Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jerry holds over for one more day, splits wood, Marilyn makes dinner

Dear Family and Friends,
Today has been a day of accomplishments.  While I completed an appraisal of a local home Jerry started splitting wood using Ray's manual wood splitter.  He split a lot of wood which will come in very handy.  We ventured to Brentwood for lunch at Burger King and to pick up a allen wrench we needed to fix the towel rack in the guest bathroom.  We tried to pick up the new carb for the lawn mower but they had taken the day off, the place was locked up solid.
Once we came back home Marilyn starting thinking about making dinner and Jerry and I tackled projects outside.  We ended up mowing the front lawn with the push mower and Jerry was able to adjust it so it cut the grass better.  We fired up the week eater which is on loan from Jason and weed eated some tall nasty weeds, used the edger to edge the driveway and then used the tiller attachment to dig up a section that is destined for colorful flowers.  We tweaked the mower but no luck, what ever is wrong is still wrong and we'll have to wait for the carb. to get it working but I figured out that by using plastic ties I could repair the grass catcher so that is done.  The tiller really took its toll on my bad finger and tendon so everything is sore tonight.
Jerry decided to stay one more day so we had this super productive day with his help.

When we finally came in Marilyn was ready with three huge baked potatoes, corn, mixed veges, cottage cheese, tomatoes.  What a yummy meal and so timely.  We were ready to eat.

Now they are watching something on TV and I'm in the office setting up new orders and trying to get organized for tomorrow.  We've had a great day and the weather was perfect outside, not raining, sunny but not too hot.

So good night from my busy house to yours, sending best wishes on this green day.



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