Dear Friends and Family,
So thankful to be feeling better finally, have had a rough couple weeks with two runs of antibiotics, finally coughing less, sleeping without fever and shivers, able to keep on working and so grateful to a loving God
In spite of its being the holiday season I've been blessed with orders, I treasure every one of them. Susan came this week and wrote appraisals all day, was very ill the next door, perhaps she caught my cough, probably, she helped so much only to get so sick.
My furnace has not worked this fall, I've done what I knew to fix it without success, tomorrow a man is coming by, hes from Tracy, to just take a look while he is out here working on someone else's heater.
I'm working on doing a refi, first one in about 13 years but its been a very difficult process. At this point I'm not sure yet if it will happen. I need the cash to do two things, my cars are getting old and have lots of miles, I'm planning to purchase Moon's Tahoe, has low miles and has excellent care as we are flying her home to Singapore come January 25. I need the refi to close for cash for her car and cash for the IRS, I was out of work for three months in 2016 when the heart value was installed and I owe a lot of money. I'm praying morning and night about the refi, already many very helpful things have happened. Tom and John came for a whole day and fixed a really bad place on my house with dry rot, they did a great job, Ray, next door angel has helped days on the deck and steps, I've painted where I could reach over the entire home.
Moon is busy packing boxes, some to ship to Singapore for her mom and Crystal and others that I'll bring home when she flies out of Texas and I drive her car back here with a trailer behind. We talk many times a day and we face everything together, she is an incredible person with a love for family that is just amazing. Crystal who won the Miss Singapore pageant is now preparing to fly to Egypt for the Miss World pageant but will have to fly there alone, not a great place to be alone. So we pray that God will guide and protect her.
When I wake in the morning I first turn on a heater that George and Yvonne gave us years ago. That heats my bedroom and the area where I shower as it is often 59 degrees. What a life saver, this is one of those heaters that glow orange, a radiant kind of heat. I remember when George brought it to us so long ago when Nan was still very much alive. With the heater out this season that heater has been such a huge blessing. During the time when my fever was so high I kept the heater on all night to hold away the chill.
Can you imagine how amazed I was this morning to get an email from someone in nearby Brentwood who wanted to rent the motorhome today! I had three appointments which I could not change but they decided to wait till I got home and they rented it and are on their way to San Diego now using the coastal route. I'm so thankful for the income, it let me get some gift certificates at Safeway for Christmas.
Sending my love and gratitude for your friendship and your prayers. Dolly has been an incredible prayer warrior for me while I was ill, so thankful for that amazing woman.
enjoy Christmas, easy on the eggnog!
With joy
Friday, December 22, 2017
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Good Morning family and friends,
Sunday morning, just had a nice email from Barbara Lammerding, what a true friend she has been. I'm grateful for so many blessings that God has given over the years. 36 years with Nan, every year a huge blessing, a super family with Nikki and Steve and the girls working hard, doing the right things and still finding life a struggle, Keanna running a 3 mile yesterday in Hayward hoping to help her school Liberty High to place 3rd so they could go state championships but they did not quite make it, still competing and doing very well, then lunch with her and just appreciating the miracle of life, the joys of family. Kallie meanwhile was competing in a Cheer contest where her group from Brentwood placed 5th. She is doing so well in school and in preparing a Christmas list, wow!
Then there is Jason and Jo with Timothy and Mia, working long hours, Jason commuting sometimes up to 4 hours a day to get his job done, they have Julie visiting, Jo's mom who took some time from work and is here visiting. Jo teaching and suddenly having a week off, enjoying having more room in the home they live in in Fremont. Great kids and enjoying a new French Bull dog who is still learning how to be a good doggie but adding so much joy to the home.
I'm facing huge challenges right now, a tax bill that hit yesterday from IRS, an attempt to refi my place, to get it cleaned up and fixed up enough to pass the appraisal for FHA, me under the deck last night trying to shore up some weak spots, so sore this morning that getting up was a challenge.
My precious Moon, my friend in Houston who will be returning to Singapore in January, trying to help her get ready to return. She meanwhile helping her daughter Crystal who has already won Miss Singapore and is now competing in Miss World, Moon spends hours every day on the phone advising, listening, teaching Crystal how to handle each day as she competes with the world now. She is finding that some of the girls who look so lovely in the photos can be very mean and threatening. So I wish Moon and Crystal the best and give what support I can.
I ask for your prayers that God will guide me, help me, help with my work and give me peace. Every day I want to be a better more caring person, to do good in my work and to do my part of God's family.
Sending love to all
Sunday morning, just had a nice email from Barbara Lammerding, what a true friend she has been. I'm grateful for so many blessings that God has given over the years. 36 years with Nan, every year a huge blessing, a super family with Nikki and Steve and the girls working hard, doing the right things and still finding life a struggle, Keanna running a 3 mile yesterday in Hayward hoping to help her school Liberty High to place 3rd so they could go state championships but they did not quite make it, still competing and doing very well, then lunch with her and just appreciating the miracle of life, the joys of family. Kallie meanwhile was competing in a Cheer contest where her group from Brentwood placed 5th. She is doing so well in school and in preparing a Christmas list, wow!
Then there is Jason and Jo with Timothy and Mia, working long hours, Jason commuting sometimes up to 4 hours a day to get his job done, they have Julie visiting, Jo's mom who took some time from work and is here visiting. Jo teaching and suddenly having a week off, enjoying having more room in the home they live in in Fremont. Great kids and enjoying a new French Bull dog who is still learning how to be a good doggie but adding so much joy to the home.
I'm facing huge challenges right now, a tax bill that hit yesterday from IRS, an attempt to refi my place, to get it cleaned up and fixed up enough to pass the appraisal for FHA, me under the deck last night trying to shore up some weak spots, so sore this morning that getting up was a challenge.
My precious Moon, my friend in Houston who will be returning to Singapore in January, trying to help her get ready to return. She meanwhile helping her daughter Crystal who has already won Miss Singapore and is now competing in Miss World, Moon spends hours every day on the phone advising, listening, teaching Crystal how to handle each day as she competes with the world now. She is finding that some of the girls who look so lovely in the photos can be very mean and threatening. So I wish Moon and Crystal the best and give what support I can.
I ask for your prayers that God will guide me, help me, help with my work and give me peace. Every day I want to be a better more caring person, to do good in my work and to do my part of God's family.
Sending love to all
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Long time no write
Dear Friends and Family,
Sunday morning, have walked 3 miles, now working on appraisals and doing laundry, fortunately can do both with few steps in between.
I wanted to share a photo of Crystal, Moon's daughter. She just won Miss Singapore and is enjoying the challenge of representing her country, visiting children, doing TV performances and keeping very busy. She is a talented young woman and her mom and her spend hours every day planning every detail of her costumes, her make up, what words to speak when in other countries, how to be the princess she now is. I'm so proud of Moon for her total commitment to her family and to Crystal her precious daughter..
Sunday morning, have walked 3 miles, now working on appraisals and doing laundry, fortunately can do both with few steps in between.
I wanted to share a photo of Crystal, Moon's daughter. She just won Miss Singapore and is enjoying the challenge of representing her country, visiting children, doing TV performances and keeping very busy. She is a talented young woman and her mom and her spend hours every day planning every detail of her costumes, her make up, what words to speak when in other countries, how to be the princess she now is. I'm so proud of Moon for her total commitment to her family and to Crystal her precious daughter..

I have been busy lately dealing with the challenges of both cars failing in the same weekend and the costs to make them run again, wow! Work has continued to come in for which I am very thankful and so far my health is pretty good. I did not keep the weight off that I lost in the program so find myself once again trying to get a handle of eating too much and the wrong things.
Yesterday Kallie and I were heading to church when she realized she had not dressed for church so we ended up here at the house. We built the first fire of the season as it was chilly and looked over possible Christmas gifts, she has quite a list! We had lunch at Red Robin and discovered they have changed the vegeburger they serve, I looked at it and thought it was meat, they assured me it was not meat. I don't like change but I had it on my plate so ventured into eating it. It is excellent and I was relieved.
On Friday Moon drove over a hour to reach the Houston Pet Hospital where doctors are accredited to perform tests on Gucci that are required before she can fly home to Singapore. We don't get results for 6 weeks and the visit was $332. When we get the results then we can apply for a dog license for Singapore and make better plans for Moon and her to fly home sometime in January. But Gucci is worth it, a very precious little part of our family.
Well I suppose its time to return to work now, I go see a little condo in Antioch at 4 today and write up reports for properties I have seen this week. Keanna was in a running meet yesterday in Hayward and placed 38 out of over 200 runners. Turns out she is really fast and loves running. When she and Nikki recently went to New York and Washington DC she ran often, in Central Park and on the Mall in Washington DC, pretty exciting stuff.
Sending love to all, love those people God has surrounded you with with your best.!
Love Tim
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Dear Family and Friends,
Its been awhile with a lot of things happening, very thankful for a Loving Protecting Father in Heaven.
My special friend lives in Houston and is OK, shook, frightened but doing all the right things too. At the moment she is worshiping in her church that managed to stay dry. She can drive to some nearby locations and avoid streets that remain covered with water. As the hurricane struck we decided that she would purchase as many meals as she could from a local Asian restaurant. So she had food enough to last until Wednesday. She lived by her TV watching the news accounts of waters flooding areas that were near to her. Freeways filled with water and she was able to purchase gas ahead of time. Rain blew into the roof and leaked through her ceiling, that caused her a lot of worry but her water and power remained on for the entire time. On Wednesday she was able to find a Walmart that was open and stocked up, ATMs had stopped working, banks were closed and she constantly worried that more water would be released and flood her out. It did not reach her but was not far away. She did the right things, went to her bank when it opened and wrapped her legal papers in plastic as the bank said the vault was not waterproof. She and Gucci rode out the days of raining and finally she sent me a photo of sun peeking in her window, her storage place also stayed dry, that is where she has many boxes that are set for shipment to Singapore.
We are very thankful for her safety but so sad for so many people in Texas who did not have a good outcome.
Dana has stayed in touch, she is Nan's sister and lives in Houston. They stayed dry, kept their power and are fine.
I'm working hard and can finally relax a bit with Moon being safe and calm.
Sending love to all,
Its been awhile with a lot of things happening, very thankful for a Loving Protecting Father in Heaven.
My special friend lives in Houston and is OK, shook, frightened but doing all the right things too. At the moment she is worshiping in her church that managed to stay dry. She can drive to some nearby locations and avoid streets that remain covered with water. As the hurricane struck we decided that she would purchase as many meals as she could from a local Asian restaurant. So she had food enough to last until Wednesday. She lived by her TV watching the news accounts of waters flooding areas that were near to her. Freeways filled with water and she was able to purchase gas ahead of time. Rain blew into the roof and leaked through her ceiling, that caused her a lot of worry but her water and power remained on for the entire time. On Wednesday she was able to find a Walmart that was open and stocked up, ATMs had stopped working, banks were closed and she constantly worried that more water would be released and flood her out. It did not reach her but was not far away. She did the right things, went to her bank when it opened and wrapped her legal papers in plastic as the bank said the vault was not waterproof. She and Gucci rode out the days of raining and finally she sent me a photo of sun peeking in her window, her storage place also stayed dry, that is where she has many boxes that are set for shipment to Singapore.
We are very thankful for her safety but so sad for so many people in Texas who did not have a good outcome.
Dana has stayed in touch, she is Nan's sister and lives in Houston. They stayed dry, kept their power and are fine.
I'm working hard and can finally relax a bit with Moon being safe and calm.
Sending love to all,
Thursday, July 27, 2017
So I was asked to give a little talk tonight about my experience in P2P, I was nervous but I was able to express how I felt about the program, very positive, caring and life changing for so many including my family, Jason is in the first challenge and has lost weight so far, Nikki is a veteran of so many challenges and has lost a great deal of weight too. I've found some of the weight I lost but still go to the gym and really feel so much stronger and better. Its an incredible group of people and my very favorite coach, Tiffany came to hear me speak tonight, she was so helpful in urging me to keep after it when I was unsure or felt I just could not be sore anymore. She no longer is the coach in the evenings as she has to care for her little ones at night, I miss her inspiration, it was good to see her.
Been working long hours and so thankful for the work that comes in every day, its a huge blessing and God is so good to me. Been renting the motorhome too so that helps make its payment every month.
Loving life, so thankful for family and for my dear friend Moon, she is so incredible and right now her daughter Crystal is in the Miss Singapore pageant, very exciting and she is doing well so far.
Sending love to all,
Been working long hours and so thankful for the work that comes in every day, its a huge blessing and God is so good to me. Been renting the motorhome too so that helps make its payment every month.
Loving life, so thankful for family and for my dear friend Moon, she is so incredible and right now her daughter Crystal is in the Miss Singapore pageant, very exciting and she is doing well so far.
Sending love to all,
Sunday, July 9, 2017
A new week begins
So its Sunday night, and tomorrow the new week begins, was able to see two properties today, do some office work, welcome the motorhome back from a short rental, great helpful people.
So tired, so worn out, have great help from Susan and Steve, appreciate the work that pours in, just wish had more energy to keep up better, need a vacation but one will not be coming soon.
Talk to Moon often which I enjoy, hope she comes here in September before she travels to Singapore to see her family.
Right now Crystal, her 20 year old daughter is a contestant in the Miss Singapore Contest, very exciting, she sings, she wears beautiful clothes and we pray she will do well, no matter the outcome its a great experience for her. years ago Moon was in the Mis Singapore contest and finished as of the runner ups. So its in her blood.
Right now I think I'll just go to bed early tonight.
Kallie is back tonight from visiting her grandmother, Steve's mom. She has been there for a week and is happy to come home.
Love to all
So tired, so worn out, have great help from Susan and Steve, appreciate the work that pours in, just wish had more energy to keep up better, need a vacation but one will not be coming soon.
Talk to Moon often which I enjoy, hope she comes here in September before she travels to Singapore to see her family.
Right now Crystal, her 20 year old daughter is a contestant in the Miss Singapore Contest, very exciting, she sings, she wears beautiful clothes and we pray she will do well, no matter the outcome its a great experience for her. years ago Moon was in the Mis Singapore contest and finished as of the runner ups. So its in her blood.
Right now I think I'll just go to bed early tonight.
Kallie is back tonight from visiting her grandmother, Steve's mom. She has been there for a week and is happy to come home.
Love to all
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Great day
How nice to be able to have a great lunch with Jason, Jo, the kids and Jo's mom Julie. Great food and such a nice time.
Thought I would try to include a photo today of my moment at P2P when I won my personal challenge, God was really good and Nikki was a huge help to me.
Now rest,
Love to all
Thought I would try to include a photo today of my moment at P2P when I won my personal challenge, God was really good and Nikki was a huge help to me.
Now rest,
Love to all
Good News
Good morning,
Just back from the weigh in at P2P, excitement in the room and success for me.
I got up at 6 and walked 3 miles just to be sure I would make goal of 20.2 because I thought I started at 191.2 but this morning when I looked carefully at the last certificate it was 191.7. So when I weighed in I was 171.2, that meant I had lost 20.5 pounds which was great news. There were perhaps a hundred people in the room of all races, all sizes and genders, some scared of the weigh in news, others just excited knowing they had made it. My friend Victor, a former Richmond policeman had lost an amazing amount again, in two challenges he has lost over 63 pounds and looks amazing, super nice encouraging guy and so happy for him, he told me today I had inspired him, I thought he inspired me, always so encouraging and helpful.
So now I'm off to see Jason and family, we go to an honest lunch of real food! Talk about a celebration. Just after the weight in and I knew I had succeeded, God really did the hard work, I went to Starbucks and had a multi grain bagel, have not had one for about 8 weeks and it tasted as good as I remembered.
I am so thankful to Nikki who led the way, P2P saved my life in several ways, when I started a challenge a year ago my heart did not feel right, my cardiologist had an ultra sound and they discovered the narrowing aortic valve, so in August I had open heart surgery and 3 months later was back able to drive after Clayton and Jerry helped me survive. Then in January I had a complicated Ablation procedure done by Dr. Chin in Santa Clara, Ray helped me get there and Jason brought me home as I remember, that solved A fib and Flutter totally, What great work by Kaiser people. Then a few months later I felt ready for the first challenge, its been a life changing experience all the way, the most positive group of people I've ever encountered, I mean never a foul comment or negative put down, just great great great.
I'm rolling the $497 into a years membership as I want, need to keep on working out with the class 5 days a week, I have a dream of being fitter than I've ever been in my life and its within my grasp now.
So this is my story today, grateful to Nikki, excited about today's success and so happy that Jason has joined Pleasanton challenge which starts in two weeks.
Love to all and thanks to God
Just back from the weigh in at P2P, excitement in the room and success for me.
I got up at 6 and walked 3 miles just to be sure I would make goal of 20.2 because I thought I started at 191.2 but this morning when I looked carefully at the last certificate it was 191.7. So when I weighed in I was 171.2, that meant I had lost 20.5 pounds which was great news. There were perhaps a hundred people in the room of all races, all sizes and genders, some scared of the weigh in news, others just excited knowing they had made it. My friend Victor, a former Richmond policeman had lost an amazing amount again, in two challenges he has lost over 63 pounds and looks amazing, super nice encouraging guy and so happy for him, he told me today I had inspired him, I thought he inspired me, always so encouraging and helpful.
So now I'm off to see Jason and family, we go to an honest lunch of real food! Talk about a celebration. Just after the weight in and I knew I had succeeded, God really did the hard work, I went to Starbucks and had a multi grain bagel, have not had one for about 8 weeks and it tasted as good as I remembered.
I am so thankful to Nikki who led the way, P2P saved my life in several ways, when I started a challenge a year ago my heart did not feel right, my cardiologist had an ultra sound and they discovered the narrowing aortic valve, so in August I had open heart surgery and 3 months later was back able to drive after Clayton and Jerry helped me survive. Then in January I had a complicated Ablation procedure done by Dr. Chin in Santa Clara, Ray helped me get there and Jason brought me home as I remember, that solved A fib and Flutter totally, What great work by Kaiser people. Then a few months later I felt ready for the first challenge, its been a life changing experience all the way, the most positive group of people I've ever encountered, I mean never a foul comment or negative put down, just great great great.
I'm rolling the $497 into a years membership as I want, need to keep on working out with the class 5 days a week, I have a dream of being fitter than I've ever been in my life and its within my grasp now.
So this is my story today, grateful to Nikki, excited about today's success and so happy that Jason has joined Pleasanton challenge which starts in two weeks.
Love to all and thanks to God
Friday, June 9, 2017
The adventure nears its end
So I'm just back now from In Shape where I sat in the steam bath for 25 minutes, why? To drop a little more weight. As of this morning I was 2.8 pounds short of my 20 pound goal for this challenge with P2P. So I worked out last night at 9 and then again this morning at 6, I've had nothing to eat or drink since noon and I won't drink or eat until after weight in tomorrow. There is a lot at stake, $497 for one thing and the thrill of achieving a goal, one I've sought for a very long time. This time with fitness and tone, balance and strength, body fat ratio is now at 23%, my lowest ever.
Right now I'm tired, feeling the effects of sitting in a steam room at 110 degrees for 25 minutes and a very busy week.
I just pray that I can weigh in tomorrow at 171.2 or less, that is my goal. When I left to go to the In Shape steam bath I was 1 72.5, that is 1.8 pounds above goal, I hope I now have lost enough. Of course I'll walk and run my 3 miles in the morning when I wake up before I go to weigh in.
Later tomorrow I plan to have lunch at an Olive Garden, soup and salad, that sounds so very good.
Jason joined P2P in Pleasanton this week and is accepted into a challenge that starts in a couple weeks, that gym is only 17 minutes from his house. Nikki set the example, I've followed the best I can and Jason has joined the team, So thank ful
Sending love to all
Right now I'm tired, feeling the effects of sitting in a steam room at 110 degrees for 25 minutes and a very busy week.
I just pray that I can weigh in tomorrow at 171.2 or less, that is my goal. When I left to go to the In Shape steam bath I was 1 72.5, that is 1.8 pounds above goal, I hope I now have lost enough. Of course I'll walk and run my 3 miles in the morning when I wake up before I go to weigh in.
Later tomorrow I plan to have lunch at an Olive Garden, soup and salad, that sounds so very good.
Jason joined P2P in Pleasanton this week and is accepted into a challenge that starts in a couple weeks, that gym is only 17 minutes from his house. Nikki set the example, I've followed the best I can and Jason has joined the team, So thank ful
Sending love to all
Friday, June 2, 2017
Its been awhile
Good Friday evening to each of you,
As I sit here at the computer I'm falling asleep, its been a long day, woke before 6, rolled out at 6:03 and did my 3 miles of walking with running intervals in the cool morning. I'm pretty desperate to keep the weight coming down, have a week to go and about 6 pounds yet, never lost that much in a week before!
I weigh in in the morning but first I'll run my 3 miles, lost 1/2 a pound this morning by running so it works. The P2P program takes some time every day, meal prep, you have to be prepared, no fast food, no mocha drinks, no crackers, no fruit right now, just tofu, greens, great Romaine hearts with lemon juice, asparagus spears almost raw, egg whites and spinach leaves, protein drink, lots of water.
Today I took the motorhome back to Monkey RV in Manteca, the dash AC lasted about 30 minutes last time but the tech put dye in and this time found a very red and messy low pressure switch. He ordered it, it came and it was wrong, he ordered again and an hour later it came and was right. I was in that little waiting room from 9 to 1, had the tablet so could work some, made appointments and tried not to be hungry. Walked to a little store and found a diet Pepsi which I'm allowed and a package of almonds with no salt, just raw. I get 12 a day, they tasted like a feast!
I've lost 37 pounds so far and am thrilled with my new body, I can do things I never thought I would do again and I'm so thankful for Nikki leading the way.
Moon is beginning to prepare for her return to Singapore in October, boxes are purchased and sorting and items to the dump are set out. She is such a dear woman and I miss her very much, we talk often, text too and she means everything to me.
Now for bed, tired and rest helps a person dump weight!!
Love to all
As I sit here at the computer I'm falling asleep, its been a long day, woke before 6, rolled out at 6:03 and did my 3 miles of walking with running intervals in the cool morning. I'm pretty desperate to keep the weight coming down, have a week to go and about 6 pounds yet, never lost that much in a week before!
I weigh in in the morning but first I'll run my 3 miles, lost 1/2 a pound this morning by running so it works. The P2P program takes some time every day, meal prep, you have to be prepared, no fast food, no mocha drinks, no crackers, no fruit right now, just tofu, greens, great Romaine hearts with lemon juice, asparagus spears almost raw, egg whites and spinach leaves, protein drink, lots of water.
Today I took the motorhome back to Monkey RV in Manteca, the dash AC lasted about 30 minutes last time but the tech put dye in and this time found a very red and messy low pressure switch. He ordered it, it came and it was wrong, he ordered again and an hour later it came and was right. I was in that little waiting room from 9 to 1, had the tablet so could work some, made appointments and tried not to be hungry. Walked to a little store and found a diet Pepsi which I'm allowed and a package of almonds with no salt, just raw. I get 12 a day, they tasted like a feast!
I've lost 37 pounds so far and am thrilled with my new body, I can do things I never thought I would do again and I'm so thankful for Nikki leading the way.
Moon is beginning to prepare for her return to Singapore in October, boxes are purchased and sorting and items to the dump are set out. She is such a dear woman and I miss her very much, we talk often, text too and she means everything to me.
Now for bed, tired and rest helps a person dump weight!!
Love to all
Friday, May 12, 2017
Friday night
Dear Friend and Family
Just back from the P2P exercise session, as usual it was great, hard, sweaty, out of breath, pain, exhaustion and it is so good to know I can do things I've not done for years. As to weight, we will see in the morning at the official weigh in weather this week has been a success or not. I know I'm down but not sure how much down.
Today was long and hard work wise. First Concord, then nearby Martinez and then a long drive to Rio Linda near Sacramento and then of course the drive home, wow, lots of miles but a successful day.
Kallie has a baseball game tomorrow at 10 and then I think I take her to lunch afterwards.
The week has been good, I'm thankful for safe trips, for income, for success and for life and feeling great now.
Sending love to all
Just back from the P2P exercise session, as usual it was great, hard, sweaty, out of breath, pain, exhaustion and it is so good to know I can do things I've not done for years. As to weight, we will see in the morning at the official weigh in weather this week has been a success or not. I know I'm down but not sure how much down.
Today was long and hard work wise. First Concord, then nearby Martinez and then a long drive to Rio Linda near Sacramento and then of course the drive home, wow, lots of miles but a successful day.
Kallie has a baseball game tomorrow at 10 and then I think I take her to lunch afterwards.
The week has been good, I'm thankful for safe trips, for income, for success and for life and feeling great now.
Sending love to all
Sunday, May 7, 2017
Church camp out accomplished what it sets out to do
Back home working and on the way to bed.
Kallie has been looking forward to the church campout for a long time, finally Friday arrived and thanks to her daddy we got the paddle boat loaded on a borrowed trailed and drove to Lake McSwain.
We really had a very relaxing and good time, on Sabbath afternoon kids and adults had a fun playing in the paddle boat and even though it was cool we still really enjoyed watching little ones on the water for the first time and others enjoying it once again.
The guys at the campout were great helping put the boat in the water and then bring it out this morning and our return trip was uneventful as we found phone service again and reclaimed out place in the world.
This afternoon I fitted in two appraisals and then had a flat tire on the bug as I drove home, not fun but after a quick tire change I'm home and safe, so thankful for that, not sure what happened but I heard a loud noise and then I could hear the noise when a tire is losing air so I got off the freeway and found a level place to change. Not easy as the tire is very heavy to lift out of the well in the back of the bug but its done.
Life throws curves in our path, we deal with them
So grateful that the Tracy church keeps on having the campout, I missed having George and Yvonne there full time this year but their motorhome came with its new owners and they drove up on Sabbath to spend the day. Talk about loyal campers and church members, there will never be anyone like George and Yvonne and their love for the people, the church, the school and Tracy. We are so blessed.
I enjoyed music from our special friend Chuck, He and Linda come every year if they can and his music has created many magic moments around the campfire at campouts just like this one. Blessed again.
So I go to bed happy, contented and thankful to belong to such a special group of people.
Love to all
Kallie has been looking forward to the church campout for a long time, finally Friday arrived and thanks to her daddy we got the paddle boat loaded on a borrowed trailed and drove to Lake McSwain.
We really had a very relaxing and good time, on Sabbath afternoon kids and adults had a fun playing in the paddle boat and even though it was cool we still really enjoyed watching little ones on the water for the first time and others enjoying it once again.
The guys at the campout were great helping put the boat in the water and then bring it out this morning and our return trip was uneventful as we found phone service again and reclaimed out place in the world.
This afternoon I fitted in two appraisals and then had a flat tire on the bug as I drove home, not fun but after a quick tire change I'm home and safe, so thankful for that, not sure what happened but I heard a loud noise and then I could hear the noise when a tire is losing air so I got off the freeway and found a level place to change. Not easy as the tire is very heavy to lift out of the well in the back of the bug but its done.
Life throws curves in our path, we deal with them
So grateful that the Tracy church keeps on having the campout, I missed having George and Yvonne there full time this year but their motorhome came with its new owners and they drove up on Sabbath to spend the day. Talk about loyal campers and church members, there will never be anyone like George and Yvonne and their love for the people, the church, the school and Tracy. We are so blessed.
I enjoyed music from our special friend Chuck, He and Linda come every year if they can and his music has created many magic moments around the campfire at campouts just like this one. Blessed again.
So I go to bed happy, contented and thankful to belong to such a special group of people.
Love to all
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Time rushes by
Just back from the workout session that will either kill you or make you strong, I'm doing things I've not done for years and in some cases not in my whole life. I'm in a room with every shape and size of people, men and women, all doing their very best to get the most of the hour.
This morning I broke into the 180s and by the end of the 6 weeks I need to be at 171. Its all very exciting and unbelievable, hard, sweaty, sore almost all the time in different places yet totally positive. You just can't believe this whole experience unless you are in the middle of it. I am so thankful.
Moon is very much a supporter of what I'm doing, she gets a guy who is getting fit, dumping extra weight and sleeping better, eating much more carefully and much stronger in everyday things. My heart med is gone now, diabetes meds are cut in half.
Moon now has the next date with the judge in Houston, its a ways away yet, immigration moves slowly, so busy with so many people. Our plan is for her to fly home to Singapore mid fall to be home for all the birthdays in her family and for Christmas. She has been away for 7 years and feels she owes her family some time back with them. I am in total agreement though I would love to just snatch her away to be with me, I think we are doing the right thing for her family and she will feel she has been there for them for awhile.
Looking forward to the church campout this weekend. Taking a paddle boat for everyone to enjoy, taking Kallie as she loves to be there, I'll take my P2P food so I can stay with the plan. Going to exercise at 7 on Friday morning so I won't miss a session.
Sending love to all,
This morning I broke into the 180s and by the end of the 6 weeks I need to be at 171. Its all very exciting and unbelievable, hard, sweaty, sore almost all the time in different places yet totally positive. You just can't believe this whole experience unless you are in the middle of it. I am so thankful.
Moon is very much a supporter of what I'm doing, she gets a guy who is getting fit, dumping extra weight and sleeping better, eating much more carefully and much stronger in everyday things. My heart med is gone now, diabetes meds are cut in half.
Moon now has the next date with the judge in Houston, its a ways away yet, immigration moves slowly, so busy with so many people. Our plan is for her to fly home to Singapore mid fall to be home for all the birthdays in her family and for Christmas. She has been away for 7 years and feels she owes her family some time back with them. I am in total agreement though I would love to just snatch her away to be with me, I think we are doing the right thing for her family and she will feel she has been there for them for awhile.
Looking forward to the church campout this weekend. Taking a paddle boat for everyone to enjoy, taking Kallie as she loves to be there, I'll take my P2P food so I can stay with the plan. Going to exercise at 7 on Friday morning so I won't miss a session.
Sending love to all,
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Thursday evening, count down
So I'm just home from the most amazing workout, not in a good or bad way but just in a very hard, painful, sweaty way. I mean we really work, every night its a different way to work a part of our bodies, be they big bodies, slim beautiful bodies or in between, every one just does what they can and then get pushed a little more. Now I run, not walk, now I can touch the floor, I can do 25 jumping jacks, my heart meds are gone, my heart is beating normally, that means higher number of beats than for the last very long time, no A-fib or flutter, just solid and reliable.
Tiffany is an incredible coach, never tires of telling me how to do certain exercises over and over again so I avoid hurting my back, my knees and still they hurt, in the morning I can hardly move, so sore but then its better.
Enough, on Sat. morning I do a final weigh in and if i have lost 20 lbs I can do a roll over to the next challenge and my $500 goes toward the next challenge and I keep on getting to enjoy the exercise classes for free, normally its $179 a month for membership.
Nikki is sweating her last couple pounds on this challenge, its much tougher to dump the weight when you don't have so much to lose, I'm worried about the next challenge and losing the next 20 pounds.
Today was a long drive, a little house in Sacramento, lots of traffic. This evening was spent at the local school as Keanna received a special award from the school board, it was fun to see it happen.
My friends and family, wishing you a good night, good morning.
Love to all
Tiffany is an incredible coach, never tires of telling me how to do certain exercises over and over again so I avoid hurting my back, my knees and still they hurt, in the morning I can hardly move, so sore but then its better.
Enough, on Sat. morning I do a final weigh in and if i have lost 20 lbs I can do a roll over to the next challenge and my $500 goes toward the next challenge and I keep on getting to enjoy the exercise classes for free, normally its $179 a month for membership.
Nikki is sweating her last couple pounds on this challenge, its much tougher to dump the weight when you don't have so much to lose, I'm worried about the next challenge and losing the next 20 pounds.
Today was a long drive, a little house in Sacramento, lots of traffic. This evening was spent at the local school as Keanna received a special award from the school board, it was fun to see it happen.
My friends and family, wishing you a good night, good morning.
Love to all
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Its really good
So I'm in my 6th week of the challenge at P2P. By now most of what I do is by habit.
I love breakfast, 1/2 cup oatmeal, 3/4 cup egg whites fried with 1 cup spinach, very tasty and appealing. Then the next meal is a protein shake made out of some good powder, strawberries and frozen raspberries, ice and water, that is really good too. The next meal for me is 6 oz of diced Tofu with a combination of chopped up broccoli, cauliflower, Greek seasoning, a few mushrooms and cook like a stir fry. It is amazingly tasty and I'm supposed to have 6 oz of sweet potato too but so far I've not found anyway to make it taste good, I'm sure there are many ways. then another shake in the afternoon, another round of the Tofu and with each tofu stir fry meal I have a bowl of Romaine hearts with some great low calorie dressing from Burger King. Yes it takes time, in the morning when I wake I go for a walk for about 15 to 30 minutes, each evening at 9 I'm at the gym for a one hour intense workout with Tiffany, a total sweet and strict lady, surrounded by caring people I've learned how to do the exercises now and let me tell you its a workout like none I have ever done before, only dreamed of doing, during the day I feel strong, my heart meds are now gone, diabetes meds are cut in half.
I'm so thankful for Nikki setting the example for me and my heart seems to be doing great now, no A-fib or flutter at all.
So now its bed time my friend,
Good night and love from my heart to you
Moon is good, been sewing for friends for the last two days and so busy even forgetting to eat at times. She is a very good girl and I enjoy my time with her every day.
I love breakfast, 1/2 cup oatmeal, 3/4 cup egg whites fried with 1 cup spinach, very tasty and appealing. Then the next meal is a protein shake made out of some good powder, strawberries and frozen raspberries, ice and water, that is really good too. The next meal for me is 6 oz of diced Tofu with a combination of chopped up broccoli, cauliflower, Greek seasoning, a few mushrooms and cook like a stir fry. It is amazingly tasty and I'm supposed to have 6 oz of sweet potato too but so far I've not found anyway to make it taste good, I'm sure there are many ways. then another shake in the afternoon, another round of the Tofu and with each tofu stir fry meal I have a bowl of Romaine hearts with some great low calorie dressing from Burger King. Yes it takes time, in the morning when I wake I go for a walk for about 15 to 30 minutes, each evening at 9 I'm at the gym for a one hour intense workout with Tiffany, a total sweet and strict lady, surrounded by caring people I've learned how to do the exercises now and let me tell you its a workout like none I have ever done before, only dreamed of doing, during the day I feel strong, my heart meds are now gone, diabetes meds are cut in half.
I'm so thankful for Nikki setting the example for me and my heart seems to be doing great now, no A-fib or flutter at all.
So now its bed time my friend,
Good night and love from my heart to you
Moon is good, been sewing for friends for the last two days and so busy even forgetting to eat at times. She is a very good girl and I enjoy my time with her every day.
Sunday, April 16, 2017
A Very Good Day
Often men discover whether a day is good or not by how much they achieve, I know that is certainly true for yours truly.
Today started fairly early with a brick 3 mile walk, then breakfast of egg whites and spinach fried and a 1/2 cup of real oatmeal, I like that breakfast very much!
Then I started working but decided to move some files that had been in the middle of the office floor for months, then took some stuff out of the shelves, dead cameras and other things that had been there for years, vacuumed the floor and threw away a full box full of magazines that keep coming, no I did not order them but they still come, I guess in hopes that I'll eventually pay for them, they are in the can now along with piles of magazine from the bathroom, who has time to read them when the bathroom is an ideal place to keep up with texts and facebook!
Yes I did start working and I set up every file that had come in all week, started writing appraisals and got a lot accomplished, had my protein drink at nook and a meal later of tofu, many kinds of veges all stir fried along with an excellent salad, all through the day I continued to drink and as of now have put down 8 bottles of water, I think that is why I lost weight last week, I made sure to get the water down every day, if you don't have a system to get the water down and monitor how much you have drunk it won't happen, well it did happen last week and I lost 5 pounds! Yes
Now I'm about to write one more report and then call it a day, Most of the appointments are made for the week, Livermore, Tracy, Stockton, Lathrop, Sacramento, Fairfield and Vacaville tomorrow. Love those orders.
Moon and I have talked several times today and she did out favorite thing, go to Walmart, its an adventure with her and she has me chasing some items while she does other ones, always fun and usually very late at night it seems. Right now she is gambling with her Chinese girl friends, they made a big dinner earlier and she hopes to win more than the $11 she won yesterday! She loves it, helps the time pass and she gets to talk Chinese as these ladies speak Chinese mainly.
She will call me after she talks to her mom and Crystal, her daughter once she has reached home.
As I need to go back to work I'll sign off now. Here is hoping you have a very good week. Ray helped me put in the new window in the door in the motorhome yesterday evening, just in time as it rained today.
Love to all,
Today started fairly early with a brick 3 mile walk, then breakfast of egg whites and spinach fried and a 1/2 cup of real oatmeal, I like that breakfast very much!
Then I started working but decided to move some files that had been in the middle of the office floor for months, then took some stuff out of the shelves, dead cameras and other things that had been there for years, vacuumed the floor and threw away a full box full of magazines that keep coming, no I did not order them but they still come, I guess in hopes that I'll eventually pay for them, they are in the can now along with piles of magazine from the bathroom, who has time to read them when the bathroom is an ideal place to keep up with texts and facebook!
Yes I did start working and I set up every file that had come in all week, started writing appraisals and got a lot accomplished, had my protein drink at nook and a meal later of tofu, many kinds of veges all stir fried along with an excellent salad, all through the day I continued to drink and as of now have put down 8 bottles of water, I think that is why I lost weight last week, I made sure to get the water down every day, if you don't have a system to get the water down and monitor how much you have drunk it won't happen, well it did happen last week and I lost 5 pounds! Yes
Now I'm about to write one more report and then call it a day, Most of the appointments are made for the week, Livermore, Tracy, Stockton, Lathrop, Sacramento, Fairfield and Vacaville tomorrow. Love those orders.
Moon and I have talked several times today and she did out favorite thing, go to Walmart, its an adventure with her and she has me chasing some items while she does other ones, always fun and usually very late at night it seems. Right now she is gambling with her Chinese girl friends, they made a big dinner earlier and she hopes to win more than the $11 she won yesterday! She loves it, helps the time pass and she gets to talk Chinese as these ladies speak Chinese mainly.
She will call me after she talks to her mom and Crystal, her daughter once she has reached home.
As I need to go back to work I'll sign off now. Here is hoping you have a very good week. Ray helped me put in the new window in the door in the motorhome yesterday evening, just in time as it rained today.
Love to all,
Friday, April 14, 2017
So sorry for no posts for while
Friday evening, classical music is playing through my computer and I'm sore to the point where moving at all does not appeal very much.
I'm finishing up week 5 of the challenge and I've exercised 26 hours so far, you just have no idea what that means unless you have been there, every part of my body is sore but I'm making excellent progress, am more flexible and my heart is doing great so far. I'm down 17 pounds of the 20 needed to recoup my money and I weigh in in the morning so hope for a couple more pounds down.
Its been a very busy week, life takes more time now to prepare the meals, several a day, work is intense and I walk in the morning and spend a full hour at the gym each evening.
Moon has a birthday today which is very exciting, last year I was with her for her birthday so this day is sort of sad, being so far away. She is with some special girl friends that she enjoys and one of her girl friends prepared her lunch today.
Tomorrow morning Kallie has a baseball game at 10 so I'll be there to observe.
Life is challenging to try to get everything done on time and I've been picking up Kallie some days from school this week too.
I feel God is so good to us and I feel safe in His arms and His plan.
Love to each and every one of you
I'm finishing up week 5 of the challenge and I've exercised 26 hours so far, you just have no idea what that means unless you have been there, every part of my body is sore but I'm making excellent progress, am more flexible and my heart is doing great so far. I'm down 17 pounds of the 20 needed to recoup my money and I weigh in in the morning so hope for a couple more pounds down.
Its been a very busy week, life takes more time now to prepare the meals, several a day, work is intense and I walk in the morning and spend a full hour at the gym each evening.
Moon has a birthday today which is very exciting, last year I was with her for her birthday so this day is sort of sad, being so far away. She is with some special girl friends that she enjoys and one of her girl friends prepared her lunch today.
Tomorrow morning Kallie has a baseball game at 10 so I'll be there to observe.
Life is challenging to try to get everything done on time and I've been picking up Kallie some days from school this week too.
I feel God is so good to us and I feel safe in His arms and His plan.
Love to each and every one of you
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Great photos from Japan
There are times in our lives that we see things that are so precious and touching, I just witnessed such things. Sylvia Ahn posted photos on Facebook from Japan where she is visiting her family and presenting the new little guy just born. What a beautiful family, thanks for sharing Sylvia, enjoy your trip.
I'm just back from a really vigorous workout for my program, P2P. Tonight I did sit ups, something I've not done for a very long time, we were asked to partner up and my partner was a tremendous lady who has been through 4 challenges, lost well over 100 pounds and knows the routines really well. She helped me do things I did not know I could do yet, I now have permission to reduce my diabetic meds in half and soon I'll get my heart meds reduced as well. I'm loving life.
Now I'm off to bed, I worked until 1 am last night getting a report completed, so tonight its shower time and hit the sack for a full night of rest. This morning I saw a 10 acre farm in Manteca. It was great and the owner has some very cute goats that were so soft and curious, strong little creatures too. One thing about my job, every day has slightly new twists with creatures, landscaping ideas, decorating ideas, yesterday it was a big bird, I mean a bit one, I think a wild turkey at Rossmoor, a retirement community and a deer grazing on the hillside along with hundreds of senior citizens doing their thing.
So now I sign off, love to all
I'm just back from a really vigorous workout for my program, P2P. Tonight I did sit ups, something I've not done for a very long time, we were asked to partner up and my partner was a tremendous lady who has been through 4 challenges, lost well over 100 pounds and knows the routines really well. She helped me do things I did not know I could do yet, I now have permission to reduce my diabetic meds in half and soon I'll get my heart meds reduced as well. I'm loving life.
Now I'm off to bed, I worked until 1 am last night getting a report completed, so tonight its shower time and hit the sack for a full night of rest. This morning I saw a 10 acre farm in Manteca. It was great and the owner has some very cute goats that were so soft and curious, strong little creatures too. One thing about my job, every day has slightly new twists with creatures, landscaping ideas, decorating ideas, yesterday it was a big bird, I mean a bit one, I think a wild turkey at Rossmoor, a retirement community and a deer grazing on the hillside along with hundreds of senior citizens doing their thing.
So now I sign off, love to all
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Exercise over, I can still move, barely!
A day of contrasts.
Woke very early this morning but just dreamed and thought about the day until 7, then up and started, nasty weather outside so it was breakfast prep, 1/2 cup oatmeal and 3/4 cup egg whites and spinach leaves fried. Actually very good.
Then it was off to Stockton to see a house, pouring rain, I mean intense on the levee road, never fun to drive, less fun in driving rain, very wet at the first house, even more wet at the second house in Lodi and still we at the third house back in Stockton
Then I got hit with very low blood sugar, had nothing to fix it so went to Taco Bell for a Burrito, I know not on the plan, bad things to do but soon I felt OK again so not a totally bad thing to do.
then back to work the rest of the day and make some protein shakes, a nice meal of tofu, romaine hearts and pepper, what a nice difference that made, tofu is not know for its flavor
Now I"m just back from an intense hour at the gym where every day I learn better how to do the exercises and my body is adjusting to let me keep up doing then without running out of wind.
Doing the balancing act of preparing the food, the meals, getting work done, scheduling appointments, keeping raccoons out of the house, last two night they are in the house when I come back from town, tonight he came in my bedroom door, then down the stairs, through the house and into the office where I feed the kitties. So I come in and I see him, I yell at him and I think I might have hurt his feelings, sure hope so. thats it, I won't leave any door open again, my poor kitties just will have to suffer.
Life is interesting, work is coming in, I'm behind like usual and Moon talks to me often during the day and night, what a lady!
Love to you all
Woke very early this morning but just dreamed and thought about the day until 7, then up and started, nasty weather outside so it was breakfast prep, 1/2 cup oatmeal and 3/4 cup egg whites and spinach leaves fried. Actually very good.
Then it was off to Stockton to see a house, pouring rain, I mean intense on the levee road, never fun to drive, less fun in driving rain, very wet at the first house, even more wet at the second house in Lodi and still we at the third house back in Stockton
Then I got hit with very low blood sugar, had nothing to fix it so went to Taco Bell for a Burrito, I know not on the plan, bad things to do but soon I felt OK again so not a totally bad thing to do.
then back to work the rest of the day and make some protein shakes, a nice meal of tofu, romaine hearts and pepper, what a nice difference that made, tofu is not know for its flavor
Now I"m just back from an intense hour at the gym where every day I learn better how to do the exercises and my body is adjusting to let me keep up doing then without running out of wind.
Doing the balancing act of preparing the food, the meals, getting work done, scheduling appointments, keeping raccoons out of the house, last two night they are in the house when I come back from town, tonight he came in my bedroom door, then down the stairs, through the house and into the office where I feed the kitties. So I come in and I see him, I yell at him and I think I might have hurt his feelings, sure hope so. thats it, I won't leave any door open again, my poor kitties just will have to suffer.
Life is interesting, work is coming in, I'm behind like usual and Moon talks to me often during the day and night, what a lady!
Love to you all
Sunday, March 19, 2017
My Sunday
I've been enjoying the encouraging comments made to Facebook about the program and how I'm doing, the comments are typical of the support and care one gets from being a part of this great plan. I actually missed going to exercise this evening even though it is so difficult and I feel so stupid half the time because I'm not able to do the different exercises like they are supposed to be done, my the coaches do them so perfectly and without breaking a sweat, amazing but one has to remember how long they have been doing these routines and how far they have come in the process.
Today was interesting in that Ray next door has been informed by the county that he has to move some of his many cars from the driveway, the guy from the county is being sort of a jerk and a neighbor has complained about the number of cars. Well Ray said they all start and run and today he proved that, tonight I have a couple parked in my extra wide driveway under new car covers he bought at Walmart, his towed a third one to Sacramento and was very helpful in cleaning everything up.
I was glad to help Ray and Lois out a little bit by letting them park the Volvo and Nissan Van over here for a few days. Its true Ray has more cars than drivers and each car needs something fixed. I'm not a person that enjoys the county and city coming onto my property to tell me what I have to do, I dislike that very much.
I walked yesterday and today my three mile circuit around the lake but could not get signed up for exercise classes, the app only lets one sign in for 5 classes a week I've learned.
I've been pretty faithful to the food plan today, making my egg white and spinach breakfast, so good and oatmeal, always good. The protein drink with berries a little later, then TOFU and sweet potato a little later along with broccoli, later more tofu and 2 cups of romaine hearts, another protein drink and now its bed time.
I've enjoy talking to Moon many times today, she was up early and went to church to worship and pray for family, then lunch with her friends and some shopping guidance to her friends this afternoon, then dinner with friends and now she is home and heading to bed. What a great woman, just loves to help, laugh, listen and care for people. I love to talk to her and help her with things she needs to find on the internet.
Sending love to all,
A new week is here, for me it will be cool and a little rainy at times, thats OK. For Moon is was 88 degrees today, downright hot and she is buying skirts to enjoy the weather!
Good night
Today was interesting in that Ray next door has been informed by the county that he has to move some of his many cars from the driveway, the guy from the county is being sort of a jerk and a neighbor has complained about the number of cars. Well Ray said they all start and run and today he proved that, tonight I have a couple parked in my extra wide driveway under new car covers he bought at Walmart, his towed a third one to Sacramento and was very helpful in cleaning everything up.
I was glad to help Ray and Lois out a little bit by letting them park the Volvo and Nissan Van over here for a few days. Its true Ray has more cars than drivers and each car needs something fixed. I'm not a person that enjoys the county and city coming onto my property to tell me what I have to do, I dislike that very much.
I walked yesterday and today my three mile circuit around the lake but could not get signed up for exercise classes, the app only lets one sign in for 5 classes a week I've learned.
I've been pretty faithful to the food plan today, making my egg white and spinach breakfast, so good and oatmeal, always good. The protein drink with berries a little later, then TOFU and sweet potato a little later along with broccoli, later more tofu and 2 cups of romaine hearts, another protein drink and now its bed time.
I've enjoy talking to Moon many times today, she was up early and went to church to worship and pray for family, then lunch with her friends and some shopping guidance to her friends this afternoon, then dinner with friends and now she is home and heading to bed. What a great woman, just loves to help, laugh, listen and care for people. I love to talk to her and help her with things she needs to find on the internet.
Sending love to all,
A new week is here, for me it will be cool and a little rainy at times, thats OK. For Moon is was 88 degrees today, downright hot and she is buying skirts to enjoy the weather!
Good night
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Wow, sore and feeling it
Dear Friend and Family Member
As I head to bed now I'm so sore from this afternoon's session, I'm doing things that I've only dreamed of doing, of course I'm not doing them very well yet and I perspire a lot, can not catch my breath at times and am by far the slowest to catch on and the last of the bunch when we are outside running.
But I'm down about 6 pounds and I'm making progress, I can make moves that would have been impossible a week ago, I do miss normal food, I have lots of tofu, greens of every kind, protein shakes with strawberries and raspberries, yams.
Dead tired, long day and very thankful for work, for family, for my Moon and for Gods blessings.
Sending love to all,
As I head to bed now I'm so sore from this afternoon's session, I'm doing things that I've only dreamed of doing, of course I'm not doing them very well yet and I perspire a lot, can not catch my breath at times and am by far the slowest to catch on and the last of the bunch when we are outside running.
But I'm down about 6 pounds and I'm making progress, I can make moves that would have been impossible a week ago, I do miss normal food, I have lots of tofu, greens of every kind, protein shakes with strawberries and raspberries, yams.
Dead tired, long day and very thankful for work, for family, for my Moon and for Gods blessings.
Sending love to all,
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Long day, hard workout tonight
Wow, these are busy difficult days. But also they have hints of the near future, its easier for me to tie my shoes, to lift things, to walk fast, to carry my ladder at appointments, to drive long miles without falling asleep, God is so good and very near.
Nikki has been super helpful and she is very busy herself.
I'm having trouble with low blood sugar in the afternoons, I mean to the point where I could hardly function this afternoon, the protein shake certainly helped a great deal.
Today I drove to Lodi for a 10 am appointment, then 11:30 to Stockton, the to shoot comp photos for one I saw yesterday, then raced back to get Kallie from school, she came home here to do homework, then I took her home at 4:20 by way of McDonalds, then it was back to Manteca for me, nearly an hour drive to find a house that did not show on any GPS yet, not even in my phone. Then finish that one and shoot photos of a home in Lathrop I saw yesterday and then home in time to change clothes and go to the gym for an excellent work out. Already I can do the exercises much better than at first, I can do 20 jumping jacks without stopping though my heart is beating heard by the end, the instructors are so good and helpful, encouraging, everyone is there to do their best and to help those around them, no put downs, no complaining, just do your best for one full hour, then fall into the car and tonight I had to go to Safeway for more groceries I was already running out of.
Now its bed time and I'm so ready to rest, to sleep, to shower and unwind.
Sending love to all, I encourage you to walk, to watch what you eat, to think about the direction of your life, do you like it? Great, if not consider options. 70% of weight loss is food and 30 is exercise.
God is so good, today, tonight and all the time.
Love to each and everyone of you.
Nikki has been super helpful and she is very busy herself.
I'm having trouble with low blood sugar in the afternoons, I mean to the point where I could hardly function this afternoon, the protein shake certainly helped a great deal.
Today I drove to Lodi for a 10 am appointment, then 11:30 to Stockton, the to shoot comp photos for one I saw yesterday, then raced back to get Kallie from school, she came home here to do homework, then I took her home at 4:20 by way of McDonalds, then it was back to Manteca for me, nearly an hour drive to find a house that did not show on any GPS yet, not even in my phone. Then finish that one and shoot photos of a home in Lathrop I saw yesterday and then home in time to change clothes and go to the gym for an excellent work out. Already I can do the exercises much better than at first, I can do 20 jumping jacks without stopping though my heart is beating heard by the end, the instructors are so good and helpful, encouraging, everyone is there to do their best and to help those around them, no put downs, no complaining, just do your best for one full hour, then fall into the car and tonight I had to go to Safeway for more groceries I was already running out of.
Now its bed time and I'm so ready to rest, to sleep, to shower and unwind.
Sending love to all, I encourage you to walk, to watch what you eat, to think about the direction of your life, do you like it? Great, if not consider options. 70% of weight loss is food and 30 is exercise.
God is so good, today, tonight and all the time.
Love to each and everyone of you.
Sunday, March 12, 2017
First day of the new adventure.............
So today was the beginning.
I walked 3 miles this morning briskly and in shorts, weather was great.
Then back to shower and made the oatmeal, then my first attempt at cooking egg whites and 1 cup of spinach leaves together, actually tasted great.
The rest of the day involved cooking tofu, sweet potato and a lot of greens of different kinds, drinks with protein powder and strawberries and raspberries. I kept feeling I was eating too much. In fact I could not eat everything the plan said to, it was just too much.
So far I've lost from 208 to 203.5 today, not bad for the first day of the program.
There are many things I do not understand yet, like how do I get into Facebook to log in, not sure how to do that, Facebook has always been a mystery to me and still is one.
I'm settle down and written many reports today, really had a very successful day without having to go anyplace or break stride. I did my laundry for the week but that is easy since the laundry room is right next to office where I work.
Yesterday evening I did some yard work, Used the mower and edger to make things look a little better out front. My mental attitude is improving and I'm more alert and awake. I find myself thinking about projects that need attention and work is going better.
Its a little more complicated right now as two days during the week I need to be back in town to pick up my precious girls from school and take them various places. Steve has done this so faithfully for a very long time but now is working full time and is a long ways away during the day. Its nice to be involved with this precious family, God has blessed me with such marvelous people as my children and their children. Wow! Lucky
I've had some contact with Moon today but not too much as her friends from Dallas and Atlanta are in town and she is pretty busy with them. One of these days she will return to Singapore and those friends will be far behind, then after that she will come here so time with the friends is especially precious.
Tomorrow will present new challenges as I have to prepare foods to take with me for during the day, I'll be out for hours and hours. But who does not like a great challenge when ones future and life is at stake!
Love to all
I walked 3 miles this morning briskly and in shorts, weather was great.
Then back to shower and made the oatmeal, then my first attempt at cooking egg whites and 1 cup of spinach leaves together, actually tasted great.
The rest of the day involved cooking tofu, sweet potato and a lot of greens of different kinds, drinks with protein powder and strawberries and raspberries. I kept feeling I was eating too much. In fact I could not eat everything the plan said to, it was just too much.
So far I've lost from 208 to 203.5 today, not bad for the first day of the program.
There are many things I do not understand yet, like how do I get into Facebook to log in, not sure how to do that, Facebook has always been a mystery to me and still is one.
I'm settle down and written many reports today, really had a very successful day without having to go anyplace or break stride. I did my laundry for the week but that is easy since the laundry room is right next to office where I work.
Yesterday evening I did some yard work, Used the mower and edger to make things look a little better out front. My mental attitude is improving and I'm more alert and awake. I find myself thinking about projects that need attention and work is going better.
Its a little more complicated right now as two days during the week I need to be back in town to pick up my precious girls from school and take them various places. Steve has done this so faithfully for a very long time but now is working full time and is a long ways away during the day. Its nice to be involved with this precious family, God has blessed me with such marvelous people as my children and their children. Wow! Lucky
I've had some contact with Moon today but not too much as her friends from Dallas and Atlanta are in town and she is pretty busy with them. One of these days she will return to Singapore and those friends will be far behind, then after that she will come here so time with the friends is especially precious.
Tomorrow will present new challenges as I have to prepare foods to take with me for during the day, I'll be out for hours and hours. But who does not like a great challenge when ones future and life is at stake!
Love to all
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Wow, P2P is an incredible opportunity and challenge
Recently I spent 3 hours getting photographed, purchasing supplements, listening to people who have reclaimed their life losing lots of weight and listening to the head of the organization as she laid out tips to making it all work.
Basically it is a combination of exercise, workouts that rival military workouts, each day working on a different part of the body, being sore is the result, I mean really sore but the other side of that is I wake up early and fully alert, ready to face the day with less time in bed, already the weight has dropped.
The meals are a combination of protein and different greens, powerful vegetables along with 1 gallon water per day, that is 7.5 bottles of water per day, 6 meals during the day. Plus we check in every day on Face book, that is once I learn how to go about it, when I was at the orientation there were over 500 people in the room there for the challenge.
The challenge: I put up $497 and have 6 weeks to lose 20 pounds. If I lose it then I get the money back as long as I've exercised 30 times and checked in to Facebook on a regular basis. In other words there are strict rules because the leaders know what works and what does not. they don't ask us to change our ways for ever but they do ask that we do it their way for 6 weeks.
I'm scared and jazzed at the same time. The level of helpfulness by the trainers is amazing, everyone in the room tries to the best of their ability to do the exercises but they know someone like me just coming in can't do things at the same level as people like Nikki who have been there for over a year.
I ask for your prayers, I'm doing this for many reasons, first is to be healthy and strong for my family, a family that includes 8 people and Moon my dear friend. I want to feel alive again and get to my ideal weight, 165 and size 32. Three years ago I lost 50 pounds by myself so I know I can lose the weight but I never exercised beyond walking 3 miles each day, this time I'm going to take advantage of my rebuilt heart and get fit as well. So far my heart is totally at ease with what I'm doing, it was beating at a rate of 51 this morning when I woke, that is pretty amazing.
So I'm sending love to all and a special thanks to Nikki who has inspired me, is helping me get used to what I'm doing and helped pave the way for my entry into the program.
Sending love to all,
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
It begins
So today was busy and productive
Up early, research and see a local place at 10, then Target to buy a new microwave oven, mine died yesterday, sort of scary, when the time finished on some eggs it kept cooking, the turnstyle failed to turn but it kept cooking, to get it stopped I had to unplug it, so my $45 purchase years ago finally failed.
I found a new one on sale with more power, great looking stainless steel and $10 off price. Nice, only problem was, it was really heavy but I got it into the kitchen and tonight its in place and the old one is on its way to the trash.
Then it was pick up Kallie at 2:37 from school, steve is working these days away, then McDonalds, then pick up Keanna, then to the ballet class for Kallie and later to the running club for Keanna, then pick up Kallie, find more food for her and then pick up Keanna and find food for her, it was fun and now I'm home ready to crash and sleep.
At 8 tonight I did the first 1 hour work out at the P 2 P gym and they were so nice but there is so much to learn, I'm sore now and I can only imagine the morning, I'll go back tomorrow night for more workouts and on Thursday evening I'll do the official weight in, then it gets serious. I have 60 days to lose 20 pounds, Moon is concerned hoping I can do this and encouraging me to do my best. I believe I can do this and then lose another 20 pounds to reach my goal. I'm hoping this will change my life for the better.
Love to all tonight,
Up early, research and see a local place at 10, then Target to buy a new microwave oven, mine died yesterday, sort of scary, when the time finished on some eggs it kept cooking, the turnstyle failed to turn but it kept cooking, to get it stopped I had to unplug it, so my $45 purchase years ago finally failed.
I found a new one on sale with more power, great looking stainless steel and $10 off price. Nice, only problem was, it was really heavy but I got it into the kitchen and tonight its in place and the old one is on its way to the trash.
Then it was pick up Kallie at 2:37 from school, steve is working these days away, then McDonalds, then pick up Keanna, then to the ballet class for Kallie and later to the running club for Keanna, then pick up Kallie, find more food for her and then pick up Keanna and find food for her, it was fun and now I'm home ready to crash and sleep.
At 8 tonight I did the first 1 hour work out at the P 2 P gym and they were so nice but there is so much to learn, I'm sore now and I can only imagine the morning, I'll go back tomorrow night for more workouts and on Thursday evening I'll do the official weight in, then it gets serious. I have 60 days to lose 20 pounds, Moon is concerned hoping I can do this and encouraging me to do my best. I believe I can do this and then lose another 20 pounds to reach my goal. I'm hoping this will change my life for the better.
Love to all tonight,
Monday, March 6, 2017
Work picks up
Good evening
Today has been mostly a write up day and tonight several reports are delivered to their destination and I'm heading to bed.
Just talked to Moon and she has talked to her mom and is now talking again to Crystal, her daughter in Singapore and then will sleep. Its been raining big time in Houston today so she has pretty much stayed in and out of the weather.
Tomorrow is a day to go out and see properties for me and I'm so thankful for the new orders coming in, what a huge blessing to have work, a family, a girl friend and enough to eat, a warm place to sleep and tonight its cold outside, maybe snow again on the nearby Mountains.
Sending love to all,
Today has been mostly a write up day and tonight several reports are delivered to their destination and I'm heading to bed.
Just talked to Moon and she has talked to her mom and is now talking again to Crystal, her daughter in Singapore and then will sleep. Its been raining big time in Houston today so she has pretty much stayed in and out of the weather.
Tomorrow is a day to go out and see properties for me and I'm so thankful for the new orders coming in, what a huge blessing to have work, a family, a girl friend and enough to eat, a warm place to sleep and tonight its cold outside, maybe snow again on the nearby Mountains.
Sending love to all,
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Dinner with Keanna and Kallie
Dear Family and Friends,
Off to bed soon, dead tired, was up to 1 am finishing a big one for the town of Clayton, highest sale in last year by far, now we see if the lenders will buy my arguments.
Had dinner with Kallie and Keanna tonight at BJ's, that place is so loud, quiet conversation is not possible but thats the draw of the place I guess, that and 15 TVs mounted up high everywhere. We enjoy our time.
Steve just completed installing a new Kenwood sound system in the bug, wow is it nice. Takes phone calls, plays CDs, you can plug anything into it, has XM and of course looks really cool, you can change its colors that light up even. Amazing, Steve had to take apart the dash to install it but he knows his stuff and did a super job. Wow.
I'm off to bed now, up early to work again.
Love life, love Moon, love family and God is so good, soon I start P2P, the program that will change my life and my profile, I know I'll be sore, miss all my bad foods but I'll be 150 again after about 30 years.
Off to bed soon, dead tired, was up to 1 am finishing a big one for the town of Clayton, highest sale in last year by far, now we see if the lenders will buy my arguments.
Had dinner with Kallie and Keanna tonight at BJ's, that place is so loud, quiet conversation is not possible but thats the draw of the place I guess, that and 15 TVs mounted up high everywhere. We enjoy our time.
Steve just completed installing a new Kenwood sound system in the bug, wow is it nice. Takes phone calls, plays CDs, you can plug anything into it, has XM and of course looks really cool, you can change its colors that light up even. Amazing, Steve had to take apart the dash to install it but he knows his stuff and did a super job. Wow.
I'm off to bed now, up early to work again.
Love life, love Moon, love family and God is so good, soon I start P2P, the program that will change my life and my profile, I know I'll be sore, miss all my bad foods but I'll be 150 again after about 30 years.
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Thankful after a long day
Dear Family and Friends,
So it felt so good to back into the garage tonight after a long day on the road.
My work took me to Sebastopol today, a little town on the way to the Pacific Ocean. I inspected a little semi farm with chickens, dogs, kids, a lawyer husband and a British implant as the wife. Delightful people, they bought the place in rough condition and have done just about everything to it, its very nice now and it was hard to pull myself away and get back in the car and to work again, it was a sunny day, they had huge trees on their 1/2 acre and one could tell there was a lot of love and discipline there.
Once I left the area I had to travel back to Clayton which is near Concord and Walnut Creek. I have the honor of appraising the highest sale in the entire town for the last two years, with views of everything, distant water, green hills, distant downtown Walnut Creek, perfect pool and spa, interior had the most amazing deep pile white carpet, updated kitchen, I mean the place was nice, Priced at over 1.2 million it is now a sale and I'm supposed to locate its true value. Highest sale is just down the street at a little over a million, not 1.2 million. Nothing like a challenge and they want it back by Friday! Yikes.
So I drove about 250 miles today and was so very thankful upon reaching home, I just think back on all the different driving situations where cars could have hit me or I hit them.
Now I"m tired and very soon I'll be asleep, no reason to stay up tonight other than bad habits.
How was your day? Was it a blessing? Today I talked to Moon a few days but this was not a good day for her at all, we all have those kinds of days and with her situation so uncertain with immigration it really wears on her. She does not know what to expect next and her family in Singapore do not understand why she does not just get a ticket and fly home, its not that simple at all, there are things to pack, shipping to take care of, takes 2 to 3 months for her boxes to travel to Singapore from Houston by sea. I really feel for her and I pray for her often during the day.
Sending love to all,
So it felt so good to back into the garage tonight after a long day on the road.
My work took me to Sebastopol today, a little town on the way to the Pacific Ocean. I inspected a little semi farm with chickens, dogs, kids, a lawyer husband and a British implant as the wife. Delightful people, they bought the place in rough condition and have done just about everything to it, its very nice now and it was hard to pull myself away and get back in the car and to work again, it was a sunny day, they had huge trees on their 1/2 acre and one could tell there was a lot of love and discipline there.
Once I left the area I had to travel back to Clayton which is near Concord and Walnut Creek. I have the honor of appraising the highest sale in the entire town for the last two years, with views of everything, distant water, green hills, distant downtown Walnut Creek, perfect pool and spa, interior had the most amazing deep pile white carpet, updated kitchen, I mean the place was nice, Priced at over 1.2 million it is now a sale and I'm supposed to locate its true value. Highest sale is just down the street at a little over a million, not 1.2 million. Nothing like a challenge and they want it back by Friday! Yikes.
So I drove about 250 miles today and was so very thankful upon reaching home, I just think back on all the different driving situations where cars could have hit me or I hit them.
Now I"m tired and very soon I'll be asleep, no reason to stay up tonight other than bad habits.
How was your day? Was it a blessing? Today I talked to Moon a few days but this was not a good day for her at all, we all have those kinds of days and with her situation so uncertain with immigration it really wears on her. She does not know what to expect next and her family in Singapore do not understand why she does not just get a ticket and fly home, its not that simple at all, there are things to pack, shipping to take care of, takes 2 to 3 months for her boxes to travel to Singapore from Houston by sea. I really feel for her and I pray for her often during the day.
Sending love to all,
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Ready for the upcoming week
So the day started with a brisk walk around Willow Lake, about 3 miles and today warm enough that no coat was needed, nice morning to enjoy sunshine, others out walking and the fresh air with blossoms in some trees, birds singing.
Then I went to Kaiser hospital for lab work for my blood thickness level, crucial measurement for the time being. In about 5 months I may be allowed to stop the blood thinner and the heart meds. Would be nice to take fewer pills and be free of their side effects. The work done to my heart has been totally successful, what a huge blessing.
Moon and I have talked a lot today, I often react to what she is saying, not one that likes to hear new things about myself but she never means to be mean or destructive, just open and honest from the way she sees things. Our cultures program us to see many things differently, also man and woman, I'm older and she is younger, many reasons we don't always agree on things but after the talk is over the phone turned off the thinking begins, she never urges me to see it her way, she just says what is on her mind and then I get to decide what to do about it. We face many challenges before our lives come together for good but we are both very committed to a future together.
Tonight she is watching the Oscars, I have no interest in hearing my president bashed by these people, paid to act out others words, lives, no morals, no ethics yet so sure they know the answers to everything, I put up with 8 years of their love fest with a president that I felt was the worst president in my lifetime, who let american down over and over again. But the movie that is winning per Moon's texts La La Land is the movie we say together in Houston and we both enjoyed it a lot. It was a decent movie with great music and I'm glad it is winning. I wish Hacksaw Ridge wins something as it is the true story about a wonderful man who had convictions and lived by them, Desmond Doss.
Just took Keanna and Kallie to dinner in Brentwood, last minute decision and great fun.
Soon I sleep, early tonight, no more midnight bedtimes.
Sending love to all,
Then I went to Kaiser hospital for lab work for my blood thickness level, crucial measurement for the time being. In about 5 months I may be allowed to stop the blood thinner and the heart meds. Would be nice to take fewer pills and be free of their side effects. The work done to my heart has been totally successful, what a huge blessing.
Moon and I have talked a lot today, I often react to what she is saying, not one that likes to hear new things about myself but she never means to be mean or destructive, just open and honest from the way she sees things. Our cultures program us to see many things differently, also man and woman, I'm older and she is younger, many reasons we don't always agree on things but after the talk is over the phone turned off the thinking begins, she never urges me to see it her way, she just says what is on her mind and then I get to decide what to do about it. We face many challenges before our lives come together for good but we are both very committed to a future together.
Tonight she is watching the Oscars, I have no interest in hearing my president bashed by these people, paid to act out others words, lives, no morals, no ethics yet so sure they know the answers to everything, I put up with 8 years of their love fest with a president that I felt was the worst president in my lifetime, who let american down over and over again. But the movie that is winning per Moon's texts La La Land is the movie we say together in Houston and we both enjoyed it a lot. It was a decent movie with great music and I'm glad it is winning. I wish Hacksaw Ridge wins something as it is the true story about a wonderful man who had convictions and lived by them, Desmond Doss.
Just took Keanna and Kallie to dinner in Brentwood, last minute decision and great fun.
Soon I sleep, early tonight, no more midnight bedtimes.
Sending love to all,
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Avoiding the rain
Its been a few years since we've seen this much rain.
Today I had no appointments out so just settled in to work, set up orders, make appointments, make delicious meals, chat with Moon, text with Moon, shop with moon! and enjoy the day.
Having promised that I would write an appraisal this morning when I first woke up I came down and did that, no breakfast, just some hot chocolate and several hours later it was shipped out, of course its back with many request for things to be different, this company is unbelievable in their "conditions", glad I don't work for them that often.
Once the appraisal was shipped and there was a break in the weather I ventured out and did my 3 mile walk. Sure there were a few rain drops at times but it was pretty enjoyable to just be out and even see a bit of sunshine but the clouds were so dark and low and sure enough this afternoon its been more rain.
Tomorrow I'm out at noon and then at 4 pm with an hour of travel in between the two locations, Dixon and Stockton. Just very thankful for the work, thats my mantra.
The new ATM card arrived today replacing the one I misplaced when in Houston. Glad to see it, like to have options in my wallet.
So thats it for this evening, just working, staying warm, enjoying having work to do and hoping for a lot more to come in, would love to be able to hire helpers again because I'm so busy, right now thats not the case.
Love to all,
Keep warm, dry and we all know the sun is coming, day after day of sun and then we would like a day of rain!
Today I had no appointments out so just settled in to work, set up orders, make appointments, make delicious meals, chat with Moon, text with Moon, shop with moon! and enjoy the day.
Having promised that I would write an appraisal this morning when I first woke up I came down and did that, no breakfast, just some hot chocolate and several hours later it was shipped out, of course its back with many request for things to be different, this company is unbelievable in their "conditions", glad I don't work for them that often.
Once the appraisal was shipped and there was a break in the weather I ventured out and did my 3 mile walk. Sure there were a few rain drops at times but it was pretty enjoyable to just be out and even see a bit of sunshine but the clouds were so dark and low and sure enough this afternoon its been more rain.
Tomorrow I'm out at noon and then at 4 pm with an hour of travel in between the two locations, Dixon and Stockton. Just very thankful for the work, thats my mantra.
The new ATM card arrived today replacing the one I misplaced when in Houston. Glad to see it, like to have options in my wallet.
So thats it for this evening, just working, staying warm, enjoying having work to do and hoping for a lot more to come in, would love to be able to hire helpers again because I'm so busy, right now thats not the case.
Love to all,
Keep warm, dry and we all know the sun is coming, day after day of sun and then we would like a day of rain!
Monday, February 20, 2017
We needed rain............well it came alright
Good evening
Since 9 this morning I've been in the rain, first the 1.5 hour trip to San Jose in nearly blind conditions with so much rain on 680, glad to finally get to my destination but then it was still pouring rain, this time I got to measure inside the townhome, great property and super nice owner.
Once that was done then it was time to turn to lunch, Panera Bread! Small bowl of mac and cheese and a huge green salad, green tea to drink. Then back into the rain to drive to Bay Point, near Pittsburg. Nice house and more rain. Then it was time to drive to Tracy once again in the driving rain and my great Kay Scarpetta book finished CD 11 and I was stuck with news or old radio programs on XM. Fortunately Moon texted me from time to time which really are nice to receive.
Tracy was a little rough, beneath the present condition I could see upgrading and good bones but the pool was empty, lender won't like that and there were lots of things to sort of clutter up the photos, great people and overall nice. Once that was done I was out of the rain finally so I headed home finally.
Now I'm home, made brown rice and a slice of bread with acocado, had a hot chocolate which is so good.
Settled in to write two reports tonight yet and then find rest. I have beautiful music playing on the Bose speakers connected to the computer from Pandora. Moon introduced me to David Garrett music and I've sent her 3 CDs from Amazon for her car. I also enjoy listening to Chris Botti, a great performer and his channel on Pandora is just so nice.
Last night Moon had a scare, her mom texted to say her father had been moved to the ER and was choking but after she talked more to her mom the choking had passed and he was back in his room. His health is not good and that concerns Moon deeply.
Sending love to all tonight,
Since 9 this morning I've been in the rain, first the 1.5 hour trip to San Jose in nearly blind conditions with so much rain on 680, glad to finally get to my destination but then it was still pouring rain, this time I got to measure inside the townhome, great property and super nice owner.
Once that was done then it was time to turn to lunch, Panera Bread! Small bowl of mac and cheese and a huge green salad, green tea to drink. Then back into the rain to drive to Bay Point, near Pittsburg. Nice house and more rain. Then it was time to drive to Tracy once again in the driving rain and my great Kay Scarpetta book finished CD 11 and I was stuck with news or old radio programs on XM. Fortunately Moon texted me from time to time which really are nice to receive.
Tracy was a little rough, beneath the present condition I could see upgrading and good bones but the pool was empty, lender won't like that and there were lots of things to sort of clutter up the photos, great people and overall nice. Once that was done I was out of the rain finally so I headed home finally.
Now I'm home, made brown rice and a slice of bread with acocado, had a hot chocolate which is so good.
Settled in to write two reports tonight yet and then find rest. I have beautiful music playing on the Bose speakers connected to the computer from Pandora. Moon introduced me to David Garrett music and I've sent her 3 CDs from Amazon for her car. I also enjoy listening to Chris Botti, a great performer and his channel on Pandora is just so nice.
Last night Moon had a scare, her mom texted to say her father had been moved to the ER and was choking but after she talked more to her mom the choking had passed and he was back in his room. His health is not good and that concerns Moon deeply.
Sending love to all tonight,
Saturday, February 18, 2017
The challenge of being alone.....
My dear friends and family,
Its Saturday evening, I'm sitting here at my desk with its big monitor and fast computing system, I have a Starbucks Americano that I've been sipping on for a couple hours, fresh groceries in the kitchen, just had a multi grain bagel with avocado and am now sipping a very tall glass of water which I know I need.
I'm missing my Moon, a woman I met over a year ago, younger than me, certainly more beautiful than me, a bright, strong, loving and caring woman, fast driver, incredibly loyal and faithful to those she loves, every day she spends hours on Face time audio with Crystal, her 20 year old daughter who lives with a grandma in Singapore, is in school, performs by singing popular songs both sacred and secular, does some modeling and depends on her mother, Moon, for advice, emotional strength and a foundation to life. Moon never turns her away but listens, argues, cares and is there for her. Its pretty amazing to observe and I enjoy talking to Crystal too when I'm there since she mostly talks on speaker and Crystal speaks perfect English as well as perfect Mandarin.
Each evening as Moon's day comes to a close she calls her mom who has spent her entire day with her dad who has been in the hospital for nearly as long as we have known each other. He is older and has many health problems, has little memory of the past and does not always cooperate with mom, drives away nurses with his medical conditions. Mom is ready for her precious time with Moon, a time of peace and normal with the daughter she loves. This time together happens every day and sometimes in the morning as well as mom is on her way to the hospital. Both Crystal and her mom just want Moon to come home as soon as possible, Crystal knows about me but her mom does not. The concern is mom might be against me being in Moon's life since I am older and in light of her life with an older man she might not be accepting. Our plan is for me to go to Singapore sometime after Moon gets home and is settled and meet mom and try to win her over, once she can meet me, learn how I cared for my wife for 11 years after she became ill and understand that I'm one of the good guys and will take good care of Moon in the future.
So this woman I care so much for knows how to really love her family and she extends that love to her friends too, she is often at her sewing machine fixing their clothes, putting zippers in, altering the clothes to be more attractive and fit better. She is a caring and skillful friend and will listen and advise her friends on what to buy, how to dress, what works and what does not work as they live their lives.
So I'm lonely tonight, having spent 4 fun days with her where we tried many kinds of food, all of it amazingly good, where we shopped, took in a great movie, LaLa Land, she loves music but was critical of some of the decisions the characters made in the movie. She is vastly different than anyone I've ever known before and sometimes we argue, heatedly but her love is solid and deep and I trust her with my heart.
I'm working, cranking out appraisals and at my feet is George, my orange and white kitty and in the doorway to the office is MooMoo the black and white kitty that looks like a cow. When I'm here they tend to hang around and rub against me purring and enjoying life.
So I send my love and affection to each of you tonight, today I took Kallie to lunch, then napped at Nikki and Steve's house when I came back and finally made it home.
Its Saturday evening, I'm sitting here at my desk with its big monitor and fast computing system, I have a Starbucks Americano that I've been sipping on for a couple hours, fresh groceries in the kitchen, just had a multi grain bagel with avocado and am now sipping a very tall glass of water which I know I need.
I'm missing my Moon, a woman I met over a year ago, younger than me, certainly more beautiful than me, a bright, strong, loving and caring woman, fast driver, incredibly loyal and faithful to those she loves, every day she spends hours on Face time audio with Crystal, her 20 year old daughter who lives with a grandma in Singapore, is in school, performs by singing popular songs both sacred and secular, does some modeling and depends on her mother, Moon, for advice, emotional strength and a foundation to life. Moon never turns her away but listens, argues, cares and is there for her. Its pretty amazing to observe and I enjoy talking to Crystal too when I'm there since she mostly talks on speaker and Crystal speaks perfect English as well as perfect Mandarin.
Each evening as Moon's day comes to a close she calls her mom who has spent her entire day with her dad who has been in the hospital for nearly as long as we have known each other. He is older and has many health problems, has little memory of the past and does not always cooperate with mom, drives away nurses with his medical conditions. Mom is ready for her precious time with Moon, a time of peace and normal with the daughter she loves. This time together happens every day and sometimes in the morning as well as mom is on her way to the hospital. Both Crystal and her mom just want Moon to come home as soon as possible, Crystal knows about me but her mom does not. The concern is mom might be against me being in Moon's life since I am older and in light of her life with an older man she might not be accepting. Our plan is for me to go to Singapore sometime after Moon gets home and is settled and meet mom and try to win her over, once she can meet me, learn how I cared for my wife for 11 years after she became ill and understand that I'm one of the good guys and will take good care of Moon in the future.
So this woman I care so much for knows how to really love her family and she extends that love to her friends too, she is often at her sewing machine fixing their clothes, putting zippers in, altering the clothes to be more attractive and fit better. She is a caring and skillful friend and will listen and advise her friends on what to buy, how to dress, what works and what does not work as they live their lives.
So I'm lonely tonight, having spent 4 fun days with her where we tried many kinds of food, all of it amazingly good, where we shopped, took in a great movie, LaLa Land, she loves music but was critical of some of the decisions the characters made in the movie. She is vastly different than anyone I've ever known before and sometimes we argue, heatedly but her love is solid and deep and I trust her with my heart.
I'm working, cranking out appraisals and at my feet is George, my orange and white kitty and in the doorway to the office is MooMoo the black and white kitty that looks like a cow. When I'm here they tend to hang around and rub against me purring and enjoying life.
So I send my love and affection to each of you tonight, today I took Kallie to lunch, then napped at Nikki and Steve's house when I came back and finally made it home.
Busy, wet and wild Friday
Dear Family and Friends,
Still sleepy after my late arrival on Wednesday I woke reluctantly today. The weather was wild outside so there was no walk to the park, just a short walk to the shower. Then breakfast and quickly to the office to do research.
The day started with Tracy and the rain was not too heavy, cute place and fairly quick to measure and inspect. Then it was a long trip to Rio Vista where I arrived on time at 3 pm. Another small little house in Trilogy, a 55 and over community, nice agent and a great talk with Moon before and after the inspection and then it was a short drive along a swollen river to Isleton, a tiny town located along the river and with only a few hundred homes.
The young couple living there were troubled because the power had been off for hours and they were worried about the inspection. It went fine and they had a nice fire going in the fireplace. Then I shot the only 6 sales in the last year in Isleton and headed home. Yes there was rain and wind most of the time, but in any job there are easy days and some tougher ones. When it rains I pull out the big ski coat, I stay warm, dry and I'm always glad to get back into the little care and crank the heater, heat the seat and relax.
On the way home I strayed to Olive Garden for soup and salad, ate at the bar and had my food in two minutes, as I left the lobby was jammed with people waiting for 40 minutes to get to a table, no thanks to that on a work night.
I've talked to Moon and texted a lot today, she is running a fever and not feeling great, slept in late and then went to Walmart to get a few things and some meds. I hope and pray that she feels better tomorrow, I hate for her to be sick there beyond my ability to help her. We have had some warm and meaningful conversations today, really nice.
I plan to go to church tomorrow, not sure if the girls will be available at all, they have appointments is the way Nikki put it, we will see.
Perhaps Bob will be available for lunch, to late to check now but I'll email and see.
I hope your week has been good, that your health is strong and that you have found happiness in your relationships.
God is good, all the time, oh that we could love others like He loves us.
Good night
Still sleepy after my late arrival on Wednesday I woke reluctantly today. The weather was wild outside so there was no walk to the park, just a short walk to the shower. Then breakfast and quickly to the office to do research.
The day started with Tracy and the rain was not too heavy, cute place and fairly quick to measure and inspect. Then it was a long trip to Rio Vista where I arrived on time at 3 pm. Another small little house in Trilogy, a 55 and over community, nice agent and a great talk with Moon before and after the inspection and then it was a short drive along a swollen river to Isleton, a tiny town located along the river and with only a few hundred homes.
The young couple living there were troubled because the power had been off for hours and they were worried about the inspection. It went fine and they had a nice fire going in the fireplace. Then I shot the only 6 sales in the last year in Isleton and headed home. Yes there was rain and wind most of the time, but in any job there are easy days and some tougher ones. When it rains I pull out the big ski coat, I stay warm, dry and I'm always glad to get back into the little care and crank the heater, heat the seat and relax.
On the way home I strayed to Olive Garden for soup and salad, ate at the bar and had my food in two minutes, as I left the lobby was jammed with people waiting for 40 minutes to get to a table, no thanks to that on a work night.
I've talked to Moon and texted a lot today, she is running a fever and not feeling great, slept in late and then went to Walmart to get a few things and some meds. I hope and pray that she feels better tomorrow, I hate for her to be sick there beyond my ability to help her. We have had some warm and meaningful conversations today, really nice.
I plan to go to church tomorrow, not sure if the girls will be available at all, they have appointments is the way Nikki put it, we will see.
Perhaps Bob will be available for lunch, to late to check now but I'll email and see.
I hope your week has been good, that your health is strong and that you have found happiness in your relationships.
God is good, all the time, oh that we could love others like He loves us.
Good night
Thursday, February 16, 2017
An Excellent Day
Dear Family and Friends,
So to bed at 2 am after sending out a completed report that had jammed up in my desk top computer when I was working remote from Houston, nothing I could do could free it and of course if you turn off your home computer by remote control then it does not come back on and you've lost total control. When I got home and turned on the monitor there it was, the appraisal program frozen in place on the screen, no key stroke would free it up, in desperation I finally reached down and did the unthinkable, I turned off the power on the computer, holding in the power button for a few seconds. Then I restarted it and the appraisal program was off, I started it, opened it up and was asked did I want to load the backup copy of the appraisal that had been saved in a special back up file. I did and the report was all there including the photos and the changes I had made. So I locked it up and turned it into PDF and XML files that the lender needs to have and sent it out. So far I've not heard anything back on it and the client seemed pleased.
I've had a chance to talk to Moon and text her many times today, we are missing each other and I think our caring for each other is stronger than its ever been before. I'm not that secure about how I look at 68 years old and she is younger and pretty, she loves Asian food which includes a lot of meat and I am a veggie which troubles her. Last night we were eating at a great Chinese place and she brought back a couple things for me to try, for those of you who know me I'm not willing to try new things but when your special friend is asking........... So I tried and both things were totally veggie and totally good, she was pleased that I liked them.
Today I saw a nice place in Pleasant Hill, great lady recovering from a hip replacement, moving slowly, then I drove to Lathrop to see a property that was well lived in, Nice people, then it was back to the office to work up things, get things organized and start catching up. Now I'm ready to sleep.
At 6:30 Moon texted me to gently remind me to eat and to go to bed early tonight. I just stopped work and went and made soup and had a slice of wheat bread with avocado spread over it, tasted so good. Our different cultures present us with a challenge, how men and women relate is different in Singapore and America so sometimes we just don't agree on things but I have known her long enough to know how her heart works, she is so loving to Crystal, her young adult daughter and her mom who spends every day caring for her older and sick father, she spends several hours mostly listening to them and giving her love to them. I know how she feels about family and she always encourages me to do things with my family and compliments me when I can help out in any way. Family means every thing to her and she considers she and I to be family as we try to help each other.
Sending my love and prayers to each of you,
So to bed at 2 am after sending out a completed report that had jammed up in my desk top computer when I was working remote from Houston, nothing I could do could free it and of course if you turn off your home computer by remote control then it does not come back on and you've lost total control. When I got home and turned on the monitor there it was, the appraisal program frozen in place on the screen, no key stroke would free it up, in desperation I finally reached down and did the unthinkable, I turned off the power on the computer, holding in the power button for a few seconds. Then I restarted it and the appraisal program was off, I started it, opened it up and was asked did I want to load the backup copy of the appraisal that had been saved in a special back up file. I did and the report was all there including the photos and the changes I had made. So I locked it up and turned it into PDF and XML files that the lender needs to have and sent it out. So far I've not heard anything back on it and the client seemed pleased.
I've had a chance to talk to Moon and text her many times today, we are missing each other and I think our caring for each other is stronger than its ever been before. I'm not that secure about how I look at 68 years old and she is younger and pretty, she loves Asian food which includes a lot of meat and I am a veggie which troubles her. Last night we were eating at a great Chinese place and she brought back a couple things for me to try, for those of you who know me I'm not willing to try new things but when your special friend is asking........... So I tried and both things were totally veggie and totally good, she was pleased that I liked them.
Today I saw a nice place in Pleasant Hill, great lady recovering from a hip replacement, moving slowly, then I drove to Lathrop to see a property that was well lived in, Nice people, then it was back to the office to work up things, get things organized and start catching up. Now I'm ready to sleep.
At 6:30 Moon texted me to gently remind me to eat and to go to bed early tonight. I just stopped work and went and made soup and had a slice of wheat bread with avocado spread over it, tasted so good. Our different cultures present us with a challenge, how men and women relate is different in Singapore and America so sometimes we just don't agree on things but I have known her long enough to know how her heart works, she is so loving to Crystal, her young adult daughter and her mom who spends every day caring for her older and sick father, she spends several hours mostly listening to them and giving her love to them. I know how she feels about family and she always encourages me to do things with my family and compliments me when I can help out in any way. Family means every thing to her and she considers she and I to be family as we try to help each other.
Sending my love and prayers to each of you,
Just home from 4 days with Moon in Houston
Its 1:55 and I'm pretty tired. Home safely after interesting time with this beautiful but challenging woman.
Loved spending time with her!
Love to all
Loved spending time with her!
Love to all
Thursday, February 9, 2017
A wet one
So measuring homes in the rain is never really fun but a must do if one is to stay in business. I had two relatively small homes in Stockton this afternoon, complete with 4 Pit bulls, caged and nice but still keep one on guard.
Art and Connie are still parked in my driveway, a perfectly safe place so I have a walking buddy in the morning, just to the park but still nice. Their family is facing real challenges right now with illness and people dealing with people, you know how complicated that can be and it is.
Art could not sit still this morning so out came the weed eater and my yard looks a lot better, he is an amazing worker and a few stray palm trees are in the trash can, the edges are cleaned up, thank you Art for this encouraging help. Looks great!
I was able to crank out several reports yesterday and 1 today plus seeing the two properties in Stockton. I'll have plenty to get completed before I leave early Sunday morning to go see Moon in Houston but I'm so thankful that more work came in, just what I need.
I'll be in Houston from Sunday through Wednesday night, we will shop, eat some great food, walk, talk and plan as well as we can with the limited information we have about our near future. what is nice is that I'll be there for Valentines day, got that gift this evening! Also for the final days of Chinese New Years. Should be real enjoyable.
Now I work until about 11 when my eyes refuse to focus on the screen any more. I'm so thankful to our Heavenly Father that my heart is in the best shape its been in for years and that in general I'm feeling good, still some pain in my legs where brusing took place but mostly I'm better now. When I drop into bed having prayed for my family and friends I fall asleep very fast. Usually Moon has just called or texted to tell me good night, by then she will have talked to her mom and Crystal who are up for the next day in Singapore, 14 hour difference. I respect her for her faithfulness in caring for them every day and she is super faithful to me as well.
Now I sign off, sending love to all,
Art and Connie are still parked in my driveway, a perfectly safe place so I have a walking buddy in the morning, just to the park but still nice. Their family is facing real challenges right now with illness and people dealing with people, you know how complicated that can be and it is.
Art could not sit still this morning so out came the weed eater and my yard looks a lot better, he is an amazing worker and a few stray palm trees are in the trash can, the edges are cleaned up, thank you Art for this encouraging help. Looks great!
I was able to crank out several reports yesterday and 1 today plus seeing the two properties in Stockton. I'll have plenty to get completed before I leave early Sunday morning to go see Moon in Houston but I'm so thankful that more work came in, just what I need.
I'll be in Houston from Sunday through Wednesday night, we will shop, eat some great food, walk, talk and plan as well as we can with the limited information we have about our near future. what is nice is that I'll be there for Valentines day, got that gift this evening! Also for the final days of Chinese New Years. Should be real enjoyable.
Now I work until about 11 when my eyes refuse to focus on the screen any more. I'm so thankful to our Heavenly Father that my heart is in the best shape its been in for years and that in general I'm feeling good, still some pain in my legs where brusing took place but mostly I'm better now. When I drop into bed having prayed for my family and friends I fall asleep very fast. Usually Moon has just called or texted to tell me good night, by then she will have talked to her mom and Crystal who are up for the next day in Singapore, 14 hour difference. I respect her for her faithfulness in caring for them every day and she is super faithful to me as well.
Now I sign off, sending love to all,
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
A busy Wednesday
Today I stayed home and worked up reports from about 9 am until now, 11 pm.
I've had breaks, Moon anticipating a yearly inspection of her apartment but not knowing when they would come, finally the text came, its over and I'm good. Then she could relax, go eat and start breathing again.
Jason called to say the van was failing again, lights on and flashing on the dashboard, he prayed for green lights so he could limp it home and God was good, then he put a little charger on it and set about working on getting the washer and dryer that were delivered today working. Tonight he and Jo were car shopping, it was probably time, car was 10 years old and had many problems, some serious.
This evening Art came in and we visited for awhile. Rough news about their relative, only a short time to live due to the stage 4 cancer... rough news indeed.
I've settled into my chair and written appraisals as fast as I could all day, problem is this, I'm used to having a writer do much of the basic work and now I can't afford a writer since there is so little work to do, so what gets done I have to do myself. Its been a good day and I feel like God has blessed, two new orders came in and I have them scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, a third came in but I can't see it until next Thursday after I return from Texas.
Oh how I look forward to Texas, to seeing the woman I love and enjoy. Bright, cute and loyal, Moon is some woman and I enjoy getting to know her better and better.
For now its bedtime and I'm dead tired, up at 7:15 to walk to the park with Art before he and Connie head home to San Jose. Its been so nice to see them and enjoy their friendship once again. what nice people.
Sending love to all,
I've had breaks, Moon anticipating a yearly inspection of her apartment but not knowing when they would come, finally the text came, its over and I'm good. Then she could relax, go eat and start breathing again.
Jason called to say the van was failing again, lights on and flashing on the dashboard, he prayed for green lights so he could limp it home and God was good, then he put a little charger on it and set about working on getting the washer and dryer that were delivered today working. Tonight he and Jo were car shopping, it was probably time, car was 10 years old and had many problems, some serious.
This evening Art came in and we visited for awhile. Rough news about their relative, only a short time to live due to the stage 4 cancer... rough news indeed.
I've settled into my chair and written appraisals as fast as I could all day, problem is this, I'm used to having a writer do much of the basic work and now I can't afford a writer since there is so little work to do, so what gets done I have to do myself. Its been a good day and I feel like God has blessed, two new orders came in and I have them scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, a third came in but I can't see it until next Thursday after I return from Texas.
Oh how I look forward to Texas, to seeing the woman I love and enjoy. Bright, cute and loyal, Moon is some woman and I enjoy getting to know her better and better.
For now its bedtime and I'm dead tired, up at 7:15 to walk to the park with Art before he and Connie head home to San Jose. Its been so nice to see them and enjoy their friendship once again. what nice people.
Sending love to all,
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Another day
Dear Family and Friends,
Some days are not remarkable at all, today is such a day. Up this morning for a short walk to the park in the mist, thought I might have a walking partner since Art and Connie have parked their beautiful motorhome in my driveway but when I went out this morning no one was up so I walked alone.
Everywhere I turned there was flowing water, last night had incredible rain and winds and the water was still running off over the sidewalks and streets, almost no one was out and only the foolish would be, nasty night, time to be warm and sleeping.
I came back, made oatmeal and banana, took pills, went to work, I would shower later. Art came in and we talked briefly before he and Connie headed out to visit the very sick relative in Sacramento. I settled in to work and eventually Moon said her good mornings. At 2 I left to see a local property for an estate. It was in Bethel Island and it was a great property, water views and recently updated it was great.
Then since next week I go to Texas to see my Moon it was time for a haircut with Amber. Then it was back home to make some soup and settle in to work again, Art and Connie came home and we talked for awhile. Now he has gone to bed and I've just completed an appraisal, now its time for me to go to bed, I did get to talk to my brother, no matter how many times we talk I always enjoy that time.
Moon called as she was driving home from her friends who had made a big meal, she was sleepy but still had to do some cleaning as the yearly inspection is happening tomorrow and she wanted her place to be ready for them, I think she is still working now.
I'm tired, a bit down emotionally, I don't deal well with having no orders to go see, very scary times at the present. Going from buried with work to no work causes alarm. But I know God will help, He always has.
Sending love to all, what a blessing life is and we do have so much to be thankful for.
Some days are not remarkable at all, today is such a day. Up this morning for a short walk to the park in the mist, thought I might have a walking partner since Art and Connie have parked their beautiful motorhome in my driveway but when I went out this morning no one was up so I walked alone.
Everywhere I turned there was flowing water, last night had incredible rain and winds and the water was still running off over the sidewalks and streets, almost no one was out and only the foolish would be, nasty night, time to be warm and sleeping.
I came back, made oatmeal and banana, took pills, went to work, I would shower later. Art came in and we talked briefly before he and Connie headed out to visit the very sick relative in Sacramento. I settled in to work and eventually Moon said her good mornings. At 2 I left to see a local property for an estate. It was in Bethel Island and it was a great property, water views and recently updated it was great.
Then since next week I go to Texas to see my Moon it was time for a haircut with Amber. Then it was back home to make some soup and settle in to work again, Art and Connie came home and we talked for awhile. Now he has gone to bed and I've just completed an appraisal, now its time for me to go to bed, I did get to talk to my brother, no matter how many times we talk I always enjoy that time.
Moon called as she was driving home from her friends who had made a big meal, she was sleepy but still had to do some cleaning as the yearly inspection is happening tomorrow and she wanted her place to be ready for them, I think she is still working now.
I'm tired, a bit down emotionally, I don't deal well with having no orders to go see, very scary times at the present. Going from buried with work to no work causes alarm. But I know God will help, He always has.
Sending love to all, what a blessing life is and we do have so much to be thankful for.
Monday, February 6, 2017
Wreck on the Levee Road
Dear Family and Friends,
This afternoon as I was driving back home from Stockton the car in front of me suddenly veered to the right, went off the road, struck a tree, had a fireball of flame, kept plowing down the edge of the levee and landed in the canal. No one else was in sight, I was the only one that saw it. I pulled off the road onto the narrow area beside the lane and the downsloping levee. I called 911 and after three tries reached the Highway Patrol, then I turned to helping the young man and woman who was driving. Eventually they figured out how to get to shore by throwing a big speaker box into the water and standing on it.
Soon they were standing with me and told me they did not need the police, they put some papers and a backpack in my trunk as the California Highway Patrol pulled up. Soon it got strange, they had no insurance, they had no driver's license, then the patrol officer told me I was free to go so I left, I gave the two my card and they said they would call me later so they could get their stuff back.
when I got home I looked at the papers, dozens of wet pages with names and credit card information and two checks, uncashed. But the shock came when I saw that one check was made out by my friend and the builder of my home some 30 years ago. I tried to reach him but no answer.
This evening the lady driver of the car called to see if I could drop off their stuff at a hotel room in Stockton. Before I left I took some photo copies of some of the papers including the checks.
At the hotel I returned papers, was invited in for pizza, I declined. I think I happened upon a ring of thieves.
Later I was able to speak to my builder friend who had written the check. He said someone had broken a window out of on of his workers pickups and stolen tools and papers including that check.
How amazing that I happened to witness the accident, they left the check in my trunk, I was able to photocopy it and this evening before the knew the details I had returned all the papers to them in a hotel room in Stockton.
Now the Highway Patrol knows the details, the hotel room and perhaps is taking action. I don't know but I know its been a very interesting afternoon for sure.
Once again tonight its raining and the phone just rang, it was Connie, my friend who is married to Art and they are driving to my home to park in my driveway this evening in their motorhome. Connie's sister is recently married to a very sweet man who is in the battle of his life with cancer, he is up in Davis Medical Center and they will leave the motorhome here and drive up to spend the day with their loved ones. They are about 80 miles away yet so won't get it for awhile on this rainy nasty night.
I'm sipping hot chocolate and going to complete a report before I give up for the night.
Sending love to all, life has many boring days and then some very interesting ones too. God bless you all.
This afternoon as I was driving back home from Stockton the car in front of me suddenly veered to the right, went off the road, struck a tree, had a fireball of flame, kept plowing down the edge of the levee and landed in the canal. No one else was in sight, I was the only one that saw it. I pulled off the road onto the narrow area beside the lane and the downsloping levee. I called 911 and after three tries reached the Highway Patrol, then I turned to helping the young man and woman who was driving. Eventually they figured out how to get to shore by throwing a big speaker box into the water and standing on it.
Soon they were standing with me and told me they did not need the police, they put some papers and a backpack in my trunk as the California Highway Patrol pulled up. Soon it got strange, they had no insurance, they had no driver's license, then the patrol officer told me I was free to go so I left, I gave the two my card and they said they would call me later so they could get their stuff back.
when I got home I looked at the papers, dozens of wet pages with names and credit card information and two checks, uncashed. But the shock came when I saw that one check was made out by my friend and the builder of my home some 30 years ago. I tried to reach him but no answer.
This evening the lady driver of the car called to see if I could drop off their stuff at a hotel room in Stockton. Before I left I took some photo copies of some of the papers including the checks.
At the hotel I returned papers, was invited in for pizza, I declined. I think I happened upon a ring of thieves.
Later I was able to speak to my builder friend who had written the check. He said someone had broken a window out of on of his workers pickups and stolen tools and papers including that check.
How amazing that I happened to witness the accident, they left the check in my trunk, I was able to photocopy it and this evening before the knew the details I had returned all the papers to them in a hotel room in Stockton.
Now the Highway Patrol knows the details, the hotel room and perhaps is taking action. I don't know but I know its been a very interesting afternoon for sure.
Once again tonight its raining and the phone just rang, it was Connie, my friend who is married to Art and they are driving to my home to park in my driveway this evening in their motorhome. Connie's sister is recently married to a very sweet man who is in the battle of his life with cancer, he is up in Davis Medical Center and they will leave the motorhome here and drive up to spend the day with their loved ones. They are about 80 miles away yet so won't get it for awhile on this rainy nasty night.
I'm sipping hot chocolate and going to complete a report before I give up for the night.
Sending love to all, life has many boring days and then some very interesting ones too. God bless you all.
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Sunday evening, the world watches Super Bowl in Houston
Good evening friends and family,
As I write I can hear the tapping sounds of rain drops falling on my window AC in the office, yes once again we are having rain and I have mixed feelings about it. I know we need it and we are thankful yet its no fun to measure a house in the rain, my page that I write down the details gets wet and the ink lines run a bit, usually I can get under the eves to write down numbers and mainly keep the sheet sort of dry but it often looks like a rare parchment by the time I'm back to the office, yet we always get the job done.
This morning I woke late, was dreaming about my precious friend in Houston when series of texts came in, she was up early, preparing to attend church, was very tired and sleepy and would call later, that was good news, I feel good when we both get a chance to attend worship services and take time to pray for God's help in our troubled lives. Later she texted to say she was having lunch with her girl friends and even later she had been invited to a girl friend's house where they were preparing a mini feast together. I relax when Moon goes there, it s warm caring group of women and the food they prepare is always something she enjoys.
I drove to Stockton to see a property and then called about seeing another property, the order just came in Friday afternoon, they were glad to let me inspect so I drove across Stockton and inspected a highly updated home, just about everything was replaced and nearly new, during the week its a day care for 14 busy children so seeing it on Sunday was better, glad it worked out.
Then Keanna texted me as I drove the levee road back home to see if I had time to take her to lunch, when a grandchild calls, yes I do have time so we went to BJ's and then shopping for awhile. There is a common trait with Nan, Nikki and now Keanna and Kallie, they like to shop and seem to really enjoy the process, Target yielded some kitty litter I needed, some vegefood, some low fat Starbucks Mochas for a lower price than Safeway, like 2 dollar less per each four pack, Keanna found many items she wanted and eventually we left the store.
Once I reached home I took time to try to start the motorhome, the battery was low so I folded up a tarp, folded up rope and plugged the RV into electrical power to top off the batteries. Now I'm at my desk, having eaten soup and am sipping a hot chocolate, so good! And yes I'm working, preparing for tomorrow, to see houses and generate income. I'm also waiting to hear from Moon, been waiting for her call all day but right now she spends a lot of hours talking to Crystal, its a critical time for her and Moon has advice that seems to help a lot. I'm not about to get in the way of a mom spending time with her daughter, nothing I have to say is that important.
I'm avoiding the super bowl, even if I don't care who wins I still get upset it seems with the calls or the momentum of the game. I guess I wanted New England to win and I'm afraid at this point they will not win, it does not effect my life in any way, I have no money on the game, would never bet on a sports event so why do I get so uptight watching a game? Have no idea but getting work completed is much more important, especially this week, why? well next Sunday I fly out of Oakland early in the morning to arrive in Houston at 1:30 for 4 days with my very special friend. I want to be ready, packed and there on time at the airport on Sunday and that involved what I do each day between now and then.
So now its back to work and yes I'll go check on the game again, should be over by now.
Love to each and every one of you,
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Living life, such a privilege and honor
So today is my Sabbath, but how I keep my Sabbath is different than in the past. Example!
I woke this morning, crawled painfully out of bed, dressed and took a short walk to the nearby park, every step evoked pain, its just the way it is after the Ablation procedure with Dr. Han. My legs are still black and blue and the fronts of my legs hurt from knee to thigh and on the right lower leg just above the ankle, my shin hurts with every step and my ankle is black and blue on its side, just on the right foot, can I explain all of this? Not a chance but I'm determined to keep walking until I'm normal again.
At 9:10 I caught up with Kallie and Nikki where Kallie and her basketball team were playing another team. No they did not excel over the other team, I think the final score was 7 to 38 or something like that but the girls enjoyed playing, the coaches are very faithful and its a good experience. Kallie knew I was there and I enjoyed the time watching and witnessing family in action. Nikki had brought doughnuts for the team and others enjoyed them too, Nikki, having just lost over 100 pounds did not have a doughnut!
It was time to drive to Tracy to church, I caught a coffee at Starbucks and let it be real this time hoping to wake up, I did. At church I shot a photo and texted it to Moon, told her I was praying for her, her daughter Crystal who is performing this weekend, her mom and dad and us. She texted back her thanks. Our pastor just does an excellent job of communicating and giving us the word from our loving Father. I think he and his wife are doing a great job and I appreciate the worship hour, it was fun to sit near the Ahns and see the little girls in action during church, great family, blessed to know them.
After church it was vegeburger at Burger King along with salad and a drink, then it was drive back home. While the weather was so calm and sun shining I retrieved the ladder, extended it the full 12 feet and scurried up onto the motorhome roof where I installed the new AC fiberglass cover I had picked up yesterday from Manteca Camper and RV store. 4 screws later and with Ray handing things up to me the cover is safely installed and once my feet hit the pavement I felt better, being on the top of the motorhome with hurting legs and decreased mobility was not fun but the job is done now.
Then it was time to pick up Kallie since she was about to be alone for the afternoon, the other three all had places to be. We eventually drove over to Concord and had dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory and while we waited the 45 minutes to be seated we worked the 1/2 price book store next door, Kallie searched carefully and selected a few things and then our table was ready. The food was great and we had a delightful time.
Then I drove back to Discovery Bay, spent some time relaxing with Steve who was now home and Kallie headed for bed.
Getting to spend quality time with a grandchild is a huge gift of meaning, joy, excitement and privilege. I have 4 bright, energetic, delightful grandchildren and that is why I am rich and blessed. Moon has taught me a great deal about valuing family, about thanking God for special moments with these unique individuals. She is so right, they are precious.
Now I'm off to bed, since the open heart surgery in August and the Ablation procedure two weeks ago I really need to rest up at night. I'm thankful to sleep and dream pleasant dreams.
I hope your weekend is progressing nicely, tomorrow is the Super Bowl, I'll check in from time to time to see the score, I just never feel like I have the time to sit for several hours watching a game. I'm happy for those who enjoy the day, the hype, the fun, its great for them but I would prefer to spend the afternoon with Moon or family.
Good night, it was so great to see friends at the Tracy Seventh-day Adventist Church today, spending time with these very special people reminds me that life is more than working all the time.
Love to all
I woke this morning, crawled painfully out of bed, dressed and took a short walk to the nearby park, every step evoked pain, its just the way it is after the Ablation procedure with Dr. Han. My legs are still black and blue and the fronts of my legs hurt from knee to thigh and on the right lower leg just above the ankle, my shin hurts with every step and my ankle is black and blue on its side, just on the right foot, can I explain all of this? Not a chance but I'm determined to keep walking until I'm normal again.
At 9:10 I caught up with Kallie and Nikki where Kallie and her basketball team were playing another team. No they did not excel over the other team, I think the final score was 7 to 38 or something like that but the girls enjoyed playing, the coaches are very faithful and its a good experience. Kallie knew I was there and I enjoyed the time watching and witnessing family in action. Nikki had brought doughnuts for the team and others enjoyed them too, Nikki, having just lost over 100 pounds did not have a doughnut!
It was time to drive to Tracy to church, I caught a coffee at Starbucks and let it be real this time hoping to wake up, I did. At church I shot a photo and texted it to Moon, told her I was praying for her, her daughter Crystal who is performing this weekend, her mom and dad and us. She texted back her thanks. Our pastor just does an excellent job of communicating and giving us the word from our loving Father. I think he and his wife are doing a great job and I appreciate the worship hour, it was fun to sit near the Ahns and see the little girls in action during church, great family, blessed to know them.
After church it was vegeburger at Burger King along with salad and a drink, then it was drive back home. While the weather was so calm and sun shining I retrieved the ladder, extended it the full 12 feet and scurried up onto the motorhome roof where I installed the new AC fiberglass cover I had picked up yesterday from Manteca Camper and RV store. 4 screws later and with Ray handing things up to me the cover is safely installed and once my feet hit the pavement I felt better, being on the top of the motorhome with hurting legs and decreased mobility was not fun but the job is done now.
Then it was time to pick up Kallie since she was about to be alone for the afternoon, the other three all had places to be. We eventually drove over to Concord and had dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory and while we waited the 45 minutes to be seated we worked the 1/2 price book store next door, Kallie searched carefully and selected a few things and then our table was ready. The food was great and we had a delightful time.
Then I drove back to Discovery Bay, spent some time relaxing with Steve who was now home and Kallie headed for bed.
Getting to spend quality time with a grandchild is a huge gift of meaning, joy, excitement and privilege. I have 4 bright, energetic, delightful grandchildren and that is why I am rich and blessed. Moon has taught me a great deal about valuing family, about thanking God for special moments with these unique individuals. She is so right, they are precious.
Now I'm off to bed, since the open heart surgery in August and the Ablation procedure two weeks ago I really need to rest up at night. I'm thankful to sleep and dream pleasant dreams.
I hope your weekend is progressing nicely, tomorrow is the Super Bowl, I'll check in from time to time to see the score, I just never feel like I have the time to sit for several hours watching a game. I'm happy for those who enjoy the day, the hype, the fun, its great for them but I would prefer to spend the afternoon with Moon or family.
Good night, it was so great to see friends at the Tracy Seventh-day Adventist Church today, spending time with these very special people reminds me that life is more than working all the time.
Love to all
Friday, February 3, 2017
So its Friday evening
Dear Family and Friends,
Just home out of very slow traffic from Oakland. In Oakland at 3 pm I pulled up in front of a little house, I had been warned that the occupant was hostile so I slowly trudged up to the front door with my ladder in tow, the purchase was with a FHA loan so an inspection of the attic was required.
Yes, the man answering the door was abrupt and not happy. So what approach was the right one, silent treatment, forceful and rude, kind and thoughtful?
First I measured around the outside, did not take long, it was raining lightly, not enough for a coat but chilly. then I knocked again and entered. I mostly listened. This young man had lived in the house with his grandfather at times, the grandfather had been there 35 years. Others in the family wanted the money selling the house would bring, our young man felt betrayed by family.
It was quickly established, he worked long hours, was hoping to start his life over in this little family house and now it was not to be. I listened and he warmed, I learned a lot, we shared observations about the women in our lives, he has a girl friend too and a 17 year old son. Since it was a little house it did not take me long to finish my inspection, he was a friend and friendly as I left.
Confession, this morning when I was asking God for His blessing, safety, health and praying for Moon and her family too I stopped and simply said, God if there is anything I can help with today let me know. I think my visit to this little home in Oakland was that appointment and I felt good as I drove away to shoot comp photos and then enter the freeway to deal with traffic all the way home.
Moon taught me that yesterday was a day when all Asian people wish each other happy birthday even though it is not their real birthday. Its a part of the New Years celebration. This evening she was going to friends for dinner and to celebrate birthday party, not sure if real or part of the New Years ongoing celebrations. Crystal, her 20 year old daughter was performing this weekend again with her beautiful and gentle voice. Moon wants to be home with her family so much right now, last year she was here with me. Every day we wait for a letter from immigration which will invite her to one last interview with officials and then she can fly home to Singapore. We have waited over a year for this final step and she is just bidding her time in Houston waiting to take the next steps.
Today was a day of doing needed chores, first I shot comparable photos in French Camp, the to a Staples for toner for the very busy office printer and to turn in 5 used cartridges for a small refund. Then it was to Manteca Camper and RV to pick up the cover for the AC system in the motorhome. The high winds has blown the fiberglass cover off and shattered it the night I was in the hospital after the heart Ablation, LeAnn, my faithful neighbor called to tell me that it was in many pieces so now I have it, just how to get it up on the motorhome without me falling off. I move so slowly right now and have such pain in my legs that are still bruised from the heart procedure. Not really fun to live right now.
Work is extremely slow right now, hardly any orders and I'm so thankful for a company called United States Appraisals, without them I would be out of work. After a year of turning down many orders every day now any order is such welcome news.
I've been invited to go to Kallie's basketball game at 9 in the morning and then care for Keanna in the afternoon, its a huge blessing to be so near my precious family. Moon always reminds me to be thankful my family is so near. She is very right.
Thankful for another week, for work, food, warm house and the people that make life real, enjoy texts and visits with my family, with Art and with Jerry my brother who lives in snow country.
My hope is that you have a good, solid, caring weekend, love while you can, say good words while you can speak them, be kind and gracious.
All my love
Just home out of very slow traffic from Oakland. In Oakland at 3 pm I pulled up in front of a little house, I had been warned that the occupant was hostile so I slowly trudged up to the front door with my ladder in tow, the purchase was with a FHA loan so an inspection of the attic was required.
Yes, the man answering the door was abrupt and not happy. So what approach was the right one, silent treatment, forceful and rude, kind and thoughtful?
First I measured around the outside, did not take long, it was raining lightly, not enough for a coat but chilly. then I knocked again and entered. I mostly listened. This young man had lived in the house with his grandfather at times, the grandfather had been there 35 years. Others in the family wanted the money selling the house would bring, our young man felt betrayed by family.
It was quickly established, he worked long hours, was hoping to start his life over in this little family house and now it was not to be. I listened and he warmed, I learned a lot, we shared observations about the women in our lives, he has a girl friend too and a 17 year old son. Since it was a little house it did not take me long to finish my inspection, he was a friend and friendly as I left.
Confession, this morning when I was asking God for His blessing, safety, health and praying for Moon and her family too I stopped and simply said, God if there is anything I can help with today let me know. I think my visit to this little home in Oakland was that appointment and I felt good as I drove away to shoot comp photos and then enter the freeway to deal with traffic all the way home.
Moon taught me that yesterday was a day when all Asian people wish each other happy birthday even though it is not their real birthday. Its a part of the New Years celebration. This evening she was going to friends for dinner and to celebrate birthday party, not sure if real or part of the New Years ongoing celebrations. Crystal, her 20 year old daughter was performing this weekend again with her beautiful and gentle voice. Moon wants to be home with her family so much right now, last year she was here with me. Every day we wait for a letter from immigration which will invite her to one last interview with officials and then she can fly home to Singapore. We have waited over a year for this final step and she is just bidding her time in Houston waiting to take the next steps.
Today was a day of doing needed chores, first I shot comparable photos in French Camp, the to a Staples for toner for the very busy office printer and to turn in 5 used cartridges for a small refund. Then it was to Manteca Camper and RV to pick up the cover for the AC system in the motorhome. The high winds has blown the fiberglass cover off and shattered it the night I was in the hospital after the heart Ablation, LeAnn, my faithful neighbor called to tell me that it was in many pieces so now I have it, just how to get it up on the motorhome without me falling off. I move so slowly right now and have such pain in my legs that are still bruised from the heart procedure. Not really fun to live right now.
Work is extremely slow right now, hardly any orders and I'm so thankful for a company called United States Appraisals, without them I would be out of work. After a year of turning down many orders every day now any order is such welcome news.
I've been invited to go to Kallie's basketball game at 9 in the morning and then care for Keanna in the afternoon, its a huge blessing to be so near my precious family. Moon always reminds me to be thankful my family is so near. She is very right.
Thankful for another week, for work, food, warm house and the people that make life real, enjoy texts and visits with my family, with Art and with Jerry my brother who lives in snow country.
My hope is that you have a good, solid, caring weekend, love while you can, say good words while you can speak them, be kind and gracious.
All my love
Thursday, February 2, 2017
I'm back, God is so good to us my family and friends
Dear Family, Friends,
Its Thursday evening the 2nd of February and after wading through pages of Google help I finally managed to find the right page, discover that the email address for this blog is one I have forgotten, Then they helped me reset the password and here I am finally, I've tried over and over without success, thought I might never be able to blog again but I asked God help me tonight, I really enjoy this connection with some very precious people, friends and family for many years.
On Sunday I'll fly to Houston and spend 4 magic days with the woman I love. Moon has been very busy with her precious 20 year old daughter Crystal who is in Singapore and this week was featured on TV, she sings, is a 6 foot tall beautiful woman and is a really good girl, Moon spends hours with her on face time audio, a very inexpensive way to spend hours with someone in Singapore. Moon really cares for her family there and talks to her mom every night for at least an hour, a dear lady who has spent the entire day at the hospital with Moon's dad, he's been there for over a year now with multiple health issues, mom is so faithful to him and Moon is her sounding board, a safe person that she can share her fears and joys.
Moon and I will celebrate Chinese New Years and I'll be there on Valentines day too, will be fun to see her instead of just talk, we talk and text every day and share our day, try to take care of each other from a distance as well as we can.
I'm recovering from a heart Ablation procedure on the 18th of January. I am very fortunate to have found Dr. Han who is with Kaiser and operates in the Santa Clara facility. Ray, neighbor, took me there that morning, a Wednesday in driving rain and I waited for over 2 hours for the process to start, its like that with hearts, if someone has a severe problem, they deal with it and then do the routine work. I was taken in, prepped and told what could happen and what they hoped would happen. Incredible team! Jason was with me for the day, once I was taken away hours passed quickly, they inserted 5 lines into my arteries successfully and then moved to my heart, Dr. Han was able to make my heart go into A-fib and then moved quickly to burn various spots where the heart was misbehaving, shorting out, then she was able to make my heart do flutter, another issue and she then proceeded to burn many spots in my heart and arteries until the flutter was dealt with. she took as extra hour and a half but feels very confident that she was able to solve both A-fib and Flutter, so far I've had neither and its been two weeks.
The downside: I was ordered to lie perfectly still, not lift my head, not move after I woke up, the pain was intense and after going through open heart surgery in August I know a little bit about pain. I had to lie still for 6 hours until continual blood testing achieved a 170, not sure if that is blood thickness or blood sugar or something else. Finally the number was 162 and they moved to the next step.
They call it removing the sheets, they told me it would hurt like hell, they were not kidding. They removed the lines that were inserted in my arteries in my groin area, they would put enormous pressure on me, they said they were putting their entire body weight on what felt like a flat square which they were pulling out of me, pain like I've never known was the result, then they said the last two would be the worst and the girls said, this is like childbirth, wow, I can see why Nan did not want more kids! Intense pressure and pain engulfed me but eventually it was over and I was alone.
At 2 am a guy came with food and fed me, great food and very kind attention, it was a welcome moment.
The front of my legs and body is so bruised, I have solid black and blue to my knees and now two weeks later every time I stand up the front of the legs hurt and burn and one shin feels like a horse kicked it but I am better. I did see two house the next day, Friday but I moved very slowly due to intense pain.
Work has nearly stopped due to the raise in interest rates. So far this year I've logged in 36 orders and last fall I was seeing them at a rate of about 5 to 10 orders per day. But I'm so tired after this latest heart episode that I need lots of sleep every night and naps during the day. Still I'm so thankful for God's leading and blessing, I enjoy my time with Moon even if it is long distance, I love meeting homeowners and seeing their homes, every check that comes in the mail is a little thrill and I'm thankful for a warm home, food, an incredible family and great friends, a brother who calls me every night and a life that is busy and interesting.
I've missed being able to blog, thank you for asking where I went and now I can say, I'm back.
Love to all
Its Thursday evening the 2nd of February and after wading through pages of Google help I finally managed to find the right page, discover that the email address for this blog is one I have forgotten, Then they helped me reset the password and here I am finally, I've tried over and over without success, thought I might never be able to blog again but I asked God help me tonight, I really enjoy this connection with some very precious people, friends and family for many years.
On Sunday I'll fly to Houston and spend 4 magic days with the woman I love. Moon has been very busy with her precious 20 year old daughter Crystal who is in Singapore and this week was featured on TV, she sings, is a 6 foot tall beautiful woman and is a really good girl, Moon spends hours with her on face time audio, a very inexpensive way to spend hours with someone in Singapore. Moon really cares for her family there and talks to her mom every night for at least an hour, a dear lady who has spent the entire day at the hospital with Moon's dad, he's been there for over a year now with multiple health issues, mom is so faithful to him and Moon is her sounding board, a safe person that she can share her fears and joys.
Moon and I will celebrate Chinese New Years and I'll be there on Valentines day too, will be fun to see her instead of just talk, we talk and text every day and share our day, try to take care of each other from a distance as well as we can.
I'm recovering from a heart Ablation procedure on the 18th of January. I am very fortunate to have found Dr. Han who is with Kaiser and operates in the Santa Clara facility. Ray, neighbor, took me there that morning, a Wednesday in driving rain and I waited for over 2 hours for the process to start, its like that with hearts, if someone has a severe problem, they deal with it and then do the routine work. I was taken in, prepped and told what could happen and what they hoped would happen. Incredible team! Jason was with me for the day, once I was taken away hours passed quickly, they inserted 5 lines into my arteries successfully and then moved to my heart, Dr. Han was able to make my heart go into A-fib and then moved quickly to burn various spots where the heart was misbehaving, shorting out, then she was able to make my heart do flutter, another issue and she then proceeded to burn many spots in my heart and arteries until the flutter was dealt with. she took as extra hour and a half but feels very confident that she was able to solve both A-fib and Flutter, so far I've had neither and its been two weeks.
The downside: I was ordered to lie perfectly still, not lift my head, not move after I woke up, the pain was intense and after going through open heart surgery in August I know a little bit about pain. I had to lie still for 6 hours until continual blood testing achieved a 170, not sure if that is blood thickness or blood sugar or something else. Finally the number was 162 and they moved to the next step.
They call it removing the sheets, they told me it would hurt like hell, they were not kidding. They removed the lines that were inserted in my arteries in my groin area, they would put enormous pressure on me, they said they were putting their entire body weight on what felt like a flat square which they were pulling out of me, pain like I've never known was the result, then they said the last two would be the worst and the girls said, this is like childbirth, wow, I can see why Nan did not want more kids! Intense pressure and pain engulfed me but eventually it was over and I was alone.
At 2 am a guy came with food and fed me, great food and very kind attention, it was a welcome moment.
The front of my legs and body is so bruised, I have solid black and blue to my knees and now two weeks later every time I stand up the front of the legs hurt and burn and one shin feels like a horse kicked it but I am better. I did see two house the next day, Friday but I moved very slowly due to intense pain.
Work has nearly stopped due to the raise in interest rates. So far this year I've logged in 36 orders and last fall I was seeing them at a rate of about 5 to 10 orders per day. But I'm so tired after this latest heart episode that I need lots of sleep every night and naps during the day. Still I'm so thankful for God's leading and blessing, I enjoy my time with Moon even if it is long distance, I love meeting homeowners and seeing their homes, every check that comes in the mail is a little thrill and I'm thankful for a warm home, food, an incredible family and great friends, a brother who calls me every night and a life that is busy and interesting.
I've missed being able to blog, thank you for asking where I went and now I can say, I'm back.
Love to all
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