Monday, September 16, 2013


Good evening,

I'm just back from Brentwood.  Earlier this evening Nikki called to say the van was making strange noises, that lights were flashing on the dash and that it almost did not make it through an intersection.  So Marilyn and I drove in to town to check out the van.  Once there at the gym we found it would not start at all, battery was too dead.

So we turned over the Civic to her she could get the girls home to bed and came back to pick up the battery starter and some cables, some tools etc.

We drove back to the van, put the little jump starter on it and it started right up.  The engine had a new whirring sound, I'm personally guessing its an alternator with bad bearings but could be any number of things.  I was able to drive it carefully across town to the repair place that did the compressor, locked it up solid, wrote a long message and dropped the message and the keys into the office.  Now I'm asking the angels to watch over the van tonight, its important to our family and we so need it to work properly.

On the way home we stopped in for a quick bite at a little Mexican place in Brentwood and now we are home.

Today I've written a report a couple times and finally got it right and delivered, then made appointments, did research and inspected a little house that is being mostly torn down so the new owner can built a new place using foundation and one wall thus it becomes a remodel instead of new construction, costs a truck load of money less for a remodel versus a new home with the city for the building permits and taxes.

Then it was Costco for a few things and home to work again.  I wrote up an appraisal for a purchased in concord for a nice little house that was nearly as old as I am.  Has a bunch of new stuff and a big lot, selling for $348,000.

So now once again its time to rest and I intend to do so right away.

Sending love to all, please pray for protection for the van tonight, its not a great part of town to park a car but I didn't think it would make it home and back again.


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