Monday, August 8, 2011

Moving forward

Dear Family and Friends,

Our weather continues to be wonderful, even now it has cooled off this evening, no AC needed and gentle breezes off the lake coming through.  Its a huge blessing to have such decent weather, helps with my work and saves big bucks.

Today was good, real good.  This morning started with an inspection of a little home on nearly an acre.  The young people that are buying the home already live there and have made it into such a cute place.  After I was there a bit I discovered that they know Steve really well and I almost missed my next appointment as I enjoyed the conversation so much.  The guy makes wake skates, a board with a very clever design.  He is making enough to sell now and is a professional wake boarder too.  Has a boat of the same vintage as mine only his works well.

After the appointment I next went to Quest Lab for a blood draw.  That actually turned out to be fun, nice staff running the place.

Then Steve and I had breakfast at the famous Byron Cafe, oh there food is so great.  While I was there Steve asked if I could pick up Keanna from school which I was very glad to do.  We had a fun time, hit the safeway store for popcorn and stuff and then came home where I worked and she did her homework.  This kid is so bright and loves school work.  Its a joy to watch her at work and see her mind churn out the answers.  later we went and picked up Kallie, brought her home and she was here for a little bit until her mom came and snatched them away.

This evening it was back to Brentwood for meds, just $110 for a month for this one really super injectible diabetes drug but now I'm set for the next month.  I also talked to my loan company for the house and they decided to accept payment for June and July which I'll pay by Friday.  I just might keep my house for awhile after all, thank you Lord!

Well now its time to crash, it was hard to sleep last night so I'm really ready now.  Tomorrow its Fairfield, Oakland and Tracy in that order, at least its work!

Love to all


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