Monday, October 4, 2010

Hitting it hard

Dear Family and Friends,
Our walk this morning was interesting.  It was windy, cold and very brisk to say the least.  Once home I started shutting sliding doors to ward off the cold wind.  After a morning of research and setting up orders I left for a mixed use property in Oakland near the Berkeley border.  The little property had a store front office where every wall was at a different angle and a very updated little house behind.  New kitchen, new bathroom, crown moldings, perfect hardwood floors, new paint all added up to a little home in very good condition.
After seeing the house I started the tedious process of finding and photographing the comparable sales.  I ended up shooting photos of 10 properties just to be safe.  None of them are perfect comparables yet perhaps together they will spell out a reasonable basis for finding a value.
Once I was finally through I turned for Dublin and a very little house.  The lady who lived there was so nice and content with a minimalist lifestyle.  She had a very cute little doggies who followed me every step of my inspection just to be sure I was OK.  Meeting her was a pleasure, a very nice lady and a cute little house. 
During the day I took a few calls, one was to request I do an appraisal this weekend for cash, fun stuff, another was to tell me they had heard my plea for more money and suggested a fee of $500 which sounded great to me.  I'll earn it for sure.  Yet another was to see if I could accept an appraisal assignment for a house located in a nearby town of Oakley.  So things are looking somewhat better than in the past.
Now its evening and I've just checked out the emails for the day.  The best one was from Bob.  Carrol, my friend who lives in Lodi just found out her latest cancer numbers were great, that they had dropped a lot since the last blood workup.  What great news for Bob and Carrol.
I received a very nice email from my friend who is on a cruise this week.  I was very amazed that she got an email out from the ship but was pleased to read it and learn she and her daughter are having a super time.
It takes me back to the cruising experiences I 've enjoyed, all of them were great and I loved every minute of them.  I remember a funny moment when we were cruising with Nikki and Steve.  We had only been on the ship for about an hour and we happened to see them.  With the energy of youth they had been every place on the ship and were wondering what they were going to be doing all week.  No relaxing for those two adventurers.  They loved the daily excursions best, diving with manta rays, exploring little towns, taking mini trips.
Good night to all,  at this point in my life I am so busy that I can't begin t see how I can get everything finished that needs to be done.



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