Thursday, December 22, 2011

Chilly tonight

For those of you who live in ice boxes or in areas where the temperature and weather resemble freezers you will scoff but we are going down to 28 tonight, one of the coldest days of the year for California,  Brrr

This morning I managed to complete an appraisal of a condo over in Sunnyvale, then prepared for a relocation inspection in Brentwood, great family, nice place and moving to Michigan, for them its back home so I know they are excited about it. Their company is moving them but what a time of the year to move, winter in Michigan, I've lived there, now that can be a cold place.

One winter in Michigan Dave Greenlaw, a grad student from Maine and I decided we would become sheet rockers, I think Andrews was paying about .95 an hour where I worked in the mill.  So we purchased the basic tools, ventured out, got a job and learned quickly how to put sheetrock on the ceiling, the walls and made much better money.  We bought an old Mustang, one that the winters and salt on the road had destroyed.  The floor was partially missing on the passenger side and part of the trunk floor was missing too, all 4 tires were different sizes and it drove very funny.  I think we paid $95 for it.  That was our work car, wild ride for sure.  The trunk was held closed with bungie cords, there was no heater, some of the windows did not close fully and there was snow on the ground and ice in the air.  The things we do for money!  No regrets, Nan worked in the food service and looked great in her white uniform, we lived in student housing and life was pretty good.  Very fond memories.

I've been blue today, I feel so alone, approaching Christmas, everyone has their shopping done, has their cards mailed out, their homes decorated and I sort of feel displaced.  Its no ones fault, just reality.  At least I have work to keep me busy and this time its from a different lender who pays full fees, that is nice for a change.  Today the big check came, the one that pays the house payments and I am so thankful for that.  Of course I've done so little work that next month there will be no big check on the 22nd.  The surgeries have taken their toll on my production and I'm not getting work from some because I was late this month in delivery. 

When Nan was here this was the happiest time of the year.  She was busy buying thoughtful gifts, making sure everyone was taken care of, baking pies, making her special dishes that we loved.  When a treasured spouse dies a lot dies with her, dreams, smiles, happiness, looking forward to coming home.  I can hardly imagine finding a new love, seems doors close or are never really open in the first place.

My little tree blinks on about 5:30 and remains lit for the evening.  This evening Taz, one of Steve and Nikki's dogs sat with me in the recliner for awhile while a huge fire roared in the stove casting out heat into the room.  What a huge blessing the stove has been.  We've had it since the home was new, nearly 25 years now and it still works like a charm.  And the wood my brother brought with him in the back of his pickup still lights every fire.  I use it very sparingly as I don't want to use it all up.  It starts the fire and then I use my oak to keep the fire burning for hours.  For dinner tonight I stopped at UNOs and sat in the bar area.  Its fun to see people talk and share stories, yell for the football teams.  I had soup and salad and it was perfect.  I felt it was a gift to myself and I enjoyed it.  Yes it would have been nice to have someone to sit with but I managed to have a good time.

Sending love to all,


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