Saturday, December 31, 2011

Looking large

Dear Family and Friends,
As this year winds to a close one can't help but think back a bit to memorable moments, like finding ones self at the hospital in ER and discovering that a surgery was going to happen in a few minutes, in the middle of the night who do you call, parents, no both gone, kids, nope sleeping and going to work the next day, friends, needing their rest, no reason to make them come sit on hard chairs and read old magazines so you just resign yourself to the knife and pray, hope and mentally prepare.

I well remembe the next words were someone in recovery calling my name telling me I could wake up, that takes me back to a night long ago when Jason and I were standing at the door of the recovery room and we could hear someone says, Erin, wake up now, saying it over and over again since Erin was not ready to wake up yet.  Somethings just stick in your memory forever, others can be triggered.

I remember the year long fight to get the loan on the house adjusted, being told over and over again I didn't make enough to afford my house, the same one I'd been living in for 20 years and making the payments every month.  I remember the spring when there was so little work one wondered what was to become of me.

I remember those opportunities when I would get to spend time with the little guys,  They never disappoint, they are bright, fiesty, clever, cute and precious to my heart.  I appreciate Jason and Jo, Nikki and Steve letting me enjoy the kids.  Yes even help for baby sitting so parents can slip out for an evening alone.

This evening I'm writing this while viewing my words on a new 23 inch monitor.  Since we don't have the new computer with its Windows 7 up and running yet I've installed it at Nan's desk with my existing computer, wow I can finally really see everything.  It is great and with a CostCo 2 year warranty and price tag of $199 I could not resist.  Compared to my first color monitor years ago at almost $800 and the size of a small truck.  How things change.

For those of you waiting by your mailbox every day waiting for my Christmas card hang in there, I'm about to get them launched, any day now!

God Bless your new year.



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