Saturday, February 26, 2011

An Excellent Sabbath

Dear Family and Friends,
This morning started off cold and after 15 minutes on the treadmill it was warmer.  I picked up the girls and we went to church.  What a great time we had there, I even got to play piano for the little people division where Kallie attends.  Kim does such a great job week after week with the little ones and seems to have the patience thats needed to keep them all headed the same direction.

This afternoon a friend and I had lunch at Olive Garden in Stockton, then drove up to visit with Bob and Carrol Sorenson at their home in Lodi.  What a great time we had catching up with the adventures of Carrol the super patient.  She is recovering well and in no time will be home again.  She was allowed to be home for the day today but had to go back to the rehab hospital this evening.

This evening we went to the movies.  Its been months since I went to the movies and I always enjoy movies that Adam Shadler are in, tonight's was not different, very funny and while not for children it had lots of funny and enjoyable moments.  The popcorn was great too.

Now I'm back home and ready to get some rest. Friendship is a very precious thing, what a wonderful gift we can receive and bestow on others.



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