Saturday, February 5, 2011

Chillin at MBA

Dear Family and Friends,
Wow is this great or what!  Just said good night to Timothy again and he is such a dear.  In one day I spent the morning with Keanna and Kallie as we drove to Sabbath School in Tracy, then caught lunch at Burger King, then we drove back and returned them to the custody of their parents.  Once home I loaded the bug onto the tow dolly, ( that took a while) and finally headed out to Monterey Bay Academy.  So here I am writing to you with the distant sound of the surf in the distance, the sky is clear and beautiful and the evening was about 70 degrees.  Wow, this is great.

Timothy and Jason came out to greet me once they realized that I was here.  Timothy had been looking for me all day and would hardly do anything else expecting that I would pop up anytime.  He helped me along with his father level the coach and get the tow dolly off the street.  Then we plugged into the electrical power and Jason ran a hose for water.

I was invited by Timothy to play trains with him so we did, what a cute train set he has and that was a memory I'll have for a long time.  Mia was smiles and displaying those stunning huge round eyes as I got to hold her for a bit.  She is growing and developing fast, too fast really.

I'm just back in the motor home after watching a DVD with Jason and Jo,  George Clooney was the star and the movie was beautiful.  Now I'm back in the coach and after I take Starr out for her little walk we will settle into the queen bed and sleep until Jason calls or texts me in the morning.  Later in the day tomorrow I'll do an appraisal and then come back here to MBA for the night, on Monday morning I'll head out to do more appraisal work on the way home.  The recent repairs I did last Wednesday seem to be holding together, the microwave is still in place so I think I've made progress. 

Tomorrow morning I hope to take a walk to the beach and enjoy the power of the ocean, what an incredible world of beauty God created and even in spite of the huge problems we face God is still in charge.  We just need to remind each other of that all the time.  Can you take a moment this weekend to reach out to loved ones in an extra special way.  You can make the weekend super for someone by a little extra effort on your part.  Do it, you won't be sorry.

Love to all,


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