Sunday, July 17, 2011

Living with the unease

Dear Family and Friends,
After a 3 mile walk this morning and a breakfast of oatmeal and peanut butter toast I settled in to begin working.

During the day I've basically done little else, just worked on a huge Livermore appraisal of a wonderful home.  As of this evening its emailed to the client.  I told myself that I would do a bit of yardwork this evening, just doing something different out in the fresh crisp air.  Ray had come over to visit for awhile and mentioned he was going to be mowing his lawn, I asked if I could use his mower.  So after edging with this really incredible edger that Jason is letting me use I used Ray's mower and the result is a nice looking front yard.  Then I set to work on my flower garden, I've lost lots of blooms during the very warm weather and weeds were everywhere so I took the time to pull the weeds and give the flowers a chance.  Having done that I came back in, baked a potato and cooked an ear of corn, used some of the beans I made recently and had a nice dinner with two vegetables.

Just now I've taken time to watch a couple episodes of Burn Notice, a program I enjoy and now after the blog I'm heading to bed.  In spite of some pretty tough odds right now I'm not giving up.  One side note that is so sad.  as I've mentioned already in prior blogs we did a trade of vehicles, the odyssey for steve's civic.  Would you believe that the right power door on the van failed almost as soon as Nikki and Steve took possession.  I feel so badly about that and offered to trade back but they still want the Odyssey.  I just hope it can be fixed easily.

Well what will the upcoming week hold?  I'm pretty sure that I'll see some checks in the mail, that I'll be able to apply for my license finding the $435 I need for that and other challenges.

Starr has been sitting with me in the chair and loves to just be close.  What a sweet doggie but I'm afraid she is failing gradually from not having the ability to move about so her body is losing his strength.

I'm asking for your prayers for a long time friend tonight, she is coping with a low pulse rate, I mean really low and can certainly benefit from our prayers.

Love to all


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