Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Drought continues.......

Dear Family and Friends,
What a low key day today has been.  This morning I assisted with the girls, got them fed, dressed, shoes and sox's on, sort of matching outfits, well that until Nikki came home and saw Kallie and burst into laughter at what I had dressed her in, oh well she was dressed at least.  Being very low on diesel I stopped in Brentwood this morning to fill it up with the girls in the car.  The thought of running out of fuel with the tykes on board was to horrible.  I had only traveled 550 miles on this tank but the diesel was $3.13 a gallon which was a full 18 cents cheaper than my station.
Once I signed Keanna in for her day of rock climbing, craft making, song singing and general fun I turned to getting Kallie to her sitters for the day.  I had committed the unthinkable in that I left her pink security blanket at home,  that caused some anxiety at nap time, got to do better next time.
I came home and worked on getting on some new lists for obtaining work.  I also worked on and completed an appraisal for a set of lawyers for a divorce.  Later I delivered on of the appraisals and picked up a check, the other check will come later I guess.
Taking time for lunch I made a salad with some absolutely wonderful cherry tomatoes Steve had shared with me, they are incredible and the salad was perfect with a few pinto beans, the tomatoes and the lettuce mix.  I also warmed up a couple potato patties and had broccoli warmed in the microwave.  It was a fine lunch and I enjoyed it.
At 2 I had to go back to Brentwood to collect Keanna from camp.  On the way home we went to the post office, bank, Blockbusters to rent a movie for her to watch and Safeway for Jello.  We finally arrived at home but she was engrossed in her Strawberry Shortcake Movie which had a very cute story line about caring for each other.  She downed a large sack of healthy popcorn (no butter) and then it was time to pick up Kallie and deliver them both to their parents.  They were very happy to see their mom and were bound for VBS in Tracy tonight where Nikki is helping out.
Once I was free of my little darlings I came home and worked a bit more.  Then I climbed up the motorhome and installed the new life time warranty vent over the bathroom.  The cheap ones keep failing and blowing away.  This one is built of sturdy stuff but in spite of having instructions written in three languages on the box none of them were in English.  Its a good think I've done this many times before so I didn't need to learn how.  What a world we live in, who knows where it was made, certainly not America which is too bad.
I am very careful once I'm on the top of the motorhome as it would be very very easy to tumble off and crash to the concrete below. That could be life threatening.  I was very relieved to once again feel my feet on the driveway and have the job done.
Then trying to fight depression from another day with no work, no emails about work, no phone calls regarding work, its like I retired but no one told me.  So decided to head to town once again to find a bulb for my desk lamp, a little 20 watt 12 volt lamp for my Tensor lamp and go work out at the club.  Ace hardware had the bulb and an ice cream sandwich!  Then I went to the club and worked muscles until they burned and complained.  Once finished with my routine I am now home with the day behind me.  Tomorrow I'll try to meet the owner of a empty lot in Oakland, he needs to know the value for his upcoming bankruptcy proceeding and hopefully see a rental property in Brentwood.  So far the tenant is not reachable.
Please pray that God will provide the work He wants me to have. 
I spoke to Bob a little while ago and Carol has been moved to a rehab hospital which is located near the hospital where her surgery was done.  She may have to be there for up to a month as she makes her body move again.  She faces a tough time but her attitude is very good.  She and Bob were working to make the bed sort of comfortable so she could get some rest.  He was on his third trip home to get more pillows and supplies.  They are a wonderful caring couple and a real inspiration to the rest of us.  They can certainly use our prayers as well.
So my friends as the world slowly turns there is not a lot of excitement or bubbly joy at my house.  The kidos are such a blessing in that they laugh, smile, love and enjoy life a lot.  Its catching and that's a very good thing.



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