Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday evening

Good evening,

Well its been sort of a tense day for me personally.  I'm nearly out of work so there is little to do, at least not as much as I enjoy doing. 

My friend is wrestling with getting a ticket and British Airways keeps raising the price.  I experienced the very same thing last Friday when I drove to SF to try to buy a ticket and the only thing they could sell me was a very expensive ticket.  My friend experienced the very same thing today where she lives when she went to buy her ticket.  It is all in God's hands this evening, a very good place to place things.

Our weather is very warm right now but since I lost the 45 pounds the heat does not have the same effect that it used to have.  I am really very grateful for the weight loss and the much better health, what a huge blessing it has been to me.

I would appreciate your prayers for work, for orders too.  I'm very short on work right now and could use several more orders and soon.

Thank you for being on my team and I hope I'm on your team too.

Love to all


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