Thursday, February 27, 2014

Tough day

My day started with waking up at 4:30 but gradually I fell back asleep.  So at 6:30 the alarm dragged me out of bed.  During the night the storm had raged.  Once I was downstairs I discovered Pooka was not in the house, then I discovered the side gate had blown open in the wind and she was gone.
I took my walk thinking I might find her, no luck.  Eventually I made flyers with her photo, talked to the local vet's office, put her on the Fido alert on Facebook and had to resume my work.  I felt badly about not having a tag on her and even more badly about her managing to get out.

I went about my business and saw two homes, had a Burger King lunch with lettuce wrapped vegeburger and a side salad.  Then I felt some better.

When I pulled in Dan who is my neighbor from down the street had Pooka on a lease waiting for me.  He had talked to a lady from the park who I had left a card with and together they learned I was driving a green vw, Dan know I drove a green vw so brought the dog down.  What a huge relief to have her home.  Many prayers were answered today.

I've spent the evening with my friend and for the most part it was great. Relationships tend to go up and down and I'm not sure where this one is going from time to time.

Please pray that God will guide me day by day.

Right now its bed time.

Sending love to all,


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