Saturday, August 31, 2013

Interesting Sabbath Day

I rolled out early this morning but as it turns out, not early enough.  Once I was up and showered I came down and began to practice the hymns I was to play at the Yountville SDA Church.  But I failed to keep an eye on the clock and when I checked it was already late to get on the road.  The trip was about 1 and 1/2 hours.  In my mind I had to arrive by 9:30 so I hit the road, was told by GPS that I needed to use a different route so I could arrive at 9:18.

So when I arrived and walked in I heard song service already happening and someone was doing a pretty good job of playing the piano.  So I sheepishly walked up to the front and sat down, Dolly smiled as she was leading the music.  Once she was through she sat down and asked what happened.  I told her in my mind I needed to arrive at 9:30, I had blown it.

I did end up playing for the worship hour and that went well.  The service was very interesting but in a way so sad.  The speaker, who was a guest today, preached a sermon about getting ready for the Lords return but unfortunately it was that old and very tired theology about "being ready", being perfect like Jesus was, Jesus was our example and He was perfect so we must be perfect as well before the Lord can come again.  Frankly I was amazed that anyone still was hanging on to this work your way into heaven gospel, where is the good news in that, since entrance into heaven requires perfect obedience from womb to tomb none of us will make it, that is unless we allow the good works, the perfect works of Jesus to cover us, that is the only way in, not what we do because it is always a mixed bag of best attempts and our own selfish desires, there is nothing we can do or say that will ever earn our entrance into Heaven, NOTHING.

It was sad to hear such debunked reasoning being preached with such fervor.  Sorry folks, that is a version of old time Adventism that we need to move on from.  Jesus is not waiting for a group of us to become perfect so He can come a second time.  He is patiently waiting for the Gospel, the good news about what He has done to reach the whole world and then He can come. 

It really was all I could do to sit still as tired old bromides were marched out over and over.  He was obviously a very dedicated guy and his wife did a great job of special music singing two songs but no one left with any hope at all, it was the type of sermon where you feel beat up afterwards, that you gotta try harder and you might just slip through the gates of heaven if you happened to look good that day.  I think of the clarity of John and Karen Cress when they weekly preached the real Gospel and warmed of spiritual malpractice by those who preach works and perfectionism.  Well it is alive and we heard it today.

Unfortunately the speaker read the entire sermon, I'm not even sure he wrote it and that would be even sadder if true.  When you preach tell me what you personally know about Jesus and His love, His forgiveness, His compassion.  Then I'll listen as its your personal testimony, it has life and power.
OK, off the soap box for now.
We had a lovely lunch at Olive Garden today, Dolly, Ken and I enjoyed soup, salad and for me some very good eggplant parm.  That rascal Ken grabbed the check and I could not wrestle it away from him, that dude is strong!  He is recovering from the broken hip so well and moves about very well now.

After lunch we drove to Benicia where Dolly knows just the right place to take a nice walk.  So we drove through the downtown district, found parking next to the water and walked and walked.  There were dozens of sail boats on the wide expanse of water and we heard a train in the distance on a track just above the water line but on the western side near Crockett.  It was a lovely day with wind and lots of sunshine.

So I send love to all,


Friday, August 30, 2013

Good evening

Finally home after a 6:30 inspection in the Oakland hills.  It was the only time the homeowner could see me, really nice townhome in an old Quarry along Freeway 580.  Before that I shot a couple photos in Alamo and before that I inspected a home in Brentwood, it was big and the weather was HOT.

Before that I went by the place where my bug is parked to pick up the key and the injector pump, could be worth $500 or so on craigs list or ebay.

Earlier today Marilyn left for Sac to spend time with her best friend Diane after we went to breakfast at the new Byron Inn.  Good food and not that expensive.

I'm heading to bed soon.  Tomorrow morning I have to leave about 7:30 to drive to Yountville SDA church.  I'll make every attempt to play for Song Service with Dolly leading out and then for church service as well.  I will be very relieved when it is over.  My right hand does not work that well anymore and it shows in the missed notes.  My prayer is that what I do will not detract from the music and the worship experience.

So wishing all of you a good weekend and a good holiday.



Thursday, August 29, 2013

Just working at it

Good evening,

After a great rest I rose to meet the day.  Had my first bottle of water before I left the bedroom and then came down.  Went right to work and later had a peach and multi grain bagel, so good.

I worked on setting up orders and writing up an appraisal.  Then at 12 I left for the Oakland Hills to do an appraisal.  What I found was nothing short of amazing.  As I started to measure the home I looked past the side and it seemed I was flying.  Spread out before me was the entire Bay area, three bridges, fog out over the ocean, the Bay Bridge clearly visible in the foreground.  What a view this property had. 

Turns out this home was one burned in the Oakland fire a few years ago.  It along with 3,000 other homes was destroyed.  Insurance rebuilt the home and its very nice and well kept.  Once I finished the inspection then I drove for the next hour over narrow single lane roads to locate the comparable sales.  Eventually I found them all. 

Ray texted me a request to pick up some auto parts at a place in San Leandro and using the GPS I found the warehouse, got the parts and headed home.  Finding I was hungry I had a burger (vegi) at Fuddruckers and then fought traffic the rest of the way home.  I filled with diesel and the result was just 35.4 mpg, very disappointing, seems the automatic transmission takes it toll on mileage but at this point its so nice to not have to shift.

Once I got home I was sitting in the recliner enjoying Hannity, suddenly there was a crash, the cats had somehow knocked their food and water onto the floor breaking the food dish in pieces and making a huge mess.  So that took a while and then Marilyn had some wonderful veges ready to eat.  It was a feast.

So thankful for very limited work and I'm praying hard that God can find work for Steve, some orders would sure help him out a lot.

Sending love to all,


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Life has its surprise moments of joy

So I've arrived at a property in Alamo, located on a quiet court, level with guide Oak trees, colored concrete driveway, perfect landscaping, cute house and I start a conversation with the owner who walks around the perimeter with me as I measure and shoot exterior photos, as we arrive on the new back deck he mentions that he and his wife are relatively newly married having both lost spouses in the past years.  Further it comes out that his wife is Seventh-day Adventist and he is Roman Catholic. 

Once we chat a bit more we find out we have common friends in the Campbell SDA church.  What a shock, a nice surprise and it just made a pleasant experience even nicer.  That's what I mean, total surprising moments of joy.

I had a great nights sleep last night knowing I had orders, work to do and less pain in my right arm.

Pooka wanted to see the park and that was fun, today we met many different people enjoying the park.

Then it was breakfast with a biscuit like Rusketts from my childhood and some Wheaties over it with soy milk.  Great bowl of food and a single slice of bread with thin peanut butter and slices of tomatoes.  Polished off with a fresh peach from our neighborhood vendor.

Then it was time to start working and I waded through various tasks.  Soon it was 1:15 and time to pick up the girls.  They were on their best behavior this afternoon, Keanna worked hard to complete her homework and Kallie watched something on the ipad.

At 4 we went to McDonalds where they bought dinner and then I delivered them to their parents and I drove on to see a house in Alamo and then one in Pleasanton.  I finished the evening by stopping Tracy, picking up a hymnal from Sylvia so I can practice the hymns ahead of time before I get to Yountville church on Sabbath.

Now I'm home, tired and heading to bed.  There is plenty of work to do in the morning and I'm very thankful for the orders that have come in.  Sylvia was not at all surprised that I had work, she has this great belief system that just knows God will watch over His children.

Love to all,


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Looking up

Well today has proved to be worthwhile but involved a lot of time behind the wheel.

When I woke this morning I had one request for an appraisal which is being seen at 5:30 tomorrow afternoon.  I also knew of a follow up final inspection in Morgan Hill which was over a hour away and paid a whopping $75.  I had also received a request to reinspect a property in Rio Vista where a new CO detector was installed.  Before I left this morning for Morgan Hill an agent called to ask if I would do an appraisal for a hard money lender, the home was in Antioch and of course I jumped at the chance.

So when I left with Marilyn riding along I first headed to the bank to make a deposit, then we drove to Morgan Hill and found the new home completed and very nice.  Then we drove from Morgan Hill to Rio Vista which proved to be a very long ride as traffic started to get bad along the way.  It all worked out and we made that inspection, an inspection that will pay $115.  Then we drove back to Antioch and inspected a beautiful single story home, one of the nicest I have ever seen, had dinner at UNO's which was very nearby and am now home.  While I was driving this afternoon a lady called who needed a historical appraisal for a home her mom owned before she died.  So I'll do that one tomorrow.  That was a referral from Dwight, a local accountant who frequently sends me work.

I have to say that I feel the two phoned appraisals came directly from our Lord.  How I appreciate the work, I just cannot fully say.

I am going ahead with playing the piano for Sabbath School and Church in the Yountville church this Sabbath.  Dolly has asked me to play since most of the musicians will be at the church campout over in Albion on the coast.  While I'm very nervous about playing I still see it as an opportunity to help out.  Dolly has even promised an Olive Garden lunch afterwards.

As you might imagine I am very tired this evening.  I had something wrong last night, had a fever and felt awful but this morning it had passed so I felt fine today, just tired.  The newer green beetle is running very nicely, I enjoyed not fighting the clutch today as I fought my way through traffic, the 6 speed automatic is a real joy but the mileage is not as good as the black beetle, oh well.

Sending love to all tonight,


Monday, August 26, 2013

Need work

Good evening,

Well the one order I had to inspect this evening at 7:30 got cancelled today, not sure why but not put on hold, just outright cancelled.  That was a hard blow.

This morning I took Pooka to the park, she loved it, then came back, had some breakfast and went out to cut up branches and stuff them into the green garbage can.  Got lots done and amazingly the arm that hurt so much last evening was rested and allowed me to work for about an hour, got about 1/3 of the branches broken up and stuffed into the can.  Accomplished something at least.

This afternoon after noting that the funds had arrived from my retirement account I drove to Livermore, gave them a new check written on the personal account and the car is now paid for.  Terrible timing as I'm facing no income shortly.  Today there was nearly $1000 in the mail which helps but the large reserves are nearly gone.  I'm praying every morning and during the day that God will help with orders for Steve and myself.  My contacts in the industry say everyone is in the same boat, no work and quiet desperation is setting in for many of us.

Last night the arm hurt so badly that I took a chance and went to the spa and allowed the warm water, about 94 to 96 degrees wash around it.  Then I went to bed early and enjoyed a new sleep by number setting that Donna had dialed in, 50 instead of the 35 I've used for years.  Well I had a super night, slept from 10 to nearly 7:45 and woke feeling rested and good.

So in a few minutes I'm heading back to the spa again and hope the warm water will once again do its thing for the arm.  Its not been too bad today but it does not like to be used like I'm using it now.

Can I ask that you join me in praying for work, How good it would be to pick up a few orders to keep the cash flowing this way.

This afternoon we went to Costco for cat food and then Ace for a new handle for the upstairs toilet.  It finally broke after all these years, they have the perfect replacement and they also filled my propane tank, ready for the next BBQ.  We had a $5 dollar off coupon that Marilyn had found so that helped.

This morning I heard a buzzing sound and it was Lois, she had borrowed a little electric boat with a remote control and was having a blast running it all over the lake, she loves toys and it was great fun to watch.

Sending love to all,


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Not a good day

Well this has not been a barn burner.  I've developed a very painful right arm above the elbow, so bad that I'm pushing pain killers and I don't usually do that at all.

Its also been tough emotionally, it was tough to watch Jerry and Donna drive away to as they traveled to their home in Weed.  What an excellent time it has been to have them here, family times together are so special and they are both great human beings.

This morning we tried the Byron Inn located along the Byron Highway that leads to Tracy.  It has been closed for some time due to fire damage but is now open again.  The food was really good and the owner came by afterwards to chat, nice guy on a mission to do it right.

I've been very low emotionally most of the day, the car fiasco is tough to deal with.  In a couple days it will be paid for but I've had to self finance it with retirement funds, funds that become income as soon as they are pulled out of the account, sure I have 60 days to return them but right now with no work its unlikely I can find the money to return them and that's a bummer.  I'm still in shock that I've been unable to get credit for this relatively small amount but I've not tried to get credit for anything since well before Nan died and things have changed both in my attempt to get back on my feet after almost losing the house.  My credit was dinged pretty bad.

I've go to admit the feeling of being all alone with no one to turn to is pretty hard to take and I'm not feeling well either, add in no work or at least very little work and things have turned dismal, very dismal.  It is really hard to see how I come out of this without more bitterness toward life.

I try to help everyone I can, both clients and friends but perhaps this way of life is ill advised, maybe I just need to think about myself more and others less.  That goes against everything I believe it but at this point I have very little left to give.

Just sat in the spa and noticed it has sprung a leak again but oh the warm water did feel so good on my arm and the rest of me.  The stars were out bright and airplanes criss crossed the sky.

To love to all

Good night


Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Huge Day

Good evening

Well this has been a really interesting day.  I got up at 6 and took it easy until about 7:30 when Jerry was up and we could tweak the motorhome.  At about 9:30 Maria arrived with her friend and after taking out all the things they did not want to have on board the left about noon.  I went driving through the country to show the driver how to handle the motorhome and he did very well.

Once the motorhome was gone and they were on their way back to San Francisco for the night we all went to breakfast at Big Al's.  The food was good and we enjoyed a good time.  Then we came back and this afternoon we got the new Kurig for Donna for her birthday.  It has lots more features than mine and cost less.

This evening we hosted a BBQ and Ray and Lois came, Steve, Nikki, Kallie and Keanna came to have an enjoyable time with the family.  We really did have fun and Marilyn and Donna worked so hard and then Nikki came and worked too to make it a success.  The BBQ worked great, it does not get worked very often.  What fun to just kick back and munch out, chat up a storm, Steve was huddled by a tiny radio Jason gave me long ago, trying to catch the Giants as they played since the game was not on our Direct TV.

This evening with the motorhome gone Jerry and Donna are sleeping in my bed, Sleep Number and all and I so hope things work out well for them.  I'm sleeping in what we call the pink room across the hall from by bedroom, I have my sleep machine all set up and the AC on for comfort.

Tomorrow Jerry and Donna will head home and I'll try to get some work done around the house.

So its been a huge day and I thank God for the day, for family, for the little ones who are so precious to me, Keanna and Kallie are just so much fun, oh how I wish the other kiddos lived near so I could be with them as much as I do the girls.  I am the very most fortunate Pappa with great kiddos.

Sending love to all,


Friday, August 23, 2013

Disappointing week

Good evening,

Jerry and Donna have just gone to bed in the motorhome, tomorrow night we'll transfer them to my bedroom and I'll take the pink room.  Donna created a wonderful dinner tonight, great food and so tasty, some of the meal came from their garden that Jerry grows every year.  Great stuff

Jerry and I went to Oakland today and then to Bay Point to do appraisal work.  It is so much more pleasant in the newer bug with its automatic transmission.  We had a good time.

This afternoon when I got back I wrote an appraisal and shipped it out, then I went to the boat and got it running but very roughly running.  Then I lowered myself under the dash and installed the new horn button.  It works but it was so hard to wiggle under there, was glad to be out once I was done.

This afternoon my bank of 26 years denied my request for a personal loan because of my credit report.  No specific but just no, not we will think about it, not we will loan you less.  It really got to me, I run a couple hundred thousand through the bank every year, I've been with them for 26 years but since the specs did not match the guidelines perfectly then it was a no go.  Once the first shock and anger passed and the desire to close my accounts and move to Chase I was left with a dull ache inside, no matter how nice I am and how quickly I do the appraisals for my bank, no matter than I give them a discounted rate, they don't care so why should I give and give, its a hard question, one I will have to work through.  I do think that another year will have even more things cleared up on the credit report and that credit score will begin to move up.  Not that I intend to pursue any credit anyway.  I prefer to pay cash whenever I can and that is the way I've come so far from the time when Nan died.  But somehow that doesn't matter.  I know how far I've come and that is the bottom line, not what someone else thinks, it still hurts a lot.

Tomorrow the people come for the motorhome and they will have it for about the next 9 days.  I think it is in pretty good condition and ready for them.  I'll take out the linen in the morning as they want it stripped of most things so they can put in their own things.

So for tonight I'm sending love to all,


Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Really Terrific Day

Good evening,

We are just back from Strings in Tracy.  This is just the final act in a day full of delightful drama.

This morning I rolled out at 6:30 and drifted downstairs for a decaf and started working.  Eventually the others appeared and sipped at their selected hot drinks. At first I thought I had two orders to see today but one moved to tomorrow.  In all I received 4 orders today, a great day to be very sure.

So I worked in the office and dealt with the car buying process.  I received word from my bank that they only loan on cars that are 5 years or newer so the bug is out but they might consider a signature loan but at a higher interest rate.  Knowing I had a deadline to get the bug paid for I contacted my retirement account people and arranged to have a large amount deposited in my personal account by Tuesday,  Then I told the people that sold me the car what was happening and they appreciated being kept up to date.  What a hassle this has turned out to be, sometimes I think I should have just had the old bug fixed and took my chances but I think we are already around that corner.  Turns out I have 60 days to replace the money I am borrowing from myself and the IRS will not be effected then.  We will see how that works out.

For breakfast I made Belgium waffles and they turned out great.  For lunch we went to Boardwalk and Jerry  and Donna treated.  Then Jerry and I drove to Oakley for an appointment to see a house.  Afterwards we came back to the house and I logged in two more orders, yes four for the day! 

At 7 pm Keanna was honored by the school district for getting very high numbers on her state testing last year.  She and a few other children were honored by two very nice looking certificates and a cookie, shook hands with the school board and a state representative.  The room was packed and it was a very special moment for all of us.  Way to go Keanna.

After the awards Nikki texted that they were going to Strings in Tracy so I texted Marilyn and she marshaled the family, they picked me up on the way and we enjoyed eating at a table next to them.

Lots of great fun.

Well its bedtime, love to all


I'm thanking the good Lord for the orders and seeking orders for Steve too.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Good evening,

As I write Jerry and Donna are sitting in the family room chatting with Marilyn.  What fun.

They brought their cute little doggies and they are meeting our kitties with lots of interest.  Pooka is staying out doors right now as we are not sure she is safe with other doggies.

This evening after their arrival we went to Mongolian Beef in Tracy and had some really great stir fry.  Unfortunately the table next to us had some very unpleasant kids.  They were determined to get their second bowl of food as take out when the message on the wall clearly says you can only take your first bowl as takeout.  They got ugly but I was proud of the management, they stood their ground knowing the kids were just trying to steal from them.  The other people sitting at adjoining tables praised the workers too for their sticking to their guns.

We all went in the new beetle and though a snug fit it was fun to try it out.  Marilyn says the back seat had plenty of room, good to know.

This morning I went to Kaiser to have blood drawn for Coumadin and I was shocked to discover that I now pay a $30 co pay for a monthly blood draw, I was not pleased, never have paid before and I've had dozens of the same blood draw.

Then I went to a eye appointment, what a waste, $25 co pay and learned nothing new but when I talked to them about new glasses, wow, they were quoting $600 with a $75 discount from Kaiser.  No thanks, I'll look around.

After the hospital I raced over to see a little house.  After the inspection and comps were done I raced back to Discovery Bay to pick up my girls.  We had a perfect afternoon and I passed them on about 4:15 to their mother.

Still no work, today I tried a credit app at my own bank.  Lets hope they are more tolerant.

Good night and sending love to all,


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Stumbling through the day

Not all days turn out to be barn burners, this one was not.

Got up this morning and called a homeowner as I was supposed to inspect her home.  She was not happy that I had to come in but eventually relented.  The home was fine and when finished with that assignment I drove to Costco to pick up a couple things and on the way home went by to talk to my VW mechanic.  He told me my old car was probably worth $250, ouch.  But we are going to try to sell the injector pump for as much as $500 since I just paid $800 and then more to have it installed.

So that stop was not good.  Then I drove to Patelco Credit Union on a whim to see if I could get financing on the new car.  After an hour of paperwork I was told no.  I didn't make enough money.  I was basing my request on the last tax return I had which was for two years ago so it did not show an improving income.  I was pretty bummed out over that but I learned that I had a couple dings for amounts owed to John Muir hospital for long ago.

Once I got home I called the credit company and made arranges to pay half of the total and the rest in the next two months.  I owe it so I'm paying but of course it uses some of the little funds I have at present so that was not fun.

Once I got home from my discouraging day I found that the AC was not on and that Marilyn was sitting in the family room at 84 degrees so I switched on the house AC and got her cooled down.  She was deep into a book and was not bothered by the heat wave.

This evening Marilyn made a great meal and it tasted great.

Tomorrow my brother Jerry and Donna are heading this way, at least I think they are and that will be fun to see them again.  Its been awhile.

So this evening I've been filling out paperwork for a credit app for my own bank and I hope they will consider it.  I'm enjoying the car very much and if I have to I'll pull funds from my retirement account, just not a good idea to do so, I'm 65 so there is no penalty but still once its gone its gone and that is scary.

Do any of you want to become an investor in a great little car?  yea right.

Bed time,  love to all


Monday, August 19, 2013

A Great Day

Good evening
Gradually the orders are coming in, very slowly but still coming in.

This morning I rolled out early and took a walk with pooka to the park, then it was back for breakfast and work in the office.

Eventually I shipped out an appraisal for a local purchase and then prepared for the new order in Alamo.  I left, picked up a credit ap at the bank, made a deposit and arrived about 2:12.  I found a stunningly beautiful home with designer pool and spa, perfect landscaping and perfect interior.  It was about 3700 sf, a one story with huge garage and court setting.  Wow what a home.  It was about 100 degrees when I measured and by the time I was completed I was certainly dripping.

The comps were all over and later I stopped at Costco, they have the peanut butter again after the scare that kept it off the shelves for months.  Their berries were very cheap and I picked up a few other things.

Then I stopped at Kaiser to pick up one med that I thought I had ordered but didn't so I have it to take this evening.

Now I'm home and getting ready to write an appraisal yet this evening.  I just spoke to Jerry and he and Donna are considering coming down to visit next weekend.  Wow that would be exciting, love the idea!  Let's hope it works out.

So good night all,



Sunday, August 18, 2013

Its been a hot day but progress has been made.

Good evening family and friends,

As I write I'm dripping with perspiration as I've just come in from cutting away at the brush pile I created when I trimmed giant limbs and their many branches from my tree.  Tonight I cut up the big branches into logs that can be burned this winter, but huge brush piles of little limbs remain to be dealt with.  Progress is progress.

This morning I became the inn keeper and created breakfast.  I made Belgium Waffles for Marilyn and myself and we dined on the back deck overlooking a still lake.  It was lovely and the food was good, yes even though I made it!

I then went out and started moving vehicles around for the week ahead.  Next weekend the renters of the motorhome are coming for a driving lesson and need to get the coach clean and small repairs made to it before it gets rented.  So I first hooked up the box trailer to the Civic, how much easier it is when Marilyn tells me to stop, that I'm there instead of jumping in and out of the Civic a dozen times.  I pulled the trailer out onto the street, then I crawled into the motorhome and gently moved it out of its tight storage space and onto the street, then I backed the trailer into the motorhome space, closed the gates and pulled the motorhome into the driveway space where the trailer had been.  I then hooked up the motorhome to the electrical power and in a few minutes I'll go out and start the process of cleaning and making repairs, taking all the linen out as they want to use their own things, cleaning the carpet, the walls, the windows, the dashboard.  Soon I'll get out a ladder and clean the roof, then wash the walls and the huge front windows.  I'll check the air in the tires and at some point take it and fill it with gas.  The front curtains need a better holder to keep them from sliding forward when driving and I have the stuff to do it, just need to install it.  This will probably be the only time I rent the motorhome, I really care for these people that have rented twice before for burning man.  They pay promptly, bring it back very clean both inside and out and keep their word throughout.

Tomorrow I'll write a report for Livermore and ship it out and pray, hope that Steve and I get some orders.  We are both stumped, no work and its very troubling.  Tomorrow I'll also shop for a loan for the few thousand that I need to pay for the new car, I say new, its new for me. 

This afternoon we drove it to Pittsburg to deliver an appraisal and to In N Out for a cheese sandwich.  The car is just fun, its quiet, drives perfectly, cools great even though it was 99 at times this afternoon as we drove.  The cruise works perfectly and the transmission takes a bit to get used to since I've shifted for the last 11 years on my own.

So that's it from here for tonight.  God is good, life is exciting, work is a challenge and money is like quicksilver, it slips through ones fingers easily.

Love to all of you,


Did I show you the car?

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Moving about, making things happen

Good evening
We started the day with Keanna at the local soccer field.  The team her team played seemed much larger and older but Keanna's team played their hearts out and learned a lot in the process.

Kallie, Marilyn and I then drove the Civic to Steve and Nikki's where we picked up the massive Dodge Ram 4x4 truck and drove back over to Lodi where we picked up a freshly washed and repaired Odyssey Van.  What a huge difference.  It now drives without vibration, quietly and much like it did when it was new 121,000 miles ago.  It needed the service they provided for sure.

While in Lodi we lunched at IHOP and then drove back to Discovery Bay.  Once we delivered the van we left Kallie with her daddy and drove to Livermore where we picked up the 2006 TDI diesel beetle and drove it home.  What an incredible car, clean, quiet and quick with its 6 speed transmission.  It is apple green with tan leather interior, has new floor mats, sunroof, cut holders, great AC and lots of nice features.  I gradually keep learning of more things it is equipped with, its fun.  Tonight it sits in my garage and I'm very pleased with finding it and making the purchase.

Late this afternoon we were chatting with Nikki and she mentioned Red Robin so we raced in for a quick dinner, so good and this time I remembered to take my insulin before the meal.  I'm trying to learn and do better.

Just now I've come in from sitting in the spa, it was a warm night so I didn't make it very long but the moon and stars were very impressive.

So this evening I'm sending love to all,


Friday, August 16, 2013

Big day!

Good evening,
It was an early morning and my body said no to getting up. Suddenly I remembered. I had an appointment at Lodi Honda to have a new oil pan installed on the odyssey van for Nikki and Steve.
At 8:10 I arrived and signed in but I had a concern. Driving over I felt a strange vibration so I had the guys check it out.
Mid morning David came over and told me that the rear motor mount was out. It costs over $600 for the part. Wow what to do!
After thinking it over I told them to go ahead and he found a way to slash over $100 off the part. I'm glad we found the problem now.
They told me to go to enterprise rentals for a loaner as I had to get back. Enterprise had no cars but finally a huge dodge ram truck came in and I'm driving it now.
I have to go back and pick the van up tomorrow.

This afternoon I had a house to see in Livermore. Afterwards I went to see a 2006 diesel bug, green, tan interior, 6 speed automatic transmission, heated seats, moon roof and useable cup holders!!
I drove it and loved it. The bid to repair my bug was $4700 plus more for a transmission. For $11400 I have a newer beetle with just 89000 miles and perfect condition.  I'm thrilled with the find.
I got 11 years out of the last one.

So you see it's been quite a day.
This evening everyone was hungry so we went to boardwalk. Great time.

This weekend is the poker run. A huge race with boats that go 120 mph. There will be lots of loud engines in the morning!

We r going to see keanna play soccer in the morning!  It's been awhile since we've seen her play.

Love to all


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Prayers answered

Wow, from out of nowhere came a couple phones calls, each resulting in an appraisal assignment which I did today. 

This morning Jessy drove from her new home in Benicia to inspect a property located right here in Discovery Bay.  We measured and shot photos and then shot the comps, came back and she wrote it up adding more detail than ever before.

Then Marilyn, Jessy and I went to the Boardwalk to enjoy a nice lunch by the water.  Afterwards Jessy hit the road but on her way out she made a deposit of several checks that had arrived.  Thank you Lord.

I worked in for a bit this afternoon and then headed out to see a mobile home in Pittsburg.  That one was a cash deal, I mean green money.  It was a very nicely kept double wide and I enjoyed meeting the people and then shooting the comparables.

Then I headed to Concord to purchase a 100 foot RV extension cord for the group that are renting the coach for a trip to Burning Man.  However once I reached Concord the lady emailed me to say she had purchased the cord and I would not need to buy one, since it was about $140 I was relieved.  But since I was in Concord I had dinner at the Spaghetti Factory and just arrived home a few minutes ago.

In the morning I'm taking the van to get a new oil pan.  It is nearly $100 cheaper than having it done at Tracy Honda and yet the trip is only a few more miles, I really like the way they treat people in Lodi as well.

So now its bed time since I have to leave about 7:15 in the morning with the van to get there by 8 am.

Steve's fix of the battery connections appears to be working perfectly, good news.

Sending love to all,


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Moving on

This has been a strange day with stress, challenges and a continued need for work, orders.

Nikki texted me this morning that the van had tried to quit running a couple times on her way to work so I went out and looked it over.  With the tools I had I could not get the battery connectors loose, they were locked on solid so had to give up and move on.  Later on Steve picked the van up and brought it home where he started working on it.  He found that the battery is strong but the connections were trashed by that stuff that builds up and eats away and the metal.  He replaced the connection for the positive with a new one and did a very good job with it.  The car seems to start and run properly now.

On Friday we'll take it to Lodi to have a new oil pan installed as the Honda dealership which has done most of the oil changes on the car over the years has stripped out the threads so a new pan is the only solution.  Lodi Honda is much less expensive and we will take our service work there for now.

I actually received an order today for which I am very thankful.  I'll see it in the morning at 10 and its right here in Discovery Bay and is a COD, all nice things.

per Steve's guidance I located the original carb for the boat and took it to the last mechanic who worked on the boat, he would prefer to see the boat have a Holly marine carb and so he can rebuild the carb and perhaps the boat will run better then, we will see.

Marilyn cooked tonight and the meal was excellent.  Baked potatoes that tasted like heaven with sides of fresh tomatoes minutes from the backyard, avocado chunks, griller bits and some light grape juice.  Delicious.

Sending love to all with appreciation.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The faithful bug has died

This morning Jessy came early so we could do some training, so she could walk through an entire appraisal to the finish and see what I do to the file after she is through with her part.

I needed to run to Bethel Island, about 20 minutes away, and shoot a completion set of photos for a home that was just finished.  We drove the bug there and did our work then headed for home.  About 1/2 way home the engine started roaring very loudly and then when I tried to limp it to town to the shop it made a sharp sound and died in its tracks.  I called Good Sam, my excellent tow service and Jessy and I sat watching the grass grow,  Marilyn came and picked her up and brought her to the office, then drove to the shop in town to wait until I arrived.

The tow guy was great and had the car unloaded and into the shop in no time.  I drove home, a few hours later Freddie called to say it was not good.  The engine had worn out, the cam shaft had worn through something else and it is his opinion that the car has died.

I've sort of been in shock all day since.  I've driven that car for the last at least 11 years and perhaps 12 years and it has served me with excellent mileage, great comfort and kept warm or cold whatever I needed.  It has been a total dream to own and I'm just 400 miles short of the 300,000 mark so I really have little room to complain.  I'm just thankful that it did not fail in the fast lane or far from home.

So I did my thing for the rest of the day using the Civic which is now my work car.  It has been delivering between 33 and 38 mpg which is very good and its running great.  So here we go again.  I took a look at turbo diesels on the web and found that Chevy is introducing a new turbo diesel Cruise which delivers 46 mpg, has a range of an amazing 770 miles and is priced very nicely in the mid 20s.  But my brother Jerry expressed concern regarding buying a newly created car the first year is it out.  I've always heard that too.  So tonight I'm in sort of mourning over the loss of a very good friend and rejoicing that I've been so blessed for so long.

Now its bed time, love to all


Monday, August 12, 2013

Back to work, Jessy inspects a property

Good evening,

Lots of miles driven today for very little money.

Rolled out this morning and headed for Morgan Hill.  Arrived at 11:40 and walked through the home, its almost done, just needs carpeting.  In the morning I'll ship off the inspection report.

Then drove back to Pleasanton and met Jessy who has moved to Benicia and lives in a guest house by a pool and a water view, rough! 

Jessy did the sketch and wrote comments about the house as we worked our way through.  She has been creating my sketches for appraisals for months now so this way she got the other end of the process.  The people were older and had a very nice place with lots of extras.  Afterwards we found Red Robin for some lunch.  Then I located a boat parts place near the freeway and ordered the part so the horn will work in the boat.

When I reached the office Jessy was about finished with working and Steve let me know he was ready to take the boat out for a test drive.  Well it is not perfect yet, needs some tweaking, well a lot of tweaking as it runs well at an idle and when going fast but the in between has a stumble, felt like it was not burning the gas very well.  It was a beautiful day and Bryan, Steve, little doggie and Keanna were in the boat. 

Once we pulled back in and loaded the boat then Nikki and Kallie were there and we had a nice dinner at the little café that is located at the boat launch.  Very fun.

Marilyn has returned from her adventure with Diane in Sacramento and Pooka is very happy to have her back.

Please pray that work will come in.  I'm totally out of new orders, first time in a long time and shocking different than all spring when the board was totally full of orders.

Sending love to all,


Boat progress

Short and sweet, its late this evening.

I crawled out late this morning and mostly worked in the office for the day, then drove to Oakland to do a driveby appraisal that should have been done twice before but something came up each time.  So now its done.  When I came home I ended up going over to Steve's where he was fast at work on the boat, he has buffed it and tonight waxed it, I'll just say it looks great, especially for a 1988 year Supra, wow.  I worked on the horn since the existing horn was not working and legally the boat has to have a horn if inspected by the patrol while on the water.  We found that the button one pushes to honk the horn no longer honks the horn at all so I have that little momentary contact switch in the car and tomorrow I'll try to locate a place that might sell such a switch.  I loaded the boat up with life jackets, paddles and an anchor, you never know when an anchor might come in handy to keep one from going downstream.

Steve has put many hours into the boat and it looks really good, what it needs now is new interior but for the time being we are going to live with the current interior, seats and all.

Tomorrow afternoon late in the afternoon we might see if we can slip it into the water and give it a try.

Tomorrow morning I drive to Morgan Hill to reinspect a home that is being constructed but it not yet finished.  I've done thousands of these over the years but never was forced to go out and inspect when the house is not yet completed.  Its crazy and a huge waste of my time.  I'll drive 3 hours to make it happen and us part of a tank of diesel.  I've stated my case but the lender is just so sure they need a progress report.  Once I'm through with the 5 minute inspection than I'll drive back to Pleasanton where I'll meet Jessy, she is going to do a full inspection of a home there with me.  Then we'll drive back and she will do her part of the writing fresh from seeing the home.  It will be fun.

For now good night all,



Saturday, August 10, 2013

An Incredible Day - 65th birthday

Dear Family and loved ones,

So many great things have happened to today.  It started rather calm and I was alone.

Then I picked up Kallie and we went to a great Sabbath School under Kim's leadership. I ended up being asked to play the piano and even that was extra fun.  Kallie sort of sat with me but did a super job of being involved in everything, there were so many precious little girls there and everyone had a great time.

After SS we drove to McDonalds for a snack and then picked up a device that lets a person start the engine on a boat while the boat is in the driveway.  I know we own one already but so far its not shown up.  So Kallie and I stopped at the nice boat place in Tracy and picked up a new light for the trailer and the device that looks just like a toilet plunger but has a place to hook up a hose so water pressure goes into the pump and keeps the engine from over heating.  I dropped off the device at Steve's and then drove to lunch with the family at Cheesecake Factory in Pleasanton.  It was really enjoyable just getting together and then the food came, that was great also.

Afterwards I opened some very special gifts, pictures both professional and hand drawn ones from Timothy and Mia, a wonderful Dan Brown book to listen to while I drive, a box of special chocolates.  One of the pictures was of Jason and Jo and family.  It really turned out good, such a treasure.  Nikki did one of those special things where she selects a card that is just like she wrote it, every word meaningful.  Her mom was good at that too.  After the gifts the staff sang to me, mostly on key which was nice and then brought me a little sundae.  It was perfect.

On my way home I stopped by to see Steve and the boat was running so nicely, starts quickly and just purrs. Then we worked on speakers, well he worked and I watch mostly, he is so good at everything mechanical it seems.  We installed a new trailer light as the other one was smashed, could it be that I ran into something with it?  He fixed this and that, cleaned out a lot of dust and dirt under the front of the boat, secured the engine cover and the back seat, wow it is looking nice these days.

I hung around as we tweaked until about 9 when I finally came home.  During the late afternoon my phone rang and it said Sibyl.  I was thrilled as that is my sister and the last time I tried to speak to her she was intubated and could not speak, she was very ill and I was in fear of losing her.  This time her voice was strong and she was much better.  Now living at a rehab facility she is once again walking and doing much better.  She battles a heart condition and recently had over a liter of fluid removed from a lung.  Now she is much better again and I am very thankful.

Thank you to the many people who sent birthday greetings through Facebook.

Sending love to all and a special thanks to my family for lunch, for the thoughtful gifts and for their loving support.  What a wonderful bunch I'm blessed with.



Friday, August 9, 2013


When there is not enough work to do time really drags and the work that is to do takes longer, at least for me.

So how are you tonight?  Are you unwinding now that the week is coming to a close?  I've just been out on the lake in the little green boat but the battery seems weak so I'm afraid to go too far out and have to be stuck in the lake for hours while the wind brings me home.

This morning Steve and I did a house in nearby Lakeshore.  That was fun and will give him a little boost as orders are very slow in coming right now, I mean really slow.

Marilyn is away playing at her friend Diane's house in Sacramento and I think they might have tried their luck last night at some gambling.  They know when to stop and don't spend much so they have a good time at it without regrets.

I've been told that I can take Kallie to SS in the morning so that is something to look forward to.  Tomorrow I'm turning 65, have Medicare all in place, my Kaiser Senior Advantage is all in place and I received my new Kaiser card with the Medicare label on it.  I've paid for Medicare for the next four months.  That's how they bill it so I won't be paying again for awhile.

Tonight I miss Nan.  She always was quick to remember and tell me Happy Birthday when I woke up.  Yes I'm used to her being gone but I remember fondly how good she was at certain things, I miss her delicious dishes and the trips she always planned, I miss her taking her turn at driving and her very dry humor.  God gave me 36 years with this precious woman and I'm grateful for that time.

As I write I have the spa heating so I'll enjoy some time relaxing under the stars tonight.

Sending Love to all


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Good day, Jessy helps

So I woke before the alarm this morning to a cool, almost chilly morning, my one blanket that I dearly love was almost not enough to keep me warm.

Pooka and I went to the park to get our hearts pumping.

Finding Marilyn up early today we decided on breakfast at Big Al's and when Steve appeared on the scene he went with us.  While Steve and I both were sharing our dismay with no work lately at least the breakfast helped a bit.

We drove back home and soon Marilyn received a call from Diane who said she had taken half the day off, so Marilyn hurried up and left to spend a long weekend with her long time friend.  Pooka was curious about Marilyn leaving.  I settled down to create some work and took phone calls.

When Jessy arrived I mentioned lunch and she agreed so we went to the Boardwalk and had a perfect lunch in the warm but not to hot afternoon air by the waterfront.

Once we were back in the office I packed up and left to do a re-inspection of a home I had seen before, located in the worst part of Richmond.  I took a little pry bar and my electric drill just in case I needed some help to get into the attic.  I was amazed that the same key that has been left laying on the top of the gas meter for weeks is still there.  Using the key I accessed the garage and found a little board that was attached with some long screws.  I stretched my ladder out and then climbed up with the power drill in hand to remove the screws and get into the attic space.  It was a real challenge to keep on the ladder, not drop the power drill / screw driver and also hold the camera but eventually I got my photos of the space and got it all buttoned up again.

Then I left for an Oakland address to do a driveby appraisal.  It was not to be!  My GPS warmed me as soon as I caught 580 in Richmond that heavy traffic was ahead.  I'm not sure why 80 was plugged solid but there was little movement as I approached Berkeley.  Since my other appointment was in Berkeley I took an off ramp and let the GPS find the address I needed.  As it turned out I did not have time to do the Oakland driveway so I'll have to do it tomorrow.

On my way home the miles changed to 299,000. 

Well now I'm home and sending good wishes to all,



Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Kallie and Keanna came to visit, it was exciting as usual

This morning Marilyn and I passed briefly before she left to take the Civic to Lodi Honda for some work.  She wanted to be there on time and was there when they opened the gates.

Bob was nice enough to pick her up around 8 and they drove to the mountains for a bit of the game of chance and lunch.

Meanwhile the Civic was getting some routine maintenance that was needed.  It turned 131,000 miles today and needed a timing belt, a new water pump, new plugs, valves adjusted and new gasket for value cover, a new timing belt partial cover and an engine mount that had failed.  So the bottom line was just under $1,000 but considering this is the first heavy duty maintenance it has needed I'm feeling pretty good about it.

This afternoon I drove it to Brentwood with the girls and the engine seemed so smooth, felt like a sewing machine in terms of smoothness.  Keanna had to have stitches removed and her mouth rinsed by the oral surgeon.  She is doing very well and managed it all with courage.

Nikki came from work and fighting road work she still got through so I was able to come back home and work.  Later Marilyn and I went to Boardwalk for some great food and it was a perfect evening with the cool weather and waterfront setting.

I've just come in from the spa and what a great experience that was, warm water, bright stars and bubbles all around.

This evening at about sunset I made a sudden decision to go out and cut on the branches that are totally filling the side space by the house.  So I located my electric chain saw, put some oil in the chain oiler and waded into the branches, the work went really fast and before long I had about half the mess cleaned up.  I'll have to find some more time when I can get the rest done and in bags.

Very few orders are crossing my desk these days, I hope that it gets better soon.  Got to say its nice to be a bit calmer right now though.

Sending love to all,


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A long day but home safe once again

Up at 6, then again at 6:45, that time for real.

Had work to do so got right to it.  Out the door it went over the web to its rightful owner.  Then I moved on to other work.

Left the house at 1:30 for Alameda and inspected an older home, one that needs updating but is located in the Gold Coast area of Alameda so its selling for over $700,000.  Once that one was completed we headed through dense traffic to Danville where we inspected a really nice but much larger home with huge pool and large site.  The lady of the house was an appraiser and we enjoyed chatting about our business.

Once we were completed with the comps I decided on a local pizza place, Primo's, it is a great locals place right downtown in Danville and like always the food was really good, in fact too good, I ate way too much.

Now we are home and ready to be home.  The bug is very noisy but is running well.  When a new rebuilt injector pump comes in then Freddie will switch it out and we will hope it runs quieter.  This one has excellent power but is very loud all the time.

Marilyn went with me this afternoon forgoing her book reading for a bit of travel and adventure.

Tomorrow I work in and then pick up the girls at 1:15 from school and I'll have them until 3:40 when we drive to the dentist that worked on Keanna's teeth for a follow up visit.  Nikki will pick them up there and then I'll be done with them for the day.  It will be fun to see them once again.

Tomorrow morning Marilyn leaves early for Lodi Honda where they will replace the timing belt and water pump.  They had the best price by $300.  Bob will pick her up and they will head up to Jackson Rancheria for a morning visit.  By the time they come back to Lodi the car should be completed.

Well for now I'm wishing each of you a very good night.



Monday, August 5, 2013

A day of challenges

Anybody that creates anything knows there are days that don't go so well.

This morning I was at DMV in Tracy at 8:30 and waltzed right up to the counter since I had an appointment, what a difference that makes as the other line was out the door.  I was taken care of promptly and have nearly everything cared for now, the cars are traded, I now own the Civic and Nikki the van, the trailer for the boat is licensed.

I came home to finish the duplex located In Suisun City and shipped it out.  Jessy came to help and that was great.  In the early afternoon an email informed me that an appraisal I had completed months ago for a little house in a small development a few miles outside of Napa had been rejected the the underwriters and they wanted to fund tomorrow.  The question came to my mind, how many months have they been planning to fund and suddenly the day before its a crisis.  As I read more from the desk review I could not help feeling there was something more taking place than they were stating.  I had written the same basic report I always write and of course I've written about 30,000 of them, now suddenly I had not explained my comp selection well enough, really.  I had included 7 comparables in the report, nearly every sale in the entire little development, pretty obvious really.

Anyway I had to try to rewrite the report to satisfy the desk review and lets hope it did the trick.  I had to leave and could only take so long on it before hitting the road.

I drove to San Ramon to do a field review of an appraisal and when shooting the comparables I ended up shooting a sale that was just two houses from the house where I was to do an appraisal at 6 pm.  I noticed that she was already home though I was an hour early.  She graciously let me to the full appraisal and I was on my way to Fremont to do yet another field review.  After a quick dinner at Taco Bell I turned for home and the trip was uneventful, I arrived at about 9 pm.

So last night I went to bed at 11:45 and was up at 6 this morning, you got it, I'm tired.  I just went out and turned on the spa so I'll soak for a bit and then sleep.

Our weather continues to be terrific, less than 90 and very livable.  So tomorrow I'm out in the afternoon, back to Alameda again to see a house at 2:30 and I just got a hard money appraisal order for Danville tomorrow at 4:30 and that one pays cash!  Yea

Sending love to all,


Sunday, August 4, 2013

A wretched sunday

This one has been pretty bad, a waste really.

I worked around the house this morning and then drove to Alameda to see a house, the MLS proudly included a notice that there was a lock box key on the house so access was assured.  I send an email to the listing agent to confirm and heard nothing back, I called the selling agent and heard nothing so I went.  Well there was NO supra key box on the site so that hour trip was a waste.

Then I set my sights on a driveby appraisal in San Rafael and we drove the 50 minutes to reach the property.  But there was a security gate and they would not let me in, no matter that I just wanted to do a driveby and shoot photos from the street.  They would not let me in, said I had to come back tomorrow when the "office" was open.  Well I'm not driving back 100 miles to be denied again and the fee being paid is just $225 anyway.  Then as we turned for home traffic was backed up for about 30 minutes due to a fire that had started along side 37 and traffic was at a crawl almost to Vallejo.

Then we went to a Chevy's to eat, I thought I was in a Chillis and knew there was something on the menu to eat, well there was almost nothing for a vegetarian there, sort of bleak and what I did order came on a bed of onions, that was fun!  Oh well we are home safely now and I'm thankful for that.

Tomorrow morning I'll be in Tracy at the good old DMV at 8:30 to work out the trade of the Civic for the Van and get it legal.  Plus get a license paid for the boat trailer.  Hope that works out well.

Also I have to have a duplex appraisal completed in the morning as well.  So there will be lots to do.

Sending love to all of you as we move into August.


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Back to Sabbath School this morning

What fun to pick up Kallie and drive to Tracy. Rachel was the teacher today and did a very good job guiding the little ones in learning the story of baby Moses.

After attending Sabbath School Kallie and I visited the Dollar Store for a couple little toys and then we drove to the house,  We picked up Marilyn and met up with Bob, Nikki and Keanna at the Olive Garden in Stockton.  Great food and even better company.  Bob is really taking control of his life and Carrol would be so proud of his accomplishments along the way.  What a brave and faithful person he is.

This evening we went to Safeway for a few things and $90 later we struggled out of the store, I really dislike the rather silly check out system they are forcing on us, the one where you check yourself out, it must have given us bad instructions 25 times while we tried to get our things paid for.

So thankful for decent weather and a wonderful family to be a part of.

Love to all


Friday, August 2, 2013

How interesting?  Well pretty unusual.  I was sitting at my desk this morning doing research when I suddenly discovered that I should have left 30 minutes before to reach San Ramon and the first appointment.  I called and we reschedule for 4 pm.  Then at 10 I left for Oakland and found a very nice little house in a great neighborhood near Piedmont.  Then I drove to Alameda to see a second property.  After I left that home I discovered that the clutch was no longer working on the bug.  Try as I might it would not go into gear.

Eventually in desperation I discovered that if I turned off the key, mashed the gearshift into 2nd and then started the car it would go but there was no clutch action so shifting became very interesting, yes you can shift without a clutch but there is grinding and lurching.  I finished shooting the comps for that property and headed directly to Brentwood, to my VW mechanic, he advised me to try to get there so he could check.  All the way home through traffic that ebbed and flowed I kept shifting without a clutch, using the clutch just did not work, the good Lord kept a whole lot of traffic lights green and at last I made it to Brentwood.  After racing to the bathroom, a desperate move, Freddie jumped in my car, pushed the clutch pedal a few times and found the clutch to be working perfectly and it has worked perfectly ever since that moment.

My San Ramon lady took pit on me and opted for a Monday at 6:00 appointment and since the bug was now driving perfectly I went to see Pat at Borden Junction who was finishing up on the boat.  When I pulled up two guys were trying to get it started but without success.  They worked on it for awhile and finally got it to run by spraying lighter fluid directly and continuously into the carb.  Eventually better fuel got to the carb and it started to run well.  Now I have it home and will put it in the stacks soon where it will be accessible to all of us.  Steve has worked so hard on the boat and has it looking very good now.  I've picked up some new paddles for it, some new floating seat cushions with handles for throwing to someone in the water, required by law.  We'll add the life jackets back into the storage areas, get the horn to blow again, get the second blower to working again and soon be on the water.

This evening after all the excitement of the day and it is very exciting to drive for an hour on the freeway in rush hour traffic without a clutch, we went to Red Robin and had a nice dinner, they gave me a little sundae for my upcoming birthday and the garden burger was free too.  It was nice.

Now I'm about to sit in the spa, I'm really ready to do so.

Hope your Sabbath is special, I might take Kallie to Sabbath School in the morning, we'll see.  This evening they are enjoying the As in Oakland.

Love to all,


PS looking forward to lunch with Bob tomorrow at Marie Calendars in Stockton, he has a coupon, Yes!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

All day long I was sure it was Friday

There are creeping signs that I'm aging fast!  From morning on today I mentally decided that it was Friday and only during the afternoon did I discover I was wrong.

This morning I drove to Steve and Nikki's, he had the shiny boat hooked up to the Pilot and so I drove it to Borden Junction, a very good shop with Pat as owner.  He was the one that solved the motorhome tank issues a couple years back and he has solved many other things as well over the years.  When I spoke to him at 5 today he was nearly ready to jerk the engine so he could do the flywheel.  He had found a few other things that needed attention, replacing and repair.  He loves boats and he is enjoying this process of getting the boat ready to enjoy on the water.  He says he will be completed with it tomorrow which would be so nice.

I've worked in today finishing up reports and setting up new orders.  In the morning I'll be in San Ramon, then Oakland and then back to San Ramon for a review, then its off to San Rafael or shall I do that on Sunday?  We will see.

Right now I'm just out of the spa, it rose from 77 to 94 in a matter of a few minutes and it felt so nice to sit in the swirling waters, watch the airplanes fly across the sky and see the stars.

This evening Lois, Marilyn and I drove to Tracy to the IHOP and the food was great, the service lagged like it sometimes does but the good food made up for it. 

Our weather has been heavenly here lately, cool and comfortable with almost no AC needed which means saved dollars.

Sending my love to all,
