Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A very full day

Talk about an emotional roller coaster!  This morning was great as the kids came down to waffles, strawberries, sausage, milk.  Keanna remembered that today was school photos and without her mom there to help her she took over, she went to the mirror, brushed and fixed her hair and did a super job of it.  I was so proud of her.  Kallie was full of life too and it was hard to get them fed and out the door since both had slept in a bit.
Once I close the door having left Kallie at the sitters I take a deep breath and then move into my day.  Today that meant a quick fix of an appraisal and then onto the road to Crockett.  I found a mess when I started looking closer at the appraisal I was reviewing.  Now mind you this is a very hard market to work in.  The town is little and has old home with direct water views, narrow streets and a huge range in values and quality of homes.  So I know the appraiser had his or her work cut out.  But after searching for an hour to find comp 2 which the report says was 3 to 4 blocks distant I discovered that it was in a town 15 miles away.  Nothing in the report indicated that at all.  Not good!  So I took the time to drive to El Cerrito and find the home which had no view of the water as reported in the appraisal.  Once I was through with that mess I headed to Orinda to do a driveby appraisal.  Now in Orinda there is no way to hurry, the streets are so narrow that you do not dare meet another driver.  Finally after hours searching the hills I was done and heading home.  I had 7 reports to get written up waiting at home.
This evening I just picked one, the relo that was being requested and now its emailed out.  It pays best and I love doing them.
Now its bedtime, well even past bedtime.  On my way home an email came in that made me so upset I could hardly drive.  They had a full page of things they wanted addressed or changed.  I've been doing these for 22 years and some nitwit with a year's experience is reading a rule book and giving me grief.  It will end up causing yet another trip to San Jose and all of this for 1/2 the fee I used to get.  Sometimes this job gets to me but I suppose your job might get to you too, that is if you still work and then your spouse probably bugs you.

So good night



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