Sunday, February 26, 2012

Late night, lazy day,

Dear Family and Friends,

The evening got away from me last night and I found myself finally going to sleep at 1 am.  Needless to say I've been sleepy today, dah!  Wonder how old one has to be to stop doing dumb things!  Obviously older than 63.

I have this wonderful friend, Dolly, she and Howard not only taught me the appraisal business years ago but she has remained a solid friend over the ensuing years.  She writes such encouraging emails, sends helpful books and is eternally optomistic, she actually believes I might find someone, can you believe that.  Oh now nice optomists are!

I worked in for most of the day on a Lodi ranchette property.  Really terrific place with everything you would expect from a little farm, nice pool, nice Koi pond with huge fish, several different bird cages, huge ones where the birds are happy to live and enjoy the great outdoors, a huge back deck and a covered patio area, large rooms inside and acres of grapes.  Really nice yet only minutes from downtown Lodi.  Problem is, there are few comparables available and that makes it really hard to determine a value.

I had an appointment in Antioch to see a property, the agent insisted on meeting me, she is an old school person who actually cares about her people, the properties and seeing them through.  What a refreshing experience.  Once I got the comps shot I was hungry and UNOs loomed big.  So I had some delicious soup and 1/2 of a pizza, the rest will make two more meals later.  It was very interesting to see and hear the conversations at the nearby bar as people mingle, show off, wind down and get louder as they drink.  I have many vices but I'm glad that one I've not picked up, drinking.

So here goes a new week with its opportunites and challenges.  I pray the Lord will guide in all our lives as we pursue the next step in our life journey.

Love to all,


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