Monday, December 10, 2012


Good evening,

Proof of where I spent my morning.  We left at 5:15 and with little traffic arrived just after 6 am.  At 7:15 I was taken to the area where I was prepared for the Cardioversion.  Two excellent nurses, one man and one woman got me ready,  A spot on my chest was shaved, an IV inserted in the back of my hand, I got to wear this stunning purpose gown and I even got new walking sox's.  Gradually the people involved appeared and anesthesiologist talked me through what was going to happen.  Several dozen questions were fielded and finally I signed away my life for the procedure.  I had already signed away $1,283 at the front desk.

When Dr. Hanna arrived we were ready and the process moved forward.  They gave me the same drug that killed Michael Jackson, GREAT! and had me breath deeply from an oxygen mask, one moment I was awake and the next I was waking up with smiling people all around, it had worked on the first shock.  They were prepared to do it up to three times if needed.

After about an hour of recovery I was allowed to dress and jump into a wheelchair where I was transported to the front door.  My friend was there with the car and we headed down 680 until we found a Waffle House where an excellent 2 egg omelet got me going.

Then we drove to Union city where I did a property, felt a little shaky so took it slow.  Then since it was my friend's birthday we ate at Olive Garden, the meal was perfect and the service was even nicer.  They sang, it was great.

Then we caught another house located in the Hayward hills and then fought traffic all the way home.

In a few minutes I'm heading to bed.  I am delighted and very thankful that the heart's normal rhythm has been restored and in about a week I can resume exercise again per the doctor.

I am so thankful to the many who have offered prayers in my behalf today, it went exactly as we had hoped.  Now we just hope it stays normal.

Love to all,


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