Saturday, April 12, 2014

Calm day

Good evening,
Today I played the piano in the kindergarten department in Tracy.  Rachael does such a nice job teaching, has so much energy and kindness so it was fun to play and sing along with the little songs.  Then we served a snack and it was over.  I had just settled into the worship service when Jason contacted me and thought we should have lunch in Pleasanton.  So we ended up at a place called Blossom Vegan for lunch.  The food was great and it was so nice to see the kiddos and get their little hugs.

After we finished eating we found a park where the kids could plan and we could talk.  Jo and the kiddos really enjoyed their trip to Malaysia but are glad to be home again.  It was so nice to see them all and catch up again.  They do not have an easy life right now with Jason deep in his law school and Jo teaching a full room of children.  I'll be so glad when Jason completes his studies, passes the bar and can begin to built a career.

Kallie started T Ball this morning here in Discovery Bay.  I can't wait to see her in action.  I am so blessed with these great kiddos and solid parents who are doing everything they can to raise good kids.  Its the greatest blessing a person could hope for.

Tomorrow is Sunday but I'm actually busy out seeing properties tomorrow, one in Antioch, one in Brentwood and then one in Lathrop and of the three two have to be delivered on Monday.  Busy again for at least a day.  I'm so thankful for life and for the chance to experience each day, my prayer is that I can help someone during the day in some way, either by listening or encouraging or just smiling and in some cases just not running them off the road when they drive poorly or selfishly.

This evening I trimmed, mowed, fed my lawn and then got the sprinklers working, well I hope I got them working, understanding the controls for a sprinkler system is never easy and mine had dead batteries which did not help, I'm not sure I have it on even now.

Sending love to all,


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