Sunday, March 13, 2011

Marilyn arrives

Marilyn has arrived.  For those of you who don't know Marilyn has been a good friend to our family for many years.  She and her husband Walt were caretakers of the Central SDA church in Sac when we first started in ministry.  We formed a friendship there that has endured the years and miles.  She has come to visit, Jerry and I drove up this afternoon to collect her from a family reunion with all her brothers and sisters.  On the way home we faced some pretty stiff rains but managed to get back to inspect a home in Brentwood.  This evening Jerry has built another of his famous fires and the house is very warm and toasty.  They are watching a classic, Laugh in right now.  They both love culture!

After a very late night and an early call this morning to walk at 6:30 with Ken I went back to bed and slept until almost 11.  I've not slept that late in years and it felt good.

Now I'm heading to bed but its a really good feeling to have Marilyn here from Rhode Island and Jerry from Weed.  Its great to share some time with family and friends.

So until tomorrow I bid each of you a good night.  Lets make this coming week one of accomplishment and success and just keep praying for our fellow humans in Japan who are enduring a really awful disaster.  Thousands have their lives turned upside down, it could easily be us since we too live in earthquake country.



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