Sunday, May 29, 2011

Good evening

This afternoon Kallie turned 3 and she seemed to handle it all very well.\
Several of the neighbors both present and past came to spend an enjoyable afternoon with great food, lots of kiddos, nice presents and perfect weather.  Nikki and Steve did their typical good job of having everything in order and so everyone enjoyed themselves very much.

Here is Kallie and her cake.
The cake was great as you can see!
The kids played in the back yard, the dogs played nicely with each other and the adults chatted played with their phones and listened to good music.

I've also included a photo of Steve's tank at the present time.  It is amazing, better than most tanks you see at an aquarium, hope you can see some of the beauty in the photo.

Now that is some tank.

This morning Starr and I jumped in the bug and drove to Fremont to shoot a photo of the front of a house, the lenders were concerned that the front yard was overgrown, they had a right to be concerned.  It is overgrown to the max.  So I tried to shoot photos from a different angle and the dear owner had worked to clear some of the foliage away.  Then once finished with our job we stopped at TacoBell and Starr had a bit of bean burrito and a cup of water.  She seemed to enjoy the trip very much sitting on the seat beside me on her doubled over towel.  She liked being patted on the head and would bark a bit up at me from time to time, I think she was saying, this is fun, lets do it again.

Well once again it is time to wind it down for the night.  Not sure about tomorrow yet, no work to do so I'll find a project around here to keep me busy.  Discovery Bay is filled with guests who come to party and play.  Its nice to have them come and enjoy this very nice place.

Love to all


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