Saturday, August 10, 2013

An Incredible Day - 65th birthday

Dear Family and loved ones,

So many great things have happened to today.  It started rather calm and I was alone.

Then I picked up Kallie and we went to a great Sabbath School under Kim's leadership. I ended up being asked to play the piano and even that was extra fun.  Kallie sort of sat with me but did a super job of being involved in everything, there were so many precious little girls there and everyone had a great time.

After SS we drove to McDonalds for a snack and then picked up a device that lets a person start the engine on a boat while the boat is in the driveway.  I know we own one already but so far its not shown up.  So Kallie and I stopped at the nice boat place in Tracy and picked up a new light for the trailer and the device that looks just like a toilet plunger but has a place to hook up a hose so water pressure goes into the pump and keeps the engine from over heating.  I dropped off the device at Steve's and then drove to lunch with the family at Cheesecake Factory in Pleasanton.  It was really enjoyable just getting together and then the food came, that was great also.

Afterwards I opened some very special gifts, pictures both professional and hand drawn ones from Timothy and Mia, a wonderful Dan Brown book to listen to while I drive, a box of special chocolates.  One of the pictures was of Jason and Jo and family.  It really turned out good, such a treasure.  Nikki did one of those special things where she selects a card that is just like she wrote it, every word meaningful.  Her mom was good at that too.  After the gifts the staff sang to me, mostly on key which was nice and then brought me a little sundae.  It was perfect.

On my way home I stopped by to see Steve and the boat was running so nicely, starts quickly and just purrs. Then we worked on speakers, well he worked and I watch mostly, he is so good at everything mechanical it seems.  We installed a new trailer light as the other one was smashed, could it be that I ran into something with it?  He fixed this and that, cleaned out a lot of dust and dirt under the front of the boat, secured the engine cover and the back seat, wow it is looking nice these days.

I hung around as we tweaked until about 9 when I finally came home.  During the late afternoon my phone rang and it said Sibyl.  I was thrilled as that is my sister and the last time I tried to speak to her she was intubated and could not speak, she was very ill and I was in fear of losing her.  This time her voice was strong and she was much better.  Now living at a rehab facility she is once again walking and doing much better.  She battles a heart condition and recently had over a liter of fluid removed from a lung.  Now she is much better again and I am very thankful.

Thank you to the many people who sent birthday greetings through Facebook.

Sending love to all and a special thanks to my family for lunch, for the thoughtful gifts and for their loving support.  What a wonderful bunch I'm blessed with.



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