Monday, September 29, 2014

Good day, hard day, emotional day

This has been a tough day coughing wise for me, worse again, not fund.

Walked this morning, spend an enjoyable hour with Ellen.  She is facing severe challenges at her little hotel, needs her bill paid and soon and I'm not able to help right now, since bad people stole lots of our money it has created a severe hardship, bills need to be paid that were already paid in the past, very hard to find money all over again.  Our prayer is that the bad people be arrested and money restored from them but so far that has not happened.  so we really need your prayers big time right now as this is a critical week for our future and I do care for her very much.

I worked hard today writing up reports and God was good to me with checks in the mail , that helped a lot in covering bills that had to be paid today.

God is good to us but He must be so busy with so many people needing His help.

I'm about to sell the Civic, tomorrow it gets a new windshield.  So I'll be sticking close to home from 8 to 12, the hours a person might come to work on it.

Sending love tonight to friends and family,


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