Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Wisdom of Keanna

Good evening
The day got several shades of brighter today when Keanna came dashing out the gate at her school.  She was smiles and gladly surrendered her heavy backpack as we walked to the car.  She was full of excitement over the day and very happy to be coming to my house.  By the time we arrived home she had nearly completed her homework and after a few minutes in the house it was done.  I popped corn for her and gave her the one bottle of water I had, a bottle of Fiji water someone had handed me.  She loved it and had it gone by the time we left.  She watched some Clifford on TV and then switched to the laptop where she played games quietly until it was time to leave.

We drove to Brentwood where we walked into a girls scout meeting, there were a lot of people there and I think she was in for a good afternoon.  Debra, family friend, was there with her little girl and agreed to drive Keanna home afterwards.  So I left and stopped at a local branch of Chase Bank, after a nasty encounter with my bank of 25 years today I've decided to look into switching. For one thing my bank charges me $48 a month for my business account.  Chase charges nothing for a business account and has many more features available for its customers so the change is looking better and better.  If you knew how much I dislike change you would know what a huge step this is for me but there comes a time when wasting money just does not make sense anymore, free checks, free checking, free use of the ATM and on and on.  Why did I wait so long is the question.  One nice feature is their bill paying option.  You tell them who to pay and when.  If that date comes up during the month and you are low on funds they let you put it off until you have the funds without a huge charge, also they text you when your account is getting low on money and will also move money from a savings account if you select that option.

Today the mail was very good to me, I was paid for the work I did in August for one of the management companies.  It was larger than I would have imagined and I was so thankful.

Once I was home this evening I drank some water and then headed back to Brentwood for spin class.  Oh it was great.  This time I was able to do much better at keeping up with the young people that surround me on  bikes.  It felt good and the headbands that Marilyn gave me for my birthday came in handy, not one drop of sweat reached my eyes the entire time, it was great, thank you Marilyn.

Upon coming home I visited with Ray and Lois briefly and then made some open face sandwiches in the new toaster oven, topped them with tomatoes from Art and Connies garden.  Then I opened a water melon and enjoyed the sweet fruit.  What a feast.

I feel like I'm on a roll again, not sure why but I do know that I'm taking the full dosage of the new injectable medicine for diabetes this week.  My blood sugar numbers have been great, I mean really great and I'm feeling pretty lean and agile, its nice and of course the weather this time of year is incredible.  Meanwhile I wait to hear the results of the biopsy from my lip.

Now its time to head to bed.  Two orders came in today which is wonderful too.  I'll see on in the morning, the other is next Sunday, turns out I was savoring the large fee, $420 and then I found out its a quadruplex and my normal fee is $750.  That sort of sums up what I'm dealing with these days.

Keanna is a delight, she comes up with such profound comments or questions and it makes you stop and think, her mind is certainly busy as she figures out life.  I've got to say a word about Steve, my son in law.  This week he has the girls full time as Nikki is away on business, in fact this evening she is roughing it at Disneyland, poor thing!!  Steve just takes care of everything, keeps the girls fed and happy and is amazing.

Jason turned 33 today, can you believe it, my little baby.  He and Jo had a great day eating out and doing tidepool things with Timothy.  Their school is on break this weekend with all the teens gone home as of today so Jason and Jo get a much needed break.

Well good night all,



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