Thursday, March 31, 2011

And the sun came out

Dear Family and Friends,

This has been a good day with lots of fun parts, most fun was picking up the girls and delivering them to their mother this evening in Brentwood.  Just to hear them discuss life, have arguments, try to win the other one over in a discussion, its great stuff.

If Steve feels well they plan to drive to LA tomorrow as a family.  The van is as ready as I can make it, brakes work well, power steering no longer groans and complains.  Car seats are in place, now to get it washed and its ready for the trip I think, hope.

My vehicle is easier to prepare.  Since Sylvia went through it last fall and got everything in order its just a matter of carrying ones clothes out, take some food and hit the road.  This weekend looks like good weather so the trip should be really great.  I'm looking forward to trains with Timothy and catching up with Mia, she is such a big girl that she eats people food now!  Of course it will be good to see jason and jo who have been through a lot recently with the illnesses.

I saw a property today in Brentwood in the 55 and over area.  The gentleman had the place in such great shape and in the conversation I learned that both he and his neighbor lost their spouses and eventually married.  They seem very happy and are enjoying this part of their lives very much.  They also motorhome so we had a nice chat about ideal motorhomes versus what we own, can a guy every be really happy with his coach as long as there pusher diesels out there taunting us?

Well for now its bed time, thanks for reading my musings.  The next one will come from Monterey Bay Academy and probably be written on the iphone so it will be shorter as it takes a longer time to write on that keyboard.

Love to all,


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mortgage Modified

Dear Family and Friends,
The call came today, it was PNC on the line and the lady laid out the terms of the modification.  My monthly payment will drop about $200, the payments I have missed will be added to the loan, the rate is never exceed 4.75% and the first payment is due 5/1.  Finally I know what I'm facing and while I had hoped for a lot more relief than this it is something and I thank God for the news.

When I climbed out this morning my first thoughts were on getting the van to Borden Junction, a local auto repair facility located a few miles from my house.  So I pumped up the front tire on my bike, loaded it into the van and drove to the place.  I left the van there and started riding back along a very busy Highway 4.  It didn't really take that long to get back but I was tired and worn out.  So much so that I didn't even think about spin class tonight.  A few hours after leaving the van they called to say it was finished, repaired and that the bill was only $271.  They had been able to turn down the rotors instead of having to replace them.  That was a huge savings.  I had also checked the power steering this morning only to discover that the fluid was down to the add line.  So I opened the bottle that I picked up at Honda yesterday and filled it to the full line and as a result I think the groaning of the power steering was solved.  Ray was kind enough to help me get the van back and the brakes sound great now and really stop quickly.

Plans have evolved so it looks like I'll be going to see Jason and Jo this weekend.  That will be a very nice chance to get away and enjoy those beautiful babies, Timothy and Mia.  I have had several texts from Marilyn today and she made it home safely but was slightly miffed that her temperature was 37 outside while we had 80 degrees today.

So now its bed time once again.  I am thankful for the good news this day has brought.  I hope you are also living in a world of good news as well.  I mentioned that I'm reading a Joyce Meyer book that Dolly gave me.  What a lift that book is, listen to this one line from early in the book,  God has a plan for you and He has heard your prayers; you may not realize how close you are to your breakthrough.  Even if you have to wait three, four, or five more years, if you will keep pressing on, you will have the victory you need.  Whatever you do, do not give up on the brink of your breakthrough.  Do not stop hoping, believeing, and trying.  Instead, say, I will never quit; I will never give up; I will never say, No way.

Love to all


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Long Day

Dear Family and Friends,
up at 6, walk at 6:15, on the road to Sac taking Marilyn to the plane at 8:45, back home by 11.

then to tracy to reinspect a house again, have the oil changed in the VW, then to Union city to see a very average home, then back to Brentwood for meds, then home finally.

Life is certainly busier than I thought it would be at this age and there is a lot less certainty than I expected as well.  I'm still dealing with some of the curves that destiny has created, some days very well and some days I'm close to failure and disaster.  Perhaps the saddest times are when I've ended up disappointing someone or pause to look back over my life.  My friends remind me there have been times when I've been very helpful and did positive things but I think you will identify with this, we really are our own worst critic and I can sure see many things I should have done better or different or not at all.  How precious is the acceptance of Jesus who actually knows everything, even the stuff we have done that we've forgotten and yet He loves us and keeps us close.

Tonight the house is quiet and while its different than the last few weeks its been mostly this way for several years now.  Its what I'm used to and I do fine with it.

I miss hearing from Sharon, Dana, Roxanna, they have busy lives I know but what precious friends they have been over the years.  It is always great to hear from my own children and I'm thinking I might just drive down to see Jason and Jo this weekend if their schedules can handle it.  Steve and Nikki and family are going to be in LA for the weekend so Starr and I might just load up the motorhome and head out.

For now I wish you all a good night or morning,



Monday, March 28, 2011

The weather turns

Finally we see sunshine and this week its supposed to reach 80 on one of the afternoons, what a chance from the monsoon we experienced last week.  The wood Jerry brought down has worked out so well.  It lets us build little fires or works as a great base for some of the oak.  Today I took one piece of oak from the pile beside the house and the pile came tumbling down, all over the place..

Today Marilyn spent the time getting used to the new ipod and managed to load 3 books so I have something to listen to when I travel, like tomorrow.  In the morning we'll leave pretty early for Sacramento, then I'll drive to some homes to do appraisals and work my way back home.  In the evening I'll drop the van off at Borden Junction, a local repair shop to have new front brakes installed.  Today I looked the 2005 Honda Odyssey in terms of recalls and found several that effect my van.  It needs to be taken in to Honda for the work to be done and finding a day to do so is always a challenge.  But we'll have the brakes done for this weekend for Steve and Nikki's trip to LA.  That is the most important part.

More orders have been coming in, when an order comes from Appraiser Loft they send a text.  Who every replies accept first gets the order.  I usually lose out but today I grapped two orders in a row.  I consider each order a blessing from our kind Lord and even though AppraiserLoft takes forever to pay eventually they do mail a check and it always arrives at an opportune time.

For the last several weeks I've had guests here, Jerry and Marilyn, and its been really terrific to have someone where to share the space, to talk to, argue with and go out to eat with but tomorrow life slips back to normal and I intend to just settle in to really crank out the work.  Dolly provided a wonderful book and I'm well into it now, so positive and affirms that life is worth living, that challenges are to be met, that we really should expect the best and work to achieve it.

I am grateful for life, for a place to live, for wood for the fire, for a computer that still works, for more than enough good food, for friends that challenge me, encourage me and provide me with great job.  Today friends Ray and Lois have been over a couple times to wish Marilyn a happy return trip.  Lois was able to get some shots she needed today to help with some pretty severe pain and she is thankful for that.  I hope it helps her to feel much better.

You know life does not usually hand us a lottery win or some other wonderful exciting thing but life does hand us many wonderful moments, just in less dramatic ways, good news in the mail, a good nights sleep, a moment of kindness at someones hand.  I have to say I've never been very much at peace with why in the great scheme of things Nan had to get GIST and eventually lose her life, I don't get it, I'm not OK with it and I deeply resent the fact that she is not here to enjoy these precious little ones, Kallie, Keanna, Timothy and now Mia, she would have loved and treasured everyone of them.  So I have to just let it ride, ask the good Lord later the why.  But I am determined to be the best Papa that I can be not to replace her but to do my part.  Life is not fair but it is still worth living.

Love to all,


Sunday, March 27, 2011

One day at a time

Dear Family and Friends,
I almost forgot to write.  I was just watching an episode of Blue Bloods, a show about New York cops and I really like the values that are supported.  This afternoon I finally broke down and purchased a new ipod to replace the one I destroyed with water in the motorhome.  The refund should come sometime this week.  Marilyn has spent the evening trying to get it set up and we tried to download a book.  Lois has taken care of down loading books for me for over a year and it looks like a real confusing process.  At this point Marilyn still has not solved getting the book downloaded and she spent hours on it.  In comparison her Kindle downloads a book in no more than 10 minutes from start to finish, what a difference.

It looks like we are in for sunshine again this week, after the intense rainy days and nights some sun will be very nice.  This afternoon I went back to the place in Tracy to try to solve several questions and only found more problems with the house.  I can find no thermostat, no furnace or AC system, the gas line is not hooked up to the meter, there is no water heater anywhere.  Its been a while since I found a property with all these problems.  I extended my 12 foot ladder all the way out and tried to peek into a screened opening in the side of the house but I just did not dare climb quite that high.

We we are all about to experience a new week, one that we will be participants in, we will be on the stage and its up to us how we will act, behave and motivate.  The process of relationships is never easy because we all see things differently from one another.  One person enjoys being outgoing, another enjoys quiet and solitude, one enjoys having a crowd around while yet another enjoys going it alone.  When I bring my own heart concerns to God I almost feel guilty considering what massive problems God has to cope with, the disaster for the people of Japan, the towns wiped out, the thousands of lost souls, the fear about radiation.  Our lives seem so blessed when we consider the situations so many fellow human beings are facing every day.

I think of the oath, do no harm, oh that in our day by day interactions with others we would do no harm, just be supportive and positive.

I'm hoping for an excellent week for each of you.  Thanks to the kindness of Dolly I've a new book to enjoy.  I'm already into it and while I'll share more later I'll just say it is great in its first few pages.

Love to all,


Saturday, March 26, 2011

And then the fish died

Dear Family and Friends,

After a vigorous 30 minutes on the tredmill this morning I picked up the girls and drove to Tracy to Sabbath School.  We had a good time with only minor altercations and then drove directly home afterwards to Keanna could take part in a special event.  She and her classmates at school had raised trout and today was release day, into the open waterways near Antioch.  So on the way home I called Nikki to confirm what we were doing only to discover that when she called the teacher she learned that all the fish were found dead.  You see the last two weeks the class room has been unattended and even though the teacher checked on the fish something took place and they checked out.  So Keanna who had not been wild about the whole event said, I was starting to warm up to the idea.

We changed plans and had lunch at the Byron Inn.  Marilyn treated us to a tasty meal.  We then came home to rest up and this evening we took Ray and Lois for Ray's birthday meal that we promised last spring at this birthday.  It was loud and the food was so good.  The police were there raising funds for the special olympics which made for a festive evening.

This evening we watched a movie that Ray and Lois loaned us, about a train that was out of control.  It was exciting and was entertaining.  We had a small fire so the room was cozy and warm.  Now its bed time and tomorrow will be a full day of work, lots to get written and fixed and shipped out.

I want to express how much I appreciate the wonderful people of the Tracy SDA Church.  I have a warm feeling every Sabbath as I walk in to be greeted by the faithful people there, Kallie threads her way through the greeters and heads for her class room where Diane and Kim do a super job of leading the program for the kiddos.  Every week they faithfully do their part to make sure the little ones know someone cares.

This week I missed seeing George, He and Yvonne are on a trip to his country, the land he grew up in and I know they are having a great time there.

Love to all,


Friday, March 25, 2011

Great week

Dear Family and Friends,
Looks like I've lost about 8 pounds or more this week using a carton of Herbalife Shakes, bananas and some strawberries.  I've managed to get some work done and avoid most of the heavy rain that fell.  We've had lots of fires thanks to Jerry who brought so much wonderful wood and then split it up and stacked it in perfect piles near the back door.

Tomorrow Keanna gets to release a trout that her class has been raising.  It will be a neat thing to see and it takes place at noon somewhere, not sure where yet.  Nikki is guide I guess.  I'll take the girls to SS in the morning while house guest Marilyn sleeps in!!  Can you believe that, rather sleep in that sit in a room with little ones running about.

This evening I received an email from Shawn Cotterman, my rep with PNC Mortgage.  She is based in Sacramento and her job is to help people get modifications if possible.  She says that an appraisal and title search has been ordered for the house.  She further states, "I do feel very confident that we will be able to get some kind of offer from the investor."  That is a lift and I so hope she is correct in her projection.

I'm thankful to the kind Lord for His gifts of orders which are coming from lots of different directions.  Not a lot but enough to sort of keep me busy as I move along.

yesterday the company that has had my ipod for 2 months wrote to say, sorry but we can't fix it.  We are going to give your money back for the repairs.  This afternoon I took Keanna and we looked for a new ipod but the prices were too high locally so I didn't buy anything.  We will keep looking on line and locally until the right deal pops up.

Good night friends and family,

Love you all very much,


Thursday, March 24, 2011

And then it rained

Good evening
Oh yes it rained, buckets of the stuff, everything overflowing but the wood piles Jerry created are dry thanks to his excellent covering of everything, he does know his stuff about wood.

We've kept a fire going all day.  I crawled out of bed late today and then onto the treadmill.  After 30 minutes I felt great and even greater when I came out of the shower and onto the scales, down 8.5 pounds so far this week and my size 36 jeans are fitting nicely!  Of course there was this afternoon that might make a wee difference.  At 2 I decided to see two little homes that needed appraisals.  The first one was in Tracy on 7th Street.  It was old, built in 1907, and somewhat updated.  Once we finished that one I turned to marilyn for the address of the second home in Stockton only to discover I had left my briefcase at home with the second fine in it.  Lois came to the rescue and read us the address so I was able to proceed to Stockton and inspect the home.  It was really very very sad.  I'm working for a lawyer who wants to know the price he should set to sell the home to the renters.  What I found was one of the worst properties this year.  Problems I found included the house off the foundation, sewage leaking, roof leaking in every room of the house, some ceilings totally missing, some electrical outlets had failed, no heating system, front porch was falling off.  The home is really a  tear down but the rents hope to make a go out of it with help of friends and family.  So sad.

After the inspection was over Marilyn and I went to Olive Garden where we were treated very nicely by our waitress, nice balance of attention but no intrusion.  I had both soup and salad along with eggplant and Marilyn had a dish with several different foods.  We ate near the fireplace and everything was just nice after a day of fighting rain.  Marilyn is a veteran of riding along on appraisals and helped find addresses of comps.  She was not all that impressed with the house in Tracy, no wonder, it was not impressive but for $130,000 one can't gripe or complain.

So for today that is the news. 

Love to all and I'll be very glad to hear Jason and Jo made it home tonight from San Diego.  They hope to be there by midnight.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

And the rains did fall

Dear Family and Friends
I had that rare pleasure of watching the girls wake up this morning.  Keanna came down and climbed under a blanket and watched the news with me.  Later Kallie woke and when I went into her room there she was standing in her soft sided toy box with all the toys on the floor and she appeared very much like a Jack in the Box, she was smiling from ear to ear, happy and ready for the day.

They ate their breakfast and then we were on the road through the rain, Keanna to the club for day camp and Kallie to the sitters, beloved child care people.  Then it was back home for some oatmeal and a quick walk to the office.  In between I built a fire so Marilyn would not be cold, drank some of her good coffee and cranked out some work.

At 2 pm I headed to Brentwood and picked up Keanna.  She was full of news about the events of the day.  Back home she mostly cared for herself until later in the afternoon we played a game that Marilyn purchased for just such times.  Of course little miss sharp eyes won every game.  Then Nikki had arrived and they all headed home and I headed to spin class.  What fun that was, NOT.  Spin class is a strange world with very loud music, freezing cold temperatures and a room filled with mostly hard bodies, a few soft bodies and one very old body.  I try to keep up as well as I can and Kim even announced that I had lost a lot of weight which was nice but very embarrassing too.  After spin class I just stumble to the door, to the car and then head home.  Tonight Marilyn had ordered her dinner and given me some money to buy it.  So I went to Kentucky Fried Chicken for her.

The evening has gone fast and now its bed time again.  I received an interesting appraisal assignment this afternoon.  A client wants me to come up with a value for a home located in Studio City for a value date of April 14, 1986.  The home has since been torn down and a new one constructed there.  Very wild assignment.  Tomorrow I'll research it to see if there is any data available.

Sending best wishes to all, please pray for Timothy who is with his parents in San Diego on vacation but has started coughing a bit again.  Jo called him a germ magnet and that seems about right.  Precious little guy.



Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Glad to have work

Dear Family and Friends,

Well here it is almost time for bed again, the day has rushed by. 
Jumped out of bed this morning and onto the Nordic Track Tredmill.  After 30 minutes of up and down I no longer felt chilly.  For breakfast I had my Herbalife shake with banana and soy milk and prepared to drive to Hayward to do a review.  The trip was uneventful, the gates locked solid so I could not even see the condo, took a photo of the gate!  Then I drove back and started writing on one I saw yesterday in Discovery Bay.  Both the agents are really terrific people so wanted to help as I could.  With that one out it was time for Weight Watchers.  I sort of dreaded it because I knew if I had lost no weight I would be super bummed out.  When the lady that is my least favorite behind the desk said quietly that I had lost 5 pounds it felt real good.  With a lift in my step I walked to the chair and really enjoyed the meeting soaking in all the good ideas about getting up when you fall, about starting again when you've just eaten 80 points in one setting!
Then I drove home to start work on yet another report, the review.  I took a break to have a second shake with strawberries and a banana.  Oh it was so good, I mean really good.  Then to use a few of the points up I made a tomato sandwich on the thin buns Marilyn had purchased.  So here I am with only half my point used for the day and I'm not hungry or thirsty.  Its great and I am a firm believer in starting over once you realize that you are messing up.

Now its time to crash as I have the little ones at 6:30 in the morning.  Steve has an important day of work with one of his friends tomorrow and needs to be there early in the day.  It will be fun to see the little ones wake and get ready for the day.  Little people are so precious and special.  We old people are very lucky to have them in our lives.

Guest Marilyn announced this evening that she leaves on Monday, seems she hardy got here and now she is off jett setting home, seems they actually need her help there, she has little people too, James!

So good night my friends and family,

Love you all,


Monday, March 21, 2011

A busy productive day

Dear Family and Friends,
Today was a bit of a turning point.  When the sleep fell away from my eyes and I could stand the chill in the room I jumped up, put on the tennis shoes and boarded the tred mill.  Setting the program I pushed start and found myself getting a great workout.  We went up hills, down hills, speeded up, slowed down and 30 minutes later I was invigorated.  Desiring to break a nasty habit that I've fallen into lately of eating all the time I determined that today would be different.

Dolly had brought me some very valuable Herbalife products.  I made a huge shake this morning of some soy milk, some water, a banana and the powder.  Using a little stirring maching I quickly found myself sipping a delicious beverage.  That was breakfast.  At lunch I made a huge salad with vege burger, a chopped up egg, a fresh tomato and cottage cheese.  Wow that was great.

When ever I got hungry during the day I just drank water and this evening I had yet another shake with even more water in it.  Perfect!  Now its bed time and I feel much better without the bloated feeling from always having food in my mouth.  I am thankful for the great Herbalife milkshake powder.  It was just the ticket.

During the day I've written up well over 2 million dollars worth of property, inspected two more properties and had a fire burning nearly all day as well.  Marilyn managed to find her way home this afternoon from her friends in Sac and this evening she is watching something scary so I'm just working in the office.  I think I've experienced enough genuine scary things in my life that I don't do well with having my feelings jerked around by some film maker.  Just me.

I am relieved this evening to find that Jason, Jo and the kidos are safely tucked into their hotel in San Diego.  They drove down the coast highway today and are glad to be healthy again and on the road.  I wish them well.

For now its love to all,


Sunday, March 20, 2011

A New Week Arrives

So here we go, a new week is upon us.  What new challenges will it present?  What great opportunities will land in our lap?  What does God have in mind for us to do this week?

Today has been sort of mellow for me.  I woke late this morning, considered walking 30 minutes on the tred mill but did not, 1st mistake.  The first order of business was to build a fire and with all the fire building pieces Jerry left in place its now easy to get one going.  Then a bowl of cereal beckoned and along with a banana served as the start of the day.

I took the short commute to the office, about 10 steps, and conducted research for a property that has just sold.  Then I loaded myself in to the VW and drove over to the property.  Fortunately I had seen the property before so the appraisal went nicely.  After shooting the comps I came back and settled in to write up the report.  At about 3 pm the report was completed and I emailed it to AXIS the management company.

I invested some time or get organized, to list everything I have to do and see on a board along with the things I need to complete.  I'll be pretty busy this week if I can just get ahold of myself and settle down to work.  Late this afternoon Nikki called to ask if I was interested in LaVilla.  Its our little mexican place out in Bethel Island.  So I met Nikki and Steve with the girls and we enjoyed our meal.  The girls were on good behavior and Kallie did a great job of making little burritos and then eating them down.  Keanna did great too with rice, chips, salsa and tortillas.

I was able to find diesel for $415 a gallon, our local Safeway was $4.27 so it was worth the hunt for a better price.  In the morning Jason and Jo leave with their little family for a few days in San Diego and I pray that their trip will be enjoyable and just the recharge of their emotional batteries that they need.

I do hope your week goes well for you.  I know some of us face very real challenges in this coming week but I also seem to remember that God is greater than the biggest obstacles we might face.  But oh how often I forget that and try to solve stuff on my own.

Love to all,


Interesting day

Dear Family and Friends,

Last night proved interesting as Keanna and Kallie adjusted to being at my house instead of their own.  Strange beds, food and surroundings made falling asleep difficult.  But we all made it through the night and had a happy morning.  I was so delighted to see Nikki at the door at about 7:30.  She helped get everyone dressed, diapered and packed.  What a huge relief that was.

We went to SS and enjoyed our time there.  Then to burn off some time we walked through Barnes and Noble where a story hour was being conducted.  Then we met Nikki at Olive Garden for a perfect lunch.  After lunch Nikki took the girls home and I sort of took it easy until later.

This evening I've spent an enjoyable time with my friend Pat and in spite of the driving rain had an uneventful trip to and from Antioch, a great home cooked dinner and a movie.  Now I'm back home and thanks to Jerry and his perfect wood I've got a fire going again for the night.

So its now time to wish you all a great new week and turn in.



Friday, March 18, 2011

The girls are here for a sleep over

Dear Friends and Family,
I sort of experienced a trade today, my two adult guests left and two little precious girls came to spend the night.  Kallie is alseep in the extra bedroom and Keanna is hopefully asleep in Nikki's old bedroom.  Problem is, the girls have a hard time settling down for night at a strange house.  We've been through popcorn, chicken baked in the oven, two pans of pasta, apple juice, rice milk, stories, blankets, pillows, PJs, diapers.  Finally I think it is safe to go to bed myself.

These two little ones are so full of ideas, energy and fun, pretty amazing.

Jerry left this morning and drove the 5 hours to Weed.  He arrived to heavy snow but made it before the roads got too bad.  Marilyn left in a rain storm braving the levee roads to visit her friend in Sacramento.

We will head to church in the morning and then might catch Olive Garden for lunch.  After that I might slip in a nap for a bit.

I'm deeply behind in my work at the moment, several orders have slipped in the last couple of days so Sunday should see me hitting the pavement to get things caught up, Monday too.  I'm so thankful for work, just wish I was more organized to handle it.  I find that I frequently disappoint myself, much more often than I can admit.  The coughing has been really bad today, not sure why, that tires me out inside.

I got to catch a bit of Randy Roberts preaching tonight, that was really good and then an inspiring story afterwards of a man who has done so many things and ended up at Loma Linda for needed proton treatments.  Great story.

Well good night all, so glad that Jerry got to visit, he is a real gentleman and I always learn so many things from his experience.  I'm very fortunate to have such a brother and I'm glad Donna let him slip away for a week to visit.  He is in much better shape than I am and he's 10 years older.  I had a nice surprise call from Sibyl tonight, she is my sister and she was calling late so it was really late for her in Ohio.

Sending love to all,


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jerry holds over for one more day, splits wood, Marilyn makes dinner

Dear Family and Friends,
Today has been a day of accomplishments.  While I completed an appraisal of a local home Jerry started splitting wood using Ray's manual wood splitter.  He split a lot of wood which will come in very handy.  We ventured to Brentwood for lunch at Burger King and to pick up a allen wrench we needed to fix the towel rack in the guest bathroom.  We tried to pick up the new carb for the lawn mower but they had taken the day off, the place was locked up solid.
Once we came back home Marilyn starting thinking about making dinner and Jerry and I tackled projects outside.  We ended up mowing the front lawn with the push mower and Jerry was able to adjust it so it cut the grass better.  We fired up the week eater which is on loan from Jason and weed eated some tall nasty weeds, used the edger to edge the driveway and then used the tiller attachment to dig up a section that is destined for colorful flowers.  We tweaked the mower but no luck, what ever is wrong is still wrong and we'll have to wait for the carb. to get it working but I figured out that by using plastic ties I could repair the grass catcher so that is done.  The tiller really took its toll on my bad finger and tendon so everything is sore tonight.
Jerry decided to stay one more day so we had this super productive day with his help.

When we finally came in Marilyn was ready with three huge baked potatoes, corn, mixed veges, cottage cheese, tomatoes.  What a yummy meal and so timely.  We were ready to eat.

Now they are watching something on TV and I'm in the office setting up new orders and trying to get organized for tomorrow.  We've had a great day and the weather was perfect outside, not raining, sunny but not too hot.

So good night from my busy house to yours, sending best wishes on this green day.



Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nikki turns a year

Dear Family and Friends,
How I wish you could have all been with us this evening as we celebrated Nikki's birthday.  Nan would have been pleased.  All 7 of us jumped into the van and with Steve at the wheel we braved the levee road for Stockton.  Once there we extricated ourselves and sat down to a great dinner.  The girls were on their best behavior and even Kallie ate some bites so she could enjoy her ice cream. 

This morning Jerry and I left at around 9 to see a home that is selling for about 1.75 million dollars.  It is really special, has its own knoll and 1.5 acres of rolling hills with a direct view of Mt Diablo.  The owners/sellers are such special people and are moving to the big island.  They will live just up the hill from the Kona Coast Timeshare development that we love so much.  While I was there the owner had an episode of Parkinson, she froze in place so I was able to get her meds, some water and in a few minutes she was good to go again.  They were wonderful people.  Now to try to create a working appraisal for this very special property.  Once we had the comps shot and they were all over including one in Blackhawk we found a Denny's in Danville and had lunch.  While we were in Blackhawk we enjoyed seeing the huge multi million dollar homes and all the interesting elevations. 

This afternoon was my appointment with my orthopedic doctor.  I've had a finger that is locking up at night and causes a lot of pain in the daytime.  He knew just what to do and the next thing I knew he was back in the room with a huge needle and was sticking it into my hand.  I've had pain before but this was intense but only for about a minute and then the finger was numb for several hours.  Now I have exercises to do frequently to stretch the tendon and a finger splint to wear at night to keep it straight.  I can't wait!

Tomorrow Jerry is trying to escape for his lovely home in Weed.  It has been incredible to have him here and I've learned a lot about building quality fires from his expertise.  He is an amazing brother, knows so much about so much and due to his advanced age has opinions on most every thing.  I'm amazed at how often our opinions are in sync in spite of our differences over labor unions, political parties and such.  He is a great brother and a great human being, I can tell he misses Donna, his loving and devoted wife but I'm glad she shared him for a bit.

So good night my friends,  lets just keep praying for each other, life is never easy and sometimes things take place that are just hard to understand and only God can make sense out of.  We need the heart of God so much.

Love to all

Happy Birthday dear daughter


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hello Dolly

Dear Family and Friends,
I'm just back from dinner with Bart and Dolly.  They both were very instrumental in teaching Nan and me the appraisal business years ago.  Dolly is down for a quick visit with son Bart who lives in Lodi.  We met at Strings and oh the food is so good.  It was a very nice visit and I found both of them to be pretty happy and living their lives one day at a time yet with peace.

This morning I woke up, found it raining outside and came down to go to work.  We had breakfast later and finally I made a pot of coffee that tasted good and was actually a pleasant experience.  At the same time I started a loaf of wheat bread using a package I purchased from Raleys.  Hours later as the house filled with the aroma of baking bread it finally finished and we were all able to have a slice.  It is very good.

This afternoon we picked up Keanna in town at her day camp at the club and then visited Dollar Tree, Taco Bell and Target.  Then we dropped her off at home and came back home.  This morning Nikki wrote to say that the audit she has just completed was used as part of the inspector generals presentation to congress.  He is the head of the department of energy and had many audits that have been completed on different important areas.  She was very relieved that the audit was completed and is anxious to get going on her next audit.

So now its bed time and Starr is barking and in essence letting me know that it is time to go to bed.  So duty calls.



Monday, March 14, 2011

The motorhome comes home

This afternoon the motorhome came back.  While it is away I always wonder about whether the renters are enjoying themselves or not.  This time Tabatha and her kids really enjoyed themselves.  They ended up parked next to her parents in their own motorhome.  They only drove 94 miles but seemed to really enjoy themselves.  The coach came back clean and in good shape.  What a win win.

We saw a house this afternoon in Brentwood for an estate.  As I talked with the tenants I found them both very enjoyable.  They are newly minted nurses and searching for work as newbies.  Great people, used to be in the loan business but could not deal with the type of dealings he encountered.  Now he is doing what he loves.

Ken and I walked this morning and it seemed so far around.  I had some coffee late last night not thinking about its results.  So at 3 am this morning I was wide awake for awhile.  I don't really care to be awake at that time of night.

It is such a trip to have guests here.  Jerry keeps a beautiful fire burning, Marilyn keeps the TV on target as she knows everything about all the shows, I'm not kidding.

Well its bed time for this bonzo.  Good night,



Sunday, March 13, 2011

Marilyn arrives

Marilyn has arrived.  For those of you who don't know Marilyn has been a good friend to our family for many years.  She and her husband Walt were caretakers of the Central SDA church in Sac when we first started in ministry.  We formed a friendship there that has endured the years and miles.  She has come to visit, Jerry and I drove up this afternoon to collect her from a family reunion with all her brothers and sisters.  On the way home we faced some pretty stiff rains but managed to get back to inspect a home in Brentwood.  This evening Jerry has built another of his famous fires and the house is very warm and toasty.  They are watching a classic, Laugh in right now.  They both love culture!

After a very late night and an early call this morning to walk at 6:30 with Ken I went back to bed and slept until almost 11.  I've not slept that late in years and it felt good.

Now I'm heading to bed but its a really good feeling to have Marilyn here from Rhode Island and Jerry from Weed.  Its great to share some time with family and friends.

So until tomorrow I bid each of you a good night.  Lets make this coming week one of accomplishment and success and just keep praying for our fellow humans in Japan who are enduring a really awful disaster.  Thousands have their lives turned upside down, it could easily be us since we too live in earthquake country.



Short and sweet

Its late, very late and we are walking at 6:30 in the morning so the night will be short.

This morning we took the girls to Sabbath School, then we had lunch and then we delivered them back to their father.  It was a great time and while Nikki worked hard at the twins sale Jerry and I got to enjoy the girls.

This evening my friend Pat came out for a nice evening.  She met LeAnn and renewed her friendship with Lois and Ray.  She got to meet Jerry who she has already heard a lot about.  We enjoyed a great meal together and Jerry built an incredibly beautiful fire using three different kinds of wood to gradually bring the fire to a bed of coals.  Then we watched a movie that Ray had provided and its just over now, plus we lose an hour tonight so the sleeping hours are going to be real short.

Tomorrow afternoon Marilyn comes to visit.  We'll pick her up in Sacramento in the afternoon.  She has been visiting with family for the week and will come bless us with her presence.  Should be a blast.

So good night,
Change those clocks, spring forward.

Love to all


Friday, March 11, 2011

A big day

Well this day has been full of action.  We had Belgium Waffles this morning and then Iworked on stuff in the office.  I picked Keanna up at school and then came home where we made lunch. Jerry and I used the whole wheat tortillas with beans, tomatoes, cheese.  For Keanna we made pasta, tons of it.
I had planned to see a house at 11 this morning but ran out of time.  Steve came this morning and we got to move the box trailer out, move the boat out land as a result Jerry was able to back his pickup to the back so we could unload the firewood, well I never got around to moving the wood but he did.

Steve took the enclosed trailer and by tonight he has a new leaf spring installed, a new tire and is back on the road again.  He is amazing, when he sets his mind to solving a problem it gets done.  Sure glad he is part of our family, nice to have such a talented guy on the team.

This afternoon I drove to the Lakes, a subdivision located west of Discovery Bay.  I was stopped cold at the security gate and told I had to have a letter from the owner of the home to get in.  Well the owner is a bank and there is no way to reach them so I'm stalled at the gate, can't get in and can't get the work done.  Finally the listing agent was kind enough to drive 30 minutes and try to get me in.  So when he arrived he finds a way to put me on an approved list for 24 hours and I finally get in to do the work, of course I'm out of time, I need to be back at the house to meet Tabatha who is renting the motorhome for the weekend.  The inner pressure really builds up.  Then there is the reality that the house I am measuring is over 4,000 sf.  What a challenge.

At 4 I Tabatha arrived and I went over the systems of the motorhome with her.  She was a quick learner and about 4:45 she drove away and I had some bucks for the weekend.  I'm hoping she had a great time and enjoys her trip with her kids.

I took Keanna home where Steve and Kevin were working on the trailer.  She was happy to be home and see Kallie. 

This evening Jerry and I went to the Boardwalk, the little local place and the food was excellent.  We sat outside and though the evening was cool we sat by a little fire and just had a great time.

I'm thankful to have reached the end of a challenging week.  And to have Jerry here is really special.

Nikki has spent the day at the famous Twin's Sale held at  Alameda County Fairgrounds.  She is part of the team that runs the sale and this year they expect to move 55,000 items.  Nikki took the van and it was full of her items to sell.  Really amazing.

Well good night to all, have a great Sabbath, weekend, downtime, and love the one you are with.



Thursday, March 10, 2011

Jerry arrives

Dear Family and Friends,

We are sitting here this evening watching a fire that will not burn.  Art is on the phone taking to Jerry and its a nice evening.

Today I 've been getting things in order, got the motorhome about ready to be rented tomorrow afternoon, got the van ready by filling it with things Nikki is going to sell at the twins sale this weekend and did some office work.  Finally this afternoon a couple orders came in, so nice to see orders again.

Around here it looked like rain all morning but it never quite started.  Jerry was driving down from Weed and encountered rain for several of the 5 hours he had to drive.  In the back of his huge pickup is a wonderful collection of firewood, I just can't wait to unload it and enjoy it while the cold nights are still with us.

Well the yawning is getting pretty serious, could it be time to head to bed?  I think so.

So good night my friend, I know the kids appreciaate your prayers for little Mia and big boy Timothy.  Both have improved to the point where they have sniffles but no longer are having fevers.  What a huge ordeal for Jo and Jason to experience.

This evening I added some fuel to the tank on the motorhome, my $100 purchased 25.7 gallon of regular.  That will carry a person about 260 miles in the motorhome and then you need to plot down another $100 bucks for the next 100 miles.  Its hard to see where we are going with the challenges we face in this country.

Well this is it, going to sleep now, good night.



Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spin Class raises the sweat

Dear Ones,
Well today has been full of exercise.  Ken and I walked this morning and what a beautiful morning.  It was so very nice but it did seem like it was going to take forever to get finished.  I'm once again not feeling all that well and after a couple days with little coughing it really is back, this morning it seemed like the coughing would never quit.

I started the day hoping to solve some new appraisals.  But as soon as I sat down there was a condition from a management company demanding a comprehensive list of changes to the just completed report.  Now mind you all of the new requests were added requirements beyond what we've done for years.  One wonders when the constant changing climate will calm down and we can get back to work again knowing what to expect.  I really have to tamp down my anger at this continual assault on my profession.

At 11:40 I picked up Keanna from school.  She did her homework, ate popcorn, watched some TV and I continued working.  As I was overdrawn at the bank it was a blessing to receive payment for an appraisal I completed about a week ago here in Discovery Bay.  So later in the afternoon we ventured to make a deposit and pick up more popcorn at Safeway.

At 4:30 Keanna had swimming class which I watched and then we went to Dollar tree so Keanna could look around.  After a few minutes we traveled back to the club where Keanna went to child care to wait her mother.  I went to spin class and what a workout Kim led.  People around me rode like the wind and never missed a beat while I did my best to keep up.  Kim sought me out after class to tell me that I had done a good job.

I limped downstairs and hit the weight machines for a round.  Then it was past time to head home.  Upon arriving I baked a small potato, covered it with pinto beans, fresh chopped tomato and a bit of cottage cheese.  Of course there was a little butter and some sea salt and the meal was great.

Jerry just called and confirmed he is driving down tomorrow.  He will arrive in the afternoon and is bringing some firewood and other interesting things.  It will be great to see him and to have someone in this lonely house for awhile.

So far this week I've received no orders but I still have appraisals to write up which I'm trying to keep busy doing while waiting for new work.

So good night to all,



Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Living life

This is going to be really short.  After a long day of pushing paper, well actually beating the keys of the ergonomic keyboard I was ready for a change.  Lois and Ray came by with a bit of cake, you see it is Lois's birthday today and they were on their way home from dinner at Red Robin.  Happy Birthday Lois.

Today I've been sparring with the gate keepers at a management company, someone there who knows much more than I do in spite of doing fewer appraisals and of course since an email was not enough she called me.  Did I learn anything?  Well yes I did and these encounters seem to always teach a person something and I kept my cool, a good idea since they control the future orders.

The software guy called to say their tech department has spent the day attempting to fix what went so wrong yesterday for me.  Nice they care.

Weight Watchers was not a great experience but oh how I love to attend the meetings and get the ideas and encouragement from our leader.

Ken just called to say we walk in the morning, so another short night.  I've been watching a super movie, I turned it off and will watch the rest later but its about a drug rep who falls for a lady with Parkinson disease, she is Anne Hathaway and does a great job with the story.  Really makes you think, the whole thing about sticking with someone when they contract a life threatening disease.  I've been amazed to learn how many people just walk out, turn and run when their spouse gets sick.  Got to say I never really enjoyed considered that, seems that is even too selfish for me and I'm pretty selfish as a human being.

This afternoon Keanna was here, she is a bundle of ideas, homework, appetite and a quick change when it comes to emotions, from anger to happiness in 30 seconds.  What a kid and what a challenge for all of us to help them grow to being Christlike and caring people.  I was amazed at the homework she is now bringing home, seems every time I look at her homework it has gotten much more difficult and she handles it with ease.

Good night all, please pray for little Mia and big Timothy, they are better but still need their recovery, so do the weary parents.



Monday, March 7, 2011

Winter is still with us

Dear Family and Friends,

As I write Starr half walks and half drags herself from the family room to the office where her water and food is.  Now she is drinking deeply.  She is barking telling me its time to head to bed, she is right as Ken has set 6:30 in the morning to walk providing the rain has abated.

Well today was so so for me, not good at all for Timothy and Mia who are both now ill with the flu.  Poor Jo and Jason with two sick children, my heart is with them all the time.  Its been a long winter and I don't think we are through with it yet.

Today when I completed a condo appraisal for Oakland I went through the normal steps, converted it to AI format for Met Life, the lender.  Soon I heard back from the reviewer, no good pages were superimposed on each other, parts were missing.  The AI converter was totally messing up.  Since that is way beyond me I did the online chat with the software people in North Carolina and Marty was great.  He told me that in just an hour a new version of the software I use was coming on line and he would call and install it for me.  He did just that and two hours later I was once again sending the report but back came the reply.  It was messed up in new ways now.  Of course all the other reports that need to be written are getting backed up even more.  Since the help chat line was closed for the day I gave up on them and patched the report together, sent it again and its been sent on to the lender but it was frustrating to say the very least.

The one bright spot came when a little voice laughed and I turned to see Kallie in the door to my office, beaming, shoes on the wrong feet and happy as a lark.  So the girls played for a bit while Nikki searched the house for things she could sell at the twins sale.  The twins sale is this huge sale, they rent buildings at the Alameda County Fairgrounds and sell over 50,000 items in the two day sale.  Nikki is now part of the group that makes it all happen and so she will be very busy this weekend.  From Thursday evening on she will have the van and it will go to the sale loaded to the roof with bins of items that are all bar coded and tagged.  If any of you are interested its open to the public and thousands of people will come search for things for their children or grandchildren.

Well for now I need massive amounts of rest.  Good night one and all and please pray for little Mia and big Timothy as they battle this awful bug.



Sunday, March 6, 2011

Back on the road again

Dear Family and Friends,
I've found that Sunday works well to see properties, traffic is light on the freeways. This morning I drove to Tracy and inspected a nice little house much like the one we had built so long ago when we lived there.  After completing the inspection and a quick stop at Best Buys to pick up a couple cables I needed for making connections I set the GPS that is now working perfectly by the way.  At 1 pm I pulled up and found a parking space on the street.  This was a condo unit in a mid rise building.  I finally found the lock box system, got the key out and made it inside.  The unit was really nice, hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances, granite and right in the heart of downtown Oakland.  Not sure that is where I would like to settle but one is sure close to a lot of interesting things.
Once the condo appraisal was completed and the GPS guided me to all the comps I headed home.
In Brentwood Ken met me at the bike shop and I picked up a few things to equip my bike, a water bottle holder, a little bell to warn off anyone in the way and a nice little bag that fits under the seat, has tools, place for the phone and even an extra tube for the tires.
One I pulled in at home I waded into a couple projects.  Even though it was raining I brought in some dry firewood, cleaned up the family room, pulled a Cat 6 wire through the wall behind the DVR, down the wall outside and into my office where it plugs into the router.  Now the DVR can be controlled by my iphone if I forget to record something, I can access the 6,000 free movies they have in the system as well.  So even fewer commercials will be in my future.
I built a fire and had Starr set with me while we enjoyed a movie.  She has not been eating today but while we were sitting in the chair she had a couple treats and now she just was drinking from her water dish.  I must get a device going so she can walk again and get some exercise.  She is depressed as she just can't walk at all anymore due to the one rear leg giving out.

Well tomorrow looks like a work in day, several files need to be completed and emailed in tomorrow, deadlines are always with us as long as we work for a living.

I'm looking forward to seeing both my brother and Marilyn in the near future as they are both planning to come visit.  I hope the weather improves as today was just plain nasty.  The hard rain let up once I arrived in Tracy so only mist and drips hit my paper as I was measuring.

It was so good to worship with my church family Saturday morning.  To join voices with others singing, to hear of the travails people are experiencing, others were sharing joys and praises.  Our pastor can communicate really well.  We have been blessed with a progression of good pastors over the years and we are certainly blessed now with Pastor Jessica.

I want to mention something, I still have the stair chair which allows a person to ride to the next level and while I use it once in awhile I could use the money from it, in fact I'd like to apply the money to a headstone for Nan's grave.  So if you happen to know of anyone who needs a stairchair please let me know.  My cell is the same 925 998 9855.

Sending love to all,


ps  Timothy is still ill and I know the whole family needs our prayers.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

A great day

First we walked our three miles, then the worship hour in Tracy with Pastor Jessica preaching, got to sit with friends George and Yvonne which was much nicer than sitting alone, always fun to sing with George!

This afternoon I was longing to get out into nature and when Ken suggested we take a bike ride that sounded perfect.  I met he and his friend Fred in Brentwood.  He lives near to a bikeway which skirts a creek.  We ended up riding nearly 12 miles and it was so enjoyable.  We saw Great Blue Herons, ducks, more ducks and Egrets, many people walking along the path and finally got all the way down past Oakley where we could see the delta waterways nearby.  I was pleased that my body held up fine with the ride, never felt stressed or overly tired.  The guys helped me get the bike seat to the right height and that helped.  My bike is unique in that it has an automatic transmission, it selects the gear by how fast you are going.  It works very well and the ride was just what the doctor ordered.

Once the ride was over I came back home to shower and then drove to my friends home where she had a perfect dinner waiting.  It was a real pleasure.  After the meal we watched a movie and I'm just home from a very wonderful day all around.

Sending love to all,


Friday, March 4, 2011

Some days are bummers

Dear Family and Friends,
I could have just skipped this day.  Finished a review that took all morning to complete, emailed it in but did not expect the reply.  The person looking over appraiser work came back with a whole new set of things she wanted to see in the review, stuff I have never heard of before.  So I wrote back and asked if she was asking because there were new rules to follow but she never got back to me so I"m just hanging out and wondering what to do.

It just seemed that the good vibes from the last few days evaporated into thin air today, everything took longer than normal and I'm slipping behind seriously in my work.  I am glad that the Sabbath has arrived and look forward to church tomorrow.  I don't think I'll have the girls this week but I'm not sure about that yet.

This is a weekend that I wish I was camping somewhere by the ocean or a stream or even in the snow, somewhere close to nature to just recharge the emotional batteries.  I'll get a chance at 6:30 in the morning to meet nature head on, Ken and I are walking our 3 miles, that should start the juices flowing for the day.  Ken has been so busy with tax season that he has not been able to walk very many times recently.  I'm very pleased for him that he is busy.

This has been a mostly good week and I'll allow quiet time of tomorrow to rebuild the inner peace again.

Love to all


Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Great Day

Dear Family and Friends,

Another one for the history books, if every day is a new page or chapter then I'll just put this one down as interesting and worthwhile.

I drove to Fairfield this morning and decided to take Highway 12, a two lane road that stretches from Lodi to Highway 80 in Fairfield.  I catch the road in Rio Vista and what I found was very pleasant.  The endless road construction that has been ongoing for the past 2 years is now completed.  The road is a dream, speed limit is up to 55 now and the road is much safer than ever before.  My path this morning took me over the Antioch bridge, a very high and narrow 2 lane bridge with vista's of the delta, then along the river to Rio Vista.  Rio Vista is in the history books as the place where Humphrey the Whale drifted up to before being turned around and eventually led back to the open sea.

In Fairfield I found something very interesting.  3 years ago a fire started in a home two doors removed from the subject property.  It traveled down the fence line and jumped to the subject property burning it nearly to the ground.  Insurance stepped in and rebuilt it with recent features and amenities instead of the 28 year old features of those homes which surround it.  The home is beautiful and very attractive. Comping it with other homes is going to be a real challenge, I shot 8 comps while I was there but none matched the subject.

Being hungry I asked the GPS to located a Burger King where I ordered a vegeburger.  It was excellent, thanks to Yvonne who turned me onto the vegeburger long ago.  While I was there a young woman who was troubled kept walking about, she had a heavy coat on, her hair was a total mess and I felt sorry for her so on the way out I changed a $20 and handed her $5 for some food.  Her face lit up, did she buy food?  Don't know but I sure felt led to do something to help.  I sort of decided that giving her a $5 would probably not put me on the street or keep me from buying groceries.

I then drove to Castro Valley which turned out to be quite a drive.  The little beetle just hummed down the road and various talk shows and music helped the trip pass.  While I was driving I also had a chance to speak to my sister in Ohio and found her hurting a bit but doing OK.

The Castro Valley property turned out to be a duet, you know where there is a common wall but both sides are owned by different people, not like a duplex where one person owns the whole building.  These were $700K duets with a view of the world.  Once I was done there I headed home again with little traffic.  It was a pleasant day with good weather, warm sunny weather and safe sailing.

This evening I had dinner with a friend in Brentwood and we enjoyed the jazz trio plus soloist who styled melodies her own way.  Grazie's is now a beautiful new place with 6,000 Sq.Ft. of dining area.  The food was so good and I know it was many weight watcher points but really worth it.

So how was your day, I told you mine..........



Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Back to the spin

Dear Family and Friends,
So tonight I'm writing early.  So many times I remember the blog just as I'm heading to bed, its late and I end up being up later than is good.  So tonight here it comes at you early.

The weather around here has been all winter today, cold, windy, a bit of rain, heavy clouds and not much fun.  Its hard to be chipper and up when the weather is so lousy.  This morning an email came in from my wonderful rep at the mortgage company.  She was writing to tell me that so far she has heard nothing and that the people who make the decisions about loan modification have not yet reached a verdict.  That was better than no but I so wish they would decide in my favor.  It is always on the back of my mind, will I have to sell the house?  will I be moving soon?

Today was Keanna day and at 12:45 I met this little bundle of energy as she raced out the gate at the school.  She always has ideas and today was no different.  We drove to the gas station and I filled the van, now that was a great experience, 18.9 gallons at today's prices.  Then we went to the local Safeway to pick up a few things and came on home.  She did her homework, ate popcorn, printed out pictures to color from the web.  Then we left for a special swimming class.  She was not happy to be there but warmed up, her teacher is just wonderful.

Then we headed to McDonalds so she could pick up a couple dolls that she not yet collected, then back to the club where she went to day care and I went to spin class.  Its been a few weeks but it was really a great experience.  I'm surrounded by people who bodies look like GQ magazine, they never miss a beat, I on the other hand rarely catch the beat but still get a great workout.  I love my headbands, yes one of those gifts that keeps on giving, Marilyn gave them to me for my birthday last summer, what a great device to keep wandering rivers of sweat from ones eyes and face.

Now I'm back home, out of the cold and wind and trying to complete yet another appraisal before I crash.  Tomorrow I drive to Fairfield, I was wrong, it was not today after all.  Then to Castro Valley to do a driveby review and then back home to write things up.

There are many things to be thankful for even on blaw days, a place to call home, more than enough food, plenty of drinking water, Starr my wonder dog, friends that text and call, family that is always in touch and a blanket of salvation that covers me in spite of my not deserving it at all.

Love to all,


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wow, cranking out the work

Dear Family and Friends,

Its time to go to sleep, what a huge day this has been and a nice one outside, at least I think it was.

This morning after a quick bite with Lois and Ray, eggs and a biscuit, you know diet food!, I drove to Oakley to see a little place.  Sort of cute and in good shape now after the investor crew got done.  Then to Bethel Island to see an older place with some charm.  It had beautiful waterfront covered berths with direct access to the world by boat.

Then it was time to get home and start writing.  There were two that were due today and as of now they are both gone.  Into the hands of the lenders and soon there will be new homeowners.

Since I was on Sandmound Blvd. today I decided to drive to the end of the street and check on what is a huge disaster.  A builder came in several years ago and constructed some beautiful homes, three stories high with huge docks.  Everything was just top end throughout.  Before they could get a few sales closed the bank pulled their funding and shut them down.  Now years later these fine homes stand empty behind a locked chain link fence.  It is so sad.  They had several in escrow but since none were closed the bank shut them down.  What a waste of effort, they just stand there and of course time is starting to take its toll on them as they stand without heat year after year.

I hope your week is well on the way, that you are enjoying your work and that life is looking up.  One personal note, please remember our little Timothy this evening.  MBA is in the clutches of a flu outbreak with several students ill.  Timothy has the flu and has been spiking a fever of 104 for the last 24 hours.  After a doctor visit this afternoon things sound a bit better but I know they would appreciate your prayers.

Love to all
