Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Back to the spin

Dear Family and Friends,
So tonight I'm writing early.  So many times I remember the blog just as I'm heading to bed, its late and I end up being up later than is good.  So tonight here it comes at you early.

The weather around here has been all winter today, cold, windy, a bit of rain, heavy clouds and not much fun.  Its hard to be chipper and up when the weather is so lousy.  This morning an email came in from my wonderful rep at the mortgage company.  She was writing to tell me that so far she has heard nothing and that the people who make the decisions about loan modification have not yet reached a verdict.  That was better than no but I so wish they would decide in my favor.  It is always on the back of my mind, will I have to sell the house?  will I be moving soon?

Today was Keanna day and at 12:45 I met this little bundle of energy as she raced out the gate at the school.  She always has ideas and today was no different.  We drove to the gas station and I filled the van, now that was a great experience, 18.9 gallons at today's prices.  Then we went to the local Safeway to pick up a few things and came on home.  She did her homework, ate popcorn, printed out pictures to color from the web.  Then we left for a special swimming class.  She was not happy to be there but warmed up, her teacher is just wonderful.

Then we headed to McDonalds so she could pick up a couple dolls that she not yet collected, then back to the club where she went to day care and I went to spin class.  Its been a few weeks but it was really a great experience.  I'm surrounded by people who bodies look like GQ magazine, they never miss a beat, I on the other hand rarely catch the beat but still get a great workout.  I love my headbands, yes one of those gifts that keeps on giving, Marilyn gave them to me for my birthday last summer, what a great device to keep wandering rivers of sweat from ones eyes and face.

Now I'm back home, out of the cold and wind and trying to complete yet another appraisal before I crash.  Tomorrow I drive to Fairfield, I was wrong, it was not today after all.  Then to Castro Valley to do a driveby review and then back home to write things up.

There are many things to be thankful for even on blaw days, a place to call home, more than enough food, plenty of drinking water, Starr my wonder dog, friends that text and call, family that is always in touch and a blanket of salvation that covers me in spite of my not deserving it at all.

Love to all,


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