Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Looking better

Well its an interesting life, some days are up and some are down.  As I write this evening things are up a bit. 

1) the county inspector called this morning and we discussed where the motorhome now is parked and the gates providing some screening in front of it.  I think the issue may be solved, not sure yet but it looks good.

2) dental plan is now in effect, I know where I'm heading and trust Dr. Clarke

3) management company that was so slow to pay has come alive, an email this afternoon confirmed that a second check has been cut and will arrive in a few days, that will get me more caught up and will go into savings when it arrives

4) Weight Watchers tonight was a positive experience as I'm down 4.4 pounds.

5) Work is pretty much caught up, just waiting on new orders to come.  A new management company called today to ask if I wanted to be on their list, well I guess you know what I said, YES.

And since 5:45 comes early in the morning I'm going to bring this to a close.  One thing I've noticed about life without Nan is that the lows seem lower and the highs seem like a huge relief.  I think having a loving spouse helps us with a sounding board, a team approach to life and when we go solo then its a much rougher road to manage.  Yet God is there!

Sending love to all,


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