Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Another one for the record books

Good evening

As I write I 'm enjoying a cool evening, unseasonable for this time of year and I think its wonderful, how nice to be chilly when you head to bed, instead of dreading the hot sheets and tossing and turning under a fan that rattles and groans all night.

This day has been more of the same.  No money in the mail, silly conditions but more orders which is totally awesome. I had lunch with a long time friend and that was very enjoyable.  Those deli sandwiches from Raley's are really good! We just had 30 mintues but we made the most of the time catching up. Hint, she is an amazing woman.

After the lunch I headed to Concord to do a driveby review of something that was done in 2008.  Only problem is, they cannot supply the original appraisal, only a desk top review that was done at the time.  So I've got to make a judgement of someones work that I cannot even see, pretty stupid really, just more government mandated nonsense.  But they pay for it and have raised the fee from $245 to $275.  Yet to do these right it can easily take a whole day, now in the old days I always did at least two reports per day and charged $375 to $450 and for duplexes we got $700.  All that is gone now thanks to the government getting in the way.  It is very hard not to be bitter at all I have lost over the last few years and all that I stand to lose yet.  I don't know where it really ends.  There is so much anger in the appraisal community it is amazing.  By government mandate an entire industry has been destroyed.

Todays highlight was a registered letter from the loan company for my house.  I've not read it yet but I did talk to them today.  Things look bleak until I can find more money. Or at least get the money that is owed to me and then keep working hard to keep the cash flow working.  I'm willing but I need the work to keep coming in.

This afternoon Nikki called to ask if I could pick up Kallie from school.  Well I jumped at the chance and she was delighted to see me.  We grabbed her lunch pail and headed home.  She played and then decided to get soy milk from the frig.  She insisted on pouring it for herself and did a great job all the times she added more milk to her little glass.  Then Keanna arrived fresh from the dentist where she willingly had two teeth pulled.  She was so proud of herself for going through it, needles and all.  I'm sure it was hard on Nikki to watch.

Well its time to sleep.  Blood sugars are way down, so are spirits and hope for the future.

Take care my friends,



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