Tuesday, November 19, 2013

And the rains came

Good evening,

After a long time it finally rained today, we need it badly so we welcome it.  But it was a weak rain.

This morning I woke with many things on my feeble mind and at 7 I rolled out and went to the treadmill where for the next 30 minutes I walked, uphill, downhill, faster and slower, great workout.

I've worked in today and have written a difficult 4 plex in Oakland, fixed conditions, had a nice lunch with brown rice, green beans, griller and this evening we went to our local pizza place which has specials on Tuesday evening.

I've had a fire going most of the day and its been nice to keep things warm, also hot drinks have helped the day pass along as well.

I could certainly do with more work.  I'm seeing a triplex at 8 in the morning in Berkeley so I'll be getting out rather early and hope for a break in the rain. These days I'm driving the Civic as I'm not sure about the VW and how many more miles it has until it needs to get fixed.  So far my contact in Turlock has not located the parts and has been really busy, hope to hear something back tomorrow.

Sending love to all,


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