Saturday, March 9, 2013

Lizzie Miller gets married

Good evening
I'm just back from a ride through the back country.  I spent a very enjoyable evening helping Lizzie celebrate her wedding.  It was held at the Grand Island Mansion in Walnut Grove.  Funny thing is my GPS decided that I needed to go all the way up to Twin Cities road to get there so I was a bit late.  Most of the people who relied on a paper map or google did much better.  It was a beautiful wedding under the setting sun and many of our life long friends were there to celebrate.  The Mansion is really quite spectacular and well maintained.  There was a ball room on the lower level and thats where everyone was when I left.  Jason and family came and seeing the little kids on the dance floor was great, Timothy and Mia just had a blast.

The food was great and of course everyone was dressed to look their best.

I started the day by taking the girls to Sabbath School.  That was an adventure and then we drove to Brentwood where we met up with Steve and Kallie tried out for the swim team.  She passed, got her cookie and then we went to McDonalds where they played and played and did some eating as well.  Eventually I left them with their father and I drove home. Took a brief nap in my work chair and then dressed for the wedding.

Its nice to leave work totally behind sometimes and Sabbath provides that opportunity.

Sending love to all,


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