Thursday, June 17, 2010

Good news

Dear Family and Friends,
Its 9:50 and I'm shocked at how fast the evening has passed.
This morning I was determined to get the walk in and once it was over I turned to the partially completed task of replacing the fan blower for the VW.  Parts were strewn all over the floor on the passenger side of the car and there was no good way to position my body to avoid pain.  I knew I needed to locate two more little bolts that would release the broken blower and after twisting my head nearly backwards I located them, found the right socket, a 6 mm and suddenly the blower was falling out as promised.  Then I opened the box with the new blower which had been purchased via the Internet and began the reverse process of reassembly.  With minor grunts and groans the parts began to fit back together and within an hour it was all back together and working perfectly.  Here are the facts.  I paid about $67 total for the new blower while VW offered it for $281 plus shop time to install it.  So I figure that I saved over $300 by doing it myself.  I also have the satisfaction of knowing the projects like this are worth taking on and winning.

After finishing the blower installation breakfast was next, then a shower, then some face time at the computer.  Knowing that the bug was quite illegal to drive since it had not passed smog yet I decided to take on that challenge next.  I called a person I had met while doing an appraisal who I knew owned a shop in Concord and he agreed to see the car.  So in an hour I was there and he hooked it up to his little reading device.  30 seconds later he told me he had turned the fix engine light off and it should now pass smog.  He suggested a  76 station nearby that he uses.  They agreed to take the car and in 15 minutes announced that it had passed the smog test and I owed them $47.  That was a very low figure compared to quotes I had from other places so I paid quickly, said a quiet thank you to Heaven and drove to a 3 pm appointment in nearby Pinole.  There I found a beautifully maintained home and a very nice Mexican family, a family that was very excited about a trip to Cancun tomorrow to see family and friends.

Once the appraisal and comps were completed I headed home, faced some traffic, used a 15% discount at Staples to buy a box of paper and a new toner cartridge and then drove on home.  It was very nice to be back in the bug again and know I was getting 43 miles per gallon.  The blower was silent and powerful as it delivered cool air to the cabin.

Now its bed time once again, tomorrow morning I get to see the kidos since Steve is working with his friends.  Then I will head out to a home in San Leandro after which I will come home to work things up.  This has been a win win day for which I am very thankful.  For you dear friends I am eternally thankful, for you dear family my life is rich due to having you to call my own.



1 comment:

  1. Great post! Such a satisfying day for you. I really admire your drive and determination. Seems you can do anything you set your mind to - bravo!

