Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Work day

Good evening
I'm just back from taking a break.  I've wanted to see the Jack Ryan movie since it came out.  The whole series of books that have him as the main actor are great and the author just died recently, Tom Clancy.  I've enjoyed many hours behind the wheel while his stories flowed from the speakers.

There is a movie out right now about a young Jack Ryan in a battle with Russia trying to sink the US financially.  It was exciting for the whole 146 minutes.  And being a senior it only cost $6.50.  So I skipped dinner totally so I could have popcorn and it was a great fun escape after a day of crunching numbers and writing reports.  I don't do it often but I always enjoy the evening out, I would enjoy it a lot more if I was not alone but for now that's the way it has to be, alone.

During the day I found that my old multi task skills are returning.  I dealt with getting rental agreements to the motorhome clients and found a way to use Word to create the documents and then ship them out.  Tomorrow I'll be getting a Paypal payment for the deposit for the Burning Man rental and with that there will be something in the new Motorhome Account, yea!  Can even make the motorhome payment that is overdue.

I also wrote up reports, some of which Jessy had prewritten, what a help your input is when I'm writing all day.

I'm so thankful for the new habits that God has blessed me with, my inspiration has really pushed me in a new direction and while I didn't dump any weight yesterday and probably won't today with popcorn for dinner still I'm at 203 pounds, that is a huge blessing and my energy level is amazing.  Things I used to think about for awhile I just do now, I don't get sleepy during the day and I'm looking for problems to solve and around this house there are lots of problems to solve for sure.

I think I'll have the girls tomorrow as it is Wednesday but I have a 10 am appointment locally tomorrow which will get the working juices flowing.  I've been working on a Fairfield appraisal for a home that I inspected last night,  really fun to try to solve the mystery, what is this home worth now.

I'm still praying that someone will solve the furnace problem.  I do need to have a working furnace in case someone comes to visit that can't handle the cold.  There has to be someone who can dig deep and solve the problem, just have not found them yet.

So saying I'm going to go back to work for a bit and then to bed.  Trying to get plenty of sleep to support all the good things I'm doing.  For lunch today I had green beans, pinto beans and a little bit of cottage cheese along with a griller.  There was also a salad so I had a really good lunch.

I'm thankful for a forgiving God and one that cares for us where we are every day.

Love to all


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