Saturday, April 30, 2011

Some wind will blow.

Good evening
I've a moment before Nikki and the girls arrive at UNOs for Keannas birthday dinner. I've been busy dodging the swirling wind. It's been blowing for days and drives the hay fever nuts. Not fun at all.
This morning we went to Byron inn for breakfast. So fun to watch the girls in action. It was pricey but oh so good.

Since the girls got so late this morning there was no Sabbath School for them, they were barely up.  So it was a day of watering my flowers to offset the bad effects of the constant wind and talking to the neighbors.  Ken is riding 50 miles tomorrow to benefit Diabetes.  He is riding in the beautiful Napa valley and has raised a lot of money, his daughter is riding also.  Ray was busy installing a new radiator in Lois's Volvo and had to improvise as he went to make the new one work.

This evening we had Keanna's birthday dinner at UNOs and when they sang for her she was so embarrassed, sort of like her Grammy who did not like to have them sing to her either.  Well does anyone really?  I hit CostCo and found tomatoes, strawberries, Romain hearts, soy milk, a mature tomato plant with green tomatoes already on it, planting soil, mocha's,  you know vital stuff and water, they finally had the sport bottles.  So I'm set for awhile now.

So tomorrow is clean up the office day, write a couple old appraisals, set up appointments for the two appraisals I have to see right now and try to figure out how to build Starr a wheel chair.

So good night friends and family,

love to all


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