Thursday, May 30, 2013


And graduates from pre K to fully blown K.  It was a great evening, we sat near the front and enjoyed watching and Kallie and a lot of other children as they sang and verbalized little sayings, then graduated.

Once we were through we drove over to the local Pizza place and had Kallie's birthday party, the family one, next Sabbath she celebrates at a farm with ponies to ride.  From papa she received her first American Girl, she seemed to love it, she got lots of special things she has been hoping for and we all had a great time.

Now I'm back to do a bit more work and fall asleep.  Its been a high pressure day once again, who in the world schedules these big days?  Well its me.

I rose at 6 after having a great night, a great night for me is when I don't wake up, I don't dream to much and I don't even remember going to bed.

After a quick breakfast I did a couple conditions and then headed out to Richmond.  Now going to Richmond at 8 in the morning is filled with potential problems, I hit them all, a dead car on the freeway, road construction in several places but I arrived about 10 minutes late.

In Richmond in the last few years various attempts have been made to build new homes right in the middle of trashed homes and in the roughest part of town.  This was a nearly new home with boarded up windows, to keep looters out until the new owners can move in.  The home was in good condition and the visit went well.

The second Richmond appointment involved two houses on one parcel, not easy to find comparable sales for.  The outside of the house looked only average and the neighborhood was iffy but the inside of both of the homes was totally different, very good condition. 

Once I drove the comps for this property, it involved driving miles both ways to find those comps that exist, then I hit Highway 80 for a quick trip to Antioch.  In Antioch I found a serious owner, a scientist who normally works in San Francisco who took the day off so I could come inspect.  The home was perfect in every way and as a hobby this guy records music, one room is filled with musical keyboards and recorders.  He knows of Seventh-day Adventists, has visited the local church and we had a pleasant time.

It was now about 2 pm and I headed across the Antioch bridge to Rio Vista, a tiny little town made famous by Humphry, the wayward whale who ventured all the way up the river to Rio Vista before finally heading back out to sea.  For this visit I had a code and special instructions as the home was a REO, real estate owned, meaning by the bank.

After I left that cute little town I headed back across the river and to Kaiser where I picked up some needed meds, I was out of the blood thinners I still take.  missing a day of meds could be very serious and could lead to a stroke as the blood would suddenly become much thicker.  That stop took some time but worked out well.

Then it was on to Discovery Bay to wrap Kallie's doll, of course I was out of paper so after doing yet another appraisal inspection in Discovery Bay for a private individual I went to CVS, got paper and a cute card that sings, went home to wrap the doll and then raced to All God's Children where Kallie was to graduate from pre k.  I made it on time and Nikki and Steve joined me to enjoy the program.  I'd say the day went pretty well, all safe and sound and still waiting to hear how bad the bug is going to be to fix.  Could be the injector pump, they don't last forever or could be as simple as the fuel filter.  Its in God's hands.

Sending love to all,


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