Saturday, July 16, 2016


Moon and I have faced some pretty serious challenges recently. There are a number hurdles we must overcome before we can look to a future together.  We both pray and lay out before the Lord our desires and our pleading for His help.  Friday was an especially tough day as some in the immigration service can be pretty touch to deal with, even if some things were caused by other people they still become a part of the current case.  We have spent some pretty tense hours on the phone sharing fears, concerns, hopes and disappointments.
We honestly do not know the future.  Yes in the middle of adversity one learns a lot about another person and I see an ability to cry, despair and then allow faith to start to build again.  I see inner strength in Moon!
Today I had lunch with Keanna, Kallie and Nikki at California Pizza Kitchen, what fun to be able to see them, to hear their happy chatter and to be able to eat real food again after a week of soft food and trying to avoid bleeding.
I think I told you I'm having the heart procedures done on August 17 at 5:30 am. They are doing at least three things: putting a mechanical aortic value in, cutting away a chamber where blood tends to pool and can cause strokes and they will burn or cut a place in my heart that can in about 60% of the cases stop AFib from taking place, that is where I wake up in the morning with a heart rate of 145 instead of 52 resting and all day it races between 145 and 90 and I feel terrible all day.  Those are high risk stroke days.  I am very impressed with Dr. Allen,  Johns Hopkins specialist.  Until that time I'll be working as hard as I can attempting to benefit from all these extra orders that are coming in right now.  It is certainly raining orders right now but as of tonight I have them all scheduled and ready to fly now.  It will be an intense week and I'm up for it.

Just got to talk to Moon after she attended an open house and met a new lady friend, a good experience for her, a Chinese Malaysian woman who is an artist and had many things out to enjoy.

Now its time to rest and spend time in prayer.

Love to all

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