Friday, April 22, 2011

At last its FRIDAY

It could not have come soon enough.... Oh now nice it is to have the weekend with the precious Sabbath hours. 

This morning started with making breakfast for the little ladies, then since Keanna's teacher needed the day off as did the whole school!! I took her to Black Diamond Gymnastics where they were having a day camp.  Keanna had a blast even though she was not that jazzed about going at first.  She was able to perfect a new move that she had been working on, great news for the achiever.

She suggested that perhaps we could go to her favorite Mexican place in Brentwood when I picked her up at 2.
I next dropped Kallie off at her baby sitters, they are real gems and do a great job with Kallie.  She was going full bore conversation wise as we drove from Brentwood to Discovery Bay and she has good insight into lots of things.  She adores her mom and day, that is clear to see.

Once I got home I set up orders and then settled in to complete a desk review for a property in Oakland.  While I did not agree with everything the appraiser had done he made his case and I approved the appraisal.  For that process I was paid $120.  Then I set about solving the questions that a reviewer had raised about my ranchette appraisal.  When I spoke to the owner she offered to shoot a couple photos they wanted and email them to me.  She did and that part worked out great.  One of the questions they raised was regarding the flood zone and needing a map showing the flood zone.  For the next two hours I tried to wade through the FEMA information online and finally had to give up.  Government can sure make things complicated and they keep growing government larger, a very bad idea for freedom.

At 1:50 I headed back to pick up her highness and we then went to Jalisco's, a place we both like.  She ordered rice and a tortilla, apple juice and raided the chips they brought.  This child dips her chips in the hot sauce.  I'm amazed. I don't even like it on the table when I eat.

After we got back home I completed the report and shipped it out again, lets hope it gets through this time.  Once Nikki came to collect Keanna and let Kallie play for a minute I changed shoes and plans.  I was tired of pushing paper and moved out front to start in once again at removing the roots of a very large plant.  After a few swings of the pick my chest felt like it was going to burst.  It was very hard work and I'm very out of shape but eventually I found a rhythm and after an hour or so the roots were all gone.  Then I fired up the rototiller and used that to work up the soil.  By now it was starting to get cold and the sun was setting.  I grabbed the push mower and clipped the lawn, put the edger attachment on and edged the lawn.  Then I settled in to pull the weeds that have been choking Nan's memorial garden, the Iris's are blooming so beautifully now and as of this moment they have no weeds sticking up everywhere.

I can hardly move now, so sore but so pleased as well.  This has been on my mind for a very long time and its done.  Now I can put in the sprinkler line, the three sprinklers, select the flowers, plant them and finally have the color I've wanted for that corner for years.  Yes!

So now its late and Ken and I are walking in the morning, first time in awhile.  It will be nice.

Sending love to all,


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