Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Keanna day

So here comes this bundle of energy into the car with stories about the day at school, about her new match classes that are so challenging, about how heavy her back pack is, she is not kidding, it is heavy like bricks!

So we come home, turn up the heat, make pasta and popcorn, she finds her bottle of water and drains it, gets her homework all done on her own and catches some TV.  Later we meet Nikki and greet Kallie for a minute and they are off on their way and I'm home in time to decide to do spin class.  That is always a big decision.

So I get there and there are bikes still available on the sign up sheet, this is good and then I'm in the room with all the young things and their perfect bodies but I notice there are getting to be more of us, older ones with less than perfect shapes and everyone seems to be sweating and just enjoying themselves.  Its a good 45 minutes and I walk out with 121 blood sugar!

Once home I prepare dinner by warming up the rest of what I had made last night in the fry pan, I would tell you but I can't spell it, some german name that starts with beef.  I cut up a tomato and mix in a bit of cottage cheese and enjoy a great meal while the last of Castle plays out.  Love that show. 

Then it is back to work but I've got to check in with Jerrry who had a big knee surgery today.  Turns out that there was a lot more pain than he expected and they had to make their way to the surgery and back in foot deep snow but this evening he is learning to use his walker and crutches and hoping to get some sleep.  Hopefully this will put him back on his feet and he can take his long walks again once it heals up.

Please pray for our family tomorrow, we really need God's help.

Love to all


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