Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Back hard at it today

Good evening,

Well I'm back after an extended day, extended by a couple poor souls who broke down in the tunnel, I waited an hour to go 2 miles and so was very late for my last appointment in Antioch.  The delays were much worse than usual, no fun but the rest of the day went well.

I left here and stopped at Starbucks only to discover my wallet was at home.  So back home, about 3 miles, found the wallet and found the several thousand dollar deposit it held, drove back and snatched the last multi grain bagel, made the deposit and headed to Vallejo.  Nice travel time and no traffic, pulled up to make a FHA inspection, only took a few minutes as I'd seen the house recently.  Then on to do a field review of someone else's appraisal.

Then it was time to head to Richmond to see one that promised to have an active alarm, those I do not like but when I got there the alarm was off, the house was tiny and everything went smoothly.

had enough time to find Subway for a great lunch.  Then I pulled up in Albany in front of a 4 story townhome, talk about stairs!  The guy was from Ireland and was moving to North Carolina with his wife who was transferred by her job.

Then it was off to Oakland where traffic is always backed up.  The poor lady was terrified of the inspection, had been up for days and nights cleaning the little house.  Hard to know the effect our actions or fear of our actions can make on another person.

I then headed to Costco to get dog food but after Highway 13 was backed up the worst I've ever seen, it took over a hour to move a few miles, I gave up on Costco and the dog is fasting, I'll go tomorrow when I'm out.  After a thousand motions of the clutch I came upon a CHP guy with a cycle standing in the lane, before him was a dead pickup with no driver, that car along with another one that had died out was causing all the mess.  Once I was past the stalled pickup the traffic moved rapidly.

After the last house tonight I was just so thankful to have it all over.

My day started badly, the computer would not open the word spread sheet and I had to have it to complete an appraisal so I had to tell them I would not be getting it done this morning, I called my faithful IT genius Jim and tonight when I got home it was fixed.  Oh thank you Jim.

So now its late, as I listen to the news I wonder where the America I grew up in has gone.  We have such a huge government and most of the workers are no elected, they just get these jobs and settle in, do whatever they political leaning is and we get to live with it.  I think this guy who leaked has performed a service,  we don't need government to record all our calls, our letters, our emails just in case they need to chase us down.  I've never like this current administration, I've never trusted them, I see them as an extension of the Chicago political machine and now they are proving it.  It is very chilling to realize just how much power and control they have over us.  Freedom is a term only now, we actually have very little of it left.

Love to all,


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