Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Catching a break

Dear Family and Friends
I'm writing to you from Jason and Jo's dining table.  After an incredible day I'm finally here and so very glad to be through.
The day started at 6 when I jumped up, well actually stumbled up and showered, then took the dogs down and fed them treats.  The blood sugar turned out to be pretty good so I rewarded myself with a mocha.  I started work on the two that had to be completed.  Of course a report from yesterday had been rejected by the company so I had to rework that, it ended up making it stronger and there were other conditions that came in.  I had started packing for my trip from the start of the day, computer bag, breathing machine, toothbrush, few clothes, meds etc.
I had a goal of writing two reports before I left for the 3 pm appointment and at 2:15 I emailed the second report out.  Then I quickly loaded the car, bade the doggies a good bye and drove to Hayward.  As I pulled up my heart sank.  The home was attached to a steeply upsloping site, you know the kind that should never have a house built there at all.  Fortunately he had a floor plan, unfortunately when I looked at the plan later I discovered he did not have the rooms marked at all.  While I had walked through the entire home and shot photos remembering where everything is to be found will be a challenge.  Of course finding comps for this stunning house took forever and that put me late to the Aptos ranch inspection.  So late that I hardly got there before dark.  I shot my photos and then measured in the fog and darkness.  The residents were great, in fact the single mom was drop dead stunning!  Nice extra thrown in.
Once I had the house seen then it was only a 10 minute drive over to MBA and Jason and Jo.  They were just arriving back when I pulled in. 
I was able to fix an appraisal problem by remote when I got here and now I'm ready to relax.  Of course on the way a couple more orders came in, one will pay cash, yes!
Tomorrow morning Jo and Jason have to be at the hospital at 6 am and the baby will arrive around 8.  This is pretty exciting stuff but it feels so strange to be here without Nan.  How she loved the babies, she deserves to be here, we all got robbed.
Well this is my story for tonight and I'm sticking to it.  Tomorrow I'll care for Timothy and we'll got shoot comps, I'll write up a couple reports and in the afternoon perhaps we can go get a peek of the baby.
Lets all pray that Jo will be blessed as she goes through this process tomorrow.



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