Friday, August 19, 2011

An Incredible Day

Some days go better than others.

Mine started at 6 am.  I came down and went directly to the office, started working and finished the third appraisal report at 5 this afternoon.  Other than mocha breaks, burger for lunch etc I just kept at the task.  What a rewarding feeling it is to get work done and beyond that to have so many orders to deal with.  Like wow!

After the appraisal was sent out Marilyn had dinner ready.  Whole wheat pasta with mock chicken and mushrooms.  It was really great.  Lois joined us since Ray was gone to San Jose.

After dinner I decided to face other challenges.  Why not make the lawn mower work?  So I headed out, put gas in and got out the starter fluid.  But before the starter fluid I decided to pull the cord, yep after a year without working it started right up and ran perfectly the rest of the time.  I even mowed Ray and Lois's lawn.  Then it was time for the edger and that ran well too.  Then I fed the lawn and turned on the sprinklers. 

This has been the day that I was hoping for for awhile.  Production and then there is the 5 new orders that came in today, when it rains it pours.  Now just to do the right thing, stay on it and get this work completed.

Well tomorrow morning Keanna plays soccer at 10:30 so I don't think I'll be doing SS.  Little Keanna charges around the field and wears herself out.  It is a great experience.

Well for now I'll just say this has been some day.

I am so thankful to our good Lord who seems to have a sense of humor, after a year of praying over the lawnmower it starts on the first pull, after months of little work now it floods in!  Thank you Lord.

Love to all,

special thanks to all who are helping Seth get back into MBA.  Your investment in a young person is just wonderful.


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