretty every day, huge debt on their shoulders, higher and higher taxes, where does it all end.
Today for me has been pleasant, I rolled out, reset the alarm and rolled out an hour later, showered, cleaned the wound on my arm and then descended to a cool world, so I took time to build a fire and within minutes it was toasty and pleasant, I stood there and wished there was a way I could just work in front of the fire instead of around the corner.
I set to work on appraisals and soon found myself out shooting comparables photos, taking money to the bank and having a decaf no sugar peppermint mocha, great stuff.
Then it was back home to work more and put the finishing touches on a ranchette appraisal. Then it was time to start on a nasty Stockton Duplex for the bank, didn't quite finish that one before the end of day.
I set out to drive the VW to town since its the car with the child seats. But its battery was dead, seems I left the XM radio on and it had depleted the battery as the days passed. So I had to chance cars. I went to the dance studio where Keanna and Kallie have dance classes, that was a total chance for the day, Jerry called but had to give up as he could not hear me with all the little people moving about and chattering.
Once the girls were through with tap shoes and dance clothes we went to Jaliscos, our favorite little Mexican place for dinner. Dinner with the girls is always sort of an adventure but still very enjoyable.
Now I'm home, the battery charger is doing its magic to the bugs battery and I'm settled in for the night.
This week I've tried to much more in charge than in prior weeks and its has worked very well. Instead of letting homeowner insist on seeing me on a day that I had planned to be in the office I just simply state what days I can be in their area and its working well.
In the last 12 hours I've taken in many new orders and if I stay on track I will see 500 orders this year which is about 175 more than last year. That is a huge blessing, one I never forget even while stressing over how to get the work I have completed. Another real blessing is that Steve is now getting lots of orders as well keeping him busy.
Good night my dear friends and family,
Love to all
Friday, November 16, 2012
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