Friday, May 30, 2014

Good evening and it really is

Compared to last night this night is much better.  When people you love are in trouble then it is hard to sleep or concentrate until you have helped them.  That is the case and tonight we all sleep easier.

This afternoon I drove to Fairfield to see a little sale, a little rough around the edges still a good value and a solid house.  As I was leaving I detected that I was very low on blood sugar and hurried as fast as I could to a SubWay where I enjoyed a flat bread sandwich.  Then I felt much better.

I would appreciate your prayers in my behalf as important changes are taking place, changes that I'll share at some point in the future.  Life is very good, lets just say that.

Sending love to all,

Kallie turned 6 this evening and we celebrated at the local pizza place with good food and lots of classy presents.  She is a happy normal girl, both girls are fun to be around.  Tomorrow the cousins are coming to visit and for 4 hours Kallie's party will take over the City Center with its huge pool and large play areas.  Should be fun, Nikki thinks there might be 50 people as Kallie's whole classroom has been invited, it seems to be the custom at this school.

Sending love to all,


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Need your prayers

I'm having a very rough time this evening and I need your prayers.  Some things I was planning on and hoping for have fallen through and I am deeply in despair.

Please pray that God will lead in the next 12 hours.  I need His guidance and the still small voice.



Wednesday, May 28, 2014

So tired right now

Good evening, this will be very short since I slept poorly last night and am dead tired now.  I ran out this evening to Berkeley to see a beautiful little house, very nice people and updated perfectly, would you believe, 1200 sf, 2 and 1 will be worth close to $800,000 when I'm done with the report.  Berkeley really  pulls the prices, has a great climate and a great political climate if you happen to like living in communism and the extreme left.  But I find the people to mostly be engaging and delightful with the smell of weed here and there.

Now I'm home and enjoying mowing the lawn, trimming the roses and getting ready for my very special guest.  She is not set to arrive on Friday afternoon in SF about 3 and I can hardly wait.  I may not even blog on Friday night!  Who knows.



Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday evening

Good evening,

Well its been sort of a tense day for me personally.  I'm nearly out of work so there is little to do, at least not as much as I enjoy doing. 

My friend is wrestling with getting a ticket and British Airways keeps raising the price.  I experienced the very same thing last Friday when I drove to SF to try to buy a ticket and the only thing they could sell me was a very expensive ticket.  My friend experienced the very same thing today where she lives when she went to buy her ticket.  It is all in God's hands this evening, a very good place to place things.

Our weather is very warm right now but since I lost the 45 pounds the heat does not have the same effect that it used to have.  I am really very grateful for the weight loss and the much better health, what a huge blessing it has been to me.

I would appreciate your prayers for work, for orders too.  I'm very short on work right now and could use several more orders and soon.

Thank you for being on my team and I hope I'm on your team too.

Love to all


Monday, May 26, 2014

Monday evening and all is well

Dear Family and Friends,

Today has been a warm one here in Discovery Bay,  This morning I walked and it did not even feel cool though it was 6:30 in the morning.  Through part of my walk I had the privilege of talking with my friend through yahoo messenger and since she is in another country messenger is the only way to keep from paying a fortune for calls.  When I came back I was trying to get things ready in the house and I worked on the shower for awhile but with no luck.  It still looked terrible and the stuff I bought on the internet was a waste, just awful.

I drove over to Rossmore to see a condo and that went very nicely.  Then I drove back, did a bit of grocery shopping at Safeway and then came home to nap a bit.  I was able to chat again for a couple hours with my friend before she went to bed for the night.  During that time the house keepers came. These two guys who were recommended to me by LeAnn, my neighbor, did an incredible job on the house.  Tonight it shines and even the back windows shine.  Should my friend arrive this week she will find a very clean and tidy house, what a huge blessing these guys were today.

My friend often asks me if I am eating and usually I have to say, I had forgotten.  So this time I cooked an ear of white corn, made a nice salad and had a bit of cottage cheese.  It was a delicious meal.

Now its bed time and I'm so ready to sleep.  I went to bed at midnight last night and got up at 5:30 in hopes of a phone call, it didn't come in until later but I was fully awake.  Now I'm sleepy.

Can I ask that you pray for God leading and help in the next couple days.  I do appreciate it very much.

Sending love to all


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Busy Sunday

Dear Family and Friends,
Well this sunday is now in the history books.  This is the first day I've not walked in weeks.  But Kallie was here and I don't leave her and she slept in late.  She needed it and having her was very nice. She enjoys the special attention from being at Papas house.

Her mother came and collected her mid morning. Then I went to an appointment at Bethel Island where I'm helping with a very difficult appraisal, the man is appealing a problem with the county and needs my professional help.  He is a pretty amazing man and I enjoyed my time with him this morning, I also will enjoy the check he gave me.  It helps a lot.

I planted more flowers this evening in the flower bed I've created, just hope they do well and I just remembered I need to put a row of snail bait out or I'll lose some tonight.  Nasty little buggers. 

This afternoon I am working on an appraisal for a condo in the Oakland hills, very nice little place in a nice setting.  I've also had the chance to speak to my friend Art and briefly to my brother but he was busy playing Mexican Train dominos, a very fun thing to be doing.

So now its time to go to sleep, so thankful for God blessings and always appreciate your prayers for His guidance in my life as I move forward in faith.

Love to all,


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Good evening

What can I say about today?  It was a very different kind of Sabbath for sure.  In anticipation of a special friends arrival I determined to do something quite different today than normal.  First off I went to see Kallie play TBall.  she did great and got some nice hits, who knows if the parents enjoy the time together more than the children?  Its a good experience.  Then after a quick stop at Starbucks for a decaf I switched out the wall AC in my bedroom with a newer one I picked up nearly a year ago on clearance.  Then I started looking in the third car garage for a special green colored paint, the paint that is on the walls of the dining and living room.  When Nan died we eventually took her  92 gallon reef tank down and Steve was able to find a new home for it. But when Dana and I painted the living and dining rooms the tank was in place so we had to leave a huge white wall behind and beside the tank, once the tank was gone there was this glaring white wall surrounded by green.  I could not locate the green paint, I even went to town to the hardware store to ask if they had a record of what color we used but they did not.  What to do about the white wall?  I tried a sampler they had but it was too blue.  When I picked up Kallie for her promised sleep over I discussed my situation with Steve.  I had searched in the garage for several hours, found many cans of paint but none were right.  He kindly came back with me and started searching.  I was very discouraged and bowed my head to pray, Lord please help us find the green paint and at that moment Steve called out to say he thought he had found the green paint.  He had indeed found a box with three cans of green paint.  One was the right color and a perfect match.  Then Steve proceeded to grab supplies, roller, paint holder and in a few minutes he had painted the entire walls, the white spots were gone and the new paint looks great.  Once we cleaned up then we went locally to our pizza place and had a nice meal of salad and pizza.  Then we came back and he helped get Kallie's room cooled down and ready for bed.  He tucked Kallie in, helped me solve what was wrong with the power stair chair and then went home.  So it was a different kind of Sabbath but I feel very comfortable in the improvements we have made today to this home and to our life.  The moment I will long remember was when Steve said he had found the paint as I was praying for that very thing.

Love to all


Friday, May 23, 2014

Finally its Friday

Good evening

Its 11 here so I'm about to hit the hay.  Just a few words about God's goodness and protection.  How thankful I am to be safely home after a quick trip to the SF airport this afternoon.  I was trying to wrestle through a ticketing issue for my friend but was unsuccessful so the trip was a waste.  I remembered that Jason interned there last fall and wondered where he worked, where his offices were.  I was at the British Airways ticket counter and the new airport terminals are certainly very nice.

The traffic both ways was remarkably light and God blessed with a safe trip.  My friend always comments on God keeping me safe and now I'm more aware of being extra careful myself.

Today involved doing appraisal work, a nice walk this morning and taking many calls from clients.  My work is interesting, just now I've had a letter from a homeowner asking questions about her appraisal.  They are not supposed to make that kind of contact but I did a quick reply explaining why I did what I did.

Tomorrow morning is Tball with Kallie, Sabbath School is getting short shift right now and I'm sad about that.

Sending love to all and asking for your prayers that God will help solve a situation that seems beyond my ability to solve right now.  God knows, just mention Tim and his challenges.

Love to all


Thursday, May 22, 2014

OK day

Dear Family and Friends,

Not the best of days today but basically OK, things seem a lot better tonight that for the first part of the day.  Relationships can be challenging in the best of times.

Today I worked up reports, got new orders in, set up new orders and was able to inspect a rather challenging home in Brentwood that had just sold.  It was a pleasant day with decent temperatures.  Since losing the weight the heat does not touch me now, so just another advantage of dumping unneeded weight and inches. Today I wore my smallest shorts, they fit perfectly but the best needs to be replaced, I'm at the smallest hole so there is so much belt left over, not so fun to deal with.

This evening I attended a band concert with Keanna playing flute.  It was so cute and the band director really has the kids attention.  The music from the choir and two different bands was surprisingly well selected and performed.  Keanna was proud to be able to play in the band.  The show was well attended by the community and was a real hit. I loved it.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Moving forward

Dear Family and Friends,
As I write this evening I feel the fatigue setting in.  I was awake before 6 this morning and by 6:15 I was doing the 3 mile walk.  However today I got more rewards from the constant walking than before.  When I returned and showered my next step is always to weigh in.  Today rewarded me with the news that I was now down 45 pounds since starting this process a few months ago.  I know what 45 pounds means, its no small feat and it comes from sticking with the plan the majority of the time.  Yes I've eaten at Olive Garden and Old Spaghetti Factory sometimes but many more times I've been faithful to the plan, what is the plan, nothing to do with diet pills or trash like that, nothing to do with sitting in a woman dominated Weight Watchers and hearing the many excuses why the weight never drops.  The plan which I feel God blessed me with is simple, have Jason make a nice dinner for you after being in the hospital for your heart.  Decide you could not dishonor Jason by eating everything in sight after he cared enough to make a nice dinner before he had to leave.  Never eat something in the evening again period between meals, get up the next morning and walk the 3 miles around the lake.  Since I started I've missed maybe 3 times.  There are no excuses allowed period.  When I do eat I don't try to variety,  I eat what works, simple meals, lots of salads, don't eat wasted carbs, buns etc, have the vegeburger wrapped in lettuce and drink lots of water every day, not just what you think of when you are thirsty, no I start every morning with a full bottle of water beside my bed, then I have water in the car and by my work desk, water water water.  Its just 4 things, water, exercise, minimal food and no snacking at night.  Those 4 things made all the difference for me and now I'm down 45 pounds, I'm in a very serious relationship that is moving forward every day, we often talk for several hours at a time using messenger by yahoo so its free, I'm full of energy, I need less sleep at night, my meds are down, some have been cut in half, I hardly take insulin at all now.  My A1C went from 10.7 to 8.3 in 5 months. God has been very good to me and now I feel like I have a new life brewing right before my eyes.  I am very thankful for God's many blessings to me and to my family.

I encourage you to figure out if your life is heading where you want it to be going, if not take stock, don't get sucked into wasting money to get healthy, you don't need gimmicks, you don't need slogans, you don't need to wait until some certain day when you will start, in 3 weeks you can have new habits that they help you along instead of fight you.  Its your life, do you love it?  Are you getting everything out of it you desire?  I waited for dozens of years to make these steps and I had some inspiring help along the way from friends I deeply cared about, I did not do this along but I did have to do it myself, no one can take these steps for you but they can inspire you by the way they look or the way they live and you can learn from them.  One thing you need to get used to.  If you are going to dump weight like I have you will frequently be hungry, any program that promises you will never be hungry is bunk.  Your body is going to yell at you, why are we hungry here tonight, lets go get some bread, lets go get some candy or soup or whatever.  Just don't make a big deal out of it, just do something else for awhile and remember how good its going to feel on the scales in the morning.  My ratio has dropped from 41% to 26 or 25 % now, that is huge and my body thanks me.  My pants hang off me but I get to buy new trim ones that fit like a glove, feels great and looks good too.  I tell every one that will listen because I hope to move others to take control of their fitness and life.

God is good all the time like our good pastor always said,

Love to all


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Good evening

Another busy day, walk, shower, eat and then write reports.

Inspected a very cute little condo at 4 today in Oakland, property was fine, traffic was not, what a waste of time trying to move about at that time of day, sure teaches patience to the soul.

My Bluetooth ear piece gave out, no more sound yesterday so I stopped at Fries and bought the same one from the same salesman who remembered me buying the last one, the charger works so now I have two chargers which is nice for travel.

God continues to be very good to me and is guiding me through lots of personal issues right now.  I know He will never leave or forsake me.

Sending love to all,


Monday, May 19, 2014

Great Day

Good evening,
Life is so good when its exciting and for me lately its been really exciting and challenging.  Finding the right balance between off time and work is something I've never really solved but right now I'm so delighted to have work to do, interesting people to meet and the challenge of getting the appraisals right, its a big puzzle that needs to be solved every day as we go along.

Today was not exception.  I walked this morning at 6:30, then had my Oatmeal, banana and toast, did final research and then headed out to Antioch.  There I found a very nice lady who was purchasing a home from the owners, she was the renter.  The  home was perfect in every way and is selling for a reasonable price, that visit was enjoyable. 

Then I had a drive to Fremont to see a very challenging property.  Someone in their wisdom had constructed to very nice homes on a small lot next to the estuary.  Because of dogs and many items stacked everywhere outside measuring was a huge challenge but one just has to settle down and work at it until all of the pieces come together.

Then I drove home to find a couple nice checks I the mail box, I quickly prepared them for deposit and helped my account. Thank you Lord.  My friend always reminds me to thank God when money comes in, she is right of course, I just forget and she does not forget.

Then I came back and started to work on the back up computer in the office, Jim rebuilt it and everything needs to be reinstalled back in.  While I was doing so I managed to click in a box and suddenly the computer was taken over, I assumed it was by Jim so I went along with the requests but it turns out it was someone from India who said he was working for Microsoft and he really just wanted to sell me stuff.  When I rebuffed his attempts his parting shot was to install a password requirement to use the computer.  Of course he did not tell me what the password was so he basically made the computer unusuable.  Talk about a jerk.  So tomorrow I have to take the tower in to Jim's office and he can take away the password requirement and get us back up to speed.  Not a way I wanted to use the afternoon at all.

Now I'm busy writing up a new report and then it will be bedtime once again.

Life is a challenge but way ahead of the alternative!

Love to all


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday evening

Life is going on and getting more and more interesting, I'll have more details eventually.  Today has been a cool day and I've been mostly working on appraisal work but I've also worked on my flower bed, good old rototilling with Jason's rototiller, little but might, love that little tool.  Now the ground is worked up and ready to plant I think.

I'm pleased that son in law Steve has work to keep him busy.  I know he saw properties and wrote up some work too, all of that is great news for he and his family.  Work has been slow for both of us recently.

I'm feeling really good lately, the weight is staying off and even down a bit, I'm drinking water and I never miss my 3 mile walk in the morning, its a religion sort of now.  My friend talks to me on the yahoo messenger while I'm walking and that helps make it go by quicker.

Well back to work now, love to all


Saturday, May 17, 2014

poor night, day ended up good

Good evening,

I slept very poorly last night, I really need to make sure I can go to bed early on Friday nights and last night I did not do so.  All night I woke worried and uneasy but by tonight I feel much more relaxed and happy.

I enjoy having lunch with Bob today at Olive Garden over in Stockton, the food was perfect and the company was even better.  Then Bob played some perfect music in his little concert hall on wheels, great stuff.

This evening I did the lawn and did some rototilling for a little flower area for guests to enjoy.

Now its bed time, I'm hungry but I think I'll just let it ride and by morning maybe be down another pound, would be nice.

Sending love to all, this will be a special week for me and this house.



Thursday, May 15, 2014

Life keeps getting better and better

Dear Family and Friends,

this has been a very good day.  I've worked hard, stayed right here at my desk and written a number of reports and fixed others.  I cancelled my doctors appointment, move an appointment to tomorrow to see a house and just decided to work.  It has been very helpful but I'm still pretty deep behind.

Other things that were challenging have worked out pretty well today and I'm grateful for that as well.

In a few days I'll be announcing some changes in my life that are very long overdue and exciting, but not just yet.  Lets just say God is blessing in ways I have never expected and I'm very grateful to Him and give Him the glory.

Right now I'm going to go down to the school and see the kiddos artwork that is up on the walls, then Nikki has invited me to join her and girls for dinner somewhere, sounds good.  I've lost another 1/2 pound, down to 184.5 now.  Its the right direction for my future.

Sending love to all,


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Long day, short night

Dear Family and Friends,

We are getting warm around here now.  I measured a house at 5 today and felt the heat of the summer on me. 

Great news, today I was down to 185, lowest weight in about 15 years.  I am so thankful for the changes that God has helped make happen.

Its late now for bed so better give it up.  Had Kallie this afternoon and she was great, so fun and full of life.

Take care, God loves you, He cares about you



Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Good evening

Busy day today and it was warm.  But since I lost the 40 pounds I no longer am bothered by the heat at all.  Its so fun to live my life like it is now. 

My social situation is vastly improved and will soon get even better, God willing.

Today I saw a nice place in Livermore and then drove to Antioch where I saw another decent place on a little lake.  I visited Costco, the AT&T store, the Sleep by Number store, just had to see it, its new in Brentwood, nice but so pricy.

This evening I've been cranking out work and sipping a mocha that I made hot but dumped full of ice.  Also picked up strawberries from our little Japanese farmers and the berries are so excellent.  $6 and so many berries to eat and enjoy.

Sending love to all,

Tomorrow the girls come to visit, always fun to enjoy.


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Moving forward

Good evening,
Its late so this will be succinct.  As some of you may have deduced I'm moving forward with a very meaningful relationship at the moment.  I'm very thankful to a loving God who is guiding my life day by day.

This has been a good work day with a Costco stop, always fun and I finally broke down and got a dog bed for Pooka.  Poor thing needs a bed to call her own.  Now I hope she uses it!

Just shipped out an appraisal and am now giving it up for the day.

Sending love to all


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Delightful Sabbath

Dear Family and Friends,

This has been an excellent day, first this morning was enjoyable as I walked the lake and its 3 miles, then went to see Kallie at T Ball, so cute and she got good hits, was learning to throw the ball and catch it as well.  Nikki and Steve had the treats for the little ones today and then it was over.
I had some nice conversations with a very good friend, rested a bit, tinkered with pulling some weeds and then had dinner with Bob before attending a play in Stockton tonight.  It was a very fun evening.

Now I'm home and ready to head to bed



Friday, May 9, 2014

A great week

Dear Family and Friends,
This has been a very interesting week.  For Jason its been tests that are very important, for Jo its been hanging on with all the challenges of sick children and 21 little tykes in the class room, for Nikki its been getting the girls to all the places they need to be for T Ball, swimming, art classes, drama classes, gymnastics and on and on.  For Steve its been doing appraisal work and he did some very helpful work to the motorhome over the last two days which I appreciate.

I saw three properties today while PG&E had my power off for the day.  No use hanging around here so I ventured out to see properties.  Tracy, then Hayward and then Stockton, not exactly near each other but all done tonight.

I'm very sleepy tonight so I think I'll cut this short and rest.  My social life has picked up a lot lately for which I'm very thankful.

Love to all


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Long but good day

I'm just back from the chance to see Mr. Timothy perform in his schools spring concert.  The Broadway themed show was so cute and nicely done.  He did a great job with his parts and the whole evening was child magic.  I am so proud of him and his classmates.

Mia and I hung out for awhile and that was fun.  Even though she is just 2 years old she will sit with you, talk with you and be fun, she is a great kid.  Jo was busy with her classroom and so I was able to help with Mia. What fun.

Jason could not be there as he had a huge final in his law classes.  He thinks he did well but one never knows, they are tough classes and there is a whole lot to know for the finals.  He is just getting home now after a very long day.

Jo is so tired right now, she has been fighting illness and the kids have been sick too.  She is one tired lady right now and is so ready for a break.

I am doing fine, working and getting work cranked out the door.  I am thankful to have some work to do and tomorrow PG&E turns off our power from 9 to 3 so I'm going to be out seeing properties and use the time wisely.

Right now I'm bidding each of you a goodnight.



Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Busy day, Kiddo come to visit

Dear Family and Friends,

A great day today, windy but warm.  Kallie came this morning at 11:40 and we went to pizza for lunch.  Then we came back home where she did her homework and watched some nice shows.  Keanna came later and started to make pasta but found what pasta I had was filled with bugs and I was out of recent and safe pasta, bummer.  My pantry needs help!

This evening I drove over to Mountain House and did an inspection for an order that came in this morning.  Nice family and cute home.  Then I ventured to Olive Garden for soup and salad, so good, then the mall to try to get my iphone account working.  It will get emails from Comcast but won't send emails out at all.  The lady could not solve it, said I need to go to the apple store in the mall in Pleasanton but I'll need an appointment to see them, bummer.

Saying good night now, I get up early these days.



Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Good day

Dear Family and Friends,
What a nice day this has been.  Up and walking at 6:30.

Back to working at 8, leave for first appointment at 1:15, property is nearby, paid with square reader, nice. 

Then to Oakley to see a very nice 2 story, enjoyed the owner who was very kind.

Then to Hayward to see a not so nice home and then I was done.

I'm getting very sleepy now so I'll talk more later.



Monday, May 5, 2014

Late again

Well this has been a good day.  There are lots of things taking place that at this point are private.  But I can tell you  that I'm cranking out work, enjoying some new orders and just love this time of the year where the days are warm but not hot and the nights are still cold.  Went back to the gym tonight and it felt good to work the machines and my muscles.

Love to all


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Campout a huge success

A week ago I was concerned about how the events of the weekend would all play out.  Then Barbara Lammerding called to suggest we do the memorial service on Friday night, we did and it worked perfectly as we had time enough for everything to take place in a natural order and pace.  Then I drove home and Kallie and I left in the motorhome about 8 on Sabbath morning.  We pulled steve's enclosed trailer with the two paddle boats inside.  Upon arriving there the kids pulled the boats out and carried them to the water, they played in the boats all afternoon and into the evening, then again this morning. Even kallie and I were out enjoying ourselves a couple times. 

The people who attend the campouts are always so interesting, the food is great, Dick Lanza keeps his boat going with people fishing so there are fresh fish all the time.  last night the kiddo made Smores and the day was perfect for all.

We left about 11 today, found fuel eventually and had a safe trip home arriving about 2:30.  Nikki picked Kallie up and I went to work getting the motorhome cleaned and put away.  Even the heavy paddle boats are out of the trailer and beside the house now.

It all turned out well and this year the Lake McSwain camp has WiFi that was offered for free.  That helped us stay in touch but no knowing I did not take my laptop or I could have blogged.

Here is hoping for a great week for all



Friday, May 2, 2014

Late night

its midnight and I'm just back from helping with Gerry's memorial service.  It was a perfect send off for our special friend.  The music both harp and trumpet was perfectly performed, the comments by the grand kids were perfect, Beverly did an excellent job on the biographical sketch and I was able to do my part well I think.

The church was packed and overflowing with well wishers and family.  I saw many people from the past that I enjoyed talking with.

I felt honored to be the speaker tonight and I sure know Gerry and Barbara. They are very special friends and have been for many years. The DVD that Dennis put together was excellent and did a great job of showing Gerry's life.

Now I got to bed, rise very early in the morning, load up and leave with Kallie for the campout at Lake McSwain.  We will have a blessed time I'm sure.

Right now I'm saying good night and good things are happening in my life for which I'm thankful.



Thursday, May 1, 2014

Long day, very good

Dear family and friends,

What a joy life is these days!  I have enough work to keep me more than busy, I'm feeling great.  This morning the index number for fat vs muscle was 26, my best yet.  Down from 41 at my worst so I'm very thankful.

This morning I put vehicles back into their places, worked and researched and then saw two properties this afternoon.  So thank you for work.

This evening we had dinner at UNOs for Keanna's 11th birthday, great time.

