Monday, September 20, 2010

Great fall day

Hello Everyone,
Its so nice to finally be winding down the work day which included a bit of recreational time as well.  We walked this morning and I noticed that I was borderline weak, took my blood sugar when I returned to the house and it was 112, that number should not have caused any weakness.  I was very hungry and when I finally went to eat the food tasted great.  I then worked, got a report out and hoped for funds in the mail but today was a dry day, no money so I did a bit of transferring and left for a lunch appointment in Tracy.

This evening I inspected a rental property that was cleaner than most owner properties and enjoyed their little 2 year old boy trying to help with the measuring wheel, what a cutie.

Now I'm home and I've spent the last hour "fixing" mistakes that the reviewer found at the management company.  They are unbelievable in their attention to their way of doing things, several of their suggestions were already in the report, they just didn't read close enough, anyway its a great way to learn about greater detail in the report.  This morning I also had to figure out how to sent the report in two different formats, one was pdf which I'm used to but the other is AI and I'm not so used to that one, well I got it figured out, another good thing to have under the belt learning wise.  I've started a file for the specific instructions for each lender, they are all asking for different things now and that gets confusing.  This way when I start to work for Provident I just pull out their guidelines and follow them to the letter.

This morning I discovered that I had dumped a couple pounds lately, it was nice to see for a change.

Well good night all,



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