Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Moving forward

Dear Family and Friends,
As I write this evening I feel the fatigue setting in.  I was awake before 6 this morning and by 6:15 I was doing the 3 mile walk.  However today I got more rewards from the constant walking than before.  When I returned and showered my next step is always to weigh in.  Today rewarded me with the news that I was now down 45 pounds since starting this process a few months ago.  I know what 45 pounds means, its no small feat and it comes from sticking with the plan the majority of the time.  Yes I've eaten at Olive Garden and Old Spaghetti Factory sometimes but many more times I've been faithful to the plan, what is the plan, nothing to do with diet pills or trash like that, nothing to do with sitting in a woman dominated Weight Watchers and hearing the many excuses why the weight never drops.  The plan which I feel God blessed me with is simple, have Jason make a nice dinner for you after being in the hospital for your heart.  Decide you could not dishonor Jason by eating everything in sight after he cared enough to make a nice dinner before he had to leave.  Never eat something in the evening again period between meals, get up the next morning and walk the 3 miles around the lake.  Since I started I've missed maybe 3 times.  There are no excuses allowed period.  When I do eat I don't try to variety,  I eat what works, simple meals, lots of salads, don't eat wasted carbs, buns etc, have the vegeburger wrapped in lettuce and drink lots of water every day, not just what you think of when you are thirsty, no I start every morning with a full bottle of water beside my bed, then I have water in the car and by my work desk, water water water.  Its just 4 things, water, exercise, minimal food and no snacking at night.  Those 4 things made all the difference for me and now I'm down 45 pounds, I'm in a very serious relationship that is moving forward every day, we often talk for several hours at a time using messenger by yahoo so its free, I'm full of energy, I need less sleep at night, my meds are down, some have been cut in half, I hardly take insulin at all now.  My A1C went from 10.7 to 8.3 in 5 months. God has been very good to me and now I feel like I have a new life brewing right before my eyes.  I am very thankful for God's many blessings to me and to my family.

I encourage you to figure out if your life is heading where you want it to be going, if not take stock, don't get sucked into wasting money to get healthy, you don't need gimmicks, you don't need slogans, you don't need to wait until some certain day when you will start, in 3 weeks you can have new habits that they help you along instead of fight you.  Its your life, do you love it?  Are you getting everything out of it you desire?  I waited for dozens of years to make these steps and I had some inspiring help along the way from friends I deeply cared about, I did not do this along but I did have to do it myself, no one can take these steps for you but they can inspire you by the way they look or the way they live and you can learn from them.  One thing you need to get used to.  If you are going to dump weight like I have you will frequently be hungry, any program that promises you will never be hungry is bunk.  Your body is going to yell at you, why are we hungry here tonight, lets go get some bread, lets go get some candy or soup or whatever.  Just don't make a big deal out of it, just do something else for awhile and remember how good its going to feel on the scales in the morning.  My ratio has dropped from 41% to 26 or 25 % now, that is huge and my body thanks me.  My pants hang off me but I get to buy new trim ones that fit like a glove, feels great and looks good too.  I tell every one that will listen because I hope to move others to take control of their fitness and life.

God is good all the time like our good pastor always said,

Love to all


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